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Text 15474, 522 rader
Skriven 2019-06-14 06:05:17 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
Ärende: Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                       
   June 13, 2019                                                         
     * Paul Bourque, N1SFE, Joins ARRL Headquarters Staff as Contest        
       Program Manager                                                      
     * Rick Murphy, K1MU, to Receive ARRL President's Award                 
     * Tuning Electrically Short Antennas for Field Operation               
     * So Now What? Podcast                                                 
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                             
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                          
     * QRZ Institutes Password Security, Seller Verification Programs    
     * WSJT-X Developer Posts Observations on Using FT8 in June VHF      
     * Wireless Power Transmission Prompts Discussion in ITU-R Study     
     * Proposed WRC-23 Agenda Items Causing Concern                      
     * In Brief...                                                       
     * Getting It Right                                                  
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions            
   Paul Bourque, N1SFE, Joins ARRL Headquarters Staff as Contest Program 
   Paul Bourque, N1SFE, of Middletown, Connecticut, has joined the ARRL  
   Headquarters staff as Contest Program Manager. He succeeds Bart       
   Jahnke, W9JJ, who recently was promoted to the post of ARRL           
   Radiosport and Field Services Manager. Licensed since 1994, Bourque's 
   interest in radio began when, as a youngster, he listened for distant 
   AM stations, and he later developed a career involving various        
   aspects of broadcasting.                                              
   "Originally, I wanted to be a DJ, but I ended up being drawn to the   
   technical/engineering side of the radio business," Bourque said. His  
   journey into Amateur Radio started during his time as the host of an  
   overnight free-form rock music show at WWUH Radio at the University   
   of Hartford, and the station's general manager, John Ramsey, W1JNR,   
   pushed him to get his license.                                        
   Because being an Amateur Radio operator had opened several            
   professional doors for him, Bourque said, "The opportunity to give    
   back to this hobby as Contest Program Manager really appealed to me." 
   Bourque, who grew up in Newington, remarked that working at ARRL      
   Headquarters "is like coming home." In his early years as a radio     
   amateur, he was more of a casual contester, and it "was about making  
   contacts," he conceded. Today, though, he has become passionate about 
   getting people active and on the air. As Contest Program Manager,     
   Bourque wants to find ways to get newer hams into contesting, and to  
   dispel the idea that you need tons of equipment to participate.       
   Bourque's other interests include cooking, astronomy, photography,    
   and meteorology.                                                      
   Rick Murphy, K1MU, to Receive ARRL President's Award                  
   At its May 20 meeting in Dayton, Ohio, the ARRL Executive Committee,  
   acting on behalf of the Board of Directors, conferred the prestigious 
   ARRL President's Award on Rick Murphy, K1MU, one of the unsung heroes 
   of Logbook of The World (LoTW). The President's Award recognizes      
   individuals showing long-term dedication in support of ARRL programs. 
   Murphy was credited for his work to upgrade and improve the LoTW TQSL 
   software to help users more easily and successfully use LoTW. Murphy  
   was cited for single-handedly rewriting TQSL to make it accessible to 
   those with limited vision, to display information in languages other  
   than English (more than 10 so far), and for providing consistent      
   online support to users.                                              
   "Rick is richly deserving of this honor for his efforts to make the   
   TQSL application and Logbook of The World more accessible to all      
   users," said ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR. "Rick Murphy         
   embodies the spirit of unselfish volunteerism that represents the     
   best of Amateur Radio."                                               
   An information security professional, Murphy, who lives in Annandale, 
   Virginia, is coauthor (with Rickland D. Hollar) of the book           
   Enterprise Web Services Security. He's a volunteer Incoming QSL       
   Bureau card sorter for the 3rd call district and a past president of  
   the National Capital DX Association.                                  
   The President's Award plaque bears the likeness of ARRL's cofounder   
   and first president Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW.                          
   Tuning Electrically Short Antennas for Field Operation                
   An article,"Tuning Electrically Short Antennas for Field Operation,"  
   by two well-known amateurs, appeared in Microwave Journal. Authored   
   by QEX Editor Kai Siwiak, KE4PT, and award-winning researcher Ulrich  
   Rohde, N1UL, the article points out that both Amateur Radio and       
   military applications exist for 20 W battery-powered radios equipped  
   with whip antennas. "In general, the whip antenna [that] makes the    
   radio portable is not optimized for signal propagation: A whip        
   antenna has no ground return or proper counterpoise," the article     
   notes. "While some users drag a wire of up to 8 meters behind, this   
   is not an ideal solution."                                            
                                            Rohde's al fresco test stand 
                                            for short HF antennas.       
                                            [Photo courtesy of Ulrich    
                                            Rohde, N1UL]                 
   As the article explains, electrically short antennas -- typically 0.1 
   I¯ or shorter -- look like a capacitor, with a typical capacitance of 
   25 pF per meter of length. "At 2 MHz, where the wavelength is 150     
   meters, an inductor of 84 I¬H is required for resonance," the article 
   says. But just getting a good VSWR is not all there is to it.         
   Rohde told ARRL that loading coil placement in a short vertical       
   antenna is critical, and "the greater the elevation of the coil, the  
   better the radiation. He said that "center loading" -- he considers   
   the "best compromise" to be more on the order of two-thirds' loading  
   -- can dramatically affect both the antenna's transmitting and        
   receiving performance, as opposed to base loading, as found with      
   popular so-called screwdriver antennas. Radials of some sort also are 
   As the article points out, "With center loading, both the radiation   
   resistance and integrated surface are larger, which are better for    
   radiation." Inductors are the lossy components of an antenna tuner,   
   while capacitors "are infinitely better." The authors conclude that,  
   for optimal operation, antenna radials should be 0.25 I¯, with one    
   sufficient for tuning, and up to four producing a symmetrical         
   azimuth. "Connecting the HF radio ground to a large metallic object   
   is a good choice," the article said.                                  
   Ulrich told ARRL that optimizing an antenna in the manner the article 
   describes will produce "significantly better" signal reception,       
   although a short antenna will also have a narrower bandwidth. The     
   objective should not be to get a good VSWR but to keep in mind that   
   there's a difference between resonance and radiation.                 
   "These requirements for optimum antenna performance make HF manpack   
   radios somewhat complicated and unattractive," the authors concede.   
   "Nonetheless, the well matched and radiating antenna provides the     
   most success, and some of these highly portable radios provide vital  
   communications in disaster areas -- recently in Puerto Rico and South 
   So Now What? Podcast                                                  
   "Highlights from Hamvention" is the focus of the new (June 13)        
   episode of the So Now What? podcast for Amateur Radio newcomers. It   
   will feature segments from Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, and Andy Milluzzi,  
   KK4LWR, of The Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative (CARI); Teachers   
   Institute instructor Tommy Gober, N5DUX, who was at the ARRL Lifelong 
   Learning booth this year; Jet Jurgensmeyer, KE0UWZ, of Last Man       
   Standing, and Space Weather Woman Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW. Two aspiring  
   hams -- Sarah Byrne, who works in emergency management, and Valencia  
   Simpson, who has assisted ARRL at Dayton Hamvention^A(R) for the past 
   5 years -- also will be guests.                                       
   If you're a newly licensed Amateur Radio operator, chances are you    
   have lots of questions. This biweekly podcast has answers! So Now     
   What? offers insights from those who've been just where you are now.  
   New episodes will be posted every other Thursday, alternating         
   new-episode weeks with the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast.             
   So Now What? is sponsored by LDG Electronics, a family owned and      
   operated business with laboratories in southern Maryland that offers  
   a wide array of antenna tuners and other Amateur Radio products.      
   ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, and     
   ARRL Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, co-host the podcast. Presented 
   as a lively conversation, with Patnode representing newer hams and    
   Carcia the veteran operators, the podcast will explore questions that 
   newer hams may have and the issues that keep participants from        
   staying active in the hobby. Some episodes will feature guests to     
   answer questions on specific topic areas.                             
   Listeners can find So Now What? on Apple iTunes, Blubrry, Stitcher    
   (free registration required, or browse the site as a guest), and      
   through the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices.    
   Episodes will be archived on the ARRL website.                        
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                 
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: The long string of days with no     
   sunspots continues, with spots last observed nearly a month ago, on   
   May 18. Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 70 on June 13 -  
   20, and 68 on June 21 through July 27.                                
   The predicted planetary A index is 12 and 8 on June 13 - 14; 5 on     
   June 15 - 23; 8, 12, and 8 on June 24 - 26; 5 on June 27 - July 5;    
   10, 8, 10, and 8 on July 6 - 9; 5 on July 10 - 20; 8, 10, and 8 on    
   July 21 - 23, and 5 on July 24 - 27.                                  
   Scott Avery, WA6LIE, wrote to report his experiences during the ARRL  
   June VHF Contest last weekend. "During the day, expecting sporadic E, 
   we were influenced by a lot of meteor scatter caused by the Beta      
   Taurids, a daytime event that is not advertised, as it is not seen    
   and only radio astronomers and hams would be interested," he said. "I 
   spent a lot of time on 6 meters, FT8 mode [and a] little SSB/CW, and  
   the same with 2 meters. I was bombarded with pings [of] CQ TEST, and  
   that station was gone. This happened for most of the daylight hours   
   with [few contacts]." Avery said an opening to Japan yielded a few    
   contacts. A Sunday multi-hop sporadic E opening to the east coast     
   also occurred, he said.                                               
   Sunspot numbers for June 6 - 12 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with a  
   mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 68.9, 68.9, 68.4, 68.4, 68.9, 
   69.7, and 69.5, with a mean of 69. Estimated planetary A indices were 
   3, 4, 18, 6, 3, 3, and 4, with a mean of 5.9. Middle latitude A index 
   was 4, 6, 14, 8, 4, 3, and 5, with a mean of 6.3.                     
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL       
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the 
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"  
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer     
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                  
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                              
     * June 15 -- ARRL Kids Day (Phone)                                  
     * June 15 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                       
     * June 15 -- AGCW VHF/UHF Contest (CW)                              
     * June 15 - 16 -- SMIRK Contest (CW, phone)                         
     * June 15 - 16 -- All Asian DX Contest, CW                          
     * June 15 - 16 -- Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest                 
     * June 15 - 16 -- ARR BPSK63 Contest                                
     * June 15 - 16 -- IARU Region 1 50 MHz Contest (CW, phone)          
     * June 15 - 16 -- Stew Perry Topband Challenge (CW)                 
     * June 15 - 16 -- West Virginia QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)      
     * June 16 -- WAB 50 MHz Phone Contest                               
     * June 17 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)                     
     * June 19 -- RSGB 80 Meter Club Championship, CW                    
     * June 20 -- NAQCC CW Sprint                                        
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth      
   reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest  
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                
   QRZ Institutes Password Security, Seller Verification Programs        
   In an effort to combat fraudsters and password phishers, the popular  
   QRZ Amateur Radio website is offering the option of establishing      
   two-factor authentication (2FA) for its registered users. The site's  
   founder and president, Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ, explains that 2FA secures a 
   user's password on the site.                                          
   "With 2FA, your actual password becomes nearly moot, and revealing it 
   to a crook has no detrimental effect," Lloyd told ARRL. "With 2FA,    
   you need the one-time code, and that's the only thing that will work. 
   It's a solid technology that is rapidly gaining in popularity."       
   Lloyd said that when a user logs into the site with 2FA, the          
   validation for the session is stored in the user's browser as an      
   encrypted cookie that can live for up to 30 days. He said QRZ.com     
   staffers have been using 2FA successfully for a couple of years now.  
   A video has been posted that demonstrates how to get started with 2FA 
   without using a cell phone to receive codes.                          
   Although 2FA will not become a requirement in order to log onto       
   QRZ.com, a separate seller verification system has been instituted    
   for anyone marketing ham gear via the Swapmeet forum. As of July 1,   
   only those enrolled in the Verified User program will be able to list 
   in that forum. Users may opt out of the Verified User program for the 
   rest of the site.                                                     
   "While verification is available to anyone on QRZ, it is required     
   only in the Swapmeet section," Lloyd told ARRL. "Lately, there has    
   been as many as a scam per day in the Swapmeet, and sometimes a       
   popular radio model will be sold several times before it comes to our 
   attention. One false listing can net any number of victims before     
   it's discovered."                                                     
   QRZ Founder and President Fred                                        
   Lloyd, AA7BQ.                                                         
   Lloyd explained that these fake listings are being placed using the   
   accounts of users who have been tricked into giving out their log-in  
   passwords though elaborate phishing schemes. "There is virtually      
   nothing that QRZ can do to prevent phishing attacks, as a great many  
   users never even know that they've been hacked," Lloyd allowed.       
   "Scammers find it relatively easy to trick the users into supplying   
   their actual passwords."                                              
   Setting up two-factor authentication is the first step to becoming a  
   QRZ.com Verified User. Information on becoming a Verified User is     
   available to those registered on the site via their Account page,     
   accessible from the QRZ main page. Once they've secured their         
   accounts with 2FA, members will have to submit photographic           
   identification to QRZ in order to complete the Verified User process. 
   Read more.                                                            
   WSJT-X Developer Posts Observations on Using FT8 in June VHF Contest  
   WSJT-X developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, has tentatively concluded that     
   there are good reasons to use both FT4 and FT8 in ARRL VHF contests.  
   The latest beta version of FT4 was not available for the event, but   
   Taylor noted that FT4 will be available for future contests           
   (the current -rc7 beta version will not be usable during ARRL Field   
   Day either). Taylor, who was active in the VHF event over the past    
   weekend, made the remark in a post to the Packrats reflector. Taylor  
   reported making 433 contacts (21 dupes) in 152 grids, all, by and     
   large, on FT8.                                                        
   "Most of the time there was enough sporadic E and tropo-scatter to    
   keep things busy using FT8," Taylor observed. "In this event, meteor  
   scatter using MSK144 was not, score-wise, time efficient."            
   Taylor said he operated from home only on 6 meters and only on        
   digital, "mainly to see how FT8 plays in a June VHF Contest." He      
   operated for 21 of the contest's 33 hours and left his receiver       
   running on 50.313 MHz when not in the shack.                          
   Joe Taylor, K1JT.                                                     
   [Bob Inderbitzen,                                                     
   NQ1R, photo]                                                          
   "During the contest period, I decoded 45,375 transmissions from       
   others in the 4 kHz window starting at 50.313 MHz," Taylor recounted. 
   "That's an average of about 11 decodes per 15-second receive cycle."  
   Taylor said he seldom, if ever, found that a single 3 or 4 kHz window 
   was "too crowded" with activity. "There were nearly always some open  
   spots, even with nearly everyone in the first 2.7 kHz of the window," 
   he said.                                                              
   Taylor also speculated as to how the twice-as-fast FT4 might have     
   fared, being 4 dB less sensitive than FT8 and having an 80 Hz         
   bandwidth instead of FT8's 50 Hz bandwidth.                           
   "My guess is that something like 80 - 85% of my QSOs could have been  
   completed using FT4, most of them in half the time than it took in    
   FT8," Taylor said.                                                    
   Wireless Power Transmission Prompts Discussion in ITU-R Study Group   
   The emerging wireless power transmission (WPT) technology and         
   associated applications came under closer scrutiny during the         
   May/June meeting of International Telecommunication Union             
   Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) Study Group 1 and its Working       
   Parties. Participants wrapped up 7 days of sessions in Geneva on June 
   7, with International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1)          
   President Don Beattie, G3BJ, representing the IARU. The primary       
   concern over WPT centers on its interference potential.               
   "Work was advanced on reports on WPT at 100 - 148.5 kHz for low-power 
   charging of portable devices, for WPT for electric vehicles (WPT-EV)  
   at around 20, 60, and 85 kHz, and for 'beam' WPT for remote           
   charging," IARU Region 1 reported. "All of these technologies have    
   the potential for harmful interference to radiocommunication services 
   if not carefully managed, particularly the harmonics of the WPT       
   The IARU has submitted formal studies on the impact of WPT on the     
   Amateur Service, and these have been incorporated into a single       
   completed report and will inform a new recommendation being developed 
   on WPT emissions.                                                     
   IARU says it's advocating "proper emission limits" to protect radio   
   services and is working with other spectrum users and administrations 
   that share its concerns.                                              
   IARU Region 1                                                         
   President Don                                                         
   Beattie, G3BJ.                                                        
   The ITU meetings discussed emerging proposals for WPT-EV emission     
   limits from the International Special Committee on Radio Interference 
   (CISPR), where there is a level of concern that these limits fall     
   short of providing the necessary protection to radiocommunication     
   services. Founded in 1934, CISPR sets standards for controlling       
   electromagnetic interference in electrical and electronic devices and 
   The issue of WPT-EV is World Radiocommunication Conference 2019       
   (WRC-19) Agenda Item 9.1.6. In a WPT status report at the IARU Region 
   1 Interim Meeting in Vienna in late April, Beattie said the Amateur   
   Service is "highly susceptible to any increase in the background      
   noise level," such as that WPT might generate.                        
   He said frequencies being planned for WPT are 19 - 21 kHz for high    
   power; 55 - 65 kHz and 79 - 90 kHz for medium power, and 100 - 148.5  
   kHz for lower power -- but still up to 2.4 kW.                        
   "WPT is generally high duty cycle, located in residential areas, and  
   its harmonics are likely to be spread across a band of frequencies,   
   in some cases the whole of the HF spectrum," Beattie said in his      
   presentation to the Vienna interim meeting. Read more.                
   Proposed WRC-23 Agenda Items Causing Concern                          
   Two proposals under discussion in Europe as possible World            
   Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) agenda items "could       
   impact important Amateur Radio frequencies," IARU reported this week. 
   Included is a proposal from France to consider the 144 - 146 MHz band 
   as a primary allocation to the Aeronautical Mobile service, as part   
   of a broader consideration of spectrum allocated to that service.     
   IARU also cautioned the amateur community against overreacting to the 
   France will submit a paper containing a proposal for an agenda item   
   for "new non-safety Aeronautical Mobile applications" at the June 17  
   - 21 Conference Preparatory Group meeting of the European Conference  
   of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) in Prague.    
   The 144 - 146 MHz segment is a primary global Amateur and Amateur     
   Satellite allocation. IARU said it "views with grave concern any      
   proposal to include this band in the proposed study" and pledged to   
   "energetically" promote this viewpoint in the appropriate forums "to  
   seek to obtain assurances that the spectrum will remain a primary     
   allocation for the amateur services."                                 
   Another proposal has been raised to study the 23-centimeter amateur   
   allocation, 1240 - 1300 MHz, following reports of interference to the 
   Galileo navigation system -- Europe's GPS system. IARU said it's      
   aware of "a handful of cases" of reported interference to the Galileo 
   E6 signal on 1278.750 MHz. According to IARU, joint studies have been 
   carried out to assess the vulnerability of the system and, based on   
   these, it considers the proposal to initiate an Agenda item for       
   WRC-23 premature.                                                     
   IARU asked its member-societies to "refrain at this time from making  
   speculative public comments about the situation until further         
   progress has been made in regulatory discussions," and said it's      
   ready to discuss the issue with other non-IARU societies.             
   One European Amateur Radio organization already has called for radio  
   amateurs to "occupy" 2 meters on June 15 for 1 hour in protest of the 
   French proposal.                                                      
   In Brief...                                                           
   Support ARRL as you shop Amazon Smile for Father's Day, Sunday, June  
   16. If you're looking for the perfect gift, we invite you to shop at  
   AmazonSmile and choose American Radio Relay League Inc. (ARRL) as     
   your charity of choice. With every purchase you make at AmazonSmile,  
   Amazon will make a contribution to ARRL. This helps the League to     
   extend its reach in public service, advocacy, education, technology,  
   and membership. Amazon has a large variety of gifts that are perfect  
   for Father's Day, including electronics, clothing, ham radio          
   equipment, and more. Make Dad's day! Get him something extra special  
   this year while supporting his favorite hobby. Bookmark ARRL's link   
   and support Amateur Radio and ARRL every time you shop online.        
   AMSAT President and ARRL Life Member Joe Spier, K6WAO, has been       
   awarded Russia's E.T. Krenkel Medal. The prestigious honor is         
   bestowed on individuals and organizations for outstanding global      
   contributions to Amateur Radio. Spier has also served AMSAT as        
   Executive Vice President, and Vice President, Educational Relations.  
   The award's namesake, Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel, was a radio amateur  
   who, over the years, used the call signs RAEM, U3AA, and UA3AA. Spier 
   became AMSAT President in 2017. He's a supporter of Amateur Radio on  
   the International Space Station (ARISS) and of scientific, technical, 
   engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Spier also is a Life   
   Member of the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA). ARRL       
   Headquarters staff alumna and Life Member Ellen White, W1YL, was      
   awarded the Krenkel medal in May. -- Thanks to AMSAT                  
   Getting It Right                                                      
   The story, "Emergency Messaging Demonstration for Red Cross, FEMA is  
   a Success, in the June 6 edition of The ARRL Letter omitted Virginia  
   from the list of states where radio amateurs participated in the      
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                
     * June 15 -- W8DXCC DX Convention, Owensville, Ohio                 
     * July 19 - 21 -- Nevada State Convention, Reno, Nevada             
     * July 25 - 27 -- Central States VHF Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska  
     * July 26 - 27 -- Ham Holiday, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma              
     * August 2 - 3 -- Austin Summerfest, Austin, Texas                  
     * August 3 - 4 -- Cedar Valley ARC Hamfest/Midwest STEM Techfest,   
       Central City, Iowa                                                
     * August 8 - 6 -- Society of Midwest Contesters Specialty           
       Convention, Normal, Illinois                                      
     * August 8 - 10 -- Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Ogden, Utah  
     * August 9 - 11 -- Pacific Northwest DX Convention, Everett,        
     * August 17 - 18 -- Huntsville Hamfest, Alabama State Convention,   
       Huntsville, Alabama                                               
     * August 23 - 25 -- West Virginia State Convention, Weston, West    
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                           
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   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                   
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     * QEX  -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published       
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,    
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and        
       communications professionals.                                     
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   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
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   Copyright (c) 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and 
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other   
   purposes require written permission.                                  

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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)