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Text 15519, 494 rader
Skriven 2019-09-13 09:05:14 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   September 12, 2019                                                      
     * ARRL and IARU President Emeritus Larry Price, W4RA, SK               
     * FCC Proposes to Make All Universal Licensing System Filings          
     * Unraveling the Mystery of 1 * 1 Call Signs                           
     * The Doctor Will See You Now!                                         
     * Hurricane Watch Net Sets New Activation Record during Dorian        
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Dayton Hamvention Signs 5-Year Contract with Greene County Expo     
     * UN Headquarters' 4U1UN Making Slow but Steady Progress in Returning 
       to Air                                                              
     * YOTA 2019 Summer Camp in Bulgaria Spawns Subregional Camps          
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL and IARU President Emeritus Larry Price, W4RA, SK                  
   ARRL and International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) President Emeritus    
   Larry E. Price, W4RA, of Statesboro, Georgia, died on September 10. An  
   ARRL Life Member, he was 85. Price was licensed in 1951 at age 16 as    
   WN5TIA, one of the first Novice licenses issued in the US. A US Army    
   veteran, Price held BSEE, MBA, and doctoral degrees. He spent most of   
   his career as a professor of finance and economics at Georgia Southern  
   Elected as ARRL Southeastern Division Vice Director in 1973, Price      
   became Director later that year and was elected as an ARRL Vice         
   President by the Board of Directors in 1980. In 1983 he became First    
   Vice President following the death of ARRL President Vic Clark, W4KFC,  
   and was elected President by the Board the following year.              
   He served as ARRL President for 8 years, serving simultaneously as IARU 
   Secretary from 1989 until 1992, and continuing as IARU Secretary and    
   ARRL International Affairs Vice President until his election as IARU    
   President in 1999, a post he held for 10 years. The IARU ministrative 
   Council named him President Emeritus upon his retirement in 2009. The   
   ARRL Board named him ARRL President Emeritus in 2011.                   
   "His accomplishments as President of ARRL and the IARU are too many to  
   list, but neither organization would be what it is today without his    
   vision, dedication, and hard work," said former ARRL CEO David Sumner,  
   K1ZZ, who now serves as IARU Secretary. "We all owe a great debt to     
   Larry and his family for their many sacrifices on our behalf."          
   IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, recalled his many years of association 
   with Price. "Amateur Radio...has lost a valued colleague today," Ellam  
   said. "Larry Price was the dean of the IARU, and under his leadership   
   the organization not only achieved great success for the Amateur Radio  
   services but the respect of those we work with in the International     
   Telecommunication Union (ITU). His work and tenacity on a number of     
   issues gave the IARU the admiration of many administrations and senior  
   leadership at the ITU, which we continue to enjoy today."               
   In 2014, Dayton Hamvention^(R) honored Price as Amateur of the Year. At 
   the ARRL Centennial Convention that same year, Price was awarded the    
   ARRL Medal of Honor. Read more. -- Thanks to David Sumner, K1ZZ         
   FCC Proposes to Make All Universal Licensing System Filings Electronic  
   The FCC is seeking comment on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)    
   that is part of an overall plan to transition completely to electronic  
   filing, licenses, authorizations, and correspondence. The notice        
   proposes to make all filings to the Universal Licensing System (ULS)    
   electronic, expand electronic filing and correspondence elements for    
   related systems, and require applicants to provide an email address on  
   the FCC forms related to these systems. Although much of the FCC's ULS  
   filings are already electronic, the changes suggested in the NPRM (in   
   WT Docket No. 19-212) would require all Amateur Radio Service           
   applications to be filed electronically. Under current rules, Amateur   
   Radio applications may still be filed manually, except those filed by   
   Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs).                                 
   "Given the drastic changes that have occurred with regard to the        
   ubiquity of the internet and increased personal computer access, we     
   find it unlikely that electronic filing remains infeasible or           
   cost-prohibitive for the previously exempted types of filers, or that   
   they lack resources to file electronically," the FCC said in the NPRM,  
   released on September 6. "We therefore propose to eliminate Section     
   1.913's exemptions to mandatory electronic filing."                     
   The FCC said that while the vast majority of ULS applications today are 
   submitted electronically, some are still manually filed, largely from   
   exempted filers, such as radio amateurs. Last year, the FCC received    
   some 5,000 manually filed applications out of a total of some 425,000.  
   The FCC is seeking comment on whether its underlying assumptions about  
   the ease of electronic filing for previously exempted filers are valid. 
   This NPRM also seeks comment on additional rule changes that would      
   further expand the use of electronic filing and electronic service. The 
   FCC stopped providing printed Amateur Radio license documents in 2015.  
   "Together, these proposals will facilitate the remaining steps to       
   transition these systems from paper to electronic, reducing regulatory  
   burdens and environmental waste, and making interaction with these      
   systems more accessible and efficient for those who rely on them," the  
   FCC said.                                                               
   Comments are due within 30 days of the NPRM's release.                  
   Unraveling the Mystery of 1 * 1 Call Signs                              
   The 1 * 1 Special Event Call Signs system offers a way for clubs,       
   groups, or even individuals to use a short call sign of special         
   significance to the amateur community. These 1 * 1 call signs are       
   reserved in advance for use in conjunction with short-term special      
   events and commemorative operations. The FCC does not assign 1 * 1 call 
   signs, so they are not "official."                                      
   On the matter of special event call signs, the FCC says, in Section     
   97.3(a)(11)(iii) of the Amateur Service rules: "The call sign is        
   selected by the station licensee from a list of call signs shown on a   
   common database coordinated, maintained and disseminated by the amateur 
   station special event call sign data base coordinators. The call sign   
   must have the single letter prefix K, N, or W, followed by a single     
   numeral 0 through 9, followed by a single letter A through W or Y or Z  
   (for example K1A). The special event call sign is substituted for the   
   call sign shown on the station license grant while the station is       
   The FCC also says in Section 97.119 (d): "ditionally, the station     
   must transmit its assigned call sign at least once per hour during such 
   transmissions."  This requirement tends to be widely flouted, however.  
   A 1 * 1 Special Event Call Sign aids other radio amateurs by calling    
   attention to the special event or other occasion. 1 * 1 call signs may  
   be used for a variety of purposes, such as conventions, festivals,      
   dedications, anniversaries, commemorations, and ARRL Field Day. Even    
   local events qualify.                                                   
   There are 750 1 * 1 Special Event Call Sign possibilities, and radio    
   amateurs of any license class may reserve one as far as a year in       
   advance to use for up to 15 days. Of course, 1 * 1 Special Event Call   
   Signs are recycled. It's first come, first served. See the Frequently   
   Asked Questions page for more information.                              
   The FCC has selected coordinators to approve and post 1 * 1 Special     
   Event Call Sign reservations to a searchable database. -- Thanks to The 
   Radiogram (Portage County Amateur Radio Society newsletter)             
   The Doctor Will See You Now!                                            
   "Coaxial Cable Connectors" is the topic of the new (September 12)       
   episode of the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast. Listen...and learn!       
   Sponsored by DX Engineering, ARRL The Doctor is In is an informative    
   discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet, or 
   smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!                           
   Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and   
   the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of    
   technical topics. You can also email your questions to doctor@arrl.org, 
   and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.                     
   Enjoy ARRL The Doctor is In on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone or 
   iPad podcast app (just search for ARRL The Doctor is In). You can also  
   listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration required,   
   or browse the site as a guest) and through the free Stitcher app for    
   iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never listened to a podcast  
   before, download our beginner's guide.                                  
   Hurricane Watch Net Sets New Activation Record during Dorian            
   Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) volunteers set a new record for total hours   
   activated during a single storm. The net was active for 157 hours --    
   139 hours of which were continuous. HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV,   
   said the continuous activation record stands at 151 hours for Hurricane 
   Matthew in 2018.                                                        
   "During this marathon activation, members of the Hurricane Watch Net    
   collected and forwarded countless surface reports to the National       
   Hurricane Center in Miami," Graves noted.                               
   After devastating Abaco and Grand Bahama islands with winds clocked at  
   200 MPH or more, Dorian made its way slowly toward Florida, before      
   sliding up the southeastern US coast and making a second landfall on    
   Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. It wasn't over, however. Dorian veered   
   out into the Atlantic, affecting New England before hitting Maritime    
   Canada, where it knocked out power and downed trees.                    
   During its lengthy initial activation, the HWN attempted on numerous    
   occasions to raise stations in the Bahamas but was unable to contact    
   anyone in the most-affected area.                                       
   The HWN activated for the last time during Hurricane Dorian last        
   Saturday, as the storm was, by then, speeding up the east coast of the  
   US as a Category 1 storm. Poor propagation plagued net operations       
   throughout the activation, even right up to the end. At one point,      
   propagation was lost between net members and Nova Scotia on 40 meters,  
   although the net continued for a while longer on 20 meters.             
   Early on, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES^(R)) volunteers went on 
   alert along the US east coast, preparing for the worst. The major       
   problem was storm surge-related flooding. Evacuations were ordered      
   ahead of the storm.                                                     
   The ARRL Headquarters Emergency Response Team convened early on to      
   monitor the situation closely. ARRL officials were in regular           
   communication with partner agencies, particularly FEMA and the          
   Department of Homeland Security. W1AW, which had already planned to be  
   in operation for the Hiram Percy Maxim 150th birthday special event,    
   remained ready to assist with emergency communications.                 
   The VoIP Hurricane Net activated over the weekend in conjunction with   
   WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center to keep on top of ground-truth  
   weather information.                                                    
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: No sunspots this week. The average    
   daily sunspot numbers declined from 3.4 to 0. At the same time, the     
   average daily solar flux rose from 67.4 to 69.4.                        
   Geomagnetic activity quieted, with the average daily planetary A index  
   declining from 19.9 to 8.9, while the average daily mid-latitude A      
   index went from 16.7 to 7.7.                                            
   Predicted solar flux is 68 on September 12 - 22; 69 on September 23 -   
   October 5; 68 on October 6 - 19; 69 on October 20 - 24; 68 on October   
   25, and 69 on October 26.                                               
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on September 12 - 22; 8 on September   
   23; 5 on September 24 - 25; 10, 35, 45, 20, and 10 on September 26 -    
   30; 8, 10, and 8 on October 1 - 3; 5 on October 4 - 19; 8 on October    
   20; 5 on October 21 - 22; 8, 25, 30, and 18 on October 23 - 26.         
   Sunspot numbers for September 5 - 11, 2019 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and   
   0, with a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 68.3, 68.9, 73.9,     
   67.5, 68.8, 70, and 68.1, with a mean of 69.4. Estimated planetary A    
   indices were 14, 8, 7, 10, 14, 4, and 5, with a mean of 8.9. Middle     
   latitude A index was 11, 9, 6, 9, 11, 4, and 4, with a mean of 7.7.     
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * September 14 -- FOC QSO Party (CW)                                  
     * September 14 - 15 -- Worked All Europe DX Contest (SSB)             
     * September 14 - 15 -- SARL Field Day Contest (CW, phone, digital)    
     * September 14 - 15 -- All Texas QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)       
     * September 14 - 15 -- Alabama QSO Party (CW, phone)                  
     * September 14 - 15 -- Russian Cup Digital Contest                    
     * September 14 - 16 -- ARRL September VHF Contest (CW, phone,         
     * September 15 -- North American Sprint (RTTY)                        
     * September 15 - 18 -- Classic Exchange (CW)                          
     * September 15 -- BARTG Sprint 75 (Digital)                           
     * September 16 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)                  
     * September 18 -- RSGB 80-Meter Autumn Series (CW)                    
     * September 19 -- NAQCC CW Sprint                                     
     * September 20 -- AGB NEMIGA Contest (CW, phone, digital)             
     * See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth    
       reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL        
       Contest Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.      
   Dayton Hamvention Signs 5-Year Contract with Greene County Expo Center  
   The Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) has signed a 5-year         
   agreement to keep Dayton Hamvention^(R) at the Greene County Expo       
   Center. The agreement was announced on September 9 by Hamvention        
   General Chairman Jack Gerbs, WB8SCT.                                    
   "It has been a wonderful experience working with the Expo Center team   
   in the development of this agreement," Gerbs said. "With the 5-year     
   agreement signed, the Expo Center and Hamvention can move forward with  
   additional enhancements to the facilities."                             
   Dayton Amateur Radio Association President Ron Cramer, KD8ENJ, said the 
   DARA Board, in approving the contract, noted that the relationship with 
   the Expo Center and Greene County, the City of Xenia, and Xenia         
   Township "has proven especially rewarding." Cramer said, "They all have 
   worked hard to make Hamvention a success over the last 3 years. We look 
   forward to a great relationship over the next 5 years and beyond."      
   Hamvention's 2019 attendance was 32,472 -- the highest recorded since   
   the move to the Exposition Center in Xenia in 2017, which was           
   coordinated by Cramer, the Hamvention General Chairman in 2017 and      
   The largest Amateur Radio show in the US, Dayton Hamvention is held the 
   third full weekend in May. The dates for 2020 are May 15 - 17.          
   UN Headquarters' 4U1UN Making Slow but Steady Progress in Returning to  
   Responding to inquiries noting the lack of 4U1UN activity, the United   
   Nations Amateur Radio Club (UNARC) indicated on its Facebook page this  
   week that it's making slow but steady progress in its efforts to get a  
   station back on the air from UN Headquarters. The main difficulties in  
   getting 4U1UN up and running again following its displacement by        
   renovations at UN Headquarters have been administrative and             
   organizational, the UNARC team said. The club explained that as a       
   result of UN Headquarters renovation, the room on the 41st floor        
   housing the 4U1UN radio equipment was reallocated to the UN Broadcast   
   and Conference Support Section (BCSS) and is now off limits.            
   "After the successful activity of 4U70UN back in 2015, with the support 
   of the UN ministration, we were able to secure a tiny 20-square-foot  
   room for the club's needs on the ground floor of the building," the     
   club said in its post. With no opportunity to run a feed line from the  
   ground floor to the top of the building and the tenuous hold even on    
   the tiny, bottom-floor shack space, the club is in the process of       
   installing a remotely controlled station on the 41st floor.             
   Over a recent weekend, several UNARC members, representatives of UN     
   services, and guests had an opportunity to continue equipment           
   configuration. An assembled 19-inch rack and part of the equipment were 
   disconnected during delivery to the 41st floor so that BCSS personnel   
   could hand-carry the equipment up several flights of stairs to the top  
   floor. "After 4 hours of work, the connections of the SteppIR BigIR     
   vertical antennas were restored, a new SDA-100 controller was           
   installed, and a RemoteRig 1216H was connected for easy remote access," 
   the club post said. "The antenna was tested and configured."            
   UNARC says remote access from the 1st floor now works, thanks to a      
   separate Ethernet cable run up the entire height of the building for    
   UNARC's use. Operation of the ACOM-2000A amplifier also was tested with 
   an antenna.                                                             
   "We really hope that in the very near future, after debugging and       
   setting up all the equipment, we will finally be able to proudly look   
   at the work done and begin to appear steadily on the bands," the club   
   YOTA 2019 Summer Camp in Bulgaria Spawns Subregional Camps              
   Most of those attending the recent Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) summer  
   camp in Bulgaria were first-timers, observed Monty Schebesta, OE3VVU, a 
   participant this year. Some 80 young radio amateurs from 27 countries   
   convened near Sofia August 11 - 17 to, as he put it, "connect and learn 
   from each other." Monty said the successful 2019 summer camp            
   demonstrated that YOTA is growing quickly, noting too that 40% of the   
   YOTA Summer Camp attendees were young women.                            
   During the week, campers engaged in a variety of workshops that         
   included such activities as building VHF and HF antennas and assembling 
   electronic kits, which, for many, meant learning how to solder. Monty   
   said the focus of the activities and presentations involved learning    
   from each other.                                                        
   "YOTA is shifting more and more towards a 'youngsters for youngsters'   
   approach, where youngsters teach each other, rather than relying on     
   older generations for input," he said. "The main goal of the YOTA       
   summer camp is to give youngsters the ideas, knowledge, and experiences 
   they require to go back to their home country at the end of the week    
   and start their own youth activities."                                  
   Monty said the practical workshops are the mostly easily reproducible,  
   so that young radio amateurs could use them to introduce new young      
   people into the hobby. "For example," he said, "youngsters might do a   
   kit building workshop at a local school or use the antenna built at the 
   camp to do a [Summits On The Air] activation together with some new     
   Subregional camps such as those held in Finland, Italy, and Germany in  
   recent years are becoming more common in Region 1, with the next set    
   for late September in the Czech Republic (OL19CAMP), followed closely   
   by a camp in the Netherlands in December.                               
   He anticipates many other youth teams will want to stage subregional    
   YOTA camps of their own. "What the participants learned at the YOTA     
   summer camp will be an invaluable resource for organizing subregional   
   camps and youth activities on any scale," he concluded.                 
   Bulgaria's International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-society,     
   BFRA, sponsored the 2019 YOTA Summer Camp.                              
   In Brief...                                                             
   The IARU recently attended an ITU Inter-Regional Workshop. As part of   
   its strategy to support topics related to Amateur Radio at World        
   Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), the International Amateur  
   Radio Union (IARU) was on hand at the third inter-regional workshop in  
   Geneva, Switzerland, this past week. The workshop, attended by member   
   states and other International Telecommunication Union (ITU) sector     
   members, considered and discussed the positions of the six Regional     
   Telecommunication Organizations (RTO) on the main WRC-19 agenda items.  
   Attendees also considered how differing regional positions might be     
   reconciled during WRC to arrive at consensus. The ITU said the meeting  
   would "provide participants with the opportunity to exchange views and  
   have a better understanding of the common views, positions and/or       
   proposals of the concerned entities." The third ITU Inter-regional      
   Workshop on WRC-19 Preparation took place September 4 - 6. Documents    
   can be downloaded from the ITU website.                                 
   The roster of presentations and speakers for the 2019 ARRL-TAPR Digital 
   Communications Conference (DCC) is now posted on the TAPR website. The  
   DCC takes place September 20 - 22 at the Detroit Metro Airport Marriott 
   Hotel. Bill Brown, WB8ELK, father of Amateur Radio ballooning and noted 
   experimenter and engineer, will be the DCC Saturday evening banquet     
   speaker. The Sunday Seminar topic will be "Learn to build and operate   
   your own SatNOGS ground station," presented by Dan White, AD0CQ, and    
   Corey Shields, KB9JHU. The seminar will be a hands-on, progressive      
   tutorial, starting with the basics of a SatNOGS (Satellite Networked    
   Open Ground Station) and ending with the development of telemetry       
   decoders. Participants should gain an understanding of how SatNOGS      
   applications work, how to use them, and a basic familiarity with the    
   technologies behind the scenes, should they wish to contribute to the   
   development of the project. Participants should bring a laptop and sign 
   up for a free account. A room will be set aside for demonstrations,     
   experiments, and show-and-tell projects. Tables and power strips will   
   be provided.                                                            
   Former ARRL Iowa Section Manager Bob McCaffrey, K0CY, of Boone, Iowa,   
   died on September 2. An ARRL Life Member, he was 77. McCaffrey served   
   twice as Iowa Section Manager -- first, from 1980 until 1986, and again 
   from 2013 until 2019, after he declined to run for another term. He     
   served in other Iowa ARRL Field Organization positions as well.         
   McCaffrey was licensed in 1955 as KN0EJZ. He taught entry-level Amateur 
   Radio classes within adult education and served as a Volunteer          
   Examiner. He was an AMSAT and Quarter Century Wireless Association      
   member and an enthusiastic ARRL Field Day participant. McCaffrey was a  
   past president of the Des Moines Radio Amateur Association and of the   
   Boone Amateur Radio Club.                                               
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
     * September 13 - 14 -- W9DXCC 2019, St. Charles, Illinois             
     * September 21 - 22 -- New Mexico State Convention, Albuquerque, New  
     * September 27 - 28 -- Central Division Convention, Milwaukee,        
     * September 28 -- Dakota Division Convention, West Fargo, North       
     * September 28 -- Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley,        
     * October 6 -- Iowa State Convention, West Liberty, Iowa              
     * October 11 - 12 -- PNWVHFS Conference and Meeting, Issaquah,        
     * October 11 - 12 -- Florida State Convention, Melbourne, Florida     
     * October 13 -- Connecticut State Convention, Meriden, Connecticut    
     * October 18 - 19 -- Delta Division Convention, East Ridge, Tennessee 
     * October 18 - 20 -- Pacific Division Convention, San Ramon,          
     * October 19 -- 21st Wisconsin ARES/RACES Conference, Wisconsin       
       Rapids, Wisconsin                                                   
     * October 26 -- South Carolina Section Convention, Conway, South      
     * November 2 - 3 -- Georgia State Convention, Lawrenceville, Georgia  
     * November 16 -- Indiana Section Convention, Fort Wayne, Indiana      
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