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Möte FUNNY, 4886 texter
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Text 4398, 912 rader
Skriven 2006-05-20 10:34:00 av Poindexter Fortran
     Kommentar till en text av Dove.general
Ärende: BBS quotes from days gone
"Fritos." "Cheetos." "Doritos." Can't you SEE?!? Wake UP, America!
     -- Mr. Bad

"Pussyfoot" is a really weird word, if you think about it too long.
     -- Mr. Bad

5 days/24 beers per day = 110 beers per person. Definitely kegger time. Don't
you just love math sometimes?
     -- Johnnie Royale

Universal Studios is about as much fun as getting a summons.
     -- Tjames Madison

All I ask is that everyone else in the world be as mediocre as me. Is that so
     -- Mr. Bad

All of the Hansons should be strapped into a Sod-O-Matic.
     -- Gene

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your
mouth shut.
     -- Ernest Hemingway

Any magazine without double penetration is a waste of time.
     -- Mr. Bad

Anyone who capitalizes Punk Rock or Artist, even inside the privacy of their
own brain, should be fucking shot.
     -- The Compulsive Splicer

Argg!!!!! I just spilled beer all over my mail server!
     -- Ratsnatcher

As Americans, we reserve the right to mispronounce, misspell, fuck, or kill
anything that crosses our path. This is
why the French can't stand us.
     -- The Compulsive Splicer

As your attorney... I advise you to get drunk. As a drunk... I advise to go
for it.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Attach an applet to everything. Over load the front page like a Mexican fruit
     -- Flesh

Bad People drink bad beer.
     -- HST

Bad things happen when you drop a four pack of Guinness on the ground when you
are trying to remove it from
the car.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Bandwidth doesn't matter.
     -- Pao-Tzu

Beaujolais, baby!
     -- Ratsnatcher

Beer is Civilization.
     -- Jeff Gerstmann

Better seek treatment before you start imagining that Marilyn Monroe is your
     -- Master Squid

Blackhawks are just big, dumb troop carriers, like flying AC Transit buses.
     -- Tjames Madison

Both porn and Mars seems to get you guys all hot and bothered.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Btw, I'm stinkin' drunk, and its great!! YEHAW!
     -- Ms. Bunnypenny

But that was pretty cool how Steven Segal faxed for help using his Newton on
that hijacked train in "Under Siege
2." You never know when you might need something less conspicous than a
     -- Ratsnatcher

Calling Pigdog a "Weblog" is like calling Charlie Manson a folk singer.
     -- Patient Joab

Canada should be dissolved and given to the Tongans.
     -- Master Squid

Check's in the mail. Don't cash it until the year 2002.
     -- Tjames Madison

Coors Light is not a beer... it is crime against humanity.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Discussions about Java are good and natural and embody everything that is
clean and good about the world.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Divide people up in terms of are they assholes, creeps, or walking corpses.
     -- Flesh

Do you ever just punch domain names into Netscape and hope something comes up?
     -- Mr. Bad

Don't be dissin' on my wine, you potatoe drinkin' head-freezer.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Down, Bronco, he's mine!
     -- Bill Murray as HST

     -- Binky

Evan lives in a world of discriminating junkies...
     -- Negative Nancy

Everybody has to call me "Bluto" from now on.
     -- Mr. Bad

Everyone knows the DEA has the best Christmas office parties...
     -- Geoff We@sel

Everything was working fine an hour ago, and I didn't break the Internet,
     -- Tjames Madison

Expensive tequila means you just pay more for your evil.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Fear is the enemy and anarchy is our supply line!
     -- Mr. Bad

Fear of the Tenderloin ranks up there with fear of the monsters under your
     -- The Compulsive Splicer

Finns are a subset of drunks...
     -- Johnnie Royale

For those of you who don't think you are bad, all I can say is: you're bad.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Frames don't kill web sites... designers kill web sites.
     -- Master Squid

Freaks also need to be divided into two categories, the really scary freaks
and the just sorta cute & cuddly freaks.
     -- Lisa Scovel

Fuck vision.
     -- Gene

Fuck yeah. Tell it like it is.
     -- LiquorPig

Fun FIRST. Cultural statements second.
     -- Thom 'Starky' Stark

Getting reasoned consensus is for pussies.
     -- Mr. Bad

Give me your nipples!
     -- Doctor Murdock

God damn it, this is Pigdog... proud home of Literalist Fuckhead Pills - (now
made with Angst BTW) - so we take
everything very seriously and without humor - you shithead you. Now go away.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Goddamn swamp dwelling, WebTV-using, OS/2 licking, dogshit gobbling hillbilly
     -- Ratsnatcher

Grad students are the burger flippers of science.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Guess what I brought back from Europe: _GRAPE_ flavored Mentos! They're crazy!
     -- ICBINJ

Guinness at 6:30 AM! Delicious!
     -- Ratsnatcher

Guinness is Pigdog and Pigdog is Guinness.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Guinness, deep thick nutrient soup of the soul.
     -- Mr. Bad

Heh heh heh. Say what you want about me, Dixie Buttmunch, but OS/2 is dead,
dead, dead like Jackie G. and no
amount of Evan-baiting is going to bring it back.
     -- Mr. Bad

Hehe. RTFM, baby
     -- Crackmonkey

How the fuck did PBS swing a deal with Marvel to get fucking *SpiderMan* on a
hippy freak commie show like
The Electric Company?
     -- Mr. Bad

I always get goosebumps when I hear Terrence & Phillip sing "Oh Canada."
     -- Vulpes

I am a cur without honor.
     -- Mr. Bad

I am completely drunk ... Surprise, Surprise, Surprise...
     -- Johnnie Royale

I am not Spock.
     -- Leonard Nimoy

I corrupted their offspring with various hallicinogenic drugs and cheap rum.
     -- Flesh

I dance in my sleep, and fly; waking, I am clumsy and earthbound.
     -- Juggler Vain

I disappear in a puff of logic!
     -- Doctor Murdock

I don't create the legend... merely report it.
     -- Spock

I don't think one has to be very evolved to find a job in Idaho.
     -- Gene

I feel tingly and clued in! Let's do a website and build robots!
     -- Tjames Madison

I get real mean when I'm sober.
     -- P A U L

I got Unix in my kitchen, bay-bee! WHOO HOO!
     -- Arkuat

I got depressed cause my motherboard keeps giving me a Blue Screen of Death
(BSOD) and so I decided to drink
     -- Johnnie Royale

I had some creepy sweet pale beer that tasted like shit. I hate that kind of
stuff. I wonder why I do that to myself.
Maybe it's a self-loathing thing.
     -- Mr. Bad

I hate this keyboard...as soon as I send this message - one piece becomes
     -- Johnnie Royale

I hate you all. Suck my gooey wad of hate.
     -- Mr. Bad

I have enough hard alcohol in the house right now to get 5th SS Panzer
Division tanked or the entire Senate
(including those young cute female pages that Strom and Kennedy like) ripped.

But I guess I can always use some more.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I hear that Boris is cracking down on Russian hillbilly moonshine...
     -- Ratsnatcher

I imagine I can last until the absinthe runs out; then, I'm afraid, I'll have
to work.
     -- HST

I know all about riding unicycles, as I went to circus school.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I know it would like suck and all for everybody else, but I am sorry, I would
like to be responsible for crashing the
universe. I can just see myself saying "Oooppss, I didn't mean to do that....
say you guys should have made this
like idiot proof."
     -- Johnnie Royale

I like this gun.
     -- Master Squid

I like throwing stones in glass houses.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I need a smoke
     -- Juggler Vain

I never said I was cool.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I no longer have a soul, having bartered it long ago for dashing good looks
and a handful of super-powers.
     -- Lenny Tuberose

I only need 4GB to list all of my faults. Tho' I have to use tiny fonts to fit
it all in.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I really should drink more, but I just don't have the energy...
     -- Johnnie Royale

I really shouldn't have gone to the game as I had so much work to do around
the house, but it was nice to actually
see the sun - it is yellow you know.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I say we nuke Canada 'til it glows.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I spent about three hours tonight reading the journals of the Donner Party for
no real good reason, except to
think, "Hey, wouldn't it suck to be in the Donner Party?"
     -- Tjames Madison

I take my hillbilly hat off to you.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I think God would have written the universe in a higher level language than
     -- Johnnie Royale

I think I need to develop a new character flaw or two.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I think every motorcycle bar should be just packed with delicate little
unescorted girls. And all bars should also
serve ham.
     -- Mr. Bad

I think that I'm no longer treading water, but being swept downstream.
     -- Juggler Vain

I think there's more to it than meets the eye. Marimba is part of an organized
plot of some kind.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I think we should fucking nuke Canada. Especially the French part of Canada.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I think you're a hypocrite for calling me a hypocrite for calling you a
     -- Mr. Bad

I thought about buying a Miata once. Actually, two Miata's. One for each butt
     -- Master Squid

I thought you were registered under the USDA "Soil Bank" program. Like, by
law, you have to let the job fields
lay fallow.
     -- Mr. Bad

I trust you as far as Stephen Hawking can throw you.
     -- Flesh

I want a picture of my ass to travel to a comet and then back to Earth and
then get put in a museum.
     -- Mr. Bad

I was thinking about how Don King once kicked a guy to death just because that
guy owed him twenty bucks. I
mean, it wasn't even the twenty bucks, it was just the principle of the thing.
Man, I wish some guy owed ME
twenty bucks!
     -- Reid Rottach

I wish you were a Pez dispenser so I could eat candy out of your neck.
     -- Gar's Sister

I woke up at 9:00 PM yesterday, so I'm going to save my bottles of stout for
this afternoon when I watch
Columbo. I'm really into Columbo now.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I wonder how the engineering would change if the racecars had to race through
peanut butter and the cars had to
be made entirely out of wicker.
     -- Mr. Bad

I would disarm the entire world, because it would be cool to see people have
massive battles using only their teeth
and nails. Those of us who floss regularly would soon rule the earth!
     -- Mr. Bad

I'd like a bumper sticker that says "Pillage Globally, Profit Locally."
     -- Trevor 'Fuckhead' Johnson

I'm a lazy, drunken hillbilly with a heart full of hate.
     -- HST

I'm getting out of Concord while the speed addicts on my block are still
relatively few.
     -- Master Squid

I'm just going to lay down, drink a couple of shots of Canadian Whiskey and
accept the fact that I'm this week's
official Pigdog nuclear missile target.
     -- Flesh

I'm opting out for no particular reason than to just be difficult.
     -- Johnnie Royale

I've been working on my resume for 10 solid years, but when it gets done, it
will be exquisite.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I've got a bottle of Swathmore Vinyards Merlot from South Africa sitting here
that I could open right now. But I'm
saving it, see. That's how much control I have.
     -- Ratsnatcher

I've left enough things hanging that they can't afford to fire me.
     -- Mr. Bad

Identity is what Pigdog slaps on you with a white-hot branding iron
     -- Flesh

If Microsoft products drag korporate Amerika into the sewer, so much the
     -- Arkuat

If Zach dropped a bottle of $69 dollar liquor, I think I would kill him.
     -- Johnnie Royale

If bodybuilding is an art, some of the people on this list would qualify as
     -- Quaker State Tapioca Rupture

If only Jake Busey knew how much we appreciated his art, I'm sure he'd drop
everything and join us.
     -- Johnnie Royale

If there's one thing Christianity is all about, it's sexy names.
     -- Crackmonkey

If you space out your little rants a bit more, you'd probably get bigger
     -- Crackmonkey

In 20 years we'll all be driving around in electric flying cars anyway.
     -- Tjames Madison

In the future, as to not create any more controversy, I will limit my
affection and genuine liking of people to a
"High Five" or a head butt.
     -- Amy

Isn't it wonderful that, despite our differences, we're united in our mutual
love of beer?
     -- Mr. Bad

Isn't there a special realtime version of Linux just for robots?
     -- Ratsnatcher

It is 100% proven that BSD has a better mascot.
     -- Ratsnatcher

It is weird to feel normal
     -- Sylvia

It takes a nation of mandrills to keep us down.
     -- Tjames Madison

It'd be interesting to tally how many different laws you'd be breaking by
importing a 15-year-old sex slave.
     -- Mr. Bad

It's my experience that it's better to blow the monkeys AFTER you give them a
nice, warm enema.
     -- Tjames Madison

It's the fucking Web. Don't expect documentation.
     -- Mr. Bad

Jesus, at least get a thesaurus, or a dictionary that includes the "big" words
or something.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Journalists are only interested in buffets and vacations, which is not a bad
ideal, really, but doesn't make them any
more qualified to put stuff before the public record than you or I.
     -- Tjames Madison

Just be glad that someone is willing to pay for you to learn how to freeze
     -- Johnnie Royale

Knowing what a bunch of capitalistic swine you guys are, I'd bet you'd rent
that guy the inflatable sheep by the
     -- Johnnie Royale

Last night I was at Denny's in Emeryville, and security guards wearing big
uniforms, leather gloves, batons, and
sidearms (45's maybe) seated us!! They weren't just standing around like
normal security guards, they were the
     -- Ratsnatcher

Life's too short to go out with RenFaire people.
     -- Mr. Bad

Living on beer, American Spirits and Sobe.
     -- Mr. Bad

Madness has no purpose. Or reason. But it may have a goal.
     -- Spock

Man! I didn't even know they _had_ retarded monkey whorehouses. Cool!
     -- Mr. Bad

Man, what a shitty week I am having... grumpy doesn't even begin to describe
my mood. Chachi, say something
stupid so I can yell at you.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Maximum strength opiates barely dull the buzzsaw katzenjammering in my head...
     -- Ratsnatcher

Maybe if you didn't keep the Internet under that leaky sink of yours, we'd be
a little better off.
     -- Mr. Bad

Maybe you could drip a little more sarcasm. You would be like the queen in
ALIENS, with so much dripping.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Meg said I could kiss her ankle if I crawled all the way across the floor on
the knuckles of my toes. And I did.
     -- Doctor Murdock

Mississippi should teach their high school kids not to get in cars piloted by
huge, sweaty, satan-worshipping freaks
on mescaline.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Moral: Never use Windows.
     -- Ratsnatcher

My Finn side usually wins any arguments concerning alcohol.
     -- Johnnie Royale

My bowels are as strong as any man's! I bet yours give out at about 10
     -- Ratsnatcher

My new favorite radio station for tonight is Energy 103.4 in Berlin.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Never tell me what you hate.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Never trust a man in a blue trenchcoat; never drive a car when you're dead.
     -- Tom Waits

No more Task Force Smiths!
     -- The Compulsive Splicer

No surgery could hide the sparkle of brilliant nuck clone mastermind evil that
you have in your eyes.
     -- Mr. Bad

No, you don't understand, Michael. I *do* always have to be an ass. It's all
I have left.
     -- Tjames Madison

Nobody runs any real applications anyway. The whole purpose of personal
computing is to tinker with shit.
Everybody else (who isn't tinkering) is only using their Pentium
Professionals as glorified typewriters.
Applications, ha ha ha.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Not even a vulcan can know the unknown.
     -- Spock

Now, I'm no artist, but I'm crazy, and I know how to burn stuff up and talk
like a redneck.
     -- Tjames Madison

OLE... yuck. "Hey Jed, this here Word document gots a VIDEO in it!"
     -- Tjames Madison

Of what need is comedy if there is beer?
     -- Gene

Oh crappity-crap.

I spend all that time filling in all the questions, and now I guess they sent
my report off to the fake email address I
entered on the first page.
     -- P A U L

Oh, yeah, ok, that well teach me to read pigdog after several Guinnesses....

Err... ok, so I lied... it won't teach me anything
     -- Johnnie Royale

Okay, I'm a humble coding monkey who wants to grow jungles in the Virgo
Cluster. So sue me.
     -- Arkuat

Once you accept the Bozo that is within yourself, you can accept the Bozo that
is within us ALL. And they all had
the best Christmas ever.
     -- Tjames Madison

One wonders how prior generations survived and flourished without the Internet
and alt.binaries.clits.
     -- Johnnie Royale

People are waiting in line just to kill your dog.
     -- Doctor Murdock

Perfectly legal explosions are just NO FUN.
     -- Master Squid

Personally I think it is a shitty suggestion... and since this is America...
I don't have to justify my reasons.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Personally, I wouldn't fly all the way to Dimension Q to save Hawkman's
useless ass, but that's just me.
     -- Mr. Bad

Physics is the operating system, Chemistry is the programming language, and
Biology is the development
     -- The Compulsive Splicer

Pigdog is a wretched hive of vulgarity and gizmo-phallocentricity.
     -- Chachi

Pigdog is dead. Long live Pigdog.
     -- P A U L

Pigdog is its own mobile amusement park - just add alcohol and stand back.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Quit being so NANCY. Next you'll be drinking Amstel Light.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Quit quipping at me. You're just mad because I reduced you to gurgling
epithets in the aliens debate.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Real men read directly from the mail spool with cat.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Real world programming borders on the criminal, which is outside your thought
     -- Master Squid

RoR, man... deli meat and black, black blood
     -- Doctor Murdock

Sauron was just sort of like Moses, except with an attitude and Orcs instead
of the Jews.
     -- Tjames Madison

Situationist. Heh heh heh heh heh. Damn, doesn't the _idea_ of being a
"Situationist" just crack you up?
     -- Mr. Bad

Sometimes you just have to say, "Let it go..it's Chinatown.."
     -- Thom 'Starky' Stark

Somewhere people are plotting against you and I am probably among them.
     -- Doctor Murdock

Speaking of fuckheads, what happened to Trevor Johnson?
     -- Arkuat

Spock would use Linux.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Strapping a corpse onto a motorcycle is real gross, even if it is the decaying
corpse of your father.
     -- Ratsnatcher

     -- Devo

Tell me some more truisms, I need the sleep.
     -- Master Squid

Thanks for the free diagnoses, but I prefer my doctors to have more than two
brain cells to rub to together. Some
minimum education beyond grade school would be nice too.
     -- Ratsnatcher

The "S" stands for "Super-Evil"!
     -- ESP

The OpenBSD client is faster than Rosie O'Donnell going for a donut.
     -- Ratsnatcher

The fact that you are arguing with yourself is far more interesting.
     -- Master Squid

The fucking press even can't spell 'OS'.
     -- Gene

The latest craze sweeping my apartment is two-fisted coffee and beer drinking.
I call it "Boffeer".
     -- Mr. Bad

The problem: El Nino, of course.
     -- Ratsnatcher

The ricochet from a Mountie shooting himself in the foot can be devastating
you know.
     -- Lenny Tuberose

The sun is my enemy. It must be extinguished.
     -- Flesh

There are half-eaten animals lying on the sidewalks!
     -- Gene

There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal.
     -- Captain Kirk

Thirty-fifth Street. Home Sweet Home. Mosquito population...zero.
     -- Doctor Murdock

This I can promise you: bearded women lying on their backs and pulling their
anuses open is as low as I go.
     -- Mr. Bad

This is Pigdog, so the door is always open... whatever the hell that means.
     -- Johnnie Royale

This is a problem for which a chemical solution exists.
     -- Johnnie Royale

This is the INTERNET, man. It was *built* by the AV crew.
     -- Mr. Bad

This is the problem with today's generation of computer geeks. Nobody
remembers how to go to Radio Shack and
buy 500 blinking LEDs for four dollars.
     -- P A U L

This shit r0xs like socks in a box.
     -- P a u l

To me, Pigdog is all about Universal Love, and how it frequently requires
semiautomatic weapons and very, very
large guard dogs.
     -- Jeff Gerstmann

Too bad they don't have an anti-psychosis keyboard. I figure, once my wrists
start talking to me, it's time to retire.
     -- Mr. Bad

Too bad they don't let you wander around a museum with a big cup of beer and
a foot long hotdog like you can at
the ballpark.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Unemployment check came. Break out the Velveeta!
     -- Tjames Madison

Unix is meant to be A MONSTROSITY.
     -- Ratsnatcher

Usenet is like junior high school, except it's not as well-lit and it's full
of Dutch people.
     -- Tjames Madison

Vulcans never bluff.
     -- Spock

     -- Ratsnatcher

Walt Disney was profoundly EVIL.
     -- Tjames Madison

Wasting somebody else's time strikes me as the height of rudeness.
     -- Bill Gates

We 1) are loud, 2) break things, 3) set things on fire.
     -- Mr. Bad

We are not interesting people when sober, believe me.
     -- Mr. Bad

We don't need brow sweating ogres like you coming on here, in a frenzy of
chicken lust and cocaine jitters,
attacking everyone like some kind of 400 pound, hopped up Truman Capote.
     -- Ratsnatcher

We must pioneer the next step after telecommuting: TELEBARHOPPING.
     -- The Compulsive Splicer

We'd only have the wake cause we are always looking for an excuse to drink.
     -- Johnnie Royale

We're basically twelve angry men and a couple of chicks...
     -- Johnnie Royale

Well boys, I know where the edge is and you ain't on it... you retards you.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Well, sorry. I guess we can't ALL be super cool Russian forth
hacker/extropian/pretend scientists like you.
     -- Ratsnatcher

What a fucking night. No more tequila. Ever.
     -- Paul

What have you done for us lately? Face it Chachi, you're a one ladder wonder
and you're as stale as a two week
old cod fish.
     -- Johnnie Royale

What? Now I need a REASON to yell at people?
     -- Tjames Madison

When it comes to Darwinism, what the hell does fairness have to do with it.
Evolution is inherently unfair.
     -- Johnnie Royale

Who the fuck cares who gets the parades?
     -- Johnnie Royale

Who's the leader of the pig that's made for dog and me?
     -- Tjames Madison

Wow, this is like a tip you get from Martha Stewart...
     -- Johnnie Royale

XModem is NOT allowed!
     -- Doctor Murdock

You big dumb dogshit eating hillbilly!
     -- Ratsnatcher

You big dumb dogshit-eating extropian!
     -- Ratsnatcher

You can begin with good smart people and an unbound optimism and in no time at
all, everything can
disintegrate. Threats and blows can fly; men once tame and meek can bloody the
faces of friend and stranger. It's
pretty fucking cool.
     -- Mr. Bad

You don't have to be on the clog-dancing team to get clogs, folks!
     -- Mr. Bad

You know, I really feel bad for you Mac people. Sort of. I mean, it was your
     -- Tjames Madison

You know, these beers are only the beginning...
     -- El Snatcher

You'll never catch me wearing a shirt that says "COKE" or "NIKE" in 400pt
point across my chest unless I am
changing the oil in my car.
     -- Johnnie Royale

You're just mad because you're up in Washington and have to import wine from
a good state, like California. We
eat like kings here.
     -- Ratsnatcher

You're so pretty, they should put your head in a box.
     -- Johnnie Royale

You've been smoking too much pot and reading too much RAW, Mr. Hagbard Celine
     -- Ratsnatcher

Your meat is negative meat, not good meat.
     -- Doctor Murdock

Zach is happy and Zach doesn't worry about Alabama schoolgirls. That is
because Zach has a secret - he drinks a
lot and never leaves the house.
     -- Johnnie Royale

btw, i thought it would be obvious but i DO NOT LIKE TORTURE.
     -- Sylvia

dude. OpenBSD r00lZ.
     -- Arkuat

i'm sorry for using quasi-real names and being gory.
     -- Sylvia

the only good question is a rhetorical question
     -- Juggler Vain

you can't spell "death" without "DEA".
     -- Juggler Vain

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