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Skriven 2012-12-24 02:35:38 av FidoNews Robot (2:2/2.0)
Ärende: FidoNews 29:52 [03/09]: Ftsc Information
Publication: FTS-5000
Revision: 4
Title: The Distribution Nodelist
Author(s): FTSC Members, Administrator and Honoured Guests
Issue Date: 17 Dcember 2012
Status of this document
This document is a Fidonet Technical Standard (FTS) - it specifies
the current technical requirements and recommendations for FTN
software developers, coordinators and sysops of the Fidonet network
and other networks using FTN technology.
This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
copied or modified for any purpose whatever.
Current practice for Fidonet Technology Networks (FTN) is to
maintain a nodelist used to store the details of the nodes in the
network, and the network structure.
1. Introduction
2. Supersessions
3. Purpose
4. Publication and Distribution
5. Content
5.1 Comment Lines
5.2 Special Header
5.3 Data lines
6. Nodediffs
7. Segments
A. References
B. History
1. Introduction
Fidonet is a peer-to-peer network utilising multiple different, and
often incompatible, communication technologies that are independent
of Fidonet itself, and is organised into a particular hierarchy for
both technical and management purposes.
For direct communication, it is necessary that the originating node
know in advance the exact method and capabilities of the destination
node in order to determine if, when, and how a direct Fidonet mail
session can be established. For routing and management, the stated
hierarchy must also be known.
All this information is collected into a file called the "nodelist."
While nodelists of various flavours and completeness are in use, the
"Distribution Nodelist" is the official record of all Fidonet nodes,
their operators, their capabilities and their relation to each other
in the network hierarchy. In essence, the nodelist defines Fidonet.
2. Supersessions
FTS-0005 superseded and replaced the documents known under the names
of FSC-0002, and FTS-0002.
This document supersedes and replaces FTS-0005.
3. Purpose
Along with the companion technical standard (FTS-5001) this document
defines the format and content of Fidonet's distribution nodelist.
Unlike most FTSC documents, the nodelist standards are not only
aimed at developers, but also at maintainers of Fidonet (and other
Fidonet Technology Networks) nodelist segments. While nodelist
segment maintainers should try to be quite strict in their adherence
to this document, it is recommended that software developers be
prepared to accept deviations from this standard, especially with
regard to field and line size.
It is assumed you're already familiar with Fidonet structure and
addressing terminology.
4. Publication and Distribution
The Distribution Nodelist uses the filename NODELIST.nnn, where nnn
is the day-of-year of publication, starting at 001 for the first day
of January. Partial and/or alternate nodelists must use some other
base filename (i.e. in place of NODELIST).
For actual distribution, NODELIST.nnn is packed into an archive file
named NODELIST.Pnn, where nn are the last two digits of day-of-year
and P is the compression format used as listed below:
A = .arc
J = .arj
L = .lzh
R = .rar
Z = .zip
The ZIP format is presently the official Fidonet standard, although
others may be distributed in addition.
5. Content
The nodelist is a flat text file containing any number of lines,
using only the ASCII (7 bit) character set.
For the remainder of this document, characters in the range 00h to
1Fh, plus 7Fh, shall be called "control characters," and characters
in the range 20h to 7Eh shall be called "printable ASCII."
Every line must be terminated with a carriage return (^M, 0Dh) and a
line feed (^J, 0Ah), in that order. The file itself must be
terminated with a single EOF character (^Z, 1Ah), and no other data
following. Future implementations should accept nodelists with the
EOF (^Z) character omitted. No other control characters are
permitted anywhere in the nodelist.
Where the operating system uses a different format for text files
software that reads the nodelist should also be able to handle
nodelists stored in that format. Where CRCs are to be calculated
(see section 5.2) the calculations must be done as if the nodelist
has the exact binary format described above.
For compatibility with certain broken segment processors, nodelist
maintainers must limit all lines to at most 157 characters (plus
terminator). It is very likely this limitation will be removed in
the future, therefore future software implementations should be able
to process lines of up to 1024 characters, and individual fields of
up to 255 characters (unless otherwise specified).
5.1. Comment Lines
Comment lines begin with a semicolon (3Bh) in the first character
position followed by zero or more alphabetic characters called
"interest flags." A program which processes the nodelist may use
comment interest flags to determine the disposition of a comment
line. The remainder of a comment line (with one exception, treated
below) is free-form ASCII text.
There are five interest flags defined as follows:
;S This comment is of particular interest to Sysops.
;U This comment is of particular interest to BBS users.
;F This comment should appear in any formatted "Fido List."
;A This comment is of general interest (shorthand for ;SUF).
;E This comment is an error message inserted by a nodelist
generating program.
; This comment may be ignored by a nodelist processor.
5.2. Special Header
The first line of a nodelist is a special comment line containing
identification data for the particular edition of the nodelist. The
following is an example of the first line of a nodelist:
;A FidoNet Nodelist for Friday, July 3, 1987 --
Day number 184 : 15943
Please note that the above line has been split in the sole interest
of readability. It should appear on just one line.
This line contains the general interest flag, the week day, full
date, the 3-digit publication date (described in section 4), and
ends with a 5-digit decimal check value. The publication date and
check value are padded to length with leading zeros, if necessary.
The check value is derived as follows:
Beginning with the first character of the second line, a 16-bit
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is calculated for the entire file,
including carriage return and line feed characters, but not
including the terminating EOF character. The check polynomial
used is the same one used for many file transfer protocols:
2**16 + 2**12 + 2**5 + 2**0
The CRC may be used to verify that the file has not been edited. The
importance of this will become evident in the discussion of NODEDIFF
below. CRC calculation techniques are well documented in the
literature, and will not be treated further here.
The first line will certainly be different from the above in the
case of nodelist segments for individual zones, regions, networks or
hubs; it will also be different for other Fidonet Technology
Except for the day number and the CRC, developers shouldn't make any
assumption on the format of this line. The suggested parsing
algorithm is to find the last colon in the line, and then scan
backwards to get the day of issue.
5.3. Data lines
A nodelist data line contains no less than seven (7) variable length
fields separated by commas (2Ch), defined below. Each data line is
a record/entry for an individual Fidonet node.
Printable ASCII characters except for commas and spaces are allowed
in all string fields unless specified otherwise. Underscores (5Fh)
are always used in place of spaces (20h).
Field 1: Keyword
Type: string; Length: 1 to 6.
The keyword field defines the type of node, and will either be
empty or contain exactly one of the keywords defined below,
grouped by functional class.
No other keywords are valid in the distribution nodelist at this
time, but private nodelist distributions may include other node
types by marking them appropriately in this field. One common
example is the "Point" keyword. See FTS-5002 for the pointlist
It is recommended that future implementations allow for keywords
of up to 32 characters, and gracefully handle entries using
unrecognised keywords.
Full/Member Nodes -- these are the system numbers of individual
Fidonet members. See [Policy] for details on Fidonet membership.
Defines a normal node entry.
In the past, this keyword merely defined a Private node (see
Policy v4.07, Section 2.1.9) - i.e. a node that is
operational, but not publically available for direct contact.
Due to software limitations over Field 6, this keyword has
been "borrowed" to allow listing of systems that do not have a
PSTN/ISDN line available, but instead utilise some other form
of communication detailed elsewhere in the entry.
In either case, if the originating node cannot contact the
destination node, mail may instead be routed via its Hub or
Pvt entries are only allowed as members of local networks.
Defines a node which is operational but cannot be publicly
contacted. This is expected to be a temporary condition.
Mail may be sent to such nodes, routed via its Hub, Host or
Coordinator, or held locally by the originating node until the
Hold keyword is removed.
Defines a node which is not operational. This is expected to
be (semi-)permanent. Mail may NOT be sent or routed to it.
Administrative Nodes -- these nodes indicate the beginning of a
branch in the Fidonet addressing/management hierarchy.
Each branch may contain one or more administrative nodes of lower
tier, or any of the above member node types unless stated
Since the nodelist is a flat file, a branch is simply terminated
at the next administrative node of equal or higher tier (or EOF).
Member nodes are always part of an administrative branch, and may
never appear at the top level of the nodelist.
In order from highest to lowest:
Begins the definition of a geographic zone and defines its
coordinator. A zone is also a logical region AND net.
Normal nodes immediately below a Zone node, and before any
other administrative nodes, are Zone Independent Nodes.
Begins the definition of a geographic region and defines its
coordinator. A region is also a logical net.
Normal nodes immediately below a Region node, and before any
other administrative nodes, are Region Independent Nodes.
Begins the definition of a local network (net) and normally
defines its coordinator (see FTS-5001 for the override flag).
Begins the definition of a routing subunit within a multilevel
local network.
Field 2: Node number
Type: integer; Range: 1 to 32767; Length: 1 to 5.
For member nodes and Hubs (which are treated as member nodes as
far as addressing goes), this number is the node number, and must
be unique within their local network.
For a Zone entry, this number is the zone number. A region and
net number of equal value is implied, and the node number is
zero. Zone numbers must be unique across the entire network.
For a Region entry, this number is the region number. A net
number of equal value is implied, and the node number is zero.
Region numbers must be unique within each zone, but it is
recommended future Region numbers be unique across the entire
network for better 2D compatibility.
For a Host entry, this number is the net number, and the node
number is zero. As with Region numbers, net numbers must be
unique within each zone, but should be fully unique if possible.
Because the node number zero is reserved for Zone, Region and
Host entries, the value "0" is strictly forbidden in this field.
Field 3: Node name
Type: string.
This is the name by which the system is known.
Alternatively, this field may be used by IP nodes for a host
name, static IP address or E-Mail address for email tunnelling
NOTE: There may be formatting limitations on this field for IP
capable systems; consult the section on IP flags in FTS-5001.
Field 4: Location
Type: string.
This is the physical location of the node.
Generally, this is expressed as the primary local area (town,
suburb, city, etc.) and where applicable, an underscore followed
by the abbreviation of the regional geopolitical administrative
district (state, province, department, county, etc.).
Field 5: Sysop name
Type: string; Length: 1 to 36.
This is the name of the Fidonet member responsible for the node.
Field 6: Phone number (PSTN or ISDN)
Type: string; Length: 3 to 29 (theoretically); Characters:
digits and dashes, or the exact string "-Unpublished-"
This field contains two or more numeric subfields separated by
dashes (2Dh). The first field is the country code. The rest of
the phone number should be formatted according to local practise.
The various parts of the phone number are frequently used to
derive cost and routing information, as well as what number is to
be dialled. A typical example of the data in a phone number field
is 1-800-555-0100, corresponding to country 1 (USA), area 800
(area code), exchange 555, and number 0100.
Alternatively, this field may contain the string "-Unpublished-"
if the node has no conventional phone number, and uses the "Pvt",
"Hold" or "Down" keyword. It is recommended that software be
able to recognise this string as an indicator to never attempt
to dial this node by PSTN/ISDN, no matter what the keyword.
This field may also contain the static IPv4 address of an IP-only
node in decimal format with periods replaced with dashes, and
--- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
* Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)