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Text 17634, 306 rader
Skriven 2014-08-12 19:41:30 av Lee Lofaso (2:203/2)
  Kommentar till text 17625 av TIM RICHARDSON (1:123/140)
Ärende: Ukraine
Hello Tim,

 TR>> ... With the right president in office....that would have started a
 TR>> war, and we would not now be having to deal with the ayatola assahola's
 TR>> running Iran.

 LL>> It would have been so easy for President Carter to have started
 LL>> a war with Iran.  And yet he didn't, choosing diplomacy as his weapon
 LL>> of choice,

 TR> Carter was no better at `diplomacy' than he was at `nukular engineering',
 TR> which was the main reason admiral Rickover got rid of him!

Jimmy Carter is an engineer by profession, and has served honorably
in the Navy during the WWII era.  No combat troops were killed in
action during his presidency, which is an accomplishment that most
presidents can only dream of.

 LL>> which led to the successful release of all 52 Americans
 LL>> who had been taken hostage by Iran.

 TR> You are deluded. The hostages were held till the very last moment
 TR> of Carter's failed presidency, and Reagan was on the verge of
 TR> being sworn in.

Bill Casey (Reagan's campaign manager) made a deal with the
Iranians to delay the return of the Americans being held captive
in exchange for spare parts for US made weapons.  IOW, Reagan
(through his campaign manager) was exchanging arms for hostages
before ever being elected or being sworn in as president.

The Americans were on board the airplane and on the tarmac before
Reagan was sworn in.  About 1 second after noon, the Iranians allowed
the airplane to take off.

This is all a matter of public record.

Of course, Richard Nixon did much the same thing with the Vietnamese
in order to scuttle a peace deal LBJ had in the works so that he could
win the election against Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace.  So what
happened?  Americans had to continue fighting a war it had no chance
of winning for five more years, with the end result being a peace
deal negotiated by Henry Kissinger that was almost the same exact
deal that LBJ had made years before.

What a fucking waste of human life.

And to think Nixon's campaign team was known as C.R.E.E.P.
Quite fitting.  (Committee to Re-Elect the President)

 TR> Iran knew Reagan would have torn them a new ass, and released the
 TR> hostages for fear of Reagan.

Reagan made a deal with the Iranians, trading arms for hostages.

The Iranians hated the USA, chanting "Death to the Great Satan!"
Not once did the Iranians hold signs "Death to Carter!" or to any
US president or presidential candidate.

 LL>> Had a warmonger been in office, all 52 hostages would have killed.

 TR> Ghadaffi learned what it meant back then to fuck with the US of A
 TR> immediately after Lockerbie, and his own tents weren't safe from
 TR> Reagan's reach.

Qadaffi remained in office long after Reagan's illegal strike against
Libya, deliberately killing an infant sleeping in a tent in the process.
Of course, it was an adopted child, as Qadaffi had so many others.  But
still, it was a baby.  And you know what that means.  Reagan was a baby

 TR>> But Carter wasn't just a wimp, he was an idiot!

 LL>> No US troops were killed in combat while Carter was President.

 TR> Carter was a wimpy little mommy's boy, who's own mother probably
 TR> had little if any respect for him! He was a failure at everything
 TR> he turned his hand to. As a president he made a good peanut farmer.

Jimmy Carter was inspired by his Christian faith to make government
"competent and compassionate" - to use his own words.  And he did it
so well.  He was, in my opinion, the finest president the US has had
in modern times, perhaps of all time.

 TR> Even the punk in the White House right now has little regard for
 TR> Carter. Athough he's succeeded in surpassing Carter as the worst
 TR> president ever, even he looks down on Carter as an inept fool.

President Obama has asked for, and received, advice from all former
presidents, including Jimmy Carter.  Of course, it is a very small and
exclusive club, open only to a very select few ...

 TR> Carter's actions in the Middle East were almost as bumbled as the
 TR> piece of dog dirt we've got as a president now.

The Camp David Accords stand out as a shining light - an example to
all the world of what can be accomplished by a US president, bringing
two warring parties together to make peace.

 LL>> And that is something he (and most Americans) is most proud of.

 TR> Carter is a jew-hating democrat, who's greatest accomplishment
 TR> as a president was to give away America's control of the Panama
 TR> Canal, and make it possible for Red China to gain a foothold
 TR> in our own back yard.

It was the right thing to do.  Had Carter not granted Panama the
right to control their own land (and what was on it), the Panamians
would most certainly have blown it up.  And who could have blamed
them?  Of course, it was not totally up to President Carter.  We
can also thank those brave US Senators who went along with it, two
thirds of whom went on to glorious defeat at the next election.

Sometimes a president has to do things that are not always popular.
The treaty (signed and ratified) between the US and Panama concerning
the Panama Canal was one of those things.

As for "Red China" gaining a "foothold in our own back yard" I've
got news for you.  The Chinese are already here.  Have been for years.
No need to go to Panama first.  Just look around your local college
or university.  Check out the graduate students ...

 TR> Carter had no more sense of who our enemies are than this piece of
 TR> dog dirt we've got now.

Carter never started a single war.  GWB started two of them.

 LL>> The Americans who had been held hostage in Iran are also very
 LL>> thankful to President Carter for having obtained their freedom
 LL>> from the Iranian regime that had held them hostage for well
 LL>> over a year.

 TR> Thats also a crock. The disapproval of Carters' handling of the
 TR> hostage crisis was one of the big reason he lost the election.

Google hostages thanking Carter videos.

 LL>> For that, all Americans should be grateful to President Carter.

 LL>> When Clinton lied, nobody died.  When Bush lied, thousands died.

 TR> Had Clinton taken the opportunities to have bin Laden delivered to
 TR> him free of charge, there'd have been no 9\11 attack, and no war
 TR> on Bush's watch would have been necessary.

There was no 9/11 attack (or similar event) during Clinton's
eight years in office.  Even so, Clinton did make several attempts
to bring ObL to justice.  Unfortunately, those cruise missiles
missed him by inches ...

 LL>> That is why Democrats such as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton make
 LL>> me proud to be an American.

 TR> They are both scum-sucking democrats, which pretty well fits your
 TR> own personality.

FDR had no ideology of his own.  People had to "make him do it" if
they wanted something done.  President Obama is much the same way in
that regard.  Jimmy Carter had his Christian faith, and Bill Clinton
had Hillary.  As for me, I am not sure America would be ready for a
comic genius as their president ...

 JD>>> You forgot the little incident of 9/11 where we took in all the aircraft
 JD>>> that you refused to let enter your airspace,

 TR>> The entire aviation scenario should have gone on lockdown, no flights in
 TR>> no flights out...damn the diplomatic reactions.

 LL>> And yet Governor Bush (he was never legitimately elected prez) was able
 LL>> to fly to Louisiana.

 TR> And Hussein was never legitimately elected president, either, as
 TR> his father was NOT born in the US, NOR was his father even a
 TR> citizen when Hussein was born. He was a citizen of a foreign country,
 TR> which disqualified Hussein from ever being president.

Barack Obama's mother was a US citizen.  That is enough, in and of
itself, to make Barack Obama a US citizen, regardless of his place of
birth.  And yes, Hawaii is part of the US.  So even if both of his
parents were African rather than US citizens, Barack Obama would still
be a US citizen.

However, Barack Obama is not African American.  His wife is, but
not him.  To be African American at least one parent must have been
African American.  That very clearly disqualifies Barack Obama.

You can call him a black man.
You can call him a white man.
You can even call him a mutt.

But Barack Obama is most certainly no Martin Luther King, Jr.
Not even a Jeremiah Wright.

Even though he is one helluva speaker.
And winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

 TR>> From the days of the highjacking that saw an American Sailor dragged from
 TR>> an aircraft and beaten to death on camera on the tarmac, Americans got
 TR>> on aircraft at their peril. The reaction of the US to that should have
 TR>> been war planes and incendiary bombs, non-stop, till the perpetrators
 TR>> were given up to American justice. Which is what should have happened
 TR>> over 9\11\2001 in Afghanistan.

 LL>> It is impossible to bomb a people who live in caves into oblivion
 LL>> no matter how many bombs are dropped.  The people who have been bombed
 LL>> will still be living in caves.  What will have been accomplished?

 TR> Keep them in their caves. The longer they spend in their caves, the
 TR> less time they have to make international plots to kill Americans.

The people of Afghanistan are incapable of making international
plots to kill Americans, or any other peoples, being only concerned
about their own tribal state of being.

 LL>> The German people do not understand why we (Americans and Allies)
 LL>> bombed their cities, schools, hospitals, etc. during WWII.  To them,
 LL>> we were the aggressors, not Germany.  We attacked them, with Germany
 LL>> defending her homeland.

 TR> You're a bit confused. Not surprising given the sort of food you're
 TR> eating. It must have a effect on your thinght processes.

Had Germany won the war, we would all be speaking German, thanking
Hitler as the "father" of the New Reich.

History is nothing but an interpretation.  And all interpretations
are mere opinions written by individuals.  To say there is only one
correct interpretation of WWII is a total misunderstanding of war
and the way wars work.

 TR> You may not be old enough to know it, but up till the Pearl Harbor
 TR> attack, Germany was already sinking our merchant marine freighters
 TR> convoying to England in the North Sea.

Sure.  The northern lights was on display when a German U-boat
sank some British [military] ships, before the events of Pearl Harbor.

But that was not when the US entered WWII.

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the US was at war.
That evening, before a joint session of Congress, FDR announced
to all "A state of war exists between the United States and the
Empire of Japan."

IOW, it was not a declaration of war, something the US has not
officially done since the War of 1812.  Merely a statement of the

 TR> And it was Hitler, a short time after Pearl Harbor, who declared
 TR> war on the United States.

And FDR again merely stated what everybody else already knew.

 LL>> The Afghan people do not understand why we (Americans and Allies)
 LL>> bombed their cities, schools, hospitals, etc. ...

 TR> Had it been up to me, the entire country of Afghanistan would be
 TR> bombed back to the stone age for harboring bin Laden. I wouldn't
 TR> have put one single American troops' boot on the ground there.

Bombing rocks is not going to accomplish much of anything, except
making existing rocks a bit smaller than they were before.

 TR> They'd have given bin Laden up, or the bombing and misslie strikes
 TR> would have been without warning, constant, and continued till
 TR> bin Laden was dead.

GWB allowed ObL to escape to Pakistan.
And then GWB made friends with the Pakistani dictator,
who did nothing to seek out ObL or bring him to justice.

Rather than bombing Afghanistan, which would have accomplished
nothing, President Obama found out where ObL was hiding and sent
in SEAL Team Six to do the job.  And what a wonderful job it did,
terminating with extreme prejudice one of America's most hated
enemies, making fish food out of him.

 LL>> The Taliban is not al-Qaeda.

 TR> The Taliban is a bunch of terrorist, religious fanatic sons-of-bitches
 TR> who deserve to be pursued to their demise.

The people comprising al-Qaeda are terrorists.  The Taliban are not
al-Qaeda, or terrorists.  Misguided, by our standards, yes.  But if
that is who the Afghan people want to rule over them, it is their
choice.  In the most recent elections in Afghanistan, the people of
that war-torn country have clearly chosen a different path.  And
that would not have happened without the US having shown the way.

 LL>> ObL is dead and of no consequence.

 TR> The Taliban chose to identify with him. They shielded him from American
 TR> justice. They refused to give him up for trial. They made their choice.
 TR> They should be held to that choice and fought against till either they
 TR> surrender, or are all dead.

Then why did GWB allow ObL to escape to Pakistan?
Why did GWB then do a complete turnaround and attack Iraq,
which had nothing to do with the events of 9/11?


--- MesNews/
 * Origin: news://felten.yi.org (2:203/2)