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Skriven 2006-05-14 05:01:54 av Amsat List (1:323/120.0)
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North
America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the
activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an
active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating
through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
In this edition:
* 2006 AO-51 Field Day Configuration
* What is new at Dayton 2006?
* AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nomination Deadline
* ARISS antenna installation on Columbus Module
* ARISS Status - 08 May 2006
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-134.01
2006 AO-51 Field Day Configuration
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 134.01
May 14, 2006
BID: $ANS-134.01
This year, AO-51 will be setup in dual FM repeater mode, allowing for
two usable FM repeaters from the satellite. The FM repeater utilizing
the transmitter on 435.300 will be open to all users. The FM repeater
utilizing the transmitter on 435.150 (normally reserved for BBS
operations) will be reserved during Field Day for QRP stations only, as
has been the common practice when this mode runs on AO-51. Please note
the information on the mode configurations and QRP requirements.
FM Repeater #1 for all Users:
Downlink: 435.300 mhz FM
Uplink: 145.920 mhz FM
FM Repeater #2 for QRP Users ONLY:
Downlink: 435.150 mhz FM
Uplink: 145.880 mhz FM
To attempt to keep this simple, a low power station will be defined as a
station which can deliver no more than 10 watts to a vertical or
handheld antenna. These are some examples of Low Power Stations:
* Using an HT (barefoot, no amplifier) with 10 watts or less output into
any type of vertical whip antenna (rubber duck, etc) or handheld beam
antenna (arrow type).
* Using a mobile station with 10 watts or less output into car mounted
mobile whip antenna(s).
* Using a base station at 10 watts output into a vertical
omni-directional antenna on the side of the house.
Examples that are NOT Low Power Stations:
* Any type of high gain beam antenna, KLM, M2, Cushcraft, etc.
* Any station transmitting over 10 watts into any type of antenna.
[ANS thanks Mike, KE4AZN, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-134.02
What is new at Dayton 2006?
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 134.02
May 14, 2006
BID: $ANS-134.02
In additon to the AMSAT forums, satellite demonstrations, EAGLE
transponder demo, Banquet and talk, Educational forum you will find many
new items at the AMSAT booth #444-448.
Come by and talk with other satellite operators, officers and Board
members, renew your membership, donate to Eagle and get the latest
See you Hara Arena, Dayton, OH May 19-21, 2006
New and Updated items
Digital Disk (*** NEW) WiSP + digital test files 400 bps-38k4 bps plus..
Proceedings of the AMSAT-NA 2005 Space Symposium (*** NEW Interesting
AMSAT/Eagle Golf shirts, tee shirts and hat (*** NEW)
AMSAT/Eagle patches and decal (*** NEW)
Getting Started with Amateur Satellites (*** Updated 2006)
AMSAT Frequency Chart (*** Updated 2006)
Dayton Specials
SatPC32 software - (**** Dayton Special)
SCRAP software - (**** Dayton Special)
InstantTrack software - (**** Dayton Special)
30th Anniversary AO-7 QSL Cards (**** Dayton Special for 100 cards)
For a $5 or more donation to Eagle get an AMSAT Refrigerator Magnet or
Regular Membership - will receive
Renewing: AMSAT Tote and Frequency chart
New member: AMSAT Tote, Frequency chart, Journal, Presentation
[ANS thanks Gould, WA4SXM, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-134.03
AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nomination Deadline
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 134.03
May 14, 2006
BID: $ANS-134.03
It is time to submit nominations for the upcoming open seats on the
AMSAT-NA Board of Directors. A nomination requires either one Member
Society or five current individual members to noninate an AMSAT member
for the position. A director serves for a period of two years. Three
directors' terms expire this year: Tom Clark, K3IO, Lou McFadin, W5DID,
and Paul Shuch, N6TX. Written nominations must be received at the AMSAT
office no later than 12 June 2006.
Nominations MUST be in writing and mailed to:
850 Sligo Ave #600
Silver Spring, MD 20901
[ANS thanks the AMSAT Journal for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-134.04
ARISS antenna installation on Columbus Module
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 134.04
May 14, 2006
BID: $ANS-134.04
The European Space Agency's International Space Station Columbus module
is expected to arrive at NASA's Kennedy Space Center on 30 May 2006,
where it will be prepared for its launch to the space station on the
space shuttle.
As announced in the ARISS-Europe News Bulletin of 02 May 2006, the
cables for the ARISS antennas for the 23cm and 13cm Amateur bands are
presently being installed on the hull of Columbus.
ARISS team member Oliver Amend, DG6BCE took photos of the work in
progress, see:
Columbus will provide state-of-the-art internal payload accommodation
for experiments in material science, fluid physics and life science, and
its external payload facility will host experiments and applications in
the field of space science, Earth observation and technology
[ANS thanks Trevor, M5AKA, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-134.05
ARISS Status - 08 May 2006
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 134.05
May 14, 2006
BID: $ANS-134.05
1. Bob Jones High School Contact Successful
On Monday, May 1, Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, participated in his first ARISS
contact with students from Bob Jones High School in Madison Alabama.
Seventeen questions were asked by 13 students via the telebridge station
VK5ZAI in Australia. Among the 100 students and teachers attending the
event was Jeff Williams' brother. Media coverage included the Huntsville
Times and the Madison County Record. The audio from this contact was
webcast by Verizon Conferencing and was fed into the EchoLink AMSAT
(node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) conference servers. Eighteen
connections, including three repeaters, were made from 7 countries. Nine
connections were also made on the IRLP Discovery reflector 9010 from 3
countries: UK, USA, and Canada.
ARRL's article, "ROTC Cadets at Alabama School Query ISS Astronaut,"
covered the news and may be found at:
2. Canadian School Contact, a Success
Jaanimmarik School in Kuujjuaq, Quebec, Canada experienced a successful
contact with the ISS on Thursday, May 4 via the telebridge station
VK5ZAI in Australia. Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, answered twenty-three
questions posed to him by 18 students. The event was well attended by
approximately 450 students, teachers and parents. Among the dignitaries
present were the president and CEO of Makivik Corporation, Senator C.
Watt, local officials, and elders from the community school board from
the Montreal and local offices. Media coverage was provided by a local
radio station which broadcast the event live, translating the contact in
Inuktituk, CBC North, and APTN (Northern Canada TV Network). APTN is
producing a presentation for later broadcasting. The City of Ottawa
media also reported the event. The audio from this contact was webcast
courtesy of Verizon Conferencing and was fed into the EchoLink AMSAT
(node 101 377) and JK1ZRW (node 277 208) conference servers.
Twenty-three connections were made, of which two were repeaters, from 9
countries, including Bangladesh, Holland and Thailand. It was also
available on the IRLP Discovery reflector 9010.
3. Space Day Event at the Udvar-Hazy Center
On Friday, May 5, ARISS members participated in the Space Day activities
at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. AMSAT and ARISS members provided
displays and hands on activities for the students. Approximately 10,000
visitors were expected to attend the event.
4. ARRL Article on Expedition 14 Hams
On May 3, ARRL ran a story covering the newly named Expedition 14 crew,
all licensed Amateur Radio operators. The article, "Three radio amateurs
on next ISS crew", may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/
5. Cleveland Heights High School contact
Students at the Cleveland Heights High School participated in an ARISS
contact on March 17. Photos of the event are now available. See:
6. Technical Interchange Meeting Planned
An ARISS Technical Interchange Meeting is being planned for the week of
July 10 in Houston. Topics of discussion will include ARISS hardware,
software, slow scan television, and plans for SuitSat-2.
7. SuitSat-1 Contest
AMSAT is planning a "Chicken Little" contest to see who can guess when
SuitSat-1 will re-enter the earth's atmosphere. There will be K-8, 9-12
and adult categories. Certificates will be provided to the winners of
each group. More information will be forthcoming.
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors
to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits.
Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
73, This week's ANS Editor,
Lee McLamb, KU4OS
ku4os at amsat dot org
Via the ans mailing list at AMSAT.ORG courtesy of AMSAT-NA.
To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe ans" to Majordomo@amsat.org
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