Text 1905, 356 rader
Skriven 2012-08-04 12:36:02 av Michiel van der Vlist (2:280/5555)
Kommentar till en text av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
Ärende: daja vu
Hello Roy,
On Friday August 03 2012 09:32, you wrote to me:
RW>>> The facts bear out the truth in this case.
MvdV>> And another patronising remark.
RW> I can't help to note what history has taught us.
It is an opinion, not a fact.
RW>>>>> Not saying that you're one of those who's incompetent. You're
RW>>>>> smart enough, just too stubbornly stuck in your own rut for
RW>>>>> your own good.
MvdV>>>> Patronising...
RW>>> Critical observation...
MvdV>> Patronising.
RW> observation.
The very fact that you present your patronising and arrogant opinion as fact is
demonstation of your patronising and arrogant attitude.
If you keep treating us like children instead of equals, you can never be
considered as friends, but will be considered as hostile instead. And so the
hostilities will continue.
RW>>>>> BTW, had she listened to my input, Dossche wouldn't have
RW>>>>> gotten access to the Z1C echo, period.
MvdV>>>> If Ward had listened to me, Janis and Ross would not have
MvdV>>>> gotten access to ENET.SYSOP...
RW>>> Heh...no one needs permission to access ENET.SYSOP,
MvdV>> If ward had listened to me, it would not be. It would be Z2
MvdV>> only. Period.
RW> LOL! My access to it is given by a Z2 system.
No doubt. Prepair for it to end.
RW> Like Ward has said, anybody can be fed an echo if that feed is to a
RW> point. No seen-bys, no paths.
Sure. But your feed is no that of a point.
RW>>> Z1C isn't as easy to get access to, as the echo is considered Z1
RW>>> only and at least no Z1 sysop aware of that will make it
RW>>> available.
MvdV>> If Ward had listened to me the status of ENET.SYSOP would be
MvdV>> the same. Maybe Ward wil listen to me when he returns from
MvdV>> Montana.
RW> If he's that hard up for entertainment, maybe he'll get a link to it
RW> with his new listing in 140.
That hasn't materialised yet and my prediction is that it won't.
MvdV>> That is not what I meant. What I meant was that Janis and Ross
MvdV>> use what they read in Z2 echos against us.
RW> And how is that any different than Ward using what he's read in Z1C?
I invoke van der Vlist's rule #1.
RW> Is that 'tit for tat' or 'tat for tit' ?
No, it's neither.
RW>>> You can't get access to her Fido_Gazette echo?
MvdV>> I can, but I am not interested in that local met too thing.
RW> The question was asked there as well. It is not a Z1 only echo.
Might as well be.
MvdV>>>> Funny... There is always something that sounds reasonable,
MvdV>>>> but the bottom line is always that it shoud not be someone
MvdV>>>> from Z2...
RW>>> Apparently all of the Z2 nodes who would sound reasonable must
RW>>> be hiding in the wall paper.
MvdV>> Or your definition of reasonable includes "not from Z2"
RW> I find a lot of reasonable people there. Three or four are the
RW> exception to the rule.
Two lines ago, you claimed they were hiding. Now you say you find a lot of
them. You contradict yourself.
RW>>>>> As we've seen in the past, there have been successful editors
RW>>>>> of the publication who weren't Z1 nodes. An Australian, a
RW>>>>> South African
MvdV>>>> A racist.
RW>>> Nothing wrong with being a racist, as long as that doesn't
RW>>> reflect in the task at hand.
MvdV>> Why is hating the USA a problem and hating blacks not a problem?
RW> There is no difference, as long as one can distinguish between being
RW> silent about some matters and constantly voicing an opinion to the
RW> point that the subject becomes insulting...
You are changing the subject by now ommitinge the:
MvdV>> when both do not reflect in the task at hand?
RW>>> We have a fine example of a 'USA Hater' as our Fidonews editor
RW>>> now.
MvdV>> Why is hating the USA a problem and hating blacks not a problem
MvdV>> when both do not reflect in the task at hand?
RW> See above.
"Above" does not asnser the question of "Why is hating the USA a problem and
hating blacks not a problem when both do not reflect in the task at hand?"
MvdV>> So why not disapprove of black bashers?
RW> Is Lee Lofaso not a black basher? You have not disapproved his
RW> bashing?
I am not aware that Lee is a black basher.
MvdV>>>>>> Remenber what happened with the echolist?. The predecessor
MvdV>>>>>> of Thom Lacosta (forgot his name) gave his datbase
RW>>>>> Problem was that Witschi never showed his face in the
RW>>>>> Moderator echo
MvdV>> Nowhere does it say that participation in the moderator echo is
MvdV>> a requirement. That is just an excuse you made up to discredit
MvdV>> him.
RW> Common sense would dictate that if one wants to do the job, he would
Your common sense...
RW> Witsci was a NO SHOW!
Excuses. The politically incorrect fact was that you did not want someone from
Z2 do have the job.
Cheers, Michiel
-+- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20110320
Hello Roy,
On Friday August 03 2012 09:32, you wrote to me:
RW> 03 Aug 12 22:29, Michiel van der Vlist wrote to Roy Witt:
RW>>> The facts bear out the truth in this case.
MvdV>> And another patronising remark.
RW> I can't help to note what history has taught us.
RW>>>>> Not saying that you're one of those who's incompetent. You're
RW>>>>> smart enough, just too stubbornly stuck in your own rut for
RW>>>>> your own good.
MvdV>>>> Patronising...
RW>>> Critical observation...
MvdV>> Patronising.
RW> observation.
RW>>>>> BTW, had she listened to my input, Dossche wouldn't have
RW>>>>> gotten access to the Z1C echo, period.
MvdV>>>> If Ward had listened to me, Janis and Ross would not have
MvdV>>>> gotten access to ENET.SYSOP...
RW>>> Heh...no one needs permission to access ENET.SYSOP,
MvdV>> If ward had listened to me, it would not be. It would be Z2
MvdV>> only. Period.
RW> LOL! My access to it is given by a Z2 system. Like Ward has said,
RW> anybody can be fed an echo if that feed is to a point. No seen-bys, no
RW> paths.
RW>>> Z1C isn't as easy to get access to, as the echo is considered Z1
RW>>> only and at least no Z1 sysop aware of that will make it
RW>>> available.
MvdV>> If Ward had listened to me the status of ENET.SYSOP would be
MvdV>> the same. Mayne Ward wil listen to me when he returns from
MvdV>> Montana.
RW> If he's that hard up for entertainment, maybe he'll get a link to it
RW> with his new listing in 140.
RW>>>>> I knew that all he'd do is take what he read there and use it
RW>>>>> against Z1. He certainly lived up to my expectations in that
RW>>>>> regard.
MvdV>>>> Same for ENET.SYSOP and Janis and Ross.
RW>>> I've been following along in that echo and see nothing there
RW>>> that hasn't appeared elsewhere that has public access.
MvdV>> That is not what I meant. What I meant was that Janis and Ross
MvdV>> use what they read in Z2 echos against us.
RW> And how is that any different than Ward using what he's read in Z1C?
RW> Is that 'tit for tat' or 'tat for tit' ?
MvdV>>>> It just goes to show tha Janis does not always listen to you
MvdV>>>> and Ward does not always listen to me.
RW>>> Proving that she (and Ross) aren't puppets?
MvdV>> I never claimed they are.
MvdV>>>>>> If there really was no objection against someone from Z2,
MvdV>>>>>> why did Janis appoint someone from Z1?
RW>>>>> She asked for volunteers after the former editor retired
MvdV>>>> She asked in a Z1 only echo. So naturally no one from other
MvdV>>>> zones came forward.
RW>>> You can't get access to her Fido_Gazette echo?
MvdV>> I can, but I am not interested in that local met too thing.
RW> The question was asked there as well. It is not a Z1 only echo.
MvdV>>>> Funny... There is always something that sounds reasonable,
MvdV>>>> but the bottom line is always that it shoud not be someone
MvdV>>>> from Z2...
RW>>> Apparently all of the Z2 nodes who would sound reasonable must
RW>>> be hiding in the wall paper.
MvdV>> Or your definition of reasonable includes "not from Z2"
RW> I find a lot of reasonable people there. Three or four are the
RW> exception to the rule.
RW>>>>> As we've seen in the past, there have been successful editors
RW>>>>> of the publication who weren't Z1 nodes. An Australian, a
RW>>>>> South African
MvdV>>>> A racist.
RW>>> Nothing wrong with being a racist, as long as that doesn't
RW>>> reflect in the task at hand.
MvdV>> Why is hating the USA a problem and hating blacks not a problem
RW> There is no difference, as long as one can distinguish between being
RW> silent about some matters and constantly voicing an opinion to the
RW> point that the subject becomes insulting...
MvdV>> when both do not reflect in the task at hand?
RW>>> We have a fine example of a 'USA Hater' as our Fidonews editor
RW>>> now.
MvdV>> Why is hating the USA a problem and hating blacks not a problem
MvdV>> when both do not reflect in the task at hand?
RW> See above.
RW>>>>> and one who isn't as popular from Z2. If he, like you would
RW>>>>> have refrained from bashing the US in every message he posted
RW>>>>> here, he might have had been accepted.
MvdV>>>> Just an excuse..
RW>>> As good an excuse as any to disapprove all bashers.
MvdV>> So why not disapprove of black bashers?
RW> Is Lee Lofaso not a black basher? You have not disapproved his
RW> bashing?
MvdV>>>>>> Remenber what happened with the echolist?. The predecessor
MvdV>>>>>> of Thom Lacosta (forgot his name) gave his datbase
RW>>>>> Problem was that Witschi never showed his face in the
RW>>>>> Moderator echo
MvdV>>>> Excuses, ad hoc explanations atc, etc. Bottom line is always
MvdV>>>> that it must be someone from Z1...
RW>>> Wrong again. If he had appeared to be at least interested, he
RW>>> might still be the echolist keeper today. Adrian's system worked
RW>>> well and there was never a complaint about his echolisting
RW>>> abilities. If Witschi showed any interest at all, he may have
RW>>> been the only one applying for the job.
MvdV>> Excuses, excuses excuses. Peter Witschi was doing a fine job in
MvdV>> maintaining the list.
RW> I never saw him write or do anything to prove that...
MvdV>> Nowhere does it say that participation in the moderator echo is
MvdV>> a requirement. That is just an excuse you made up to discredit
MvdV>> him.
RW> Common sense would dictate that if one wants to do the job, he would
RW> go out of his way to make himself known. I never heard of him before
RW> Adrian told us that he was leaving and this total stranger was going
RW> to take over his list. OK, so where is this total stranger and what
RW> are his credentials?
RW> Witsci was a NO SHOW!
RW> R\%/itt
RW> ... besides, IMNSHO, Ward Dossche should resign as ZC2 and surrender
RW> his
RW> ... net node-number to the ZCC ! - Cato the Elder -
RW> ... Reminder:
RW> ... On Friday September 8th 2006, Mike Godwin's 16 year experiment was
RW> ... concluded and Godwin's Law was officially repealed by a popular
RW> vote
RW> ... among millions of individuals.
RW> ... http://repealgodwin.tripod.com/
RW> --- Twit(t) Filter v2.1 (C) 2000-10
RW> * Origin: Roiz Flying \A/ Service * South Texas * USA * (1:387/22)
Cheers, Michiel
--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20110320
* Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)