Text 10165, 362 rader
Skriven 2018-11-06 14:43:16 av Björn Felten (2:203/2)
Kommentar till en text av Björn Felten (2:203/2)
Ärende: FTS-0001.017 -- RFC
Björn Felten -> All skrev 2014-11-07 01:05:
BF> Document: FTS-0001
BF> Version: 17
BF> Date: 06-Nov-2014
BF> A Basic FidoNet Technical Standard
BF> Revision 17
BF> Introduction
BF> This document defines the data structures which a FidoNet
BF> implementation must provide.
BF> 1. Basic Requirements for a FidoNet Implementation
BF> A FidoNet implementation must be able to call other nodes and
BF> transfer messages and files in both directions. This includes pickup
BF> and poll. A FidoNet implementation must be able to accept calls from
BF> other nodes and transfer messages and files in both directions. This
BF> includes pickup.
BF> 2. Data Description
BF> (* literals *)
BF> "ABC" - ASCII character string, no termination implied
BF> nnH - byte in hexadecimal
BF> (* terminals *)
BF> someName - 16-bit integer (little endian)
BF> someName[n] - field of n bytes
BF> someName[.n] - field of n bits
BF> someName(n) - Null terminated string allocated n-1 chars
BF> someName{max} - Null terminated string of up to max-1 chars
BF> (* punctuation *)
BF> a b - one 'a' followed by one 'b'
BF> ( a | b ) - either 'a' or 'b', but not both
BF> { a } - zero or more 'a's
BF> [ b ] - zero or one 'b'
BF> (* comment *) - ignored
BF> (* predeclared constant *)
BF> Null = 00H
BF> a. The message format
BF> Offset
BF> dec hex
BF> .-----------------------------------------------.
BF> 0 0 | |
BF> ~ fromUserName ~
BF> | 36 bytes |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 36 24 | |
BF> ~ toUserName ~
BF> | 36 bytes |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 72 48 | |
BF> ~ subject ~
BF> | 72 bytes |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 144 90 | |
BF> ~ DateTime ~
BF> | 20 bytes |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 164 A4 | timesRead (low order) | timesRead (high order)|
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 166 A6 | destNode (low order) | destNode (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 168 A8 | origNode (low order) | origNode (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 170 AA | cost (low order) | cost (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 172 AC | origNet (low order) | origNet (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 174 AE | destNet (low order) | destNet (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 176 B0 | destZone (optional) | destZone (optional) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 178 B2 | origZone (optional) | origZone (optional) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 180 B4 | destPoint(optional) | destPoint(optional) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 182 B6 | origPoint(optional) | origPoint(optional) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 184 B8 | replyTo (low order) | replyTo (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 186 BA | Attribute (low order) | Attribute (high order)|
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 188 BC | nextReply (low order) | nextReply (high order)|
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 190 BE | text |
BF> ~ unbounded ~
BF> | null terminated |
BF> `-----------------------------------------------'
BF> Message = fromUserName(36) (* Null terminated *)
BF> toUserName(36) (* Null terminated *)
BF> subject(72) (* see FileList below *)
BF> DateTime (* last edited *)
BF> timesRead (* not used *)
BF> destNode (* of message *)
BF> origNode (* of message *)
BF> cost (* not used *)
BF> origNet (* of message *)
BF> destNet (* of message *)
BF> destZone (* of message *)
BF> origZone (* of message *)
BF> destPoint (* of message *)
BF> origPoint (* of message *)
BF> replyTo (* not used *)
BF> AttributeWord
BF> nextReply (* not used *)
BF> text(unbounded) (* Null terminated *)
BF> DateTime = (* a character string 20 characters long *)
BF> (* 01 Jan 86 02:34:56 *)
BF> DayOfMonth " " Month " " Year " "
BF> " " HH ":" MM ":" SS
BF> Null
BF> DayOfMonth = "01" | "02" | "03" | ... | "31"
BF> Month = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" |
BF> "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
BF> Year = "01" | "02" | .. | "85" | "86" | ... | "99" | "00"
BF> HH = "00" | .. | "23"
BF> MM = "00" | .. | "59"
BF> SS = "00" | .. | "59"
BF> AttributeWord bit meaning
BF> --- --------------------
BF> 0 + Private
BF> 1 + s Crash
BF> 2 Recd
BF> 3 Sent
BF> 4 + FileAttached
BF> 5 InTransit
BF> 6 Orphan
BF> 7 KillSent
BF> 8 Local
BF> 9 s HoldForPickup
BF> 10 + unused
BF> 11 s FileRequest
BF> 12 + s ReturnReceiptRequest
BF> 13 + s IsReturnReceipt
BF> 14 + s AuditRequest
BF> 15 s FileUpdateReq
BF> s - need not be recognized, but it's ok
BF> + - not zeroed before packeting
BF> Bits numbers ascend with arithmetic significance of bit position.
BF> Message text is unbounded and null terminated (note exception below).
BF> A 'hard' carriage return, 0DH, marks the end of a paragraph, and must
BF> be preserved.
BF> So called 'soft' carriage returns, 8DH, may mark a previous
BF> processor's automatic line wrap, and should be ignored.
BF> All linefeeds, 0AH, should be ignored.
BF> If the first character of a physical line (e.g. the first character
BF> of the message text, or the character immediately after a hard
BF> carriage return (ignoring any linefeeds)) is a ^A (<control-A>, 01H),
BF> then that line is not displayed as it contains control information.
BF> The convention for such control lines is:
BF> o They begin with ^A
BF> o They end at the end of the physical line (i.e. ignore soft <cr>s).
BF> o They begin with a keyword followed by a colon.
BF> o The keywords are uniquely assigned to applications.
BF> o They keyword/colon pair is followed by application specific data.
BF> b. File Specifications
BF> If one or more of FileAttached, FileRequest, or FileUpdateReq are
BF> asserted in an AttributeWord, the subject{72} field is interpreted as
BF> a list of file specifications which may include wildcards and other
BF> system-dependent data. This list is of the form
BF> FileList = [ FileSpec { Sep FileSpec } ] Null
BF> FileSpec = (* implementation dependent file specification. may
BF> not contain Null or any of the characters in Sep. *)
BF> Sep = ( " " | "," ) { " " }
BF> c. The Packed Message format
BF> To conserve space and eliminate fields which would be meaningless if
BF> sent (e.g. timesRead), messages are packed for transmission. As this
BF> is a data structure which is actually transferred, its definition is
BF> critical to FidoNet. A packed message has a number of fixed length
BF> fields followed by four null terminated strings.
BF> Offset
BF> dec hex
BF> .-----------------------------------------------.
BF> 0 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 2 2 | origNode (low order) | origNode (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 4 4 | destNode (low order) | destNode (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 6 6 | origNet (low order) | origNet (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 8 8 | destNet (low order) | destNet (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 10 A | Attribute (low order) | Attribute (high order)|
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 12 C | cost (low order) | cost (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 14 E | |
BF> ~ DateTime ~
BF> | 20 bytes |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 34 22 | toUserName |
BF> ~ max 36 bytes ~
BF> | null terminated |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> | fromUserName |
BF> ~ max 36 bytes ~
BF> | null terminated |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> | subject |
BF> ~ max 72 bytes ~
BF> | null terminated |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> | text |
BF> ~ unbounded ~
BF> | null terminated |
BF> `-----------------------------------------------'
BF> PakdMessage = 02H 00H (* message type *)
BF> origNode (* of message *)
BF> destNode (* of message *)
BF> origNet (* of message *)
BF> destNet (* of message *)
BF> AttributeWord
BF> cost (* not used *)
BF> DateTime (* message last edited *)
BF> toUserName{36} (* Null terminated *)
BF> fromUserName{36} (* Null terminated *)
BF> subject{72} (* Null terminated *)
BF> text{unbounded} (* Null terminated *)
BF> d. The Packet Header format
BF> The packet contains messages in packed format to be transferred over
BF> the net during a connection. As this data structure is transferred,
BF> its definition is critical to FidoNet.
BF> A packet may contain zero or more packed messages. A packet without
BF> messages is often generated as a poll packet.
BF> Every packet begins with a packet header. The fields of the packet
BF> header are of fixed length.
BF> Offset
BF> dec hex
BF> .-----------------------------------------------.
BF> 0 0 | origNode (low order) | origNode (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 2 2 | destNode (low order) | destNode (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 4 4 | year (low order) | year (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 6 6 | month (low order) | month (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 8 8 | day (low order) | day (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 10 A | hour (low order) | hour (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 12 C | minute (low order) | minute (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 14 E | second (low order) | second (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 16 10 | baud (low order) | baud (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 18 12 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 20 14 | origNet (low order) | origNet (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 22 16 | destNet (low order) | destNet (high order) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 24 18 | prodCode | serialNo |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 26 1A | |
BF> | password (some impls) |
BF> | eight bytes |
BF> | null padded |
BF> | |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 34 22 | origZone (low) (opt) | origZone (high) (opt) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 36 24 | destZone (low) (opt) | destZone (high) (opt) |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 38 26 | fill |
BF> ~ 20 bytes ~
BF> | |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> 58 3A | zero or more |
BF> ~ packed ~
BF> | messages |
BF> +-----------------------+-----------------------+
BF> | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
BF> `-----------------------+-----------------------'
BF> Packet = PacketHeader { PakdMessage } 00H 00H
BF> PacketHeader = origNode (* of packet *)
BF> destNode (* of packet *)
BF> year (* of packet creation, yyyy *)
BF> month (* of packet creation, 0-11 *)
BF> day (* of packet creation, 1-31 *)
BF> hour (* of packet creation, 0-23 *)
BF> minute (* of packet creation, 0-59 *)
BF> second (* of packet creation, 0-59 *)
BF> baud (* not used *)
BF> PacketType (* 02H 00H *)
BF> origNet (* of packet *)
BF> destNet (* of packet *)
BF> prodCode (* write to FTSC for one *)
BF> serialNo (* binary serial number (or null)*)
BF> password (* session password (or null) *)
BF> origZone (* zone of pkt sender (or null) *)
BF> destZone (* zone of pkt receiver (or null)*)
BF> fill[20]
BF> The remainder of the packet consists of packed messages. Each packed
BF> message begins with a message type word 0200H. A pseudo-message
BF> beginning with the word 0000H signifies the end of the packet.
BF> --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv:
BF> Gecko/20101125
BF> * Origin: news://felten.yi.org (2:203/2)
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
* Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)