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Skriven 2019-07-26 06:05:03 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
Ärende: Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                       
   July 25, 2019                                                         
     * ARRL Field Day 2019 Attracts Nearly 3,100 Entries                    
     * ARES Responds to Early July Earthquakes and Aftershocks in           
       Southern California                                                  
     * Millions of AMPRNet Internet Addresses Sold to Fund Grants and       
     * So Now What? Podcast                                              
     * ARRL's 2018 Annual Report is Now Available                        
     * Amateur Radio Being Showcased at 2019 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh,  
     * IEEE Symposium Exhibit Displays the Breadth of Amateur Radio      
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                             
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                          
     * Scouts Attending World Scout Jamboree Set to Talk with Space      
       Station via Ham Radio                                             
     * Some European Telecoms Regulators Keeping an Open Mind on French  
       2-Meter Proposal                                                  
     * In Brief...                                                       
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions            
   ARRL Field Day 2019 Attracts Nearly 3,100 Entries                     
   The 30-day deadline to submit ARRL Field Day entries via app upload   
   and (timely postmarked) USPS mail is now past, and the ARRL Contest   
   Branch reports 3,070 entries have been logged into the system. Last   
   year saw 2,903 entries. ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager    
   Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, said the total does not include entries postmarked 
   by July 23 and still in transit. A number of entries still show a     
   status of "PENDING." These include 280 incomplete entries that are    
   missing the required list of call signs by band/mode (also known as a 
   "Dupe Sheet"), or a Cabrillo file.                                    
   "This requirement is to ensure that claimed contact totals do not     
   include duplicate contacts on the same band and mode," Jahnke said.   
   "These entries, if not complete, may end up as check logs in the      
   final listings."                                                      
   An additional 191 entries are missing something other than Dupe       
   Sheets. "These entries are complete," Jahnke explained. "Their scores 
   at present are not benefitting from certain bonuses, for which        
   documentation is still outstanding," he said. "Confirmation for       
   entries submitted online using the web app include a link to update   
   your entry.                                                           
   A young visitor to the Boulder                                        
   Amateur Radio Club's W0DK Field                                       
   Day site in Colorado makes his                                        
   first contact on ham radio.                                           
   This 3A operation was beset by                                        
   rain and cool to chilly                                               
   If ARRL generated the entry from paper, or if you are unable to       
   update your entry, submit pending documentation via email, and the    
   Contest Branch will update your entry, assuming that                  
   documentation/photos confirm the bonus points claimed."               
   Updates are permitted until August 23. After that, all entries as of  
   that moment will be considered final. Results will appear in the      
   December 2019 issue of QST. Jahnke encouraged groups to separately    
   submit photos with captions for possible inclusion in QST.            
   Individuals should be identified by names and call signs, and any     
   subject younger than 18 years old will require a signed publication   
   release. Photos should have a minimum resolution of 250 kB.           
   ARES Responds to Early July Earthquakes and Aftershocks in Southern   
   On the morning of July 4, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the       
   California High Desert, with its epicenter near Trona in the Searles  
   Valley, not far from Ridgecrest, population roughly 29,000.           
   ARES volunteer Jerry Brooks, KK6PA, activated the Eastern Kern County 
   ARES Net, and, as members assessed their own situations and were able 
   to participate, activity grew on the Eastern Kern County ARES         
   Emergency Net. Others filled in as Net Control Stations a the         
   activation progressed.                                                
   The Logistics Chief with the Ridgecrest Emergency Operations Center   
   (EOC), Robert Oberfeld, contacted Eastern Kern County ARES to ask     
   that a radio operator be assigned to the Ridgecrest Police Department 
   mobile communications van at the EOC. Eastern Kern County ARES was    
   able to relay information from mobile operators to the EOC regarding  
   roadway conditions in the area, as several main highways -- including 
   Highway 178, the only route between Ridgecrest and Trona -- had been  
   rendered impassable. CalTrans was alerted, and repair crews had the   
   route opened for limited traffic within a short time.                 
   As the aftershocks lessened and the extent of the damage by the first 
   temblor had been assessed, the EOC requested that ARES stand down but 
   remain on standby.                                                    
   A US Geological Survey map displays                                   
   the swath of earthquakes and                                          
   aftershocks around Independence Day                                   
   in California.                                                        
   The next day, Friday, July 5, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck in    
   the early evening. This was followed over the next 2 hours nearly 2   
   dozen aftershocks, ranging in magnitude from 4.5 to 5.5.              
   When Eastern Kern County ARES activated again, significantly more     
   damage had occurred, with the result that fewer operators were        
   immediately available. More subsequently came on board to provide     
   their observations to the EOC. In all, 57 operators were active at    
   various times on the emergency net, providing status and updates.     
   Eastern Kern County ARES stood down from active status at 9 PM on     
   "The ensuing days have brought thousands of aftershocks of generally  
   small magnitude, but the threat of larger aftershocks remains, so     
   Eastern Kern County ARES remains on stand by for now," said Dennis    
   Kidder, W6DQ. Aftershocks are expected to continue for a long time,   
   he said. Read more. -- Thanks to Dennis Kidder, W6DQ, Eastern Kern    
   County ARES                                                           
   Millions of AMPRNet Internet Addresses Sold to Fund Grants and        
   The proceeds from this month's sale of some 4 million unused          
   consecutive AMPRNetƒ*› internet addresses will fund operations of the 
   nonprofit Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC). This will      
   establish a program of grants and scholarships in support of          
   communications and networking research -- with a strong emphasis on   
   Amateur Radio, an ARDC news release said. ARDC manages AMPRNet. While 
   the sale fetched "several million dollars," ARDC said that its Board  
   of Directors had agreed to keep the exact figure confidential for     
   now, "to avoid adversely influencing others buying and selling        
   The addresses sold came out of a block of some 16 million internet    
   addresses obtained nearly 40 years ago and "devoted exclusively to    
   Amateur Radio" for TCP/IP ham radio networking. Ownership of the      
   addresses passed to an informal group of hams that included Phil      
   Karn, KA9Q; Wally Lindstruth, WA6JPR (SK), and later, Brian Kantor,   
   WB6CYT. Karn and Kantor remain on the ARDC Board.                     
   In its statement, ARDC said the sale decision was unanimous and that  
   proceeds would be invested, in the hope that they will become "a      
   perpetual endowment from which each year we will award grants and     
   scholarships to qualified recipients who will use the funds to        
   advance the state of the communications arts."                        
   ARDC said it intends to grant funds "across all reaches of the        
   educational, research, and development spectrum," with awards going   
   toward the support of qualified IRS 501(c)(3) organizations.          
   No grants or scholarships have been granted as yet. ARDC said it is   
   forming a committee to screen future candidate organizations.         
   So Now What? Podcast                                                  
   "Tips on Using Coax Cable" will be the focus of the new (July 25)     
   episode of the So Now What? podcast for Amateur Radio newcomers.      
   If you're a newly licensed Amateur Radio operator, chances are you    
   have lots of questions. This biweekly podcast has answers! So Now     
   What? offers insights from those who've been just where you are now.  
   New episodes will be posted every other Thursday, alternating         
   new-episode weeks with the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast.             
   So Now What? is sponsored by LDG Electronics, a family owned and      
   operated business with laboratories in southern Maryland that offers  
   a wide array of antenna tuners and other Amateur Radio products.      
   ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, and     
   ARRL Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, co-host the podcast. Presented 
   as a lively conversation, with Patnode representing newer hams and    
   Carcia the veteran operators, the podcast will explore questions that 
   newer hams may have and the issues that keep participants from        
   staying active in the hobby. Some episodes will feature guests to     
   answer questions on specific topic areas.                             
   Listeners can find So Now What? on Apple iTunes, Blubrry, Stitcher    
   (free registration required, or browse the site as a guest) and       
   through the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices.    
   Episodes will be archived on the ARRL website.                        
   ARRL's 2018 Annual Report is Now Available                            
   ARRL has announced the release of its 2018 Annual Report  to members. 
   In his message to members, ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said   
   "new generation" hams engage with Amateur Radio in a very different   
   way than hams of his generation.                                      
   "Through extensive research, we've learned that they come to Amateur  
   Radio hoping to learn how to use it in aid of their communities, and  
   for enhancing the fun they're already having while camping, hiking,   
   or doing other outdoor activities," President Roderick said. "We've   
   also learned that they've been discouraged by the difficulty of       
   finding information and help that would allow them to get involved."  
   He said ARRL has turned its attention toward those hams over the past 
   year, and he directed readers to read about ARRL's new Lifelong       
   Learning Department, which, he said, "will create learning materials  
   for Amateur Radio enthusiasts at all levels of knowledge -- but       
   especially for the beginners."                                        
   "I'm excited about the new ways in which the organization is          
   preparing to fulfill its mission to advance the art, science, and     
   enjoyment of Amateur Radio," President Roderick concluded. "I hope    
   you are, too."                                                        
   In his message, Chief Executive Officer Howard Michel, WB2ITX, said   
   ARRL is at a crossroads, "and we need to look seriously at what we    
   are and what we do. For ARRL to remain relevant to Amateur Radio, it  
   must evolve. That evolution, while swift, can't be haphazard."        
   "We are about relationships and information. We are about creating,   
   curating, and disseminating information about Amateur Radio," Michel  
   Members may download and read ARRL's  2018 Annual Report on the ARRL  
   website. Set Adobe Reader to its two-page viewing mode to better view 
   the larger layout. Read more.                                         
   Amateur Radio Being Showcased at 2019 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh,      
   ARRL member-volunteers are part of the excitement at the 2019         
   International Experimental Aircraft Association annual AirVenture     
   show, which wraps up on July 29 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This year      
   marks the 50th anniversary of EAA AirVenture, which drew more than    
   600,000 visitors and 10,000 aircraft last year. The ARRL exhibit      
   highlights radio communications, encouraging pilots and aviation      
   enthusiasts to discover the many facets of Amateur Radio and to       
   expand their interest in technology. ARRL Product Development Manager 
   Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, organized the booth (#2152 in Hangar B) and    
   all-volunteer team.                                                   
   "This is a great opportunity to show off Amateur Radio at such a      
   large-scale event," Inderbitzen said. "There's a kinship among the    
   aviation and Amateur Radio communities. In addition to introducing    
   newcomers to ham radio, we met over 600 ham-pilots at last year's     
   AirVenture." (See "Growing Amateur Radio, One Pilot at a Time,"       
   January 2019, QST, pp. 77 - 80.)                                      
   Icom America and EAA Warbirds of America have organized special event 
   station W9W, which will be on the air all week from AirVenture.       
   [IMG]Look for W9W on 40 through 10 meters and on VHF and UHF. The     
   station will be set up against the backdrop of the display of         
   historic and vintage ex-military aircraft.                            
   Members of the Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club (FCARC) are operating    
   W9ZL from the nearby Pioneer Airport. The station is located within   
   KidVenture, which is filled with activities for children and youth    
   attending AirVenture. (See the ARRL Special Events database for       
   further details about W9ZL and W9W.)                                  
   Tying in with the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, EAA 
   AirVenture will host Apollo 11 crew member Michael Collins on Friday, 
   July 26, as the event's featured guest.                               
   IEEE Symposium Exhibit Displays the Breadth of Amateur Radio          
   Amateur Radio received excellent exposure during the IEEE             
   International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation July 7 - 12 in    
   Atlanta, Georgia. Some 1,400 delegates from 23 countries attended,    
   and many visited ARRL's exhibit to learn more about Amateur Radio.    
   Three active Amateur Radio stations were available via remote         
   internet connections.                                                 
   "I wanted the booth to be inviting and get people's attention," said  
   Wes Lamboley, W3WL, of the North Fulton Amateur Radio League, who     
   headed up the team of booth volunteers. "The main objective was to    
   engage people and find out what their interests were and then make    
   them aware of aspects of ham radio that may be of interest." That     
   included Amateur Radio in space activities, including the Amateur     
   Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program and ham      
   radio satellites.                                                     
   Visitors to the ARRL exhibit                                          
   included (left to right) Ray Bailey,                                  
   N4GYN; Jim Kaufman, W4IU -- a recent                                  
   QST author; Eric Eveleigh, KN4VRW;                                    
   ARRL Georgia Section Manger David                                     
   Benoist, AG4ZR, and Chuck Catledge,                                   
   Lamboley estimated that up to 400 attendees visited the ARRL exhibit, 
   and all received an "Ask Me About Amateur Radio" pin designed by Ward 
   Silver, N0AX.                                                         
   "As this Symposium was about antennas, propagation and radio science, 
   the most interest on the part of non-hams seemed to be the frequency  
   allocations we have," Lamboley observed. "It seemed that over 50% of  
   the attendees were working in the 10 to 100 GHz range and engaged in  
   many experimental/research endeavors in that range. This is being     
   driven by 5G. There was much interest in Arduinos as well."           
   Several attendees sat for Amateur Radio examinations offered at the   
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                 
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: On Monday, July 22, a new sunspot   
   appeared, but just for 1 day, and the magnetic signature showed it to 
   be from the current Solar Cycle 24.                                   
   Average daily solar flux increased insignificantly, from 67 to 67.3.  
   Predicted solar flux is 67 for July 25 through September 7.           
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on July 25; 8 on July 26 - 27; 5 on  
   July 28 - August 3; 8, 15, 15, and 8 on August 4 - 7; 5 on August 8 - 
   18; 8 on August 19 - 20; 5 on August 21; 8 on August 22 - 24; 5 on    
   August 25 - 30; 8, 15, 15, and 8 on August 31 - September 3, and 5 on 
   September 4 - 7.                                                      
   An article in EurekAlert, "'Terminators' on the Sun trigger plasma    
   tsunamis and the start of new solar cycles," discusses the end of the 
   current cycle and beginning of the new one.                           
   A European Space Agency (ESA) article discusses the Solar Wind        
   Composition Experiment during the Apollo 11 mission.                  
   Sunspot numbers for July 18 - 24 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, and 0, with  
   a mean of 1.6. The 10.7 centimeter flux was 67, 66.7, 67, 67.7, 67.3, 
   67.4, and 67.8, with a mean of 67.3. Estimated planetary A indices    
   were 3, 4, 3, 8, 8, 6, and 5, with a mean of 5.3. Middle latitude A   
   index was 4, 3, 5, 9, 11, 7, and 5, with a mean of 6.3.               
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL       
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the 
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"  
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer     
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                  
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                              
     * July 27 - 28 -- RSGB IOTA Contest (CW, phone)                     
     * July 28 -- ARS Flight of the Bumblebees (CW)                      
     * July 29 - 30 -- QCX Challenge (CW)                                
     * August 1 -- NRAU 10-Meter Activity Contest (CW, phone, digital)   
     * August 1 -- SKCC Sprint Europe (CW)                               
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth      
   reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest  
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences                 
   Scouts Attending World Scout Jamboree Set to Talk with Space Station  
   via Ham Radio                                                         
   Thousands of Scouts from some 160 countries attending the 24th World  
   Scout Jamboree this summer in West Virginia will have the chance to   
   witness an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)   
   contact. The World Scout Jamboree opened on Monday, July 22. If all   
   goes according to schedule, a group of 10 Scouts at Jamboree, chosen  
   from among those who signed up for the opportunity, will gather at    
   the World Scout Jamboree's NA1WJ to pose questions to astronaut Drew  
   Morgan, KI5AAA, at the helm of OR4ISS on the ISS. The contact is set  
   to take place on Saturday, July 27, at 1827 UTC. Morgan is an         
   assistant scoutmaster. The contact will be enabled via a "telebridge" 
   between NA1SS and ON4ISS at AMSAT-Belgium. The event will be streamed 
   live via Facebook.                                                    
   In its proposal for the ARISS contact, Jamboree officials said they   
   wanted the ARISS contact to serve as "the pinnacle experience during  
   the World Jamboree," demonstrating to the more than 50,000 Scouts     
   attending that "technology is a fascinating vocation as well as       
   avocation and is a suitable area of pursuit within their Scouting     
   program as well as at home when selecting an educational path for     
   their lives and careers."                                             
   The Jamboree offers demonstrations of Amateur Radio on HF, VHF, UHF,  
   and multiple satellite contacts. The Jamboree also will offer Amateur 
   Radio direction finding (ARDF) -- hidden-transmitter hunts            
   (foxhunting) -- on 80 meters and 2 meters. More than 3,000 Scouts are 
   expected to take part in the Amateur Radio demonstrations over the 11 
   days of the Jamboree, Scout officials said.                           
   Some European Telecoms Regulators Keeping an Open Mind on French      
   2-Meter Proposal                                                      
   At least two European telecommunications regulators appear inclined   
   to give serious consideration to a French proposal to allocate 146 -  
   148 MHz to the Aeronautical Mobile Service on a primary basis. Some   
   International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 member-societies    
   have written their governments' regulators, expressing opposition to  
   the proposal, aired at a June CEPT meeting. The matter remains a      
   regional issue at this stage but could become an agenda item for      
   World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23).                    
   In response to a letter from Switzerland's IARU member-society USKA   
   to telecommunications regulator BAKOM, the agency's head of frequency 
   planning assured USKA that this was not a matter of depriving radio   
   amateurs of primary use, but said "so-called co-primary" usage of 144 
   - 146 MHz by both services could be examined.                         
   "We don't see how the Amateur Radio Service...and the Aeronautical    
   Service could co-exist without operating restrictions," USKA said in  
   a report that asks, "Is the 2 Meter Band Threatened?" The article's   
   author, Bernard Wehrli, HB9ALH, advised radio amateurs to keep using  
   2 meters and to avoid taking on the issue individually.               
   Meanwhile the Netherlands IARU member-society VERON reports what it   
   called a "disappointing response" from national regulator Agentschap  
   Telecom to a call from Dutch radio amateurs that 144 - 146 MHz be     
   protected. According to VERON, an initial Agentschap Telecom response 
   indicated that the French proposal "fits in with Dutch frequency      
   policy" that encourages joint and shared use of spectrum. VERON said  
   Agentschap Telecom has indicated that it's necessary to take a good   
   look at actual use of the segment and to have insight into            
   "VERON shares the opinion that this proposal has no viability," the   
   organization asserts, pointing to remarks from IARU President Tim     
   Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, that said the proposal to share 144 - 146 MHz     
   would require 4 years of studies and reach the same conclusion.       
   Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) President Dave Wilson, M0OBW,   
   also wrote to the UK's telecoms regulator Ofcom, strongly expressing  
   the RSGB's concerns. Wilson said RSGB "views the French proposal as   
   lacking a proper understanding of the implications of sharing an      
   aeronautical application with weak-signal terrestrial and space       
   communications services."                                             
   Ellam told ARRL this week that, at this point, he's not concerned     
   that some telecommunications regulators are giving serious            
   consideration to the French proposal. "I think this is just part of   
   the ongoing discussions," he said. Read more.                         
   In Brief...                                                           
   The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has accepted the      
   European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) as a sector member.     
   EURAO joins the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in           
   representing the Amateur Service at ITU conferences. IARU President   
   Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, said his organization welcomes EURAO to ITU   
   membership and hopes to work closely with its representatives in ITU  
   Study Groups and Working Parties to protect Amateur and               
   Amateur-Satellite spectrum. "IARU believes that a strong degree of    
   cooperation between our two organizations into the future will be in  
   the best interests of the Amateur Service and is committed to working 
   to make that happen," Ellam said. IARU has participated in ITU        
   conferences since 1927 and has been an ITU sector member since 1932,  
   playing an active role in the work of the ITU Radiocommunication and  
   Development sectors.                                                  
   Online registration is now available for Microwave Update 2019.       
   Sponsored by the North Texas Microwave Society, the event will take   
   place October 3 - 5 at the Hilton Garden Inn and Conference Center in 
   Lewisville (Dallas), Texas. Microwave Update is the year's premier    
   microwave conference and an ideal place to meet fellow microwave      
   enthusiasts to share ideas and techniques. Tom McDermott, N5EG, will  
   lead a Thursday, October 3, workshop on GNU Radio. Friday, October 4, 
   will feature antenna-gain measuring and phase noise analysis. The     
   Saturday banquet speaker will be Rex Moncur, VK7MO, who activated     
   more than 100 grid squares on 10 GHz Earth-Moon-Earth in both         
   Australia and New Zealand. Kent Britain, WA5VJB, will coordinate the  
   publishing of the proceedings by the ARRL, and additional papers are  
   invited. Submit articles by September 3.                              
   ARRL's Logbook of The World has been updated to embrace FT4 contacts  
   for the Digital Worked All States award. This follows the WSJT-X      
   Development Group's July "general availability" release of WSJT-X     
   2.1.0. No other endorsements are under consideration at this time.    
   LoTW users are currently able to upload all FT4 contacts they have    
   made. While the FT4 Digital WAS Award Endorsement functions are now   
   active, award processing and fulfilment remain pending the            
   availability of the new endorsement sticker. Watch ARRL News for this 
   and other updates.                                                    
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                
     * July 25 - 27 -- Central States VHF Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska  
     * July 26 - 27 -- Ham Holiday, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma              
     * August 2 - 3 -- Austin Summerfest, Austin, Texas                  
     * August 3 - 4 -- Cedar Valley ARC Hamfest/Midwest STEM Techfest,   
       Central City, Iowa                                                
     * August 8 - 10 -- Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Ogden, Utah  
     * August 9 - 11 -- Pacific Northwest DX Convention, Everett,        
     * August 17 - 18 -- Huntsville Hamfest, Alabama State Convention,   
       Huntsville, Alabama                                               
     * August 24 -- Society of Midwest Contesters Specialty Convention,  
       Normal, Illinois                                                  
     * August 23 - 25 -- West Virginia State Convention, Weston, West    
     * September 6 - 7 -- Arkansas State Convention, Mena, Arkansas      
     * September 6 - 7 -- Wyoming State Convention, Gillette, Wyoming    
     * September 6 - 8 -- New England Division Convention, Boxborough,   
     * September 7 -- Virginia Section Convention, Virginia Beach,       
     * September 13 - 14 -- W9DXCC 2019, St. Charles, Illinois           
     * September 21 - 22 -- New Mexico State Convention, Albuquerque,    
       New Mexico                                                        
     * September 27 - 28 -- Central Division Convention, Milwaukee,      
     * September 28 -- Dakota Division Convention, West Fargo, North     
     * September 28 -- Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley,      
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                           
   ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for                                    
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                   
     * Join or Renew Today! ARRL membership includes QST, Amateur        
       Radio's most popular and informative journal, delivered to your   
       mailbox each month.                                               
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                
   Subscribe to...                                                       
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features    
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores,   
       NA Sprint, and QSO parties.                                       
     * QEX  -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published       
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,    
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and        
       communications professionals.                                     
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                     
     * Subscribe to the ARES E-Letter (monthly public service and        
       emergency communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly 
       contest newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much 
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!        
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                        
   Copyright (c) 2019 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and 
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other   
   purposes require written permission.                                  

--- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)