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Möte FIDONEWS_OLD4, 37224 texter
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Text 19602, 376 rader
Skriven 2014-11-27 01:35:56 av Lee Lofaso (2:203/2)
  Kommentar till text 19597 av TIM RICHARDSON (1:123/140)
Ärende: Guilty By Accusation
Hello Tim,

 LL>>> But that is not the real reason.  And everybody
 LL>>> knows it.  You see, Bill Cosby is a black man.
 LL>>> And this would not have happened if Bill Cosby
 LL>>> was a white man.

 TR>> Thats a load of crap! Bill Clinton is `white'...and Bill Clinton is
 TR>> also a serial philanderer, even soiling the White House with his
 TR>> filth with Monica Lewinski, He has the class of a pig, even trying
 TR>> to force his sexual urges on a woman whose husband had just died,
 TR>> and she was talking to him about her salary now that her husband's
 TR>> income was gone and she was faced with their financial burdens alone.

 LL>> Bill Clinton left office as the most popular president in
 LL>> American history, even more popular than Ronald Reagan.

 TR> Thats the most outrageous load of nonsense you've come up with in a long
 TR> time. Bill Clinton was disgraced, disbarred, and a philanderer. He made
 TR> a fool of his wife on nation-wide television, humiliated his daughter,
 TR> and was a laughing stock!

Hiatorical Presidential Approval Ratings

End-of-Presidency Job Approval Ratings

President             Rating (%)
Bill Clinton              66%
Ronald Reagan             63%
John F. Kennedy           63%
Dwight D. Eisenhower      59%
George H.W. Bush          56%
Gerald Ford               53%
Lyndon B. Johnson         49%
Jimmy Carter              34%
George W. Bush            34%
Richard M. Nixon          24%


Oh what fun it will be when Americans wake up to a new
day on January 20, 2017 when Hillary Rodham Clinton takes
the oath of office with her beloved husband at her side ...

 LL>> Bill Cosby was given a standing ovation by the audience in
 LL>> Florida the other night, where he had performed on stage.

 TR> I don't care if he was given the keys to the city, and paraded down Main
 TR> Street in a limo.

That can be arranged.  :)

 LL>> People are not stupid.

 TR> You're right. People aren't.

Dumb, yes.  But stupid?  Not a chance.

 TR> In my 73 years I've learned many things; among
 TR> which is...where there's that much `smoke'...there's bound to be some fire
 TR> around somewhere.

You know I love the ladies ...

Bill Cosby was once the lead singer for
Black Sabbath.  You know that, don't you?

Smoke on the water ...

 LL>> Despite what is said on television,
 LL>> the average person can easily figure out what is really going
 LL>> on.

 LL>> Women who had an affair with Bill Cosby decades ago are
 LL>> now coming forward claiming `rape' so as to get some free
 LL>> publicity.

 TR> Really? Well...this has come up before on Cosby, and instead of answering
 TR> direct questions about it Cosby gave the reporter making the inquiry a
 TR> scoop on his own daughter's drug use and legal problems, which, up till
 TR> then, was unknown by the general public. To take the spotlight off
 TR> he threw his own daughter under the bus!

Bill Cosby never screwed his daughter.  Not even his tv daughter.
Fat Albert might have.  But not Bill.

 TR> There's so much info out there on Cosby's having drugged females and
 TR> himself on them while they were `drugged out', it isn't even funny.

Since when do `herbal' remedies get turned into drugs that render
women unconscious?

 TR> Cosby, like Michael Jackson, has probably `bought' himself out of more
 TR> such situations than the public will ever hear of. The only differences
 TR> between Cosby and Jackson is Cosby's `thing' is for women...Jackson's
 TR> was for little boys. Cosby's still alive to face the accusers, Jackson's
 TR> dead. Just another dead druggie.

Bill Cosby has never been charged with any crime.
Michael Jackson was exonerated in court of law after
having been charged with a crime.  The way I look
at things, a man is innocent until proven guilty -
in court of law, not in court of public opinion.

 LL>> Andy Warhol said everyone should have his or
 LL>> her own 15 minutes of fame, and this is their moment.

 LL>>> Think about it.

 TR> I have. And Cosby has been `thinking about it' as well; he lawyer'd up
 TR> fast, didn't he?

Bill Cosby has assets to protect.  If he was poor, nobody
would be saying the things they are saying.  But since he
is mega-wealthy and has royalties coming out his ya-ya ...

 LL>>> Brett Favre was the star quarterback for the Green
 LL>>> Bay Packers, and later the Minnesota Vikings.  He
 LL>>> got into some trouble by showing his wanker to a
 LL>>> female fan and the pictures made the internet hall
 LL>>> of fame.

 TR> Thats nice. Did he rape anyone?

Lots.  Depending on one's definition.

 TR> Has he molested any under-age boys lately

Lots.  Depending on one's definition.

 TR> Get back to me when he does.

Brett Favre is a retired footballer.  How many women
has he had (aside from his current wife)?  Nobody knows,
except those involved.  How many guys has he had?  Well,
he did spend lots of time in locker rooms with other
guys ...

 TR>> Michael Brown was a strong-armed robber who'd just committed a felony,
 TR>> threatened to assault a much smaller store clerk, and thought he'd show
 TR>> his friend how tough he was by taking a cop's gun away who had confronted
 TR>> him.

 LL>> How is shoplifting a small item considered a felony?

 TR> That isn't my call to make. Nor is it yours.

Whatever Mike Brown did, or did not do, at a store is irrelevant.
What is relevant is why a police officer chose to shoot an unarmed
black teenager.

 LL>> A misdemeanor, perhaps.  And then only if he would have
 LL>> been convicted in court of law.  What exactly did he
 LL>> supposedly threaten a store clerk with?

 TR> Physical violence.

That is still irrelevant.  Why did the police officer
choose to shoot an unarmed black teenager?  The officer
was not trying to protect the store clerk, as the teen
had already left the store.

 TR> I saw the video from the store security camera as well
 TR> as the rest of the nation.

So?  The confrontation was over.  The teenager had
left the store.  The clerk was safe.

 TR> He shoved an elderly clerk who confronted him to either take the
 TR> he was stealing back r make him pay for it.

So what?  Who cares?  That is not the issue.  Why
did the officer choose to shoot an unarmed black
teenager?  That is the issue.  Not what a teenager
did or did not do at a store.

 LL>> Simply being a bigger person than the store clerk does not qualify.

 TR> He physically grabbed her and shoved the clerk backward into a display.
 TR> The photos of their encounter are still on the InterNet for all to see.

Even if true, that is still no excuse for an officer to shoot and
kill an unarmed black teenager.  Especially when that officer had
other options other than using his gun.  Such as using his billy
club or mace in order to protect himself and/or make an arrest.

 LL>> If Michael Brown had actually taken the cop's gun
 LL>> away, he would not have been able to have gotten
 LL>> shot by the cop.  So that story doesn't wash.

 TR> He would no doubt have shot the cop with it had he gotten control of it.

It is only pure conjecture on your part that the teenager
was attempting to get hold of the officer's gun.  According
to witness testimony to the grand jury, no such attempt to
grab the officer's gun was ever made by Brown, as Brown was
trying to get away from the officer while at the police
car.  Brown's hands were never inside the officer's car,
so how did that translate into Brown trying to grab hold
of the officer's gun?

The witness claims that Brown was shot the first time
while at the police car.  Once in the gut.  At that point,
Brown and the witness decided to run away from the police
man, believing their lives were in danger.  The officer
then gave chase and fired multiple shots, killing Brown
in the process.  The witness escaped unharmed, and was
never charged in any crime.

Michael Brown was wearing shorts.  The kind of shorts
black kids wear when playing basketball.  Can't hide
anything in those kind of shorts.  Not even your dick.

The witness claims Brown had his hands held high when
the officer fired the fatal shots.  The officer claims
that Brown was reaching for something inside his pants.

There is absolutely no way possible for anybody to
be able to hide a gun or any other heavy object inside
a pair of basketball shorts.

The officer had a billy club and a can of mace on his
person in addition to his gun.  Why did the officer choose
to shoot first, ask questions later, knowing the teenager
was unarmed?  Was it because the teenager was black and
the officer was white?

 TR> So your denial doesn't wash here.

The white officer knew the black teenager was unarmed.
The white officer also knew the black witness who was with
Brown was also unarmed.  Why did the white officer choose
to shoot an unarmed black teenager, and not shoot the
other unarmed black teenager?

Both the white officer and the black teenager weighted
well over 200 pounds, closer to 300.  Both the white officer
and the black teenager were over 6 feet tall, closer to
6 and a half feet tall.  This was not a battle between
a 5-year-old and Hulk Hogan.  This was two gorillas in
action.  One of them a racist with a loaded gun.

 LL>> Here are the facts -

 LL>> Michael Brown was a black man.

 TR> Michael Brown had just committed a strong-armed robbery.

Whether he did, or did not, commit a "strong-armed robbery"
is irrelevant.

 TR> His `color' is irrelavent.

The color of the officer's skin should be irrelevant.
The color of the teenager's skin should be irrelevnt.
But the color of each man's skin is very relevant, in
light of what has happened.

 LL>> Michael Brown was unarmed.

 TR> Michael Brown was physically larger and stronger than the cop.

Not by much.  Whether Brown was actually stronger than the cop
is unknown, given the cop may have been (and probably was) in much
better shape given his training and conditioning.

 TR> He tried to get control of the cop's gun.

Doubtful, given testimony submitted to the grand jury.

 TR> He was attempting to assault the cop by doing
 TR> a lineman's rush at him.

Doubtful, given testimony submitted to the grand jury.

 LL>> Michael Brown had both hands held high.

 TR> Michael Bronwn's hands were stretched out to grab the cop as he rushed
 TR> him full speed ala lineman style.

Kind of hard to do when you are running away from where the cop was.

 LL>> Michael Brown was shot six times by a white cop.
 LL>> Michael Brown is dead.

 TR> Michael Brown died of his own foolishness while trying to take down
 TR> a cop to impress his companion with how tough he was.

There are two groups that don't live very long -

* Dogs that chase cars
* Black men who confront police officers

I guess a third group needs to be added -

* Black teenagers being chased by police officers

 LL>> Dead men tell no tales.

 TR> Good. His death should be taken as a lesson by young people, as an example
 TR> of what can happen to someone who defies duly constituted authority, and
 TR> gets the notion they are `king of the world'.

What is `duly constituted authority'?  In a white man's world,
it is always the white man.  The black man has no say.  Or very
little, which may be an even bigger insult than having no say
at all.

 TR>> The charge was made that the cop `reached out and pulled Brown in through
 TR>> the drivers window of the patrol car.

 LL>> Michael Brown tried to give himself up.

 TR> Michael Brown tried to beat up a cop.

With open hands, inside a police car, getting shot in the process?
Seems to me the only one getting beat up was the guy without a gun.

 LL>> Michael Brown was shot, six times, for his efforts.

 TR> Michael Brown got exactly what he himself provoked.

The police man should have left him alone.
Then nobody would have gotten hurt.
And a child's parents would not be in mourning.

 TR> He gave the cop no chance whatever to handle the situation in a way that
 TR> nobody at all got hurt.

He tried to run away!  Then he tried to give himself up!
And what did he get for his efforts?  Six shots of lead!

 TR>> Looking at the video of Mike Brown in the store committing the robbery,

 LL>> What did he steal, or attempt to steal?  If it was
 LL>> robbery, the item(s) would have been found on his person.

 TR> A box of cigars.

Cheap cigars.  I thought you said Brown had committed a felony?

 TR> Brown had some on him after the shooting...

I doubt he will be smoking them any time soon ...

 TR> the man who was with him probably had the rest of them.

Dorian Johnson.  The black witness who gave eye witness testimony
to the grand jury.  No charges have ever been filed against him.
So maybe he had already smoked all them cigars?

 LL>> If no item(s) was found on his person, it may only have
 LL>> been attempted robbery.  Which may or may not be able
 LL>> to be proven.

 TR>> Cigars were and the footage of Wilson as he's walking through TR>a
 TR> hallway, puts the lie to any charge that `Wilson grabbed Brown TR>with one
 TR> hand (his left) and `pulled' Mike Brown' anywhere.

 LL>> Did Michael Brown grab the officer's gun?  Seems very
 LL>> doubtful to me.  Especially since he was trying to give
 LL>> himself up.  With his hands held high.

 TR> Why didn't you attend the grand jury hearing and give your `evidence'?

I was not invited.  But then, I was not there.  And neither were you.


--- MesNews/
 * Origin: news://felten.yi.org (2:203/2)