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Möte FTSC_PUBLIC, 13757 texter
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Text 6923, 756 rader
Skriven 2013-12-09 16:14:13 av Roy Witt (1:387/22)
   Kommentar till text 6882 av Michiel van der Vlist (2:280/5555)
Ärende: Why a vote cast is a vote cast
 Brer Michiel van der Vlist wrote to Brer All about Why a vote cast is a
vote cast:

 MvdV> In the 2010 FSTC election Björn Felten requested that
 MvdV> he be allowed to correct his already cast vote. The
 MvdV> EC responded with "let me sleep on it". This is a
 MvdV> summary of the storm of protest that followed. Read
 MvdV> and judge for yourself...

Bjorn wanted to change his vote, not correct a spelling error.

 MvdV> ==== begin ====

 MvdV> == 38937 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 16 Nov 10  18:22:54
 MvdV> From        : Ross Cassell                    1:123/456
 MvdV> To          : Michiel van der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hello Michiel!

 MvdV> 16 Nov 10 22:36, you wrote to Björn Felten:

 MV>> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules
 MV>> for changing a vote that is already cast. OTOH, the rules do
 MV>> not forbid it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only
 MV>> if there are no serious objections from the constituency.
 MV>> It will set a precedent either way. So let me sleep on it.

 MvdV> I protest in the name of protocol..

 MvdV> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules.. Changing
 MvdV> the rules with a vote in progress is unheard of.

 MvdV> I submit:

 MvdV> Had the 2 no votes not been cast, Bjorn would not be pleading to
 MvdV> change his, therefore his regret over his own vote, is a sad
 MvdV> consequence.

 MvdV> I neither cast and up or down vote for Alexey just to avoid being
 MvdV> cast in some negative light, but held back such vote because he did
 MvdV> come across as worrying more about nit picking others than anything
 MvdV> else..

 MvdV> Since Sweden is the cradle of Democracy, I fail to see why Bjorn is
 MvdV> scornful of others making a concious decision.

 MvdV> Do not allow revotes, what you gonna do, allow others to change
 MvdV> their votes if they dont like the direction the outcome is heading?

 MvdV> NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 MvdV> Now if you want, you can after the election, put in a rule or rule
 MvdV> change, which I still would object to a revote, but you could
 MvdV> change the format to allow a yes vote or a non-vote, then each
 MvdV> candidate would have to score 50% or 50%+1 of all voters(*)
 MvdV> counted. You of course would be making this suggestion to the full
 MvdV> FTSC, where we would fight over it and not ever agree.

 MvdV> (*) If 20 voters then 10 or 11 yes votes needed.

 MvdV> However I could see someone pitching a fit over non-votes and
 MvdV> wanting to change their vote, see what happens here..

 MvdV> Dont tilt at windmills Michiel, be strong, I am here for you!

 MvdV> Of course you could make the balloting secret, only publishing the
 MvdV> results after the election concluded, that would be a viable
 MvdV> option.

 MvdV> I can see you balking at this, but you could publicly acknowledge
 MvdV> in here... "RC such and such voted" But dont publish the actual
 MvdV> vote, until it is all tallied and too late.

 MvdV> Felten, you know better than this. You must know ride down downtown
 MvdV> Stockholm, nude on a moose with a Wolf on the loose.

 MvdV> ==
 MvdV> Ross
 MvdV> Fidonet Feeds Or Fidonet In Your Newsreader:
 MvdV> http://www.easternstar.info
 MvdV> E-mail: ross(at)cassell(dot)us | Other Places:
 MvdV> http://links.cassell.us

 MvdV> We hoped and we got change!

 MvdV> ... Liberals hold others to standards that they wont hold to
 MvdV> themselves.
 MvdV> -+- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20060121
 MvdV>  + Origin: The Eastern Star - Spartanburg, SC USA (1:123/456)

 MvdV> == 38943 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 16 Nov 10  21:24:13
 MvdV> From        : Ross Cassell                    1:123/456
 MvdV> To          : Michiel van der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hello Michiel!

 MvdV> 17 Nov 10 01:40, you wrote to me:

 RC>>> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules..

 MV>> Indeed, it is not in the rules. They do not explicitly allow
 MV>> nor forbid it. So it can go either way.

 MvdV> I think that when it comes to something like this, one should not
 MvdV> fall back and say well the rules dont forbid it either.

 MvdV> You leave room open for someone (a candidate) to protest the vote.

 MvdV> You also leave room open for others (RC's and REC's) to also want
 MvdV> to change their vote.

 MvdV> As it is, with each vote you receive, you ack it then follow it
 MvdV> with a tally of all votes counted thus far, including the one you
 MvdV> just acked, now if you allow Bjorn to recast, you are going to
 MvdV> have to allow others to recast, then you get a pissing match if
 MvdV> others decide to recast ballots to counteract other recast votes..

 MvdV> Dont open the box Pandora!

 MvdV> ==
 MvdV> Ross
 MvdV> Fidonet Feeds Or Fidonet In Your Newsreader:
 MvdV> http://www.easternstar.info
 MvdV> E-mail: ross(at)cassell(dot)us | Other Places:
 MvdV> http://links.cassell.us

 MvdV> We hoped and we got change!

 MvdV> ... Taxes are the sexual aphrodesiac for every Democrat.
 MvdV> -+- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20060121
 MvdV>  + Origin: The Eastern Star - Spartanburg, SC USA (1:123/456)

 MvdV> == 38944 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 16 Nov 10  21:48:20
 MvdV> From        : Janis Kracht                     1:261/38
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hi Ross,

 >> I protest in the name of protocol..

 >> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules.. Changing
 >> the rules with a vote in progress is unheard of.

 MvdV> Thank you Ross for pointing this out.

 MvdV> !! Note to Michiel:   where do you draw the line if you allow this?
 MvdV> I'm curious if you've thought it through.

 MvdV> Take care,
 MvdV> Janis

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
 MvdV>  + Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)

 MvdV> == 38945 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 16 Nov 10  21:51:58
 MvdV> From        : Janis Kracht                     1:261/38
 MvdV> To          : Michiel van der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hello Michiel,

 >>>> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules for
 >>>> changing a vote thais already cast. OTOH, the rules do not forbid
 >>>> it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only if there are no
 >>>> serious objections from the constituency. It will set a precedent
 >>>> either way. So let me sleep on it.

 >>> I protest in the name of protocol..

 >> Noted. And as someone with voting rights your opinion carries weight.

 MvdV> Of course it does, my friend.. but please do not forget who asked
 MvdV> their RCs to put you in office!

 >>> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules..

 MvdV> Michiel, if you allow this, where do you draw the line as to WHEN
 MvdV> people may change their vote??  And at WHAT point do you tell
 MvdV> people when that point is?

 MvdV> When you've seen that enough RCs and RECs have said to you, Ok,
 MvdV> this is my final vote.  For goodness sake, you sound like a game
 MvdV> show host over here asking people, "Is that your final answer??"

 MvdV> Seriously..

 MvdV> Take care,
 MvdV> Janis

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
 MvdV>  + Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)

 MvdV> == 38956 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 16 Nov 10  23:12:12
 MvdV> From        : Joe Delahaye                    1:249/303
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV>   Re: Votes received.
 MvdV>   By: Ross Cassell to Michiel van der Vlist on Tue Nov 16 2010
 MvdV> 18:22:54

 >> I protest in the name of protocol..
 >> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules.. Changing the
 >> rules with a vote in progress is unheard of.

 MvdV> I have to agree with that.  Once a vote is cast, it is done.
 MvdV> -+- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
 MvdV>  + Origin: The Lions Den BBS, Trenton, On, CDN (1:249/303)

 MvdV> == 39014 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  00:04:00
 MvdV> From        : Michael Luko                    1:266/512
 MvdV> To          : Michiel Van Der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> -> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules for
 MvdV> -> changing a vote thais already cast. OTOH, the rules do not
 MvdV> forbid -> it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only if there
 MvdV> are no -> serious objections from the constituency. It will set a
 MvdV> precedent -> either way. So let me sleep on it.

 MvdV>     I could see allowing a resubmission based on a technicality or
 MvdV> misunderstanding but not just based on how the voting is proceding.
 MvdV> Unless you are in a vote for one amongst different candidates and
 MvdV> the candidate in which the voter voted dropped out of the race.
 MvdV> Then I could see allowing those who voted for the dropped candidate
 MvdV> to resubmit a vote amongst the remaining candidates. I had a case
 MvdV> last year where I wasn't very clear that on my regional feed back
 MvdV> poll that each candidate was up for election. So I allowed those
 MvdV> who only voted for one candidate to resubmit their ballot
 MvdV> indicating a vote for each candidate unless of course they were
 MvdV> actually abstaining on that candidate.

 MvdV>     If you allow changes based on the way someone doesn't like the
 MvdV> way the results are going. You could run into the problem well so
 MvdV> and so was able to change their vote because they didn't like the
 MvdV> way things were going then I can do the same. We could have an
 MvdV> never ending election process with everyone constantly changing
 MvdV> ballots.

 MvdV> -+- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
 MvdV>  + Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.dtdns.net 856-933-7096
 MvdV> (1:266/512)

 MvdV> == 39008 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  00:09:56
 MvdV> From        : Jon Justvig                       1:298/5
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 >> Of course you could make the balloting secret, only publishing the
 >> results after the election concluded, that would be a viable option.
 >> I can see you balking at this, but you could publicly acknowledge in
 >> here... "RC such and such voted" But dont publish the actual vote,
 >> until it is all tallied and too late.

 MvdV> I really agree with this.  Seeing votes will also tell others to
 MvdV> vote for this person and not this person.  It done secretly and
 MvdV> having the final vote seems like the fair way to me.  Like pick a
 MvdV> number out of a jar, if you win you win. <g>

 MvdV> Sincerely,
 MvdV> Jon Justvig

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.10 Dada-1
 MvdV>  + Origin: Nightfall Ordain (1:298/5) (1:298/5)

 MvdV> == 39015 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  00:17:00
 MvdV> From        : Michael Luko                    1:266/512
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> -> You also leave room open for others (RC's and REC's) to also
 MvdV> want to -> change their vote. -> As it is, with each vote you
 MvdV> receive, you ack it then follow it with -> a tally of all votes
 MvdV> counted thus far, including the one you just -> acked, now if you
 MvdV> allow Bjorn to recast, you are going to have to -> allow others to
 MvdV> recast, then you get a pissing match if others -> decide to recast
 MvdV> ballots to counteract other recast votes.. -> Dont open the box
 MvdV> Pandora!

 MvdV> Or opening a can of worms. :) The voting could go on forever and no
 MvdV> where fast.

 MvdV> -+- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
 MvdV>  + Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.dtdns.net 856-933-7096
 MvdV> (1:266/512)

 MvdV> == 39011 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  00:20:48
 MvdV> From        : Jon Justvig                       1:298/5
 MvdV> To          : Joe Delahaye
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 >> Re: Votes received.
 >> By: Ross Cassell to Michiel van der Vlist on Tue Nov 16 2010 18:22:54
 >>> I protest in the name of protocol..
 >>> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules.. Changing
 >>> the rules with a vote in progress is unheard of.

 >> I have to agree with that.  Once a vote is cast, it is done.

 MvdV> Sounds like a few kids in kindergarden to me. <g>

 MvdV> Sincerely,
 MvdV> Jon Justvig

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.10 Dada-1
 MvdV>  + Origin: Nightfall Ordain (1:298/5) (1:298/5)

 MvdV> == 38939 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  01:40:37
 MvdV> From        : Michiel van der Vlist          2:280/5555
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hello Ross,

 MvdV> On Tuesday November 16 2010 18:22, you wrote to me:

 MV>>> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules for
 MV>>> changing a vote thais already cast. OTOH, the rules do not
 MV>>> forbid it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only if there
 MV>>> are no serious objections from the constituency. It will set a
 MV>>> precedent either way. So let me sleep on it.

 RC>> I protest in the name of protocol..

 MvdV> Noted. And as someone with voting rights your opinion carries
 MvdV> weight.

 RC>> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules..

 MvdV> Indeed, it is not in the rules. They do not explicitly allow nor
 MvdV> forbid it. So it can go either way.

 RC>> Changing the rules with a vote in progress is unheard of.

 MvdV> There is a difference between changing the rules and changing a
 MvdV> vote. Changing the rules while the game is afoot is unheard of.
 MvdV> Changing a vote is not. Not in this part of the world anyway.
 MvdV> Changing a once cast vote is only problematic when votes are
 MvdV> anonymous, as in that case it is not possible to know what the
 MvdV> originally cast vote was that is to be retracted. In open elections
 MvdV> this problem does not exist, so I see no basic problem.

 MvdV> As a matter of fact, my RC - responding to my recomendation to
 MvdV> consult the region - is now collecting votes from the sysops in the
 MvdV> region over this very election. One sysop casted a vote that he
 MvdV> retracted next day and cast a new one. My RC accepted. So it is not
 MvdV> unheard of.

 RC>> I submit:

 RC>> Had the 2 no votes not been cast, Bjorn would not be pleading to
 RC>> change his, therefore his regret over his own vote, is a sad
 RC>> consequence.

 MvdV> Possibly. It is however not for the vote collector or anyone else
 MvdV> to question the motives of the voter. The same applies to a voter
 MvdV> who requests a change of vote. When we deny it to one, we must deny
 MvdV> it to all. When we allow it for one, we must allow it for all.
 MvdV> Irrespective of the voter's motives.

 MvdV> Let's sleep on it.

 MvdV> Cheers, Michiel

 MvdV> -+- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20070503
 MvdV>  + Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)

 MvdV> == 39083 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  09:22:28
 MvdV> From        : Jon Justvig                       1:298/5
 MvdV> To          : Björn Felten
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 >>> I really agree with this. Seeing votes will also tell others to vote
 >>> for this person and not this person.

 >> I totally agree. I was thinking wrongly. In the Swedish governmental
 >> elections you can vote as many times you like, the votes are given a
 >> time stam and the latest vote counts. But that's a closed election,
 >> in an open election like this, of course you should not be allowed to
 >> change your vote once it's being passed.

 >> Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I stand corrected. Please forget my
 >> suggestion
 >> ASAP!

 MvdV> Forgiven.  Just this time and this time only (sales pitch). <g>

 MvdV> Sincerely,
 MvdV> Jon Justvig

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.10 Dada-1
 MvdV>  + Origin: Nightfall Ordain -- stepping.synchro.net:8080 (1:298/5)

 MvdV> == 39084 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  09:27:34
 MvdV> From        : Jon Justvig                       1:298/5
 MvdV> To          : Michiel Van Der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 >> Hello Janis,
 >> On Tuesday November 16 2010 21:48, you wrote to Ross Cassell:

 >>> !! Note to Michiel:   where do you draw the line if you allow this?
 >>> I'm curious if you've thought it through.

 >> I said I was going to sleep on it didn't I? Whan I wrote that, I
 >> already realised that without drawing lines things could get messy
 >> if recasting votes were allowed.

 MvdV> You said that but you must have a had a short nap. <g>

 >> In the meantime I have slept on it.

 MvdV> Bright and fitten like a kitten wearing mittens. <g>

 >> However... the request for a recast is withdrawn, so we can drop the
 >> issue.

 MvdV> Thank goodness.  I wonder too if this was thought all the way
 MvdV> through. None-the-less it is resolved and we can go on with our
 MvdV> merry lives.

 MvdV> Sincerely,
 MvdV> Jon Justvig

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.10 Dada-1
 MvdV>  + Origin: Nightfall Ordain -- stepping.synchro.net:8080 (1:298/5)

 MvdV> == 39104 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  10:55:00
 MvdV> From        : Bob Seaborn                      1:140/12
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 MvdV> For what it's worth, I fully agree.  Once a vote is posted, and
 MvdV> acknowledged, it MUST stand as posted.  No second thoughts, no
 MvdV> changing!

 >> Hello Michiel!
 >> 16 Nov 10 22:36, you wrote to Björn Felten:
 >> MV> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules for
 >> MV> changing a vote thais already cast. OTOH, the rules do not
 >> MV> forbid it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only if there
 >> NV> are no serious objectionsfrom the constituency. It will set a
 >> MV> precedent either way. So let me sleep on it.
 >> I protest in the name of protocol..
 >> If it is not in the rules, then it is not in the rules.. Changing
 >> the rules with a vote in progress is unheard of.
 >> I submit:
 >> Had the 2 no votes not been cast, Bjorn would not be pleading to
 >> change his, therefore his regret over his own vote, is a sad
 >> consequence.
 >> I neither cast and up or down vote for Alexey just to avoid being
 >> cast in some negative light, but held back such vote because he did
 >> come across as worrying more about nit picking others than anything
 >> else..
 >> Since Sweden is the cradle of Democracy, I fail to see why Bjorn is
 >> scornful of others making a concious decision.
 >> Do not allow revotes, what you gonna do, allow others to change
 >> their votes if they dont like the direction the outcome is heading?
 >> NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 >> Now if you want, you can after the election, put in a rule or rule
 >> change, which I still would object to a revote, but you could change
 >> the format to allow a yes vote or a non-vote, then each candidate
 >> would have to score 50% or 50%+1 of all voters(*) counted. You of
 >> course would be making this suggestion to the full FTSC, where we
 >> would fight over it and not ever agree.
 >> (*) If 20 voters then 10 or 11 yes votes needed.
 >> However I could see someone pitching a fit over non-votes and
 >> wanting to change their vote, see what happens here..
 >> Dont tilt at windmills Michiel, be strong, I am here for you!
 >> Of course you could make the balloting secret, only publishing
 >> the results after the election concluded, that would be a viable
 >> option.
 >> I can see you balking at this, but you could publicly acknowledge
 >> in here... "RC such and such voted" But dont publish the actual
 >> vote, until it is all tallied and too late.
 >> Felten, you know better than this. You must know ride down
 >> downtown Stockholm, nude on a moose with a Wolf on the loose.
 >> ==
 >> Ross
 >> Fidonet Feeds Or Fidonet In Your Newsreader:
 >> http://www.easternstar.infoE-mail: ross(at)cassell(dot)us | Other
 >> Places: http://links.cassell.us
 >> We hoped and we got change!
 >> ... Liberals hold others to standards that they wont hold to
 >> themselves.--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20060121
 >>  * Origin: The Eastern Star - Spartanburg, SC USA (1:123/456)

 MvdV> -+- GEcho/32 & IM 2.50
 MvdV>  + Origin: RC17 (email to rc17@fidonet.ca) (1:140/12)

 MvdV> == 39035 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  11:08:56
 MvdV> From        : Björn Felten                     2:203/2
 MvdV> To          : Jon Justvig
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 JJ>> I really agree with this. Seeing votes will also tell others to
 JJ>> vote for this person and not this person.

 MvdV>   I totally agree. I was thinking wrongly. In the Swedish
 MvdV> governmental elections you can vote as many times you like, the
 MvdV> votes are given a time stamp and the latest vote counts. But that's
 MvdV> a closed election, in an open election like this, of course you
 MvdV> should not be allowed to change your vote once it's being passed.

 MvdV>    Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I stand corrected. Please forget my
 MvdV> suggestion ASAP!

 MvdV> -+- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv:
 MvdV> Gecko/20101027
 MvdV>  + Origin: news://felten.yi.org (2:203/2)

 MvdV> == 39062 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  12:52:06
 MvdV> From        : Michiel van der Vlist          2:280/5555
 MvdV> To          : Janis Kracht
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hello Janis,

 MvdV> On Tuesday November 16 2010 21:48, you wrote to Ross Cassell:

 JK>> !! Note to Michiel:   where do you draw the line if you allow
 JK>> this? I'm curious if you've thought it through.

 MvdV> I said I was going to sleep on it didn't I? When I wrote that, I
 MvdV> already realised that without drawing lines things could get messy
 MvdV> if recasting votes were allowed.

 MvdV> In the meantime I have slept on it.

 MvdV> However... the request for a recast is withdrawn, so we can drop
 MvdV> the issue.

 MvdV> Cheers, Michiel

 MvdV> -+- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20070503
 MvdV>  + Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)

 MvdV> == 39110 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  13:49:30
 MvdV> From        : Janis Kracht                     1:261/38
 MvdV> To          : Michiel van der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hi Michiel,

 >>> !! Note to Michiel:   where do you draw the line if you allow this?
 >>> I'm curious if you've thought it through.

 >> I said I was going to sleep on it didn't I?

 MvdV> Yes, you did.. Why you felt you had to say such a thing says a lot
 MvdV> to me.

 >> However... the request for a recast is withdrawn, so we can drop
 >> the issue.

 MvdV> Take care,
 MvdV> Janis

 MvdV> -+- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
 MvdV>  + Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)

 MvdV> == 39085 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 17 Nov 10  16:50:14
 MvdV> From        : Michiel van der Vlist          2:280/5555
 MvdV> To          : Ross Cassell
 MvdV> Subject     : Voting rules
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> Hello Ross,

 MvdV> On Tuesday November 16 2010 18:22, you wrote to me:

 RC>> Now if you want, you can after the election, put in a rule or
 RC>> rule change,

 MvdV> The rules are laid down in FTA-1000. I do not have the mandate to
 MvdV> change that all by my self.

 RC>> course would be making this suggestion to the full FTSC, where
 RC>> we would fight over it and not ever agree.

 MvdV> That's FidoNet for you. We can never reach consesnsus, so trying to
 MvdV> change the election rules wpould probably be the umpteenth exercise
 MvdV> in futility.

 RC>> Of course you could make the balloting secret, only publishing
 RC>> the results after the election concluded, that would be a viable
 RC>> option.

 MvdV> A secret ballot is fine if all the voters are in the same room,
 MvdV> write their vote on a voting slip, which are then thrown in a hat
 MvdV> and counted.

 MvdV> If they are not physically in the same room with the vote
 MvdV> collector(s) there is nothing that stops the vote collector from
 MvdV> manipulating the votes. It has happened. Even in R28.

 MvdV> Cheers, Michiel

 MvdV> -+- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20070503
 MvdV>  + Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)

 MvdV> == 39264 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 18 Nov 10  16:46:26
 MvdV> From        : Roger Nelson                     1:3828/7
 MvdV> To          : Michiel van der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------
 MvdV> On Tue 2010-Nov-16 22:36, Michiel van der Vlist (2:2/20) wrote to
 MvdV> Björn Felten:

 MvdV>> Hello Björn,

 MvdV>> On Tuesday November 16 2010 14:23, you wrote to me:

 BF>>    Dear Mr. Voting Admin, I only voted for the two persons that
 BF>> I know from way back, but please accept my alternate vote:

 MvdV>> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules
 MvdV>> for changing a vote thais already cast. OTOH, the rules do not
 MvdV>> forbid it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only if there
 MvdV>> are no serious objections from the constituency. It will set a
 MvdV>> precedent either way. So let me sleep on it.

 MvdV> I wouldn't.  Once a vote is cast, it is done.  If you allow this
 MvdV> you will be opening Pandora's Box.

 MvdV> Regards,

 MvdV> Roger
 MvdV> -+- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
 MvdV>  + Origin: NCS BBS - Houma, LA - (1:3828/7)
 MvdV> == 39267 ================================================
 MvdV> Date        : 18 Nov 10  21:04:09
 MvdV> From        : mark lewis                      1:3634/12
 MvdV> To          : Michiel van der Vlist
 MvdV> Subject     : Votes received.
 MvdV> --------------------------------------------------------

 BF>>    Dear Mr. Voting Admin, I only voted for the two persons that
 BF>> I know from way back, but please accept my alternate vote:

 MvdV>> Hmmm... I don't know. There is no provision in the rules for
 MvdV>> changing a vote thais already cast. OTOH, the rules do not
 MvdV>> forbid it either. I lean towards allowing it, but only if there
 MvdV>> are no serious objections from the constituency. It will set a
 MvdV>> precedent either way. So let me sleep on it.

 RN>> I wouldn't.  Once a vote is cast, it is done.  If you allow this
 RN>> you will be opening Pandora's Box.

 MvdV> i have to agree... it has never been done before and it is not
 MvdV> allowed in any other voting procedures that i'm aware of... if
 MvdV> there is a procedure for a revote, then that would possibly come
 MvdV> into play depending on the circumstances...

 MvdV> one might also take a look at history and look at the negative
 MvdV> votes i got for my actions during the campanging portion of the
 MvdV> last election process ;)

 MvdV> )\/(ark

 MvdV>  + Origin:  (1:3634/12)

 MvdV> ==== end ====

 MvdV> With thanks to Kees van Eeten for opening his archive.

 MvdV> --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20110320
 MvdV>  * Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)

         R\%/itt - K5RXT

 Reminder: "On Friday September 8th 2006, Mike Godwin's 16 year experiment
 was concluded and Godwin's Law was officially repealed by a MAJORITY vote
 among millions of individuals." http://repealgodwin.tripod.com/

--- Ya have ta ask yourself: What Would Roy Witt Do?
 * Origin: Lone-Star Hub - Gulf Coast Distribution - USA  (1:387/22)