Text 3993, 206 rader
Skriven 2006-04-24 01:07:50 av Greg Sears (3:633/104)
Kommentar till en text av George Pope
Ärende: Re: Phonetic Alphabet
-=[06-Apr-2006 14:31, George Pope wrote IN a message to All]=-
GP> The same old standard phonetic alphabet (which you
> would use to describe spelling "Wilson" as "Whiskey, India,
> Lima, Sierra, Oscar, November") has been used by aircraft
> pilots, millitary personnel, and many others for many years
> now. So, I finally decided to come up with something a bit
> more "original" for those people who annoy me:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C U T >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> People don't ask me to spell anything over the
> phone anymore.
G-day George Pope, that would be good for telemarketers!! ;-)))
> OBJoke: for the moderator of FIDONET's "FUNNY Jokes and Stories" echo
1) Beware the lightning that lurketh in the un-discharged capacitor,
lest it cause thee to bounce upon thy buttocks in a most
untechnician-like manner.
2) Cause thou the switch that supplieth large quantities of juice to be
opened and thusly tagged, that thy day in this earthly vale of tears
may be long.
3) Prove to thyself that all circuits that radiateth and upon which
thou worketh are grounded and thusly tagged lest they lift thee to
radio frequency potential and cause thee to make like a radiator,
4) Tarry not amongst those fools that engageth in intentional shocks,
for they are surely non-believers and are not long for this world.
5) Take care that thou useth the proper method when thou takes the
measure of a high voltage circuit lest thou incinerate both thyself
and thy meter, for verily, though thou hast no account number and
can be easily surveyed, thy test meter doth have one and, as a
consequence, bringeth much woe unto the supply department.
6) Take care thou tampereth not with safety devices and interlocks, for
this incureth the wrath of the supervisor and bringeth the fury of
the safety inspector upon thy head and shoulders.
7) Work thou not on energized equipment, for if thou dost, thy fellow
workers will surely buy beers for thy widow and console her in other
8) Service thou not equipment alone, for electrical cooking is a
slothful process and thou might sizzle in thine own fat for hour
upon a hot circuit before thy Maker sees fit to end thy misery.
9) Trifle thou not with radioactive tubes and substances lest thou
commence to glow in the dark like a lightning bug and thy wife have
no further use for thee except thy wages.
10) Thou shall not make unauthorized modifications to equipment, but
causeth thou to be recorded all field changes and authorized
modifications made by thee lest thy successor tear his hair out and
go slowly mad in his attempt to decide what manner of creature hath
made a nest in the wiring of such equipment.
> OBProverbs: for |<+]::-( ("Cyberpope"(the Bishop of ROM!))
1) "As a matter of fact" is an expression that precedes many an
expression that isn't.
2) But officer, I was only trying to gain enough speed so I could coast
to the nearest gas station.
3) I don't think they could put him on a mental hospital. On the other
hand, if he were already in, I don't think they would let him out.
4) Lord, please let me find a one-armed economist so we won't always
hear "on the other hand..."
5) The student in question is performing minimally for his peer group
and is an emerging underachiever!
6) $100 placed at 7% interest compounded quarterly for 200 years will
increase to more than $100,000,000 - by which time it will be worth
(a) Completion of any task within the allocated time and budget does not
bring credit upon the performance personnel-- it merely proves that
the task was easier than expected.
(b) Failure to complete any task within the allocated time and budget
proves that the task was more difficult than expected and requires
promotion for those in charge.
7) Cost consciousness and sophisticated design are basically
8) The less management demands of engineers and scientists, the greater
their productivity.
9) TRC eht edisni deppart ma I !pleH
10) 7:30, Channel 7: Bewitched. Tabatha gets carsick and turns Darin
into a plastic bag. 8:00, The Bionic Dog. The Bionic Dog gets a
horrible short-circuit and violates the Mann Act with an interstate
Greyhound bus. 9:00, Channel 5; I Dream of Jeannie. Jeannie and
Major Nelson discover new things to do with Jeannie's bottle.
11) A "critic" is a person who creates nothing and thereby feels
qualified to judge the work of creative people. There is logic in
this; he is unbiased-- he hates all creative people equally.
12) A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.
13) A ball hitting a tree shall be deemed not to have hit the tree.
Hitting a tree is simply bad luck and has no place on a scientific
game. The player should estimate the distance the ball would have
travelled if it had not hit the tree and play the ball from there,
preferably atop a nice firm tuft of grass.
14) A ball sliced or hooked into the rough shall be lifted and placed on
the fairway at a point equal to the distance it carried or rolled
onto the rough. Such veering right or left frequently results from
friction between the face of the club and the cover of the ball and
the player should not be penalized for the erratic behavior of the
ball resulting from such uncontrollable physical phenomena.
15) A bathroom hook will be loaded to capacity immediately upon becoming
available. This also applies to freeways, closets, playgrounds,
downtown hotels, taxis, parking lots, wallets, purses, pockets, and
so on. The list is endless.
16) A bird in the hand is safer than two overhead.
17) A camel is a horse planned by committee.
18) A characteristic of the normal child is he doesn't act that way very
19) A carelessly planned project takes three times longer than expected;
a carefully planned project will only take twice as long.
20) A clean limerick is a contradiction in terms.
21) A committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brain.
22) A committee is a thing which takes a week to do what one good man
can do in an hour.
23) A company is known by the people it keeps.
24) A compromise is the art of dividing the cake in such a way that each
one thinks he is getting the biggest piece.
25) A coward is a hero with a wife, kids, and a mortgage.
26) A cynic is a person searching for an honest man, with a stolen
27) A cynic is man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a
28) A dress that zips up the back will bring a husband and wife
29) A fake fortune teller can be tolerated, but an authentic soothsayer
should be shot on sight. Cassandra did not get half the kicking
around that she deserved.
30) A foot is a device for finding furniture in the dark.
31) A friend of mine stopped smoking, drinking, overeating, and chasing
women all at the same time. It was a lovely funeral.
32) A good name will wear out; a bad one may be turned; a nickname lasts
33) A guy has to get fresh once in a while so the girl doesn't lose her
34) A king's castle is his home.
35) A lie in time saves nine.
36) A little help at the right time is better than a lot of help at the
wrong time.
37) A little ignorance can go a long way.
38) A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off
more than he can chew.
39) A man said to the universe, "Sir, I exist." "However," replied the
universe, "the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."
40) A man should be greater than some of his parts.
41) A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches
is never sure.
42) A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
43) A meeting is a place where people get together to talk about what
they should be doing.
44) A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the
45) A motion to adjourn is always in order.
46) A new broom sweeps clean, but the old brush knows the corners.
47) A nickname is the heaviest stone the devil can throw at a man.
48) A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the
49) A pedestrian hit me and went under my car.
50) A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell.
51) A person who can't lead and won't follow makes a dandy roadblock.
52) A phenomenon known to anyone who has ever lit fires: You can throw a
burnt match out the window of your car and start a forest fire while
you can use two boxes of matches and a whole edition of the Sunday
paper without being able to start a fire under the dry logs in your
53) A piece of electronic equipment is housed is a beautifully designed
cabinet, and at the side or on top is a little box containing the
components which the designer forgot to make room for.
54) A pipe give a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick
in his mouth.
55) A plucked goose doesn't lay golden eggs.
56) A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits.
57) A politician will always tip off his true belief by stating the
opposite at the beginning of the sentence. For maximum
comprehension, so not start listening until the first clause is
concluded. Begin instead at the word "but" which begins the second,
or active, clause. This is the way to tell a liberal from a
conservative--before they tell you. Thus: "I have always believed
in a strong national defense, second to none, but..." (a liberal,
about to propose a $20 billion defense cut).
58) A pretty woman is a welcome guest.
59) A professor's enthusiasm for teaching the introductory course varies
inversely with his likelihood of having to do it.
60) A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.
61) A quick response is worth a thousand logical responses.
62) A real friend is a person who, when you've made a fool of yourself,
lets you forget it.
63) A realist lets circumstances decide which end of the telescope to
look through.
. . . . o o o o o
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oo oo 'oo OOOO-| oo\_ I C E-man
... Cool! I figured out the Sysop's passwor$>@7& NO CARRIER
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* Origin: Afraid of the competition? We ARE the Competition! (3:633/104)