Text 663, 212 rader
Skriven 2007-02-10 13:53:42 av Mithgol the Webmaster (2:5063/88)
Ärende: [8/11] FidoURL.txt
* written in FTSC_PUBLIC
* also sent to CU.TALK
* also sent to GANJANET.LOCAL
* also sent to RU.FIDO.WWW
* also sent to RU.FIDONET.TODAY
* also sent to RU.FTN.DEVELOP
* also sent to SU.FIDOTECH
* also sent to TITANIC.BEST
textsection 8 of 11 of file FidoURL.txt
textbegin.section Optional parameter "msgid"
The "msgid" optional parameter is used to designate a single
message in the given message base. The value of this parameter
is the contents of MSGID kludge of that message, without the
leading "^MSGID: " string.
MSGID kludges are defined in FTS-0009 and serve well as unique
message identifiers of echomail messages.
Note that the "msgid" optional parameter MAY designate some
message that is not present in the current echomail message
base of the given area. In this case, a Fidonet system MAY ask
its uplink for a rescan of such an area, or use some external
archive of Fidonet echomail messages, or try some other means
of getting the desired message. The designated message is not
available until this actions bring the desired result. And
programs interpreting Fidonet URLs SHOULD NOT discard "msgid"
and pretend that area://<areatag>?<optional-part> designates
the whole area if the desired message can not be accessed
immediately. Optional parameter "mid"
The "mid" optional parameter is used as a shorter equivalent
to the "msgid" parameter. If the optional parameter "msgid"
is not present in a given URL, the value of "mid" parameter
MUST be taken instead the value of "msgid", provided that
"mid" is present.
area://Ru.List.CityCat.State.Politics.WorldStat?mid=2:5063/88+ffffffff Optional parameter "from"
The "from" optional parameter is used to define the Fidonet
netmail address of an individual or service that designated
message(s) originate from.
The value of the "from" parameter uses standard Fidonet
addressing notation, <zone>:<net>/<node>.<point>@<domain>
(see FSP-1004 for details).
If "from" is present in the <optional-part> of an area URL,
no longer designates the whole message base of the given area,
but only the message(s) posted to that area by the specified
node or point. The field of that messages can be narrowed even
further if some other message-identifying parameters are used
in the same URL. Optional parameter "find"
The "find" optional parameter implies that the designated echo
area should be searched for a specific message, or several
messages. The value of that "find" optional parameter contains
a regular expression; the body (bodies) of found message(s)
MUST match that expression.
See section 7.2.3 for the details about regular expressions.
If "find" is present in the <optional-part> of an area URL,
no longer designates the whole message base of the given area,
but only the message(s) that match the specified regular
expression. The field of that messages can be narrowed even
further if some other message-identifying parameters are used
in the same URL.
encoded: ...&find=/\bFido(net)%3f\b/i
regex: /\bFido(net)?\b/i
matches: Fido
matches: FIDOnet
matches: FidoNet
does not match: Fidonet-alike
does not match: Fidobrowser
does not match: fidoshnik
does not match: triffidos
encoded: ...&find=/(P(2P)%7b1,4%7d%7cfile\s%2bexchange)/
regex: /(P(2P){1,4}|file\s+exchange)/
matches: P2P
matches: P2P2P2P
matches: P2P2P2P2P
matches: file exchange
matches: file exchange
does not match: P2P2P2P2PP2P2P2P2P
does not match: P2P2P2P2P2P
does not match: fileexchange
does not match: file_exchange
does not match: p2p
does not match: FiLe ExChanGe
Fidonet messages are able to contain kludges (see technical
details in FTS-4000). Consequently, it is possible for an URL
to designate a set of messages tagged by a certain kludge type
or certain kludge values. The corresponding regular expression
starts with ^\x1 or ^\01 symbols, which mean the begginning of
line immediately followed by the SOH (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1) symbol.
The expression MUST use the multi-line mode of matching ("m"
flag) for the "^" construct to match at the beginning of each
encoded: ...&find=/%5E\01Real\s*name:\s%2B(%3f!\s).%2b/im
regex: /^\01Real\s*name:\s+(?!\s).*/im
Matches all messages with non-empty realname kludges.
Useful for moderators who check how the subscribers
identify themselves.
encoded: ...&find=/%5E\x1Category:\s.*(music%7cweather)/im
regex: /^\x1Category:\s.*(music|weather)/im
matches kludge: Category: music
matches kludge: Category: hardcore music
matches kludge: Category: weather
matches kludge: Category: real life, bad weather, bad mood
Matches all messages that belong to at least one of the
given categories.
Useful to collect a single-theme subset of messages from
a blog or any other information channel with a wide set
of themes.
If there's a need for some URL to contain several regular
expressions and to designate Fidonet messages that match
at least one of those regular expressions, then the URL's
author MUST unite those expressions as alternative branches
of one single pattern (expression1|expression2|...) as shown
in the above category-related example.
If there's a need for some URL to contain several regular
expressions and to designate Fidonet messages that match
every of those regular expressions, then the URL's author MUST
use several "find" parameters in that URL.
Regular expression 1: /^\01Location:\s*Moscow/im
Regular expression 2: /^(?!\x1).*Kremlin/im
Find messages with kludge "Location: Moscow" (or even
"Location:Moscow" without a space) that contain the word
"Kremlin" outside of kludge lines.
Regular expression 1: /^\x1Category:\s/im
Regular expression 2: /^\01Now\s+playing:\s/im
Find messages that contain both kludges "Category: " and
"Now playing: " with training spaces after colon.
With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster. [Real nodelisted name: Sergey Sokoloff]
... 199. I will not make alliances with those more powerful than myself.
--- Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for a while... .hack//SIGN
* Origin: Be careful, the paranoid ones are always wathing you!.. (2:5063/88)