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Skriven 2004-12-18 23:01:12 av Amsat List (1:323/120.0)
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North
America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the
activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share
an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating
through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
In this edition:
* Straight Key Night
* ARISS Status
* Another Near Future Hamsat
* AO-51 Update
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-354.01
Straight Key Night
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 354.01 From
December 19, 2004
BID: $ANS-354.01
Once again AMSAT North America is pleased to sponsor Straight Key Night
on OSCAR for enjoyment by all radio amateurs.
OSCAR SKN 2005 will run for 24 hours, 0000-2400 UTC, on 1 January 2005.
It's very simple: no rules, no scoring, and no need to send in a log.
Just operate CW through any OSCAR satellite using a straight hand key,
working as many other SKN participants as you can. Contacts via the moon
(OSCAR Zero) count too.
Unfortunately, however, this year there again appears to be a distinct
shortage of satellites that will relay CW. As of this writing, only
FO-29 and AO-7 are available. So, please make the best possible use of
As in past years, all participants are requested to nominate one of the
operators they worked for "Best Fist" recognition. Your nominee need not
have the best fist of those you heard, just of those you worked. Please
send all nominations to me at w2rs@amsat.org. A list of those nominated
will be published via the AMSAT News Service in early February, and in
The AMSAT Journal.
[ANS thanks Ray Soifer, W2RS for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-354.02
ARISS Status
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 354.02 From
December 19, 2004
BID: $ANS-354.02
Submitted by Arthur N1ORC - Amsat A/C #31468
*International Space Station Status Report #04-67*
*3 p.m. CST, Friday, Dec. 17, 2004*
*Expedition 10 Crew*
The Expedition 10 crew made ready for the Christmas arrival of an
unpiloted resupply spacecraft this week while continuing research and
maintenance activities aboard the International Space Station.
Commander Leroy Chiao and Flight Engineer Salizhan Sharipov, a third of
the way through their planned six-month mission, put the Station’s
58-foot robotic arm through its paces. They also installed cables and a
switching unit for the docking system that will guide the European Space
Agency-provided Automated Transfer Vehicle to docking when it makes its
maiden voyage next year.
Research activities focused on bone and abdominal scans for the Advanced
Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity experiment, which is evaluating
the ability of crewmembers with minimal medical training to work with
doctors on the ground and diagnose medical problems.
Chiao and Sharipov inventoried gear and loaded the ISS Progress 15 cargo
vehicle with trash and unneeded equipment for disposal when that craft
is jettisoned. At 1:34 p.m. CST Wednesday, a day before the launch of
the next cargo ship, Progress 15 will be released from the rear of the
Zvezda Service Module to clear that docking port. It will be commanded
to deorbit and burn up in Earth's atmosphere.
Preparations for the launch of the ISS Progress 16 resupply ship are on
schedule at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Progress 16 is
scheduled for liftoff at 4:19 p.m. CST Dec. 23, carrying 2.5 tons of
food, fuel, clothing and Christmas gifts. The cargo ship is scheduled to
dock with the Station at about 6:04 p.m. CST Christmas Day.
Due to the length of the crew's day on Dec. 25, the hatch to the
Progress will not be opened until the next morning, when they will begin
to unload their Christmas cargo.
Maintenance activities this week included turning off the Russian oxygen
generation system so that remaining oxygen in the Progress 15 tanks
could be used, preventive work on the Zvezda Service Module’s
ventilation system and charging the batteries of the heart defibrillator
that would be used in the event of a medical emergency.
To prepare for the Space Shuttle’s return-to-flight mission, STS-114,
Chiao and Sharipov conducted the first full inventory of the Quest
airlock module since Expedition 4. The top-to-bottom inspection was
designed to account for all spacesuit components, tools and support
equipment that will be needed for the three spacewalks planned during
STS-114/LF-1. The full review will allow the Shuttle and Station
programs to update cargo manifests with additional items if needed.
Information on the crew's activities aboard the Space Station, future
launch dates, as well as Station sighting opportunities from anywhere on
the Earth, is available on the Internet at:
The next ISS status report will be issued Thursday, Dec. 23 after the
launch of the ISS Progress 16 cargo ship, or sooner if events warrant.
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-354.03
Another Near Future Hamsat
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 354.03 From
December 19, 2004
BID: $ANS-354.03
Amsat India has indicated that in early 2005, Feb-March, there will be
a new Leo Hamsat. It will have an onboard linear UHF/VHF transponder.
There are several AMSAT organizations contributing various components.
More details from AMSAT India's website (amsatindia.org)according to
Nagesh, VU2NUD. Santa "is" listening.
[ANS thanks Jim Wellinghoff, K0SBH for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-354.04
AO-51 Update
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 354.04 From
December 19, 2004
BID: $ANS-354.04
Amsat Kids Day on AO-51
To coincide with the ARRLâ€Ös Kidâ€Ös Day on January 2, 2004, AMSAT-NA will
sponsor Kidâ€Ös Day on AO-51. The event will run from approximately 1600
UTC 02 Jan to 0345 UTC 03 Jan. We ask all amateur radio stations to give
this short time window to promote satellite operations with kids. If not
actually showing a kid how to make contacts via AO-51, then providing a
station to contact, or stepping aside to allow others to make contacts
with the kids. During the event please limit contacts to stations that
are operating with kids at the microphone. This should allow the kids to
have a nice QSO and pass some information. Kids can tell their name,
age, who is helping them operate on AO-51, where they live, and other
information about themselves.
AO-51 will be configured in the following mode during the event. Please
note the change in the uplink frequency for the event.
Uplink: 145.880 mhz FM voice, 67hz tone
Downlink: 435.300 mhz FM voice
This will be a good opportunity for Amsat to show off our educational
side. Who knows, maybe one or more of the kids will be helping Amsat in
the future.
[ANS thanks Mike, KE4AZN, for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional
benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Material from AMSAT Weekly Bulletins may be republished or reproduced
in whole or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit
must be given to the AMSAT Weekly Bulletins and The Radio Amateur
Satellite Corporation (AMSAT).
73, This weeks ANS Editor,
Dee Interdonato, NB2F
NB2F at amsat dot org
Via the ans mailing list at AMSAT.ORG courtesy of AMSAT-NA.
To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe ans" to Majordomo@amsat.org
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