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Text 16645, 431 rader
Skriven 2014-07-10 11:57:57 av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
  Kommentar till text 16643 av Bill McGarrity (8932.2fidonews)
Ärende: Let's Play TimBall
Greetings Bill!

 BM>>>> Look who's back!!  Where ya been?
 RW>>>> Checking out the Santorum coprophiliacs in New Jerkey.
 BM>>> Hell of a word Roy...
 RW>>> Pays to be educated.
 BM>>> Must have cost you a fortune...
 TR>> McGarrity must be jealous.
 RW>> No doubt. The blue glow in his face shines all over his writings.

 BM> Better than to run around with a red face of disgrace...

No doubt, but in your case, make that a red asshole of abuse.

 BM>>>  but I guess you would know the meaning of it with all the bullshit
 BM>>> in Texas.

 TR>> Texas is in line to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil production soon.

 RW>> Yeup. Meanwhile, New Jerkey has lost its only oil refinery. Can you
 RW>> imagine the cost of fuel there?

 BM> Speaking out your ass again I see. NJ has Bayway, Paulsboro and Perth
 BM> Amboy. We're $0.069/gallon higher than texas.

LOL! Man are you stupid. You go on down to Raceway or One Stop and pay
$3.43/gal while I go over to the Exxon and pay $3.29/gal... I think
your's is a little bit more than .069/gal higher. Can you say; $.139

 BM>   With all your peacocking I'd expect it to be a wider gap but i
 BM> guess you're getting screwed over as you guys normally do.

LOL! You're so full of shit, it's now running out your mouth down your
arm, dripping onto your keyboard.

 TR>> Texas is also becoming the place for business to re-locate and
 TR>> dare to grow their business without much interference from the
 TR>> state.

 RW>> Yeup. Average new/old businesses move here at the rate of 200/year.
 RW>> California has lost the most.

 BM> Which maybe true but not for the reasons youmay think.  Take Toyota
 BM> for instance.

You're saying that the Toyota assembly plant in San Antonio wasn't added
to Texas by the Governor of Texas?

 BM>   Go do your homework on that one.  Perry ate some crow on that one.

I'm sure he didn't but you dream on...

 RW>>> Speaking of the bullshit in Texas, SFB-Obama has dared to show his
 RW>>> pitifull face in Austin...not that being here in any capacity above
 RW>>> his station in life will do him or any liberals in Texas any good.

 TR>> I'd guess that the only reason he hasn't been shot or blown up yet
 TR>> is everybody, even would-be assassins, don't like the notion of
 TR>> Biden being POTUS.

 RW>> Well, he is putting himself in JFK's shoes and daring to come to
 RW>> Dallas before he enters the real Texas.

 TR>> But I wouldn't make book on his life expectancy after Jan 20th,
 TR>> 2017.

 RW>> I'm thinking a 50 BMG at half a mile or so would do the job as soon
 RW>> as July 11, 2014.

 RW>>> BTW, notice that this potus-pos doesn't dare to visit the border
 RW>>> where Texas National Guard and private militia is doing the job of
 RW>>> securing that border.

 TR>> There's a real possibility that this immigration thing is gonna
 TR>> spark a round of violence in the border states. People are starting
 TR>> to get real pissed off at the flaunting of our immigration laws by
 TR>> the very people who are sworn to uphold and enforce them.

 RW>> Word is that there are enough of those pissed off people gathered at
 RW>> the borders now, will fire up the 'militia' to begin enforcing their
 RW>> own immigration laws.

 BM>>> I find it rather sad people like you take more interest in the
 BM>>> welfare of a fetus than those of living breathing people who are
 BM>>> less fortunate than you or I.

 TR>> And its amazing how people like BM can throw `living breathing
 TR>> people' out there in regard to those who crash our borders in
 TR>> defiance of our laws, and equate it to `abortion'. Sort of a skewed
 TR>> reasoning.

 RW>> I think a bullit-train-load of those 'living breathing people' to
 RW>> New Jerkey would change his mind.

 BM> Do you think you have a monopoly on immigrants in texas?

Oh no, just a very large majority. You see, it's much easier to swim
across a small river after you've been dropped off the truck than it is to
cross a desert on foot, like New Mexico, Arizona and California. But then,
I'd expect you blue beards in NJ to accept them as welfare recipients to
help them become liberal voting citizens.

 BM>   BTW, wasn't it "your" boy who signed the William Wilberforce
 BM> Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

I don't have 'boy' in politics, my son is smarter than that.

 BM>  that's
 BM> allowing them to cross
 BM> the border.  Seems that bill makes it mandatory they receive a
 BM> hearing.  I guess with your attitude regarding the latest wave you
 BM> can point to another one of Bush's fuck-ups you idiots are
 BM> forgetting.

You talk like a man with a paper asshole. It got split in two by your butt
buddy and now you can talk out both sides of it.

 BM>>> I know you're not a Christian nor do I care what you are but
 BM>>> the fact remains you're a very sick individual.

 TR>> And of course, `religion' always gets thrown into it. Leftists
 TR>> always think they've got a `trifecta'...ignore the law, flout the
 TR>> rules, gun control.

 RW>> He's just jealous that his faked religious arguements were thrown
 RW>> back in his face when someone who has forgotten more than he'll ever
 RW>> know about it kicked his butt.

 BM> Not in the least Roy...

Uh O! Here comes the 'religious' speach as a back up arguement.

 BM> as I said, you guys seem to pick and choose
 BM> what you want to prove your oblivious points.  Either use the entire
 BM> Book of Leviticus or none of it.  It's not a chinese menu.

Unfortunately, you never read it and so you have no idea of what you're
talking about.

 BM>>> <N>ext...

 TR>> Why have laws if any president or attorney general can come along
 TR>> and just ignore them? Or any leftist democrat can come along and
 TR>> play the `oh...those poor poor people' song at will, to flout the
 TR>> laws on immigration, yet scream bloody murder because a conservative
 TR>> dares to raise a protest over 50 million-plus dead since Roe v Wade?

 RW>> His arguement falls flat on its face to a conservative.

 BM> So following Bush's William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims
 BM> Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 is called flouting these days?

Remember this, Bush may have signed it, but a majority of liberals in
the House and Senate wrote it. Can you say; Liberal Victims Protection

 BM> Better get a refund on all that money you spent on that supposed
 BM> education you said you received.

The law was passed unanimously by a liberal Congress and signed by
President Bush. It requires that immigrant minors apprehended at the
border may only be deported immediately if they are from Mexico or
Canada. It doesn't apply to children from other countries.

The illegals from Mexico must be turned over within three days to the
Department of Health and Human Services to await deportation hearings,

In the meantime the law says; `They shall be placed in the least
restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child.'

With an estimated 50,000 such children having come here from Central
America (not Mexico) this year, you can imagine how much trouble HHS is
having housing them not to mention how long it will take the courts to
process their cases.

Even then there are a rage of legal possibilities that could keep them in
this country indefinitely.

All politicians are fond of railing against human traffickers for
spreading the rumor that such immigrant kids can easily get into this
country. But it's not really a rumor -- it's the law.

 RW>>> Nothing Exciting in eXcrement Today. Try New Jerkey.

 BM>>> In texas, excrement is on the daily menu.

 RW>> He forgot to include 'ammo' on that daily menu thing. The 'daily
 RW>> ammo menu' is used to size up a New Jerkian and sling just the right
 RW>> amount of shit to cover his face.

 BM> Oh please, you and your guns.

I know that you're jealous, but then you live in a gun-restricted state
that makes everyone have a license to buy, sell and aquire ammo for them.
Can you say; No basic 2nd Amendment rights?

 BM>   Your guns and $2.50 will get you a ride on the NYC subway.

It'll get me more than that, if you think about it.

 BM> Big talk about guns and you guys walking into department and
 BM> restaurants carrying AR-15's.

Nope. That's no legal here. I do carry my Colt 1911, when it is lawful to
do so. Unlike your biker buddies, I obey the law.

 BM> Pussies I call ya.

So you're going to call the police when seconds count and they're 20
minutes away. Great thinking; with that kind of thinking the world will be
better off without the likes of you.

 BM> Come to a NY street corner and use your fists... you'd be walking
 BM> back to texas holding your balls in your hand.

That depends on how many of you wanks are on the street corner. I'd take
out at least 7 of you before you could turn and run for you lives. Then
I'd reload and chase you down like the dirty dog that you are.

 BM>>> Most texans willingly walk in more shit daily than the rest of the
 BM>>> country combined in a year.

 RW>> Speaking of daily shit walks, New Jerkians' can't carry enough
 RW>> jerkey-shit to keep themselves from starving to death. The federal
 RW>> gov't knows that they're not worth their weight in shit to bother
 RW>> helping them clean up Sandy-shit from two years ago. Talk about your
 RW>> typical Garbage state!

 BM> You are indeed a sick individual.

Yeah, but unlike you, I'm on the road to wellness.

 BM> I hope one day you have to work you way through a natural disaster
 BM> and you get stuck with your thumb up your ass with no place to live.

LOL! I'll take that as an idle threat. It is a third class felony to wish
violent harm to a Texas citizen via electronic media. Not only that, but
it is an extraditable crime. Meanwhile, I'll forward any and all of your
idle threats to the Texas AG and let him decide the course of action he'll
take in your case.

 BM> Oh I know... Rick Perry will come
 BM> to your aide like FEMA did at West, Texas when your brilliant "We
 BM> don't care how you run your business" laws blow up an entire town.
 BM> Genetic scientists should start looking in texas for clues regarding
 BM> the missing link, they'll strike the mother load down there.

It doesn't do any good to talk to me about Texas and what your impression
is, as your opinion is just that and nothing more.

 BM>>>   Sad part, everyone in texas enjoys it.

 RW>> We enjoy seeing the frustration on the blue faces of shit eaters
 RW>> like new jerkians.

 BM>>> Just think Roy... your beloved state may become one of the new blue
 BM>>> states by 2030...

 RW>> I doubt that. I may not be around to see it, but Texas will most
 RW>> likely not be a blue state anytime in the far off future.

 BM> Oh I hope you are...

I are, what?

 BM>  a picture of the look on your face would be priceless!!!

Speaking of pictures, thanks for making my DropBox fill up with the likes
of bearded whiners like you...

 BM>>> that is unless your Rhodes scholar of a governor secedes

 RW>> There'll be a new one sitting in the governor's mansion by January,
 RW>> 2015. He'll be just as Texan as the present Texas A&M scholar. Rhode
 RW>> scholars are for people on the left who went to school there to
 RW>> avoid the draft. That's where he picked up the habit of smoking weed
 RW>> and licking a lot of hands in the process.

 BM> LOL.... you speak of Texas A&M as GOd's gift to universities.

Not to worry, there are a handfull more of them than you have in the
Garbage state. All of which exceed anything produced in New Jerkey

 BM> Hate to tel you this Roy, Texas A&M ranks 159th in the world.

O my!

 BM> Hell, Arizona State, a well known "party" school has them beat by 13
 BM> spots.

Note: not a blue state...

 BM> Just a little tidbit so you can enjoy eating crow, out of the top 10
 BM> in the world, the US has 7 spots and guess what... all those
 BM> prestigious universities are in Blue states!! Sucks to be you...

Of course you can rattle on like any liberal does, but your stats don't
live up to the BS that you're spewing.

 BM>>>  so the rest of us can reclaim that extra $0.47 you get back
 BM>>> on every dollar you send the the feds.

 RW>> I don't send a penny to the feds, so that's an over quote.

 BM> You may not but there are plenty of other hard working stiffs that
 BM> do.

Like you do...thanks for the hand out, Bill. Although I earned it by
paying my fair share long before you even began to pay in.

 TR>> Texas has one of the largest and growing economies in the entire
 TR>> country.

 RW>> Larger than any 5 blue states in the northeast.

 BM> Sure it did being the entire state is based on oil and steers.

Gee, I thought you were smarter than that. So much for your Texas

 TR>> It has six of the top fifty Fortune 500 companies in the nation.

 RW>> Yeup.

 TR>> It grossed over $265 BILLION in exports in 2012 alone. Texas
 TR>> unemployment rate is around 5.5% (the nation's is said to be 6.3%
 TR>> this past April). Also, over 800,000 people dropped out of the work
 TR>> force that same month nationwide.

 TR>> So...Texas is doin' pretty good.

 RW>> Which is why BM is so jealous of Texas... 8^)

 BM> Why would I be jealous of texas?

Why do you beat up on Texas? Jealousy...I don't blame you for that, it's
your lack of education and liberal parents that made you that way.

 BM>>> Some of the states (New Jersey being one) who are
 BM>>> carrying your lazy asses are tired of doing it so please, go your
 BM>>> merry way and take along all those other red states who are
 BM>>> "takers" as well.

 TR>> The entire U.S. non-farm jobs for the month of June 2014 was just
 TR>> over 288,000...or an increase of around 1.8%.

 RW>> Meanwhile, another 300k have gone off the unemployment rolls because
 RW>> there aren't any jobs in the NE to be had.

 BM> Source??

You give me a source that refutes that.

 TR>> In Texas...between May 2013 and May 2014, non-farm jobs increased by
 TR>> 383,000, or 3.4%!

 RW>> San Antonio has been called the 'silicon valley' of Texas for about
 RW>> two years now. Austin is biting at SA's heels trying to gain an
 RW>> advantage.

 TR>> BTW...Texas unemployment rate has been at or below the national rate
 TR>> for over 80 consecutive months!

 RW>> We know that. We also try to keep that info out of the liberal
 RW>> hands; let them suffer what they created.

 TR>> "...carrying your lazy asses...".? BM must be hallucinating!

 RW>> No doubt due to the poor quality of horse piss imported from New
 RW>> Jerk.

 BM> So you doubt texas recieves a $1.47 for every dollar they send to the
 BM> Feds?

Absolutely. And so do economic majors in their reports on the economy.

 BM>>> Funny, I thought all you GOP kinfolk hated those "takers".  Guess
 BM>>> looking in the mirror isn't your style. <N>ext bullshit...

 RW>> I wish he'd stop wishing for bullshit to fill his dinner plate, he's
 RW>> got to get to work and stop living off of the welfare rolls and
 RW>> fucking his dog. BTW, Bill is so fucking ugly that he's replaced his
 RW>> Facebook picture for one of his dog; a boxer, aka one of the ugliest
 RW>> dogs in exisitance. Looks like it was chasing a real dog and ran
 RW>> into a brick wall.

 BM> LOL... you're stalking me? You are indeed a piece of work that needs
 BM> help. HAHAHA... get a life Roy... your's certainly is meaningless if
 BM> you have to stalk me for your entertainment. What a loser...

 BM> I'll be doing myself a favor not associating myself with the likes of
 BM> a loser like you that sits in front of his computer and gawks over
 BM> pictures of my dogs. Done panting yet loser?

 BM> Go out and play in the Alamo or something... do something worthwhile
 BM> with yourself.

 RW>>     Have a day!

 RW>>          R\%/itt - K5RXT

 RW>> --- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-31012
 RW>> --- D'Bridge 3.99
 RW>>  * Origin: Felten's BS Lunch Counter, Special; BS w/Stuffing!
 RW>> (1:387/22)

 BM> Bill

 BM> Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
 BM> Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
 BM> IRC: irc.tequilamockingbirdonline.net Ports: 6661-6670 SSL: +6697
 BM> Radio: radio.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:8010/live

 BM> ... Motorcycles are everywhere... Look Twice, Save a Life!
 BM> --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50
 BM> --- SBBSecho 2.27-Win32
 BM>  * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)

    Have a day!

         R\%/itt - K5RXT

--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-31012
--- D'Bridge 3.99
 * Origin: Felten's BS Lunch Counter, Special; BS w/Stuffing! (1:387/22)