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Text 15497, 551 rader
Skriven 2019-07-12 06:05:17 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
Ärende: Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                       
   July 11, 2019                                                         
     * ARRL Announces "Happy 150!" Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday               
     * Window Closes on July 15 for Volunteer Monitor Program               
     * FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 Changes Recreational Drone Flying    
     * So Now What? Podcast                                              
     * Shop AmazonSmile on Prime Day and Support ARRL                    
     * IARU President Offers Assurances Regarding French 144 - 146 MHz   
       Allocation Proposal                                               
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                             
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                          
     * W1AW, NU1AW to be Headquarters Multipliers for the IARU HF        
     * Historic Amateur Radio Contact via Moon-Orbiting Satellite        
     * ARISS-International Delegates Meet in Montreal                    
     * In Brief...                                                       
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions            
   ARRL Announces "Happy 150!" Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration    
   This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of ARRL's first    
   president and cofounder Hiram Percy Maxim (HPM), W1AW, born on        
   September 2, 1869. ARRL will hold an operating event to celebrate     
   HPM's legacy, getting under way at 0000 UTC on August 31, and         
   continuing until 2359 UTC on September 8. The event is open to all    
   radio amateurs.                                                       
   The goal is straightforward: Contact as many participating stations   
   as possible. W1AW and all ARRL members will append "/150" to their    
   call signs during this event (DX operators who are ARRL members may   
   identify as <call sign>/150, if permitted by their country of         
   license.) Participating stations will exchange signal report and      
   ARRL/RAC Section. DX stations will send signal report and "DX." Those 
   taking part may use all Amateur Radio bands, excluding 60, 30, 17,    
   and 12 meters.                                                        
   Permitted modes: CW, phone (any voice modes), and digital. Submit     
   Cabrillo log or ADI files. ARRL will calculate all final scores based 
   on participants' uploads to the ARRL event web app (link not yet      
   The 84 available multipliers only count once. These include the 83    
   ARRL/RAC Sections (RAC Sections include the Canadian Northern         
   Territories, encompassing VE8, VY1, and VY0) and DX. The W1AW         
   operating schedule during this period may be adjusted as necessary to 
   accommodate on-air celebration operating activities. Contacts with    
   W1AW/150 will earn 3 points each. Contacts with any ARRL member will  
   earn 2 points each. These stations will also identify as <call        
   sign>/150. Contacts with nonmembers will earn 1 point each.           
   Participants can earn 150 bonus points by:                            
     * Contacting W1AW/150 on each band and mode.                        
     * Uploading entries (ARRL members only).                            
     * Using social media to publicize this event and/or participation   
       before, during, and/or after the event.                           
     * Operating with 5 W PEP output or less throughout the event.       
     * Making at least 20 contacts while operating portable.             
     * Completing at least 150 contacts.                                 
   Online certificates will be awarded, and are available via download   
   only. Updates and results will be publicized.                         
   There are no power or operator categories. Participating ARRL members 
   who use Logbook of The World (LoTW) are encouraged to create a        
   separate LoTW certificate for uploading <call sign>/150 contacts.     
   Members then should upload logs for this event using their /150       
   certificates. Submissions must be via the online web app. No email or 
   paper submissions will be accepted.                                   
   Window Closes on July 15 for Volunteer Monitor Program Applications   
   Monday, July 15, will be the last day that applications for the new   
   Volunteer Monitor Program will be accepted. Some 250 applications     
   have been submitted to fill approximately 150 Volunteer Monitor (VM)  
   positions in the program, which is succeeding the Official Observer   
   (OO) program. Retired FCC special counsel and former Atlantic         
   Division Vice Director Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, is overseeing      
   ARRL's role in the development and implementation of the program, and 
   he has been interviewing all applicants. Those not selected as VMs    
   will be placed in a reserve pool. Current OOs have been invited to    
   apply for appointments.                                               
   Approved by the ARRL Board of Directors at its July 2018 meeting, the 
   new Volunteer Monitor Program represents a formal agreement between   
   the FCC and ARRL in which volunteers trained and vetted by ARRL will  
   monitor the airwaves and collect evidence that can be used to correct 
   misconduct, as well as to recognize exemplary on-air operation. ARRL  
   will refer incidents of flagrant violations to the FCC for action, in 
   accordance with FCC guidelines, and the FCC will give priority to     
   enforcement cases developed by the Volunteer Monitor Program. The FCC 
   proposed the program following the closures of several FCC regional   
   offices and a reduction in field staff.                               
   ARRL and the FCC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that 
   establishes the Volunteer Monitor Program as a replacement for the    
   Official Observers.                                                   
   The first Volunteer Monitors could be in place and ready to begin     
   their duties by this fall.                                            
   FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 Changes Recreational Drone Flying     
   The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 includes changes to recreational  
   drone flying in the US. Radio amateurs have used drones to inspect    
   antenna systems and terrain and to carry support lines aloft, as well 
   as for other purposes. The FAA considers those who fly their drones   
   for fun as recreational users. The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018    
   describes how, when, and where owners may fly drones for recreational 
   purposes. These broad guidelines should apply to most Amateur Radio   
   users of drones.                                                      
     * [IMG]Register as a "modeler." A registrant must be at least 13    
       years old and a US citizen or legal permanent resident.           
     * Label your model aircraft with your registration number.          
     * Fly only for recreational purposes.                               
     * Follow the safety guidelines of a community-based organization    
       (see below).                                                      
     * Fly your drone at or below 400 feet when in uncontrolled or Class 
       G airspace, and do not fly it in airspace where flight is         
     * Keep your drone within your line of sight or within the           
       line-of-sight of a visual observer who is co-located and in       
       direct communication with the operator.                           
     * Never fly near other aircraft, especially near airports.          
     * Never fly over groups of people, public events, or stadiums full  
       of people.                                                        
     * Never fly near emergencies such as any type of accident response, 
       law enforcement activities, firefighting, or hurricane recovery   
     * Never fly under the influence of drugs or alcohol.                
   Recreational flyers who intentionally violate any of these safety     
   requirements and/or operate in a careless and reckless manner could   
   be liable for criminal and/or civil penalties. Read the Authorization 
   for limited recreational operations as described in Section 44809     
   (PDF). All limited recreational operations should be conducted in     
   accordance with this authorization.                                   
   For more information, read Advisory Circular 91-57B.                  
   The FAA is upgrading the online system, known as LAANC (the Low       
   Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability), so that          
   recreational operations can get automated airspace authorizations to  
   fly in controlled airspace.                                           
   The new law also will require that drone operators pass an online     
   aeronautical knowledge and safety test and carry proof of test        
   passage. The FAA is developing the test in consultation with          
   stakeholders. Recreational flyers would have to pass the test, which  
   could be administered electronically. The FAA will provide additional 
   guidance and will notify when the test is available. The FAA also     
   will issue guidance for how it will recognize community-based         
   More detailed information about the FAA's plan to fully implement the 
   requirements of Section 349 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 is 
   available in the Federal Register.                                    
   So Now What? Podcast                                                  
   "Fan Questions" will be the focus of the new (July 11) episode of the 
   So Now What? podcast for Amateur Radio newcomers.                     
   If you're a newly licensed Amateur Radio operator, chances are you    
   have lots of questions. This biweekly podcast has answers! So Now     
   What? offers insights from those who've been just where you are now.  
   New episodes will be posted every other Thursday, alternating         
   new-episode weeks with the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast.             
   So Now What? is sponsored by LDG Electronics, a family owned and      
   operated business with laboratories in southern Maryland that offers  
   a wide array of antenna tuners and other Amateur Radio products.      
   ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, and     
   ARRL Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, co-host the podcast. Presented 
   as a lively conversation, with Patnode representing newer hams and    
   Carcia the veteran operators, the podcast will explore questions that 
   newer hams may have and the issues that keep participants from        
   staying active in the hobby. Some episodes will feature guests to     
   answer questions on specific topic areas.                             
   Listeners can find So Now What? on Apple iTunes, Blubrry, Stitcher    
   (free registration required, or browse the site as a guest) and       
   through the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices.    
   Episodes will be archived on the ARRL website.                        
   Shop AmazonSmile on Prime Day and Support ARRL                        
   Amazon Prime Day is almost here! Deals start at 3 AM ET on Monday,    
   July 15, and continue through Tuesday, July 16. Prime Day is one of   
   the biggest shopping days of the year.                                
   As you browse the great deals available exclusively to Amazon Prime   
   members, we invite you to shop at AmazonSmile, choosing the ARRL as   
   your charity of choice.                                               
   With every qualifying purchase you make through AmazonSmile, Amazon   
   will make a contribution to ARRL. This helps ARRL extend its reach in 
   public service, advocacy, education, technology, and membership.      
   Support the Amateur Radio Service and ARRL with your eligible         
   purchase on Amazon Prime Day, or on any day of the year.              
   For more information on Amazon Prime Day and AmazonSmile visit        
   AmazonSmile and log in to your Amazon account.                        
   IARU President Offers Assurances Regarding French 144 - 146 MHz       
   Allocation Proposal                                                   
   International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) President Tim Ellam,         
   VE6SH/G4HUA, said his organization empathizes with the concerns of    
   radio amateurs worldwide regarding a French proposal to allocate 144  
   - 146 MHz to the Aeronautical Service on a primary basis, essentially 
   sharing it with Amateur Radio. The band is currently allocated to     
   Amateur Radio on a primary basis around the world. Ellam this week    
   offered assurances that the IARU is on top of the matter, which is    
   still a regional issue, and is already working to keep the band in    
   the hands of radio amateurs. While the issue could end up on the      
   agenda of World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), a lot    
   would have to happen first.                                           
   "There is a lot of misinformation circulating as to what the proposal 
   is seeking and how IARU is responding to it," Ellam told ARRL. "While 
   the proposal is a concern, petitions and the like, while well         
   intended, are going to have very limited value and, in fact, may harm 
   the steps being taken in the regulatory environment."                 
   The French proposal, submitted last month to a pre-WRC-19 European    
   Conference of Telecommunications and Postal Administrations (CEPT)    
   meeting, included 144 - 146 MHz within a range of frequencies to be   
   studied for future airborne, non-safety applications in the           
   Aeronautical Service. Germany opposed the move, and IARU "objected    
   strongly," Ellam said. "Nonetheless, the proposal was carried forward 
   to the next meeting of the CEPT Conference Preparatory Group in late  
   August." IARU anticipates that other countries attending the August   
   meeting will oppose the inclusion of 144 - 146 MHz as a frequency     
   range to be considered for the WRC-23 agenda, Ellam said.             
   IARU President Tim                                                    
   Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA                                                    
   Since the June meeting, IARU Region 1 (Europe, Africa, and the Middle 
   East) has asked its member-societies to contact their national        
   administrations (i.e., governments) to explain the importance of the  
   144 - 146 MHz primary allocation, Ellam recounted. "IARU is also      
   taking other actions to make its views known to those involved in the 
   proposal," he said.                                                   
   "If accepted as a WRC-23 Agenda Item, this proposal would require 4   
   years of studies by administrations," Ellam stressed. "Considering    
   the challenges of sharing spectrum with aeronautical systems, it      
   seems inevitable that the conclusion of such studies would be that    
   sharing with a widely used part of the amateur spectrum presents too  
   many problems to be viable."                                          
   Ellam encouraged individual radio amateurs who want to help to become 
   members of their IARU member-society. "If anything," Ellam concluded, 
   "this recent news should serve as a timely reminder that defense of   
   the amateur spectrum does not just happen. Your member-societies and  
   the IARU constantly work at defending the amateur allocations." Read  
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                 
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: As was the case in the previous     
   reporting week, the current week had only 1 day, July 13, on which    
   sunspots made a brief appearance; both were new spots from Cycle 25,  
   according to their magnetic signatures.                               
   The average daily solar flux declined marginally from 67.5 to 67.1.   
   Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 68 on July 11 - 18, and  
   67 on July 19 - August 24.                                            
   Predicted planetary A index is 8 on July 1; 5 on July 12-27; 8 on     
   July 28; 5 on July 29 - August 4; 12, 15, and 12 on August 5 - 7; 5   
   on August 8 - 23, and 8 on August 24.                                 
   Here's an interesting article on space weather from The Conversation: 
   "Solar weather has real, material effects on Earth."                  
   Space Weather Woman Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW, has posted a new video.     
   Sunspot numbers for July 4 - 10 were 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, and 0, with a 
   mean of 1.7. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 67.8, 67.5, 66.5, 67.3,     
   66.5, 66.8, and 67.6, with a mean of 67.1. Estimated planetary A      
   indices were 5, 5, 3, 5, 9, 17, and 15, with a mean of 8.4. Middle    
   latitude A index was 8, 6, 5, 5, 7, 16, and 13, with a mean of 8.6.   
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL       
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the 
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"  
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer     
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                  
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                              
     * July 13 -- FISTS Summer Unlimited Sprint (CW)                     
     * July 13 - 14 -- IARU HF Championship (CW, phone)                  
     * July 13 - 14 -- SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (CW)                     
     * July 15 -- 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint (CW, phone)    
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth      
   reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest  
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                
   W1AW, NU1AW to be Headquarters Multipliers for the IARU HF            
   During the IARU HF Championship contest July 13 - 14, the ARRL HQ     
   station will be W1AW/7, on the air from Nevada with Tom Taormina,     
   K5RC, as control operator. IARU Secretariat Club station NU1AW will   
   be on the air from KC1XX in New Hampshire and K1TTT in Massachusetts  
   and counts as the IARU HQ station.                                    
   Both single and multioperator stations may operate the entire 24-hour 
   period, and stations may operate on phone, on CW, or on both modes.   
   IARU member-society HQ stations send signal report and official IARU  
   member-society abbreviation (e.g., ARRL).                             
   Members of the IARU Administrative Council and the three IARU         
   regional Executive Committees send "AC," "R1," "R2," and "R3," as     
   appropriate. All other stations send signal report and ITU zone.      
   Historic Amateur Radio Contact via Moon-Orbiting Satellite Reported   
   A contact between radio amateurs in Germany and China took place on   
   July 1 via the moon-orbiting LO-94 satellite, DSLWP-B, launched in    
   May 2018. The two-way exchange between Reinhard Kuehn, DK5LA, in      
   Sorup, Germany, and Harbin Institute of Technology club station       
   BY2HIT (operated by Wei Mingchuan, BG2BHC), in Harbin, China,         
   occurred between 0551 and 0728 UTC, according to reports. The         
   GMSK-to-JT4G repeater onboard DSLWP-B was used to make the contact,   
   the first ever via a lunar-orbiting repeater.                         
   "Using the GMSK-to-JT4G repeater is not easy, in terms of the signal  
   power needed for the uplink," commented radio amateur and engineer    
   Daniel Estévez, EA4GPZ, whose blog includes images of the lunar       
   surface downloaded via DSLWP-B. "There were plans to make a QSO       
   between BY2HIT and Reinhard since many months ago, but previous       
   attempts didn't work out. My congratulations to the people at both    
   sides of the QSO, who have achieved it a month before DSLWP-B crashes 
   against the lunar surface."                                           
   As Estévez explained it, the GMSK-to-JT4G repeater works by sending   
   commands to the satellite that embed a 13-character message, using    
   the same frequency and a similar protocol to the one that commands    
   the camera and other satellite functions. He said sending a message   
   in this fashion takes a little longer than 1 minute.                  
   An open telecommand protocol allows radio amateurs to take and        
   download images, and DSLWP-B transmitted images of the moon and Earth 
   during this week's solar eclipse. DSLWP-B was launched as a secondary 
   payload with the Quequiao relay satellite as part of the Chang'e 4    
   mission to the far side of the moon.                                  
   DSLWP stands for "Discovering the Sky at Longest Wavelengths          
   Pathfinder," and was designed to test low-frequency radio astronomy   
   and space-based interferometry. The repeater uplink is on 2 meters    
   and the downlink is on 70 centimeters.                                
   ARISS-International Delegates Meet in Montreal                        
   Representatives of nine nations were on hand as Amateur Radio on the  
   International Space Station (ARISS) held its 2019 "face-to-face"      
   meeting of international delegates at the Canadian Space Agency in    
   Montreal, June 26 - 28. ARISS-Canada was the host for the gathering.  
   A high point of the conference came when JVC Kenwood Software Manager 
   Shin Aota, JL1IBD, presented two Kenwood TM-D710GA transceivers to    
   ARISS-Russia delegate Sergey Samburov, RV3DR. One of the TM-D710GA    
   radios will replace aging Amateur Radio equipment currently in use on 
   the International Space Station, while the other will remain on Earth 
   as a spare for training cosmonauts. For more than a year, these       
   radios have undergone rigorous NASA qualification testing followed by 
   final software configuration and verification.                        
   "With today's transfer of the radios to ARISS-Russia, we are one step 
   closer to an enhanced Amateur Radio system on board the ISS,          
   supporting various operations such as SSTV, voice communication,      
   APRS, and a variety of experiments," ARISS-International said in      
   announcing the presentation. The ARISS Hardware Team met on June 25.  
   JVC Kenwood's Shin Aota, JL1IBD                                       
   (left), hands a new Kenwood                                           
   TM-D710GA transceiver to                                              
   ARISS-Russia's Sergey Samburov,                                       
   RV3DR. [Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, photo]                                   
   Other topics included ARISS' future participation in NASA's Deep      
   Space Gateway (DSG) program. ARISS is the only noncommercial entity   
   whose ideas are under study by the program. The ARISS plan focuses on 
   Amateur Radio communication, including optical communication          
   channels, as well as equipment development, team cooperation,         
   education, and public outreach.                                       
   Those attending the conference included Radio Amateurs of Canada      
   (RAC) President and ARISS-Canada Delegate for RAC Glenn MacDonell,    
   VE3XRA; AMSAT-NA President Joe Spier, K6WAO, and AMSAT-Italia         
   President Emanuele D'Andria, I0ELE. ARRL Southeastern Division        
   Director Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, attended in his role as chair of the    
   ARRL Board's new ARISS Committee. Rosalie White, K1STO, represented   
   ARRL as an ARISS-US delegate and handled the duties of                
   ARISS-International Secretary. The other ARISS-US delegate was Dave   
   Taylor, W8AAS.  Read more. -- Thanks to Dave Jordan, AA4KN, ARISS     
   Public Relations, and Rosalie White, K1STO                            
   In Brief...                                                           
   Applications for the 2020 ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program will be 
   accepted between September 1 and December 31, 2019. All applicants    
   must be FCC-licensed radio amateurs, and many scholarships have other 
   specific requirements, such as intended area of study, residence      
   within a particular ARRL Division, Section or state, and license      
   class. Applicants should review the scholarships and check off the    
   ones for which they are eligible. If you complete an online           
   application, you must also email a PDF of academic transcripts from   
   your most-recently completed school year by January 13, 2020.         
   Applications not accompanied by transcripts will not be considered.   
   The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee will review all applicants  
   for eligibility and award decisions. Scholarship recipients will be   
   notified in May 2020 via USPS mail and email. For more information,   
   visit the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program page.                   
   Starting with the August issue, QST will list the recipients of W1AW  
   Code Proficiency certificates. Key manufacturer Vibroplex is now      
   sponsoring the certificates, which have been redesigned. The Code     
   Proficiency program has been an ARRL staple for decades. Participants 
   who copy a W1AW qualifying run and submit 1 minute of legible solid   
   copy and the $10 certificate fee can qualify. Send submissions to     
   W1AW Qualifying Run, 225 Main St., Newington, CT USA 06111. These are 
   checked directly against the official W1AW text, and those            
   demonstrating solid copy will receive an initial Code Proficiency     
   certificate. Endorsement stickers, which cost $7.50, are issued for   
   speeds up to 40 WPM. The W1AW Code Proficiency Program is open to     
   hams and non-hams alike. Those seeking to attain a Code Proficiency   
   certificate can listen to W1AW daily code practice sessions, in which 
   the text is taken directly from QST, as announced before each         
   practice run.                                                         
   A final call has been issued to solicit technical papers for          
   presentation at the ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference       
   (DCC). The event is set for September 20 - 22 at the Marriott Detroit 
   Metro Airport Hotel. Papers will also be published in the Conference  
   Proceedings. Authors do not need to attend the conference to have     
   their papers included in the Proceedings. The submission deadline is  
   August 5. Submit papers via email or mail to Maty Weinberg, KB1EIB,   
   ARRL, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111. Papers will be published     
   exactly as submitted, and authors will retain all rights.             
   Cathryn Mitchell, M0IBG, the academic director of the University of   
   Bath Doctoral College in the UK, has received the 2019 Edward         
   Appleton Medal and Prize. She was recognized for her pioneering       
   research in tomography and data assimilation that revealed a          
   completely new perspective on the ionosphere in response to extreme   
   space weather. "Mitchell innovated a completely new Earth observation 
   technique by adapting medical tomography to image the Earth's         
   ionosphere, thus revealing the dynamics of the near-Earth space       
   environment," an announcement on the Institute of Physics (IOP)       
   website explained. "Her use of Global Positioning System satellite    
   signals as a source for space weather tomography, through a new       
   time-dependent mathematical inversion algorithm, has given us the     
   first global-scale view of the ionosphere in response to space        
   weather storms." The award's namesake, Edward Appleton, won the 1947  
   Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1924 work that proved the existence of 
   the ionosphere. Radio amateurs participated in listening tests during 
   the early 1920s that provided data regarding how radio signals        
   propagate. Read more.                                                 
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                
     * July 19 - 21 -- Nevada State Convention, Reno, Nevada             
     * July 25 - 27 -- Central States VHF Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska  
     * July 26 - 27 -- Ham Holiday, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma              
     * August 2 - 3 -- Austin Summerfest, Austin, Texas                  
     * August 3 - 4 -- Cedar Valley ARC Hamfest/Midwest STEM Techfest,   
       Central City, Iowa                                                
     * August 8 - 10 -- Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Ogden, Utah  
     * August 9 - 11 -- Pacific Northwest DX Convention, Everett,        
     * August 17 - 18 -- Huntsville Hamfest, Alabama State Convention,   
       Huntsville, Alabama                                               
     * August 24 -- Society of Midwest Contesters Specialty Convention,  
       Normal, Illinois                                                  
     * August 23 - 25 -- West Virginia State Convention, Weston, West    
     * September 6 - 7 -- Arkansas State Convention, Mena, Arkansas      
     * September 6 - 7 -- Wyoming State Convention, Gillette, Wyoming    
     * September 7 -- Virginia Section Convention, Virginia Beach,       
     * September 13 - 14 -- W9DXCC 2019, St. Charles, Illinois           
     * September 21 - 22 -- New Mexico State Convention, Albuquerque,    
       New Mexico                                                        
     * September 27 - 28 -- Central Division Convention, Milwaukee,      
     * September 28 -- Dakota Division Convention, West Fargo, North     
     * September 28 -- Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley,      
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   Copyright (c) 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and 
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 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)