Text 8798, 197 rader
Skriven 2016-11-24 23:59:03 av TequilaMockingbird Online (49858.2ftscpubl)
Ärende: New Files Received
System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native
The following files were received today:
>Area : DBNDIFF : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodediff
DBNETDIF.A30 205 DBNET Nodediff
Orig: 1:229/426
205 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DBNLIST : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodelist
DBNETLST.A30 1138 DBNET Nodelist
Orig: 1:229/426
1138 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
nodediff.z30 1721 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z30
Orig: 1:261/38
1721 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
i-argus.z30 13460 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2016-11-25 (330)
Orig: 3:712/848
13460 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
AP161124.ZIP 1713009 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Orig: 1:393/68
1713009 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
nodediff.a30 2169 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a30
Orig: 1:261/38
2169 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
nodelist.z30 73410 FidoNet nodelist for day 330, 2016
Orig: 1:261/38
73410 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
pasnlist.z29 199 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
Orig: 115:115/16
199 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
DAILYWET.ZIP 754771 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
from NOAA and wisc.edu
Orig: 1:393/68
754771 bytes in 1 file(s)
>Total 2560082 bytes in 9 file(s)
Magic Names:
FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online
The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
.REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.
For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:
1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my
2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404
266 == 010a
404 == 0194
ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req
3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
is not their primary zone...
move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req
4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...
echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo
5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
and/or response messages...
1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my
2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
is not their primary zone...
move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req
[ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]
3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
poll... a ?LO file is required...
echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo
The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this
4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
and/or response messages...
I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should
All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:
Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
--- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
* Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)