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Text 15550, 530 rader
Skriven 2019-09-20 09:05:16 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   September 19, 2019                                                      
     * ARRL Renews Request for FCC to Replace Symbol Rate with Bandwidth    
     *  Hoc Legislative vocacy Committee to Meet with Lawmakers         
     * A Radio on Your Belt -- 1930s Style                                  
     * So Now What? Podcast                                                 
     * Amateur Radio Digital Communications Announces Grant to ARISS       
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Festival of Frequency Measurement Set to Honor WWV Centennial       
     * Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club Assisting in Restoring Fire-Damaged 
     * Well-Known Yukon Ham J Allen, VY1JA, is Stepping Away from Amateur  
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Renews Request for FCC to Replace Symbol Rate with Bandwidth Limit 
   In ex parte comments filed on September 17 in WT Docket 16-239, ARRL    
   renewed its request that the FCC delete symbol rate limits below 29.7   
   MHz for data transmissions in the Amateur Service rules. As it did in   
   its initial filing, ARRL asked the FCC to couple the removal of the     
   symbol rate limits with the adoption of a 2.8 kHz bandwidth limit. In   
   response to ARRL's 2013 ARRL Petition for Rulemaking (RM-11708), the    
   FCC proposed deleting the symbol rate limits but declined to replace    
   them with the 2.8 kHz bandwidth that ARRL wanted.                       
   "This proceeding addresses an update to the Commission's rules that is  
   needed because a limitation in the rules unintentionally is inhibiting  
   US amateurs from employing the latest improvements to some of the       
   digital modes," ARRL said in its remarks. "Data signals commonly used   
   for daily communications as well as in disaster situations have         
   bandwidths in the range of 2.5 kHz and must co-exist with other modes   
   that use bandwidths as narrow as 50 Hz."                                
   ARRL said the 1980s-era symbol rate limits today inhibit the use of     
   some efficient data modes. Repealing the symbol rate limit, ARRL        
   contended, would "allow shortened transmission times for the same       
   amount of data without increasing the bandwidth occupied by the signal. 
   Other Amateurs would benefit by the resulting reduction in potential    
   Other Issues                                                            
   ARRL's remarks also addressed issues raised by other parties.           
   "Discussion by commenters in this proceeding delve into subjects well   
   beyond its scope," ARRL said, noting that it had attempted to broker    
   consensus among "some of the most active commenters" with an eye toward 
   exploring possible areas of agreement for the FCC's consideration. ARRL 
   noted that the parties to the ARRL-arranged talks declined to forward   
   to the FCC "joint recommendations on which conditional agreement had    
   been reached."                                                          
   One of those issues involves Automatically Controlled Digital Stations  
   (ACDS). Commenters' concerns focused on interference that could occur   
   with a move away from symbol-rate criteria. ACDS with signals wider     
   than 500 Hz below 29.7 MHz are confined to specific subbands. ARRL      
   recommended that the FCC consider rules changes that would have all     
   ACDS stations and digital stations with bandwidths greater than 500 Hz  
   share identified subbands.                                              
   ARRL said if additional signals are added to the ACDS subbands, as      
   recommended, that it would strongly support expanding the HF ACDS       
   subbands. But, the League added, "changing the subband boundaries       
   requires study and careful consideration of trade-offs, because any     
   changes will affect multiple user interests." ARRL referred subband     
   reformulation issues to its HF Band Planning Committee for study and    
   Some commenters also raised the issue of obscure and encrypted          
   messages. ARRL pointed out in its ex parte remarks that it remains      
   opposed to encryption in the amateur bands, but disagreed "with         
   commenters who argue that the digital modes being used by radio         
   amateurs around the world are per se 'obscured' or 'encrypted.'" Read   
    Hoc Legislative vocacy Committee to Meet with Lawmakers            
   ARRL's  Hoc Legislative visory Committee will meet with several     
   members of Congress later this month in Washington to introduce new     
   Committee members, reacquaint the lawmakers with Amateur Radio's        
   most-pressing issues, seek their input on the best ways to achieve      
   ARRL's objectives in Congress, and request their continuing support.    
   Committee members have completed a comprehensive analysis of Amateur    
   Radio Parity Act deficiencies for dissemination to Amateur Radio's      
   backers on The Hill. The panel now is following up on this process with 
   the meetings later this month.                                          
   The Committee has contracted with The Keelen Group to provide advice    
   and recommendations regarding ARRL's legislative relationships. Keelen  
   Group advisors also will aid in organizing and guiding the meetings     
   between ARRL representatives and key congressional allies in support of 
   Amateur Radio initiatives.                                              
   On June 12, the Legislative visory Committee held the first of a      
   series of meetings in DC with ARRL Washington Counsel David Siddall,    
   K3ZJ, The Keelen Group, and a small contingent of radio amateurs        
   associated with various governmental and nongovernmental partners to    
   solicit their perspectives and assistance in charting a future course   
   of action. Pacific Division Director and Committee Chair Jim Tiemstra,  
   K6JAT, described these individuals a "critical allies in ARRL's efforts 
   to achieve its legislative objectives."                                 
   The process of analyzing and clarifying ARRL's aims began when the      
   Committee was reconstituted with new members at the ARRL Board of       
   Directors' January meeting. The Board had determined a need to "review, 
   reexamine, and reappraise the ARRL's regulatory and legislative policy  
   with regard to private land-use restrictions," with the aim of          
   renewing, continuing, and strengthening ARRL's effort to achieve relief 
   from such restrictions.                                                 
   "There seems to be no countervailing policy that could justify          
   arbitrary conditions, covenants and restrictions," Tiemstra said.       
   "Indeed, public policy should clearly favor the needs of the Amateur    
   Radio operator."                                                        
   Amateur Radio's role in public service and emergency communication will 
   be the Committee's strongest argument in seeking relief from private    
   land-use restrictions that limit amateurs' ability to operate           
   The Committee will analyze the outcomes of this month's meetings and    
   draft a report with recommendations for the ARRL Executive Committee to 
   review and consider at its October 12 meeting. The full Board is        
   expected to take up the issue at its January 2020 meeting.              
   A Radio on Your Belt -- 1930s Style                                     
   Since the advent of wireless technology, efforts have aimed at          
   condensing the size of the necessary equipment to permit ease of        
   transport, mobile installation, and radios that could be hand carried,  
   slipped into a pocket or -- in this case -- carried on the belt. Hugo   
   Gernsback's Radio-Craft for December 1936 included the article, "How to 
   Make the World's Smallest 3-Tube Radio Set" by Arthur Miller (likely    
   not the playwright). It details how a clever radio crafter could        
   construct a set worn on a belt around the waist and -- in this case --  
   with the antenna worn on the head in the manner of an old-time banker's 
   eyeshade. The individual wearing such equipment today likely would not  
   only have to endure considerable pointing and laughing but would raise  
   the alert level at any airport TSA checkpoint.                          
   Vacuum tubes of the day were not too sensitive, required separate       
   voltage sources for filament and plate, and were pretty hard on         
   batteries. The filaments for the three tubes came from "a liquid        
   unspillable storage cell" (i.e., rechargeable) to supply the necessary  
   2 V. The article says this battery should last from 7 to 10 hours and   
   came "with an oiled silk bag and fits in the hip pocket." This was the  
   sort of futuristic innovation that Gernsback typically featured in his  
   publications, and the entire December 1936 issue of Radio-Craft is      
   worth perusing.                                                         
   "When using this 'Belt-Radio' the wearer is quite unmindful that the    
   latest news or dance music is coming from an ultra-midget receiver      
   which is actually being worn on the belt!" the article exults. "And it  
   takes only a minute to put the whole equipment on -- and less to take   
   it off!"                                                                
   According to Miller's article, building the three-tube set was easy.    
   "The loop aerial is wound on a cardboard disc 13 ins. in dia," it       
   explains. "Litz wire is used and 22 turns are interlaced around the 9   
   ribs." No mention of gauging hat size.                                  
   The article concedes just to "one disadvantage" in having to wear the   
   antenna on one's head. "The 4-ft. cable connecting it with the receiver 
   acts as a capacity and restricts the tuning range of the set," it       
   The set tuned the AM broadcast band, and with the antenna on the head,  
   directionality was less of an issue. While it might look silly to us    
   now, project ideas such as this helped advance the radio art toward the 
   technology we use and enjoy today.                                      
   So Now What? Podcast                                                    
   "Demystifying the Language of Morse Code" is the focus of the new       
   (September 19) episode of the So Now What? podcast for Amateur Radio    
   If you're a newly licensed Amateur Radio operator, chances are you have 
   lots of questions. This biweekly podcast has answers! So Now What?      
   offers insights from those who've been just where you are now. New      
   episodes will be posted every other Thursday, alternating new-episode   
   weeks with the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast.                           
   So Now What? is sponsored by LDG Electronics, a family owned and        
   operated business with laboratories in southern Maryland that offers a  
   wide array of antenna tuners and other Amateur Radio products.          
   ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, and ARRL  
   Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, co-host the podcast. Presented as a   
   lively conversation, with Patnode representing newer hams and Carcia    
   the veteran operators, the podcast will explore questions that newer    
   hams may have and the issues that keep participants from staying active 
   in the hobby. Some episodes will feature guests to answer questions on  
   specific topic areas.                                                   
   Listeners can find So Now What? on Apple iTunes, Blubrry, Stitcher      
   (free registration required, or browse the site as a guest) and through 
   the free Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. Episodes     
   will be archived on the ARRL website.                                   
   Amateur Radio Digital Communications Announces Grant to ARISS           
   Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has announced what's being  
   called "a very generous grant" to Amateur Radio on the International    
   Space Station (ARISS) to help fund its next-generation Interoperable    
   Radio System (IORS) and associated infrastructure improvements and      
   enhancements. ARISS said the IORS will replace the aging amateur        
   stations on the ISS to ensure the continuation of its primary program   
   that lets students speak to ISS crew members via Amateur Radio. ARDC    
   said it believes ARISS helps to engage students with Amateur Radio and  
   science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in general "by 
   providing exciting capabilities that don't exist" on cell phones or the 
   internet. A dollar figure was not made public.                          
   "This was fantastic news!" said ARISS International Chair Frank Bauer,  
   KA3HDO, who expressed appreciation for ARDC's generosity. Bauer said    
   the ARDC gift would go a long way toward covering the considerable cost 
   of making the IORS a reality.                                           
   ARISS said its next-generation IORS will "enable new, exciting          
   capabilities for hams, students, and the general public." It also plans 
   additional enhancements, which would include:                           
     * New Amateur Radio communication and experimentation capabilities,   
       including an enhanced voice repeater and updated digital packet     
     * APRS capability                                                     
     * Two-way slow-scan television (SSTV) in both the US and Russian ISS  
     * HamTV-2                                                             
     * A new multi-voltage power supply that will support present and      
       future Amateur Radio capabilities and enable wireless               
   The ARISS International team has already begun planning for an Amateur  
   Radio role for NASA's Lunar Gateway initiative. Some ARDC board members 
   have expressed an interest in ARISS's future plans involving the Lunar  
   Gateway program, ARISS said.                                            
   The donation to ARISS is the first since ARDC announced its grant       
   program earlier this summer. ARISS invites contributions via its        
   website. Read more.                                                     
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: No sunspots again this week, and as   
   of Wednesday, we've seen 15 spotless days in a row. This is the solar   
   minimum. The current Cycle 24 is expected to end by year's end.         
   The average daily solar flux dipped from 69.4 to 68.1, while average    
   daily planetary A index declined slightly from 8.9 to 8.3, while the    
   average daily mid-latitude A index rose from 7.7 to 8.                  
   Predicted solar flux is 68 on September 19 - 26; 69 on September 27 -   
   October 6; 70 on October 7; 68 on October 8 - 19, and 69 on October 20  
   - November 2.                                                           
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on September 19 - 21; 8 on September   
   22 - 23; 5 on September 24 - 26; 35, 45, 20, and 10 on September 27 -   
   30; 8, 10, and 8 on October 1 - 3; 5, 5, and 12 on October 4 - 6; 5 on  
   October 7 - 9; 8, 5, and 8 on October 10 - 12; 5, 8, and 10 on October  
   13 - 15; 5 on October 16 - 19; 8, 5, and 5 on October 20 - 22; 8, 25,   
   30, and 18 on October 23 - 26; 8, 5, and 8 on October 27 - 29; 5 on     
   October 30 - November 1, and 12 on November 2.                          
   Sunspot numbers for September 12 - 18 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0,     
   with a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 69.4, 68.3, 68.6, 67.7,  
   68.7, 67.5, and 66.3, with a mean of 68.1. Estimated planetary A        
   indices were 7, 8, 6, 8, 11, 9, and 9, with a mean of 8.3. Middle       
   latitude A index was 7, 8, 7, 8, 10, 8, and 8, with a mean of 8.        
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean," and   
   check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                      
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * September 20 -- AGB NEMIGA Contest (CW, phone, digital)             
     * September 21 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                    
     * September 21 -- QRP Afield (CW, phone, digital)                     
     * September 21 -- AGCW VHF/UHF Contest (CW)                           
     * September 21 - 22 -- ARRL EME Contest (CW, phone, digital)          
     * September 21 - 22 -- All Collegiate QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)  
     * September 21 - 22 -- ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest (CW, phone,         
     * September 21 - 22 -- SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest                   
     * September 21 - 22 -- Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW              
     * September 21 - 22 -- All Africa International DX Contest (CW,       
       phone, digital)                                                     
     * September 21 - 22 -- All Iowa QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)        
     * September 21 - 22 -- New Jersey QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)      
     * September 21 - 22 -- New Hampshire QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)   
     * September 21 - 22 -- Washington State Salmon Run (CW, phone,        
     * September 22 - 25 -- Classic Exchange, Phone                        
     * September 23 -- 144 MHz Fall Sprint (CW, phone, digital)            
     * September 25 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                    
     * September 25 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (CW)                        
     * September 26 -- RSGB 80-Meter Autumn Series, Data                   
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   Festival of Frequency Measurement Set to Honor WWV Centennial           
   HamSCI and the Case Amateur Radio Club of Case Western Reserve          
   University (W8EDU) will sponsor a "Festival of Frequency Measurement"   
   on the day of WWV's centennial, October 1, from 0000 to 2359 UTC        
   (starting on Monday evening, September 30, in the Americas). The event  
   invites radio amateurs, shortwave listeners, and others capable of      
   making high-quality frequency measurements on HF to participate and     
   publish their data to the HamSCI community on the Zenodo open-data      
   sharing site.                                                           
   "Changes in ionospheric electron density caused by space weather and    
   diurnal solar changes are known to cause Doppler shifts on HF ray       
   paths," the event announcement says. "HamSCI's first attempt at a       
   measurement of these Doppler shifts was during the August 2017 total    
   solar eclipse. We plan a careful measurement during the 2024 eclipse."  
   Some of the questions the research event is hoping to answer include    
   how WWV's 5 MHz propagation path varies over a given calendar day, and  
   how various measurement techniques for understanding the path           
   variations compare. The objectives are to measure Doppler shifts caused 
   by the effect of space weather on the ionosphere, and to use a          
   specified measurement protocol available to Amateur Radio operators and 
   other citizen-scientists. The experiment will use August 1, 2019 (UTC)  
   as a control date.                                                      
   "The recordings in this experiment are expected to show formations of   
   the D-layer at stations' local sunrise and other daily events of the    
   ionosphere," the announcement said. "Space weather varies day to day    
   and some features may be prominent. We'll see what we get!"             
   Full information is on the Festival of Frequency Measurement website.   
   Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club Assisting in Restoring Fire-Damaged     
   The Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club (MDARC) Disaster Recovery Program   
   for the 2018 Carr and Camp Fires has made a $1,000 grant to the         
   California Amateur Radio Linking Association (CARLA) toward the cost of 
   rebuilding one of its destroyed sites. The CARLA network of repeaters   
   provides coverage across California and western Nevada to provide       
   reliable communication during significant local, regional, and          
   wide-area incidents.                                                    
   "We are extremely pleased and honored to have been the recipient of     
   MDARC's generosity through this initiative," said Tom Naso, N6MVT, one  
   of the founders of CARLA. "Our loss of CARLA system 25 in the Redding   
   area was a huge hit for us. Not only was it a high-level repeater site  
   that covered a lot of territory, but it was also a north-south relay    
   site that connected our primary Bay Area hub to our Shasta Area hub, so 
   it was a big deal on many levels when it went down that fateful day."   
   Naso said CARLA, based in the Bay Area, has systems throughout          
   California and parts of Nevada. The MDARC grant will make "a            
   considerable dent in the outlay of cash in procuring new equipment to   
   replace what burned," he said. "We don't have insurance on the          
   equipment because of how many sites we have. It just becomes cost       
   The MDARC Board of Directors has established a fund to assist           
   organizations that have suffered ham system losses as a result of the   
   Carr and Camp Fires, and it continues to seek additional clubs with     
   fire-damaged systems that may require financial aid to rebuild. MDARC   
   recognizes that many of these repeater systems are in critical areas    
   that otherwise have very little Amateur Radio or cellular coverage and  
   are vital in providing important disaster traffic. Contact the club for 
   more information. -- Thanks to ARRL East Bay Section Manager Jim        
   Siemons, W6LK, and Tom Naso, N6MVT                                      
   Well-Known Yukon Ham J Allen, VY1JA, is Stepping Away from Amateur      
   Well-known Canadian radio amateur J Allen, VY1JA, of Whitehorse, Yukon  
   Territory, has announced that he's retiring from ham radio, citing      
   long-term health issues and hearing loss. The familiar VY1JA call sign  
   also has been retired. Allen will begin dismantling his station and     
   antennas as early as this weekend. His last contact was with KA4UPI on  
   September 14. He has uploaded his logs to Logbook of The World (LoTW)   
   and sent copies to his QSL managers.                                    
   "After approximately 30 years of operation and over 110,000 contacts,   
   the station VY1JA has gone QRT for operator health reasons effective    
   2019-09-14," Allen said on his QRZ.com profile. "All gear and antennas  
   are for sale."                                                          
   For years, VY1JA was an eagerly sought-after multiplier in the ARRL     
   November Sweepstakes and other events, as well as a needed zone in DX   
   contests. In recent years, as Allen has begun to step away from regular 
   on-the-air appearances, his station has been operated remotely as       
   VY1AAA by a team of Canadian-licensed operators located in the US.      
   Allen said VY1AAA operation would cease on September 22.                
   Gerry Hull, W1VE/VE1RM, who has coordinated VY1AAA operations, told     
   ARRL that he's been searching over the past 6 months for another        
   Northern Territories station that would be willing to host remote       
   "The VY1AAA team is greatly saddened by this turn of events," Hull      
   said. "Hams around the world will surely miss J and the VY1AAA team on  
   the bands. J has been an incredible friend and mentor. Now it is time   
   for us to help him off the air." Hull said that over the past 4 years,  
   the remotely operated station has logged more than 35,000 contacts, and 
   QSL requests will continue to be honored. He invited inquiries via      
   Allen thanked Hull for "his tireless efforts to keep YT/NT/VY1 on the   
   air throughout the years of his operation and direction of remote       
   operations." Read more.                                                 
   In Brief...                                                             
   Until October 1, WWV and WWVH are broadcasting a US Department of       
   Defense message to mark the centennial of WWV and to announce the       
   WW0WWV special event. The message will air at 10 minutes past the hour  
   from September 28 until October 2 from the WWV transmitter site near    
   Fort Collins, Colorado. Kevin Utter, N7GES, a member of the WW0WWV      
   Centennial Committee, recorded the audio track for the announcement.    
   Utter has been an integral part of the Committee and is a highly        
   respected member of the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio community. --   
   Thanks to Paul English, WD8DBY                                          
   A CubeSat with an FM-to-Codec-2 transponder has been launched. The      
   Taurus-1 (Jinniuzuo-1) CubeSat carrying an Amateur Radio FM-to-Codec-2  
   transponder was launched on September 12 from China's Taiyuan Satellite 
   Launch Center. The CubeSat was developed by Aerospace System            
   Engineering Research Institute of Shanghai for youth education and      
   Amateur Radio. The transponder is similar to that used on the           
   LilacSat-1 (LO-90) CubeSat and can use the same software, once          
   frequencies are changed, receiving FM with 67 Hz CTCSS on 145.820 MHz   
   and retransmitting it as Codec-2 9,600 bps BPSK digital voice on        
   436.760 MHz. The telemetry downlink is 435.840 MHz. In addition to the  
   transponder, the satellite also carries a drag sail. For more           
   information on the transponder type, see "Digital Voice on Amateur      
   Satellites: Experiences with LilacSat-OSCAR 90," which appeared in the  
   January/February edition of The AMSAT Journal. -- Thanks to AMSAT News  
   North Korea is said to be testing digital broadcasting on 80 meters.    
   Radio World reports that the People's Democratic Republic of Korea      
   (North Korea) has resumed testing digital radio broadcasting on the     
   80-meter amateur band after a 2-year absence. North Korea is            
   transmitting with the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) protocol. The latest 
   transmissions on 3.560 MHz began in mid-August. "It appears unclear at  
   this time, however, whether the current series of transmissions will    
   soon end or be the start of a regular service," Radio World said.       
   "According to radio enthusiasts in the region, the signal has been      
   clear and very audible." Radio World says Voice of Korea, the North     
   Korean international broadcasting service, has conducted DRM trials off 
   and on since 2012.                                                      
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