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Text 15487, 524 rader
Skriven 2019-06-21 06:05:17 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
Ärende: Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                       
   June 20, 2019                                                         
     * ARRL Executive Committee Establishes  Hoc Committee on             
     * ARRL Files Interim Report with FCC in "Symbol Rate" Proceeding       
     * LightSail 2 Set to Launch on June 22                                 
     * The Doctor Will See You Now!                                         
     * ARRL, IARU Contingents to Attend HAM RADIO 2019 in Germany        
     * Radio Amateur to Lose License as Part of Enforcement Case         
     * Pennsylvania Radio Amateur Dies in Tower Installation Mishap      
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                             
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                          
     * Historic 2-Meter Transatlantic Contact Reported                   
     * ARRL ARDF Coordinator Steps Down, New Coordinator Named           
     * Morse Code is Still a Hit                                         
     * In Brief...                                                       
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions            
   Internet Access to some ARRL Systems May Be Disrupted on June 23      
   Maintenance work on Sunday, June 23, may disrupt internet access to   
   ARRL Headquarters systems -- including VPN connections and Logbook of 
   The World. The main website should remain online during this outage,  
   which could last for up to 6 hours on June 23, which will start at    
   approximately midnight EDT (0400 UTC on June 24). All services will   
   automatically resume as soon as connectivity is restored. Email       
   should not be affected. Any orders placed via the ARRL Store during   
   the outage will be queued for handling after connectivity returns. We 
   apologize for any inconvenience.                                      
   ARRL Executive Committee Establishes  Hoc Committee on              
   Meeting right after Dayton Hamvention^(R) at the University of Dayton 
   on May 20, the ARRL Board's Executive Committee (EC) adopted a motion 
   to establish an  Hoc Committee on Communications with ARRL Members. 
   The panel would review ARRL communications with members and members'  
   perceptions to "consider areas needing enhancement," and it would     
   "propose concrete changes in communication processes and methods by   
   which improvements may be accomplished," according to the resolution. 
   ARRL Vice President Greg Widin, K0GW, will chair the committee.       
   In his remarks to the EC, President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said he's    
   been receiving positive feedback from members. He also reported       
   receiving numerous questions regarding the Amateur Radio Parity Act.  
   He stressed that ARRL needs to assure members that it has not given   
   up on the initiative, which was put on hold earlier this year. At the 
   same meeting, ARRL Pacific Division Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT,     
   updated the EC on efforts to reassess the Amateur Radio Parity Act.   
   He said the Board's Legislative Committee is working on a plan of     
   action to go before the full Board at its July meeting.               
   President Roderick, who chaired the EC meeting, said he remains       
   concerned that Technician licensees, who make up more than half of    
   the US Amateur Radio population, only comprise some 16% of ARRL       
   The EC referred to the Administration and Finance (A&F) Committee for 
   its consideration of a suggested graduated ARRL Life Membership dues  
   reduction after an individual has reached a certain age. The EC asked 
   the A&F Committee for recommendations to the full Board in January    
   The Executive Committee expressed its thanks and extended its         
   compliments to the ARRL staff and volunteers for "their outstanding   
   work at the just-completed National Convention as part of Dayton      
   Hamvention 2019."                                                     
   The minutes of the May 20 Executive Committee meeting have been       
   posted on the ARRL website.                                           
   ARRL Files Interim Report with FCC in "Symbol Rate" Proceeding        
   ARRL has filed an interim report with the FCC in order to report on   
   its efforts to find common ground regarding issues surrounding the    
   "symbol" or "baud" rate proceeding, FCC Docket WT 16-239 (the FCC has 
   issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WT 16-239, which stemmed    
   from ARRL's rulemaking petition RM-11708). ARRL highlighted that the  
   public benefits from the FCC's "fairly flexible" regulation of        
   Amateur Radio, citing innovative developments in digital technology,  
   including WSJT-X.                                                     
   Noting that more than 1,400 comments in total have been filed in this 
   and on a related rulemaking petition (RM-11831), ARRL pointed out     
   that, as in other Commission-regulated areas, adapting current        
   regulations to rapidly evolving technology presents challenges that   
   may require adjustments to, or clarifications of, the governing       
   regulations. Making such adjustments can be a challenge to ensure     
   that valid regulatory purposes continue to be served without          
   hindering technological change and innovation in the process.         
   While a June 11 meeting organized by ARRL had to be reset to          
   accommodate the invited parties, ARRL has re-affirmed its commitment  
   to protecting the interests of all amateurs. ARRL said it will        
   continue to pursue its efforts to address and reconcile differing     
   opinions expressed in the two matters now pending before the FCC.     
   LightSail 2 Set to Launch on June 22                                  
   The Planetary Society's citizen-funded LightSail 2 solar-propelled    
   spacecraft is set to launch on June 22 on board a SpaceX Falcon       
   Heavy. It will attempt the first controlled solar sail flight in      
   Earth orbit. LightSail 1 successfully completed its test flight       
   mission in 2015. LightSail^(R) is aimed at testing "solar sailing"    
   technology for CubeSats, which comprise many Amateur Radio            
   satellites. According to the Planetary Society, solar sailing uses    
   reflective sails to harness the momentum of sunlight for propulsion.  
   "One disadvantage to CubeSats is that they typically lack propulsion, 
   which limits their range of applications," The Planetary Society      
   says. "LightSail will demonstrate the viability of using solar        
   sailing for CubeSats."                                                
   Scientific collaboration between The Planetary Society and Russia led 
   to the creation of Cosmos 1, a solar sail spacecraft launched aboard  
   a repurposed ICBM. But test flights in 2001 and 2005 failed due to    
   problems with the launch vehicle. The first successful solar sail was 
   launched by Japan in 2010, when the IKAROS spacecraft was deployed    
   from a Venus-bound space probe. NASA has looked into using solar      
   sails to de-orbit CubeSats with atmospheric drag, and its Nanosail-D2 
   mission in 2010 was successful. The Planetary Society's LightSail     
   program was initiated a year earlier. It aimed to construct a CubeSat 
   similar to Nanosail-D that would demonstrate true solar sailing.      
   LightSail 1 snagged a slot aboard an Atlas V launch in 2015, but the  
   target orbit was not high enough for solar sailing thrust to overcome 
   atmospheric drag. The Planetary Society accepted the free ride anyway 
   and successfully tested the spacecraft's sail deployment mechanism.   
   LightSail 2 will be enclosed within Prox-1, a Georgia Tech            
   student-built spacecraft the size of a small washing machine. Prox-1  
   will detach from the Falcon Heavy into a circular 720-kilometer       
   orbit. A week later, it will deploy LightSail 2.                      
   The Doctor Will See You Now!                                          
   The Doctor opens the Listener Mailbag in the new (June 20) episode of 
   the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast. Listen...and learn!                
   Sponsored by DX Engineering, ARRL The Doctor is In is an informative  
   discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet,  
   or smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!                      
   Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and 
   the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of  
   technical topics. You can also email your questions to                
   doctor@arrl.org, and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.  
   Enjoy ARRL The Doctor is In on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone  
   or iPad podcast app (just search for ARRL The Doctor is In). You can  
   also listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration      
   required, or browse the site as a guest) and through the free         
   Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never     
   listened to a podcast before, download our beginner's guide.          
   ARRL, IARU Contingents to Attend HAM RADIO 2019 in Germany            
   Delegations from ARRL and the International Amateur Radio Union       
   (IARU) will attend HAM RADIO 2019, the popular international Amateur  
   Radio exhibition in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Each year, a contingent 
   from ARRL attends HAM RADIO, greeting its non-US members and          
   networking with other national radio societies. Billed as Europe's    
   biggest Amateur Radio convention, HAM RADIO 2019 takes place June 21  
   - 23 on the shores of Lake Constance.                                 
   ARRL representatives will include ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR; 
   International Affairs Vice President Jay Bellows, K0QB, and ARRL      
   staff members CEO Howard Michel, WB2ITX; Product Development Manager  
   Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, and Regulatory Information Manager Dan         
   Henderson, N1ND.                                                      
   Attending on behalf of the IARU are President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA; 
   Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ, and past IARU Secretary and ARRL        
   President (1995 - 2000) Rod Stafford, W6ROD.                          
   This year's event marks the 44th HAM RADIO exhibition and the 70th    
   Lake Constance Convention of Radio Amateurs, sponsored by Germany's   
   IARU member-society, the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC). The     
   convention theme this year is "Amateur Radio on Tour."                
   DARC Press Spokesperson Stephanie Heine, DO7PR, points out, "Radio    
   amateurs know no bounds and are on land and water as well as in the   
   air with their mobile 'ham radio shacks.' They like having the option 
   of being reachable all over the world on their expeditions and        
   getting to know new friends."                                         
   Some 180 exhibitors and associations from 32 countries are expected   
   to attend. In 2018, the event drew 15,460 visitors from 63 countries. 
   Radio Amateur to Lose License as Part of Enforcement Case Settlement  
   New Jersey radio amateur David S. Larsen, Sr., WS2L, of Highland      
   Park, will surrender his Amateur Extra-class license and pay a $7,500 
   civil penalty as part of a Consent Decree with the FCC to settle an   
   enforcement action. An FCC Enforcement Bureau Order released June 18  
   said Larsen violated the Communications Act of 1934 and Part 90 rules 
   by operating on frequencies licensed to the Borough of Highland Park  
   for public safety communication.                                      
   As part of the settlement, Larsen admitted to making the unauthorized 
   transmissions, and he agreed not to engage in unauthorized use of a   
   radio station, and to surrender radios in his possession capable of   
   transmitting on the town's public safety frequencies. If the          
   Commission finds that Larsen makes unauthorized radio transmissions   
   or otherwise violates the terms of the Consent Decree, he'll be       
   subject to an additional $32,500 civil penalty. The agreement         
   stipulates that Larsen may not apply for a new Amateur Radio license  
   for 3 years.                                                          
   The case stems from a May 2018 complaint of unauthorized              
   transmissions on the Highland Park municipal radio system. FCC agents 
   followed up with several visits to the town.                          
   "Based on information provided by the complainant and direct          
   observations by the Bureau's agents, the unauthorized transmissions   
   consisted of brief, pre-recorded sounds (such as the sad trombone     
   sound)," the FCC said in the Consent Decree. The FCC said individuals 
   the agents interviewed identified Larsen -- a former rescue squad     
   volunteer -- as the person who was likely responsible.                
   Responding to an FCC Letter of Inquiry, Larsen subsequently contacted 
   the Enforcement Bureau and related that the unauthorized              
   transmissions had ceased. Last fall, Larsen, responded to the inquiry 
   through counsel to deny making the unauthorized transmissions. A      
   short time later, the unauthorized transmissions resumed, and the FCC 
   restarted its investigation, attempting to trace the source of the    
   transmissions. Last March, agents used direction-finding equipment at 
   a fixed location near the complainant's residence, while other agents 
   conducted mobile direction finding of Larsen's vehicle in transit.    
   "The four agents observed Mr. Larsen pull over to the side of the     
   road on the way to his home," the Consent Decree recounts. "The four  
   Bureau agents observed (a) that during the brief stop, Mr. Larsen     
   remained in his vehicle, (b) while stopped, a brief transmission      
   consisting of the sad trombone sound emanated from the direction of   
   Mr. Larsen's vehicle on a frequency licensed for use by the Highland  
   Park Radio System, and (c) following the transmission of the sad      
   trombone sound, Mr. Larsen resumed his drive to his residence."       
   The FCC said agents returned in April to observe Larsen repeat the    
   earlier behavior, including a similar transmission emanating from Mr. 
   Larsen's vehicle, according to the Decree.                            
   Pennsylvania Radio Amateur Dies in Tower Installation Mishap          
   Well-known northeastern Pennsylvania radio amateur Leland L. "Lee"    
   Parsons III, N3LPJ, lost his life on June 14 during a ham tower       
   installation project when a tower section he was working on collapsed 
   off State Route 2069 in Gibson Township. Authorities said Parsons,    
   62, was apparently attempting to attach a guy wire to the bottom      
   tower section when it went over. An ARRL member, Parsons was the      
   president of the Susquehanna County Amateur Radio Club.               
   [WNEP TV16 video]                                                     
   The online Wireless Estimator called the incident "a stark reminder   
   of the dangers present this weekend during Field Day." The article    
   cited a 2009 Field Day tower collapse that claimed the life of        
   57-year-old Larry Prelog, KE4PM -- an experienced climber -- while he 
   was installing an antenna. In that incident, two legs at the base of  
   the tower buckled.                                                    
   The Wireless Estimator article also recalled the death of the         
   Reverend Paul Bittner, W0AIH, 84, a well-known radio amateur,         
   contester, and Field Day participant, who lost his life last October  
   when he fell from one of the towers at his extensive antenna farm in  
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                 
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: The quiet sun continues, with yet   
   another week of zero sunspots. As of mid-week, that makes 32 days     
   with no sunspot activity. So far this year, 62% of the days have been 
   spotless, much the same as last year's 61%. The average daily solar   
   flux over the past week was 67.1, down from 69 a week ago, and 69.5 2 
   weeks ago.                                                            
   Predicted solar flux over the next 45 days is 67 on June 20 - 27; 69  
   on June 28 - July 4; 68 on July 5 - 6; 69 on July 7 - 9; 68 on July   
   10 - 11; 67 and 66 on July 12 - 13; 67 on July 14 - 20; 68 on July 21 
   - 24; 69 on July 25 - 31; 68 on August 1 - 2, and 69 on August 3.     
   Predicted planetary A index is 12, 10, 8, 5, 8, 12, and 8 on June 20  
   - 26; 5 on June 27 - July 5; 8 on July 6; 5 on July 7 - 9; 8 on July  
   10 - 11; 5 and 8 on July 12 - 13; 12 on July 14 - 17; 10, 8, 5, 8,    
   12, and 8 on July 18 - 23; 5 on July 24 - August 1, then 8 and 5 on   
   August 2 - 3.                                                         
   Sunspot numbers for June 13 through 19, 2019 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,   
   and 0, with a mean of 0. The 10.7 centimeter flux was 67.5, 68, 66.7, 
   65.9, 66.3, 67, and 68, with a mean of 69. Estimated planetary A      
   indices were 10, 8, 4, 4, 3, 4, and 4, with a mean of 5.9. Middle     
   latitude A index was 12, 13, 6, 6, 5, 3, and 4, with a mean of 6.3.   
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL       
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the 
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"  
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer     
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                  
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                              
     * June 22 - 23 -- ARRL Field Day (CW, phone, digital)               
     * June 22 - 23 -- Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest                         
     * June 22 - 23 -- His Majesty King of Spain Contest, SSB            
     * June 24 - 25 -- QCX Challenge (CW)                                
     * June 26 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                       
     * June 27 -- 3.5 RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship, SSB               
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth      
   reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest  
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                
   Historic 2-Meter Transatlantic Contact Reported                       
   D41CV on Cape Verde Islands and FG8OJ in Guadeloupe spanned the       
   Atlantic Ocean on 2 meters for the first time on June 16, according   
   to reports. The distance was 3,867 kilometers (2,397.5 miles). The    
   historic contact was made on 144.174 MHz using FT8 mode.              
   "The mode of propagation was most likely marine ducting, with the     
   signal traveling in a layer near the ocean surface," said John        
   Desmond, EI7GL, who was among those posting information on the        
   contact. Mark De Munck, EA8FF, was at the helm of D41CV, the          
   Monteverde Contest Team club station, off the coast of Africa. He     
   used the beacon antenna at the station, as the so-called "Pinocchio   
   Yagi" was down for repair. Bert Demarcq, FG8OJ, was on the other end  
   of the contact.                                                       
   "Now that this historic contact has been made, more 144 MHz contacts  
   across this part of the Atlantic are sure to follow," Desmond said.   
   The initial contact does not qualify for the Brendan Trophies and     
   Brendan Shields awards, because they require a valid contact to be    
   made between Europe and the Americas on 2 meters. The distance        
   covered, however, was greater than the distance between Ireland and   
   "We continue to write a part of the history and to push barriers      
   further away," a post on the D4C VHF & Up Facebook page said.         
   ARRL ARDF Coordinator Steps Down, New Coordinator Named               
   ARRL Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) Coordinator Joe Moell,    
   K0OV, is stepping down after more than 20 years on the job. Since he  
   became ARRL ARDF Coordinator in February 1998, Moell said the sport   
   of on-foot transmitter hunting under international rules has grown    
   steadily in participation and popularity. Since 2001, beginners and   
   experts alike have gathered each year for the USA Championships of    
                                                 ARRL ARDF Coordinator   
                                                 Joe Moell, K0OV.        
   ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has appointed Jerry Boyd, WB8WFK, 
   of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the new ARRL ARDF Coordinator,         
   effective on July 1. Boyd has been involved in ARDF for many years    
   and has been a frequent medal winner at USA's championships. He       
   headed the team of organizers for the 2002, 2005, and 2011 USA and    
   IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships, held in his hometown. He was on     
   Team USA for the 2004, 2006, and 2010 ARDF World Championships. Boyd  
   also holds an appointment as ARRL Official Observer Coordinator for   
   the New Mexico Section.                                               
   The ARRL ARDF Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the selection 
   of Team USA members for the World ARDF Championships                  
   Incoming ARRL ARDF                                                    
   Coordinator Jerry                                                     
   Boyd, WB8WFK.                                                         
   in even-numbered years, selecting the location and organizers of the  
   annual USA ARDF Championships, and working with coordinators and      
   working groups of other nations and IARU regions to schedule          
   activities and develop rule updates, among other activities.          
   As Boyd prepares to take the reins, President Roderick has expressed  
   gratitude for all Moell has done for the advancement of ARDF. Moell   
   will continue posting radio-orienteering event news and photos on his 
   Homing In website and participating with other southern California    
   ARDF enthusiasts. He expressed his appreciation for the efforts of    
   all who have worked to make ARDF practices and competitions available 
   to aspiring champions. "ARDF has moved from a novelty into the        
   mainstream of Amateur Radio," he said. "It is recognized as an ideal  
   way to interest young people in our hobby and to get them started.    
   Please keep up the good work." Read more.                             
   Morse Code is Still a Hit                                             
   The music lyrics website Genius came up with an ingenious way of      
   determining if other sites -- specifically Google -- had been lifting 
   song lyrics directly from its site and reposting them without         
   permission. According to the Wall Street Journal, starting in 2016,   
   Genius strategically placed both straight and curly apostrophes in    
   their rendering of a song's lyrics. When converted into Morse code,   
   the rigged punctuation spells out the words "red handed." Genius      
   claims it's uncovered more than 100 instances where Google used       
   Genius's own lyrics in Google search results.                         
   "Over the last two years, we've shown Google irrefutable evidence     
   again and again that they are displaying lyrics copied from Genius,"  
   Genius's chief strategy officer Ben Gross told the Wall Street        
   Journal. "We noticed that Google's lyrics matched our lyrics down to  
   the character."                                                       
   The Wall Street Journal corroborated the accusations by matching the  
   results of three songs randomly chosen from the list of 100           
   instances. Google denied the allegations through its partnership with 
   LyricFind, which provides the search engine with lyrics through a     
   deal with music publishers. "We do not source lyrics from Genius,"    
   LyricFind Chief Executive Darryl Ballantyne said. -- Thanks to        
   Rolling Stone and other media reports                                 
   In Brief...                                                           
   ARRL has produced a downloadable video, What is Amateur Radio?, to    
   use at club meetings and public events. This could be an attractive   
   addition for visitors to your ARRL Field Day site this weekend. The   
   video runs just under 3 minutes. A PowerPoint version is also         
   Paul Stiles, KF7SOJ, will become ARRL Montana Section Manager on      
   October 1. Stiles, of Billings, was the only candidate after          
   nominations for the position were re-solicited this spring, and will  
   serve an 18-month term. He will take over the position following      
   George Forsyth, AA7GS, of Great Falls, who decided not to run for a   
   new term after serving since 2013. There are no contested seats in    
   the summer SM election cycle. These incumbent Section Managers had no 
   opposition and were declared re-elected to start new terms on October 
   1: Jack Ciaccia, WM0G (Colorado); Jack Tiley, AD7FO (Eastern          
   Washington); David Benoist, AG4ZR (Georgia); Diana Feinberg, AI6DF    
   (Los Angeles); Carol Milazzo, KP4MD (Sacramento Valley); Bill         
   Hillendahl, KH6GJV (San Francisco); Paul Gilbert, KE5ZW (South        
   Texas); Dan Ringer, K8WV (West Virginia), and Monte Simpson, AF7PQ    
   (Western Washington).                                                 
   AMSAT has announced Field Day on the Satellites. June 22 - 23 is ARRL 
   Field Day weekend, and each year AMSAT promotes its own concurrent    
   event, focused on operation via the amateur satellites. ARRL Field    
   Day offers bonus points for making a contact via satellite. The AMSAT 
   Field Day 2019 event is open to all radio amateurs, and the AMSAT     
   Field Day exchange is the same as that for ARRL Field Day. To reduce  
   congestion, participants are limited to one contact per FM satellite, 
   including the ISS. Complete rules for AMSAT Field Day are on the      
   AMSAT website.                                                        
   Ham Radio Newscast Producer Hap Holly, KC9RP, and The RAIN Report     
   have retired. Holly has been producing the The RAIN Report (Radio     
   Amateur Information Network) newscast every week for 30 years, and    
   the farewell edition is now available. "The archives will remain      
   online for those who want to download and/or broadcast them," Holly   
   told ARRL. "My thought is to expand the archive from RAIN Reports     
   that have never been archived." A ham since 1969, Holly was a         
   prolific reporter of Dayton Hamvention^(R) news and forum accounts    
   over the years, and in 2002, was named Hamvention's 2002 Amateur of   
   the Year. He produced The RAIN Report from his home studio/ham shack  
   in suburban Chicago.                                                  
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                
     * July 19 - 21 -- Nevada State Convention, Reno, Nevada             
     * July 25 - 27 -- Central States VHF Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska  
     * July 26 - 27 -- Ham Holiday, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma              
     * August 2 - 3 -- Austin Summerfest, Austin, Texas                  
     * August 3 - 4 -- Cedar Valley ARC Hamfest/Midwest STEM Techfest,   
       Central City, Iowa                                                
     * August 8 - 6 -- Society of Midwest Contesters Specialty           
       Convention, Normal, Illinois                                      
     * August 8 - 10 -- Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Ogden, Utah  
     * August 9 - 11 -- Pacific Northwest DX Convention, Everett,        
     * August 17 - 18 -- Huntsville Hamfest, Alabama State Convention,   
       Huntsville, Alabama                                               
     * August 23 - 25 -- West Virginia State Convention, Weston, West    
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                           
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   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                   
     * Join or Renew Today! ARRL membership includes QST, Amateur        
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     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features    
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores,   
       NA Sprint, and QSO parties.                                       
     * QEX  -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published       
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,    
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and        
       communications professionals.                                     
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                     
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   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
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   Copyright (c) 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and 
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other   
   purposes require written permission.                                  

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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)