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Text 35716, 257 rader
Skriven 2016-08-19 23:13:26 av Allen Prunty (1:2320/100)
     Kommentar till en text av Lee Lofaso
Ärende: RE: Are you still high and dry???
On Aug 20, 2016 01:46am, Lee Lofaso posted to Allen Prunty:

 LL> Lots of gators in the Biloxi area, being a coastal area.

I do remember that they occasionally made their way to Keisler AFB... but for
the most part we didn't see many when I was there.

 AP>> It is delicious and to me it was in between pork and steak.

 LL> Depends on how it is prepared and cooked.  And also the freshness
 LL> of the meat.  Can also be made into a sausage, which is quite good.

I had to go get me some Gator today.  Since it was a long long time that I ate
ate Joe's Okay Bayou and I'm friends with the Chef Pete I got a treat today.
I spent some time visiting Cajun pete and he kept feeding me... won his hot
pepper challenge and I enjoyed a free lunch.

As his wife (who is REAL Cajun) said the tail meat is what most non-cajuns
like the best.  The closer it is to it's ass the more it tastes like pork the
middle kind of tasts like steak the rest tastes like snake or gator.

Personally whatever they served me today I ate... and ate well.  Lots of
shrimp... Etoufee... and I've taken home enough Jambalya to feed me into
middle of next week.  Although I promised to play organ at their daughter's
wedding in October... which I'm sure will have the wedding feast to end all

 LL> Fresh gator, never frozen, is best.

They assured me their was fresh... they also say that if it's vaccuum sealed
after butchering the freezing process isn't as destructive to the meat.  If
it's just butchered wrapped and frozen it will degrade the meat.  Was also
told the vaccuum packed frozen gator usually costs three times as much as
frozen gator and is sometimes more expensive than the fresh.

 AP>> Nothing is renewable...

 LL> Many resources are renewable.  What is needed is responsible
 LL> management of those resources.  Especially if those resources
 LL> are scarce.  Any resource can be mismanaged.  Even mismanaged
 LL> to the point of extintion.  But when managed well, a resource
 LL> can be made to last forever, to everyone's benefit.

Considering the energy, and effort to "renew or recycle" something it's not
truly renewable.  The energy needed to recycle plastic is often twice as much
as the energy needed to produce new plastic.

 LL> Pine trees are a perfect example.  Grown to maturity, a pine
 LL> tree forest is good for only 35 years.  Rather than chop down
 LL> an entire forest, good management would be chopping down small
 LL> portions of the forest each year.  Within a 35-year period,
 LL> the entire crop of trees that had been planted at that time
 LL> would have been collected.  But new trees planted within
 LL> that same period of time.  So what was lost?  What was gained?

True, but man is so impatient they do not want to wait 35 years.  It's also
very beneficial to have a controlled burn that takes a few years to recover
from in order to replant so a 35 year rotation often turns into a 40 year

Man simply does not have the patience to do it right.

 AP>> look how man has raped the ocean.

 LL> Look how man has benefitted from the ocean.  Sure, man has badly
 LL> mismanaged the Earth's finite resources.  But man is learning how
 LL> to do things better (I hope).

I try to buy "sustainable" fish choices... but I'm finding that often the
"sustainable" fish is polluted fish.... and not very good for you.  Most often
the farmed fish are farmed in large net like structures, crowded and fed food
that they wouldn't eat in nature that cause them to grow faster and "meatier"

They are also finding that almost all tuna thanks to the reactor meltdown in
fukushima have radiation.  I have an old 1970's giger counter and it is
purring when I scan the star-kist tuna.  Not much and not to the danger limits
but more than the background limits.  Scary thought isn't it?

 LL> Raw oysters are better.

Yeah and I horrify most Louisville residents because I eat the crawfish
properly.  Most here only eat the "ass" end of the crawfish.  They miss the
good part.

 LL> We clone sheep.  We clone frogs.  We can clone fish.

And the most expensive hamburger ever was grown in a petri dish.  They are
also making very convincing meat from mycoprotein (fungi).

 AP>> Come to think about it Louisville's great flood may have been 1927 not
 AP>> 1937...

 LL> That makes sense.

 AP>> I know that most of the water went down the Ohiop to the Mississippi we
 AP>> probably both suffered that one.

 LL> The whole country suffers when one area suffers.  Whether it is
 LL> floods in Louisiana or wildfires in California, everybody suffers.

Trump did say in his speach earlier "when one part of America suffers we all
suffer."  Hit the nail on the head.  What I seen on the Communist News Network
(CNN) today showed Trump to appear (not I did not say he was) more
presidential.  Where is Obama... hope he's enjoying his Golf game.  At leaste
Bush flew over Katrina to see what happened... Obama as a senator criticized
bush for doing a flyby... now the Governor is saying he asked him not to visit
because his security needs would pull resources away from the rescue.  It
makes sense but he could be addressing the nation.

Obama fundraises for Hillary... but why can't he appeal to the nation to
donate to Louisiana.  My Cajun friends at the restaraunt certainly pointed
that out today.  You know you are in good with a restaraunt friend when you
eat at the table in the kitchen.  Good Food... Good company... and they like
to sing while they cook... good entertainment.

 LL> After a natural disaster there is not much left worth looting.

Shamefully even the police were getting televei sions out of the wal-marts
during Katrina.

 LL> That is so anti-democratic!  If an elected official is doing a good
 LL> job, why force him/her out of office by limiting the number of terms
 LL> he/she can serve?  That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!  In so
 LL> doing, you are denying the people the freedom to make their own
 LL> choices!  In other words, you solution is to artificially limit the
 LL> choices that people can make.

The President is limited to two terms... this is for a good reason because if
the job is done right the job is very stressful and it takes a toll on a
person.  We have watched how many go in looking young and in 8 year term.

We do not like Mitch McConnel much here in Kentucky... many only elect him to
keep the control of the senate in the conservative camp.  The ship that worked
for Kentucky unter the banner of Mitch McConnel has long since sailed.  We
have had very good younger republicans run against Mitch in the past... but
Mitch can run the most negative, character assassinating campaigns possible.

Had a very good start to run for Governor but one of Mitch's big contributors
ran (and we have him now).  My friend who was a very good judge and county
commissioner would have been a great Governor, but Mitch flatly told him if
you run you will NEVER have any chance at anything political in your future.
He has long stopped working for kentucky... mitch has his own agenda.

 LL> Better to let everybody play!  That would be the pro-democratic
 LL> thing to do!  Do not place limits on the people to choose who they
 LL> want to elect as their representative, but embrace all the choices
 LL> they can possibly make!  And that means NO TERM LIMITS!

Do you want people like mitch to have power for 40+ years?.

 LL> Most elderly depend on social security as being their sole means
 LL> of support, along with medicare.  Taking that away from them would
 LL> be forcing their children to take them in, and care for them.  And
 LL> who would have to pay for it all?  Not seniors, as they would have
 LL> no social security or access to quality health care.  And what
 LL> about those who are disabled?  Without social security and medicare,
 LL> what would they do, crawl into a ditch and die?

No, I think the government needs to do something, but how many poor senior
citizens are wharehoused into horrific homes because their adult children
don't care for them.  I have had family members put in those homes... we
rescued one of my aunts from one of those hell-homes.  We took her into our
home where she lived with us until she passed away.

She was a welcome member of our household... she brought joy, wisdom, and
happiness.  Yes she had her bad days but when she had her good days she
entertained the younger cousins at the family cookouts... she taught us
grandma's kitchen secrets... I would come home from work to a homemade
birthday cake... a surprise pie... a great supper.  She loved to contribute
any time she could.

Parents are forced to take care of their children when they are young and
can't take care of themselves... I think it is only fair when parents can't
take care of themselves that the children must step up.

I have many Asian friends and they say that they find that Americans are creul
to their old.  They don't teach their children what it means to truly be
family we love only when it's convenient... and that most grandchildren's only
interest in their family is what gifts or money they can get for them.  They
watch them eat in their restaraunts and Grandma and Grandpa sit with their
grandchild who has headphones on listening to their music or paying attention
to their phone.  They look down at their phone and one day they will look up
and see Grandma and Grandpa gone.

That hits home to me.  My mother is very agile and able... I will be there for
her as much as I can when I can however I can.  We have taken care of three
aged relatives and each one has brought more joy into our home than sorrow.
No.. I think that young families should be rewarded somehow for taking care of
their elderly and disabled family.

We should never get rid of social security for the old people and disabled...
but maybe give more to families who choose to take care of the old and
disabled.  But to give it to people who just arrive in our nation when we have
many in need HERE who are not getting it is a slap in the face to the citizens
who have paid into the system all their lives.

 LL> Life on the streets is hell.  Don't believe me?  Ask any of the
 LL> homeless.  Of course, most of them are hopelessly insane, so you
 LL> might have to ask them a number of times before you get an answer.
 LL> And even then, you might not understand, depending on what they
 LL> tell you, if anything.

Preaching to the chior here.  Sadly they are some that are so insane that they
have money in their bank accounts.  They choose to live on the streets.  Many
have family that want them... had a good friend who traveled all the way to
Miami where his father lived on the streets.  His father had a good home
already paid for here in Louisville, and a family that wanted him but his
father preferred life on the streets.  He brought him home to spend Christmas
with them and they thought he was better... his father "train hopped" a lot
and they don't know where he is now or if he's alive.

So many of those homeless souls just "disappear" and never resurface.  It's
hell on the families that care about them.

 LL> Only a small portion of Mississippi got it.  But those who did
 LL> really got it.

And the water that comes down the Ohio and Mississippi will not help either.
Our "environmental" groups here in Louisville are begging people to delay
bathing a day or two and delay doing laundry... anything to lessen the water
going back into the Ohio to flow back down.  I doubt that it will really help
matters that much.

 LL> And yet we are still here.  Thanks to Mother Gaia.

There were other ancient advanced civilizations... where are they now?  The
earth maintains it's own.

 LL> Floods in Louisiana and Mississippi.  Wildfires in California.
 LL> Tornadoes, snowstorms, earthquakes, you name it, natural disasters
 LL> affect everyone and every place.  Nobody and no place is immune.

True on that.  NO argument from me.

 LL> Juneau is mild.  Fairbanks, not so much.

Juneau is where she is.

 AP>> Might have to look further into it.

 LL> Sarah Palin says she can see Russia from her house.

Back porch Lee... she waves at Putin every morning :-)

Thanks for the good conversation... very thought provoking.  Mind if I ask how
old you are?  Sounds like you've amassed quite a few experiences in your

Now one question... if I were to surprise my cajun friends with some
piano/organ music at their wedding what would you reccomend that would delight


... The greatest enemy of creatitivy is staying inside your comfort zone
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