Text 37204, 238 rader
Skriven 2016-10-25 23:23:40 av Lee Lofaso (2:203/2)
Kommentar till text 37202 av rick christian (1:3634/12)
Ärende: Why Trump Will Win
Hello Rick,
AP>> I'm afraid we will see something we have never witnessed before. AP>We
rc> are going to see neither candidate get the electoral college AP>votes
rc> necessary to win the presidency.
rc> I don't think we have went off that cliff...
Independent candidate Evan McMullin is the frontrunner in Utah.
Winning Utah could be enough electoral votes to deny either Trump
or Clinton the 270 electoral votes needed to claim victory.
rc> and to be honest I don't know which scares me more...
George Wallace did not scare white people in 1968.
But he sure has heck scared a lot of black people.
rc> crookilary
I do not know anybody by that name. But I do know the cook, Hillary,
who bakes some mighty fine chocolate chip cookies ...
rc> OR
rc> congrsscumm choosing
Louisiana has the best politicians that money can buy.
But other states are in contention. Such as New Jersey,
which has a bridge it keeps trying to sell ...
rc> - because its clear that should that happen Trump is out..
In the event the election gets thrown to the House, each state
gets one vote, and must reach its decision by March 4. The Senate
would get to choose the Veep, with each Senator having one vote,
with no time limitation to make its choice. If no decision can be
made by either the House or the Senate, the Speaker of the House
gets to serve as Acting Prez. At least until the Senate makes
up its mind. Unless a Senator decides to filibuster, thus gumming
up the entire works.
rc> and that bozo in the house and really any other congresscumcritter is
rc> on the heels of being as scary as crookilary.
It would be up to the incoming Congress, not the present Congress.
As such, the current Speaker could wind up not being able to serve
either as Speaker or as Acting Prez.
rc> There is a|are reason(s) for which I voted for the Republican candidate.
The only Republican candidate in the race is Evan McMullin. But
he is running as an independent rather than a Republican.
rc> What little media I allow past my personal firewall of news, all these
rc> pundits seem to think that just about any of the other primary candidates
rc> was a better choice...
Ralph Nader chose to sit this one out. And so did Al Gore.
Guess they had better things to do with their time.
rc> Well, I've got some news for them...
Governor George W. Bush is retired.
rc> Out of the field of 16, 3 had a chance with me.
Bobby Jindal never made it out of the gate.
rc> Let me start off with..
First a candidate has to get his/her name on the ballot ...
rc> that the bozos from FLoriDUH were NOT ever in the running! EVER! I am not
rc> even voting for that bozo for senator!
The other bozo from Florida would have won but he chose to be
a Democrat and wound up losing a close bid to return as governor.
rc> I've written in a candidate..
A wasted vote, to be sure.
rc> and that is also a way to track my vote is counted.
Losers are never counted.
rc> So that leaves 11..
Nobody wanted to attack Trump because Trump was the easiest to beat.
As a result, those candidates wound up beating themselves.
rc> For various reasons none of the reaming dolts match up or I just really
rc> don't care for them.
Trump didn't have to do anything to win. Or very little. Just
play one candidate against another and watch the pieces fall.
rc> Of the 3 that started with a chance at the start...
Oh, come now. The fix was in from the get-go. Clinton financed
the whole gig. Right straight from the Clinton Foundation. You
don't honestly believe she could have beaten any candidate other
than Trump, do you? Her entire campaign has been "anti-Trump" -
never "pro-Clinton". She has never - not even once - given anybody
a reason as to why they should vote for her.
"Trump is a bad man. That is why you must vote for me."
That is one nasty woman. And now she is spreading her nasty
message to other nasty women, getting them to cast their nasty
votes for her. See how that works?
rc> one over time just blew it..
Those are just popularity contests, intended to generate publicity
for various candidates.
rc> and the other never had a chance to get any where in the primaries
The primaries are meaningless, as they are nothing more than
free publicity for the candidates (of both parties). The voters
do not really have a choice, the decision as to who the nominees
will be having been made way before the conventions take place.
Hillary Clinton was the designated nominee, facing marginal
competition in the primaries. It was supposed to be a walk to
a coronation, not a slugfest with an old man way past his prime.
Donald Trump could not win a race for dog catcher, much less
become the nominee of a major political party, unless he was
handpicked beforehand by the Clintons themselves to act as a
rc> Trump is what this country needs, now, NOW! Non political, in the sense
rc> he has not made a career of washingslum. He is not politically
rc> disconnected... no businessman in his position is!
Donald Trump is a two-bit New York real estate developer with
the talent of being an old-time carnival barker. He has absolutely
no political skills whatsoever, and is just shooting from the hip,
saying whatever comes to mind in whatever manner that might be.
His campaign manager is competent, but can only do so much when
taking up for a candidate who is totally out of control.
AP>> Then it will be up to congress... I think this election is going AP>to
rc> make history, just not the history that many think it is going AP>to make.
rc> I think we are WELL PAST that point!
History is always being written and rewritten. But those histories
are never accurate, telling only one (biased) side of a story. Since
all sides are biased, there is no such thing as an honest history.
rc> And the history is not going to stop...
All histories come to an end. Some sooner rather than later.
But all histories come to an end.
rc> Why?
rc> Unless Trump wins AND retains a veto proof majority of congrescum the
rc> government will shutdown! How?
Well, Republicans have shut down the government before.
Clearly they can do so again. Regardless of who happens
to be president.
rc> SCOTUS appointment(s) will be blocked
Isn't that what Republicans are doing now?
rc> budget bills blocked
Isn't that what Republicans are doing now?
rc> any bills from Trump and/or Republicans blocked
And how would that prevent Republicans from doing what they
are doing now?
rc> Same with the reverse if crookilary is in with a Republican majority, and
rc> even more so with a veto'able majority.
Obama could declare martial law thus nullifying the election.
rc> THE ONLY WAY things get better is
If Obama could run for a third consecutive term he would win.
rc> Trump WINS and its REPUBLICAN cogresscum.
Trump is toast. Burnt to a crisp, not even worth buttering.
rc> If its a crookilary and demoCRAP's congresscum, this country is SCREWED
Too late. Obama got there first.
rc> I've often considered selling off everything and moving out of the US for
rc> awhile. One for a fresh start, and two to get away from the socialist
rc> downward spiral this country is on.. but any area I might consider is
rc> already past the point of the socialist rabbit hole. Its one of the
rc> I left CA after several years... nice place to VISIT, wouldn't live there
rc> again with the knowledge I have now! And that pretty much rules out other
rc> Empire, err sorry, Commonwealth countries too.
Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas will welcome you with open arms!
rc> Maybe its time to find some desolate island and drag a long fiber on the
rc> boat with me!
The Castro Brothers will welcome you with open arms!
rc> Honestly, I am not sure what happens after the election if crookilary is
rc> elected...
We will have a war.
rc> It may just push me to tune out drop out again, and for good...
Do you have a spade? I gave mine away a few years ago. The guy
never returned it, having found his own place in the ground.
rc> I do know I need to up the voltage on the fence, and look into an air
rc> system....Where is that force field from Star Trek when I need it!
The Klingons stole it and disappeared in their cloaked ship.
--- MesNews/
* Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)