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Text 15601, 568 rader
Skriven 2020-02-14 09:05:18 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   February 13, 2020                                                       
     * ARRL Board of Directors Re-Elects President Rick Roderick, K5UR      
     * ARRL Board Grants Awards and Recognitions                            
     * ARRL Creates New HF Band Planning Discussion Group                   
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * New ARRL Repeater Directory Now Shipping                             
     * The ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Is Just Ahead                
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * QRZ.com Ends Identity Verified Program                              
     * Foundation for Amateur Radio Invites 2020 - 2021 Scholarship        
     * In Brief                                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Headquarters Will Be Closed for Presidents Day, Monday, February   
   17. There will be no W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions on    
   that day. Headquarters will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, at 8 AM     
   ARRL Board of Directors Re-Elects President Rick Roderick, K5UR         
   Meeting January 17 - 18 in Windsor, Connecticut, the ARRL Board of      
   Directors re-elected ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, to a third     
   2-year term. Roderick outpolled the only other nominee, Pacific         
   ARRL President Rick                                                     
   Roderick, K5UR.                                                         
   Division Director Jim Tiemstra, K6JAT, 8 - 7. New England Division Vice 
   Director Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, was elected First Vice President,        
   succeeding Greg Widin, K0GW, who did not seek another term. Raisbeck    
   was the sole nominee. A successor will be appointed to fill the Vice    
   Director seat that Raisbeck has vacated. Bob Vallio, W6RGG, was         
   re-elected as Second Vice President as the only nominee.                
   On a 9 - 6 vote, the Board voted not to re-elect Howard Michel, WB2ITX, 
   as Chief Executive Officer. Michel was in the post for 15 months.       
   Former ARRL Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer Barry   
   Shelley, N1VXY, has come out of retirement to serve as interim ARRL     
   CEO. He also was elected as Secretary. Shelley was ARRL's CFO for 28    
   years and served as CEO during 2018 before his retirement, following    
   the departure of former CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF. The ARRL Board has    
   appointed a committee to spearhead the search for a new CEO. That panel 
   will screen suitable CEO candidates, presenting three to the Board for  
   In other action, former ARRL President and IARU Secretary Rod Stafford, 
   W6ROD, was elected International Affairs Vice President, succeeding Jay 
   Bellows, K0QB, who did not seek another term. Also re-elected by the    
   Board were Treasurer Rick Niswander, K7GM, and Chief Financial Officer  
   Diane Middleton, W2DLM.                                                 
   Elected as members of the Executive Committee were Atlantic Division    
   Director Tom Abernethy, W3TOM; Central Division Director Kermit         
   Carlson, W9XA; Roanoke Division Director Bud Hippisley, W2RU; New       
   England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, and Great Lakes       
   Division Director Dale Williams, WA8EFK. The Executive Committee        
   addresses and makes decisions regarding ARRL business that may arise    
   between scheduled Board meetings.                                       
   Hudson Division Director Ria Jairam, N2RJ, was elected as a member of   
   the ARRL Foundation Board for a 3-year term. Tim Duffy, K3LR, and Jim   
   Fenstermaker, K9JF, were elected to the Foundation Board for 3-year     
   terms as non-ARRL Board members.                                        
   Relief From Private Land-Use Restrictions                               
   The  Hoc Legislative vocacy Committee provided the Board with       
   drafts outlining three legislative approaches to address relief for     
   radio amateurs facing private land-use restrictions impacting outdoor   
   antennas. The Board signed off on the draft legislative approaches "as  
   presented and possibly modified" and directed the committee "to proceed 
   to obtain congressional sponsorship, employing any of these three       
   approaches and using its best judgment on any alterations or            
   modifications that our advisors or sponsors may require or suggest."    
   HF Band Planning                                                        
   Outgoing chair of the HF Band Planning Committee Greg Widin, K0GW,      
   presented the panel's report and entertained questions. Board members   
   noted that staff turnover and funding limitations at the FCC might      
   impact ARRL's efforts to tweak the bands. The Board agreed that ARRL    
   would post the report and solicit comments from members on it.          
   Contests and Operating Awards                                           
   Radio Amateurs of Canada President                                      
   Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA (left), and                                     
   IARU President Tim Ellam,                                               
   VE6SH/G4HUA, conveyed greetings from                                    
   their respective organizations.                                         
   Seated behind them is ARRL Technical                                    
   Relations Specialist Jon Siverling,                                     
   WB3ERA. [Michelle Patnode, W3MVP,                                       
   The Board approved raising the maximum number of contacts a Field Day   
   GOTA station can make to 1,000. It amended the ARRL RTTY Roundup rules  
   to add Multi-Two and Multi-Multi categories and to permit multioperator 
   stations to operate for the entire contest period, and it divided entry 
   categories into RTTY only, Digital only (i.e., no RTTY), and Mixed      
   (both RTTY and digital).                                                
   Matt Holden, K0BBC, presented the DX visory Committee report, telling 
   the Board that the panel engaged in extensive discussion on a proposal  
   to change the 5-Band DXCC award from the current required band to offer 
   credit for any five bands. The committee unanimously rejected the       
   ARRL Elections                                                          
   The Board revised rules governing ARRL Division and Section Manager     
   elections to clarify some terminology, to extend the campaign period    
   from the call for nominations to the deadline for ballots received, and 
   to make other miscellaneous changes. Revisions will become effective by 
   February 15, 2020.                                                      
                                                    The Board elected Greg 
                                                    Widin, K0GW, as an     
                                                    ARRL Honorary Vice     
                                                    President. [Rick       
                                                    Lindquist, WW1ME,      
   In the interest of "openness and fairness," the Board also approved a   
   measure that would offer candidates and members an opportunity to be    
   present during the counting of ballots. Candidates may also designate   
   one ARRL member to attend as a surrogate if they're unable to observe   
   ballot counting, or to accompany them at the count. The Board further   
   approved an amendment to permit ARRL members, upon petition, to travel  
   at their own expense to witness the counting of ballots from their      
   The Board charged the Programs and Services Committee to consider       
   changes to the ARRL By-Laws that would give members, upon petition, the 
   opportunity to attend the public portion of the Annual Meeting in       
   January. The number of members permitted to attend would be subject to  
   available space and fire code regulations.                              
   Public Service Enhancement Working Group Chair, Roanoke Division        
   Director Bud Hippisley, W2RU, reported that with field adoption of the  
   2019 ARES Plan now under way, the group is putting increased focus on   
   the National Traffic System, including plans for dialog with            
   representatives of Radio Relay International.                           
   Reduced Dues for Younger Applicants                                     
   The Board                                                               
   elected Jay                                                             
   Bellows, K0QB,                                                          
   as an ARRL                                                              
   Honorary Vice                                                           
   The Board approved an amendment giving the CEO discretion to raise the  
   eligibility age for reduced full ARRL membership dues from 22 to 26,    
   provided the rate not be less than one-half of the established rate. In 
   addition, the Board approved the establishment of a reduced-rate,       
   revenue-neutral Life Membership for individuals age 70 or older, with   
   cumulative annual membership of 25 years or more, at an initial rate of 
   $750. Headquarters staff will work out the administrative details of    
   the program, subject to approval of the ministration and Finance      
   The Board also agreed to allow for a "digital-only" access membership,  
   at the discretion of the CEO, discounted no more than 10% from the      
   established dues rate.                                                  
   Other Business                                                          
   In other business, the Board:                                           
     * Approved a grant of $500 to the Youth on the Air (YOTA) in the      
       Americas program, which is sponsoring a camp in June for young      
       radio amateurs. Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, a former ARRL Youth Coordinator, 
       is heading the initiative, which is funded through the non-profit   
       Electronic Applications Radio Service Inc.                          
     * Authorized creation of an Emergency Management Director Selection   
       Committee, with its chair and members to be named by the president. 
   The minutes of the January Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of          
   Directors are posted on the ARRL website.                               
   ARRL Board Grants Awards and Recognitions                               
   Meeting January 17 - 18, the ARRL Board of Directors bestowed several   
   honors, awards, and recognitions. The Board conferred:                  
     * The ARRL President's Award to David H. Bernstein, AA6YQ, in         
       recognition of "exemplary, outstanding, and continuing service" to  
       ARRL and its members as part of the ARRL Logbook of The World team. 
       Bernstein was a charter member of the ARRL Logbook Committee and a  
       "founding, influential, and devoted member" of the Committee on     
       Communication with ARRL Members.                                    
     * The 2019 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for Audio    
       Reporting to Roman Battaglia and the associated producer and staff  
       of Jefferson Public Radio in Oregon. Battaglia produced a feature   
       story on amateur radio emergency services in and around the         
       Jefferson Public Radio listening area.                              
     * The 2019 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for Print    
       Reporting to Zack Plair and the Columbus and Starkville Dispatch in 
       Mississippi. Plair wrote a feature for the paper describing how     
       amateur radio has proven fulfilling to various participants,        
       including new and experienced radio amateurs.                       
     * The 2019 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for Video    
       Reporting to reporter Jim Altman and affiliated producers and staff 
       of Fox 61 News in Hartford, Connecticut. Altman's report, "American 
       Radio Relay League Ready for Hurricane Season," focused on ARRL's   
       participation in a May 2019 emergency drill conducted in            
       association with the American Red Cross.                            
   The Board recognized and thanked the Delaware Valley Radio Association  
   of New Jersey and the Clark County Amateur Radio Club of Vancouver,     
   Washington, for their 90 years of assistance in fulfilling the ARRL     
   mission of, "advancing the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio 
   within their community."                                                
   The Board bestowed the honor of Honorary Vice President on John B.      
   "Jay" Bellows, K0QB, and on Greg Widin, K0GW, in recognition of their   
   outstanding contributions to ARRL and amateur radio.                    
   ARRL Creates New HF Band Planning Discussion Group                      
   ARRL has created a new HF Band Planning Discussion Group. HF Band       
   Planning Committee Chair Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, will moderate the group, 
   which will focus on the ARRL HF Band Planning Committee's               
   recommendations and other band-planning activities. Earlier this month, 
   the ARRL HF Band Planning Committee invited comments and suggestions    
   from the amateur radio community on its report to the ARRL Board.       
   At the Board's January meeting, the committee presented its specific    
   recommendations in graphical form for each HF band and US license       
   class, with the goal of increasing harmony on the HF bands,             
   particularly between CW and digital users.                              
   Those responding to the initial call for comments and suggestions are   
   encouraged to cross-post their remarks to the new HF Band Planning      
   Discussion Group.                                                       
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The second episode of ARRL's "On the Air" podcast is now available.     
   Topics focus on building the ground-plane antenna featured in the first 
   issue of On the Air magazine, a discussion of open-wire feed lines, and 
   an interview with a relatively new public service volunteer. New "On    
   the Air" podcast episodes are available each month.                     
   The inaugural episode of ARRL's new "Eclectic Tech" podcast is now      
   available. The first episode includes a discussion of amateur radio     
   activity on the Qatar-OSCAR 100 satellite, an interview with Assistant  
   ARRL Lab Manager Bob Allison, WB1GCM, about handheld transceiver        
   testing at Dayton Hamvention and other conventions, and an interview    
   with Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, about propagation conditions.            
   Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as   
   well as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                       
   New ARRL Repeater Directory Now Shipping                                
   The 2020 ARRL Repeater Directory^(R) is now shipping. It includes       
   "crowdsourced" listings contributed by users, repeater owners, and      
   volunteer frequency coordinators. This means more listings that are     
   updated more often. With 21,000 listings, it's the most complete        
   printed directory of on-the-air repeaters, covering repeater systems    
   throughout the US and Canada.                                           
   Repeater systems are listed by state/province, city, and operating      
   mode. Digital repeater systems included are System Fusion, D-Star, DMR, 
   NXDN, and P25 systems. It is available in one size -- 6 * 9 inches --   
   with a convenient lay-flat spiral binding. The cover includes space to  
   personalize your directory, so you can make it yours.                   
   Pages of supplemental information include VHF/UHF and microwave band    
   plans, and repeater operating practices. For decades, The ARRL Repeater 
   Directory has been an invaluable source for locating repeater           
   frequencies while traveling. New hams often use the Repeater Directory  
   to find local activity after purchasing a new handheld radio, and       
   public service volunteers keep a copy nearby or in their emergency "go  
   Order the 2020 ARRL Repeater Directory from the ARRL Store, or find an  
   ARRL publication dealer. Order ARRL Item No. 1267, ISBN:                
   978-1-62595-126-7, $19.95 retail. For additional questions or ordering, 
   call 860-594-0355, or, toll free in the US, 888-277-5289.               
   Repeater listings appearing in The ARRL Repeater Directory(R) are       
   provided by RFinder Inc. If a repeater has been omitted, or if a        
   listing is inaccurate, contact RFinder directly.                        
   The ARRL International DX Contest (CW) Is Just Ahead                    
   The CW weekend of the always-exciting ARRL International DX Contest     
   kicks off this weekend, February 15 - 16 (UTC). This event is a huge    
   opportunity for new, casual, and seasoned radiosport enthusiasts to     
   enjoy the thrill of working some new DX entities.                       
   The terrific part is that DX stations work only US and Canada and not   
   each other. So, the DX operators need your contact for points.          
   You don't need a powerhouse contest station to join in the fun. It's    
   possible to work DX with simple wire dipole antennas and 100 W.         
   Participating in the ARRL International DX Contest is a whole lot of    
   fun and can really help build your DXCC totals and QSL collections.     
   Complete details are available via the ARRL Contests web page. The ARRL 
   International DX Contest phone weekend is March 7 - 8 (UTC).            
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: No sunspots appeared during the       
   reporting week, February 6 - 12. Average daily solar flux declined by   
   more than 1 point to 71.1. Average planetary A index increased from 6.7 
   to 8.3.                                                                 
   Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 72 on February 13 - 20; 73 
   on February 21 - 22; 74 on February 23 - 29; 72 on March 1 - 3; 71 on   
   March 4 - 11; 72 on March 12 - 18; 73 on March 19 - 20; 74 on March 21  
   - 27, and 72 on March 28.                                               
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on February 13 - 16; 8 on February 17  
   - 20; 5 on February 21 - 24; 10 on February 25 - 26; 5 on February 27 - 
   29; 8 on March 1 - 3; 5 on March 4 - 22; 10 on March 23 - 24; 5 on      
   March 25 - 27, and 8 on March 28.                                       
   Sunspot numbers for February 6 - 12 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with  
   a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 71.3, 70.8, 72, 70.6, 70.2,   
   71.1, and 71.6, with a mean of 71.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 
   15, 15, 6, 7, 5, 6, and 4, with a mean of 8.3. Middle latitude A index  
   was 13, 11, 4, 5, 4, 6, and 4, with a mean of 6.7.                      
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * February 14 -- PODXS 070 Club Valentine Sprint (Digital)            
     * February 15 -- Feld Hell Sprint                                     
     * February 15 - 16 -- ARRL International DX Contest (CW)              
     * February 15 - 16 -- Russian PSK WW Contest                          
     * February 15 - 16 -- AWA Amplitude Modulation QSO Party              
     * February 17 -- Run for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW)                   
     * February 19 -- AGCW Semi-Automatic Key Evening                      
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The  ARRL  Contest  
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   QRZ.com Ends Identity Verified Program                                  
   The popular QRZ.com amateur radio website has dropped its verified      
   member program, which the site instituted last year in an effort to     
   combat fraud and password phishers. Termination of the program was due  
   to "a number of factors," the site's founder and president Fred Lloyd,  
   AA7BQ, explained in a post. Lloyd said the change will "transition our  
   online swapmeet rules to reflect more open policies." The site had      
   offered the option of establishing two-factor authentication (2FA) for  
   its registered users, which would secure a user's password on the site. 
   The site introduced two-factor authentication last June, and the        
   verified member program later.                                          
   "While two-factor authentication has worked very well, the identity     
   verified program hasn't worked as well as we'd hoped. There has been a  
   net decrease in swapmeet traffic, primarily due to members not wishing  
   to take the extra steps to get verified. The swapmeet did seem to get   
   safer, but also notably quieter. The forum has lost some of the         
   excitement that it used to be known for."                               
   Lloyd said the identity verified program was designed to provide an     
   extra level of confidence to swapmeet participants, but "in practical   
   terms, its validation methods were not sustainable." Not only was it an 
   administrative burden, Lloyd explained, but the majority of its         
   participants were only complying reluctantly. "The bottom line is that  
   it's been unpopular," he said.                                          
   Lloyd said that by dropping the identity verified requirement, QRZ      
   expects to see an increase in equipment listings and greater            
   Individuals listing equipment will still need to provide photos of      
   actual items for sale, and photos must include the seller's call sign.  
   Only ham members -- those having a listed call sign page -- may sell in 
   the swapmeet. Those perusing the listings will generally be allowed to  
   post comments or questions about any listing, Lloyd said. Read more.    
   Foundation for Amateur Radio Invites 2020 - 2021 Scholarship            
   The Foundation for Amateur Radio Inc. (FAR) has invited applications    
   for the 2020 - 2021 academic year for the scholarships it administers.  
   Applications must be submitted via the online form. Several questions   
   ask for essay responses. The deadline for initial submissions is April  
   30, 2020. Applicants may amend their applications until May 7.          
   All applicants must hold a valid amateur radio license and be enrolled  
   or accepted for enrollment at an accredited university, college, or     
   technical school. Applicants attending school outside the US must       
   provide a brochure describing the school. Students do not apply for     
   specific scholarships; each application will be considered for all of   
   the scholarships for which the applicant is qualified. Quarter Century  
   Wireless Association (QCWA) scholarships and the Chichester Memorial    
   Scholarship all require recommendations to be awarded.                  
   Data entered onto the application goes directly into an encrypted,      
   password-protected PDF file available only to the review committee. No  
   part of the application is stored online.                               
   More information is available on the FAR website, or contact Dave       
   Prestel, W8AJR, telephone 443-812-4403.                                 
   In Brief                                                                
   The FCC has invited comments on a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) 
   in WT Docket 19-138, which said the FCC would take "a fresh and         
   comprehensive look" at the rules for the 5.9 GHz band. The FCC proposes 
   to make 5.850 - 5.895 GHz available for unlicensed operations and to    
   authorize transportation-related communication technologies to use      
   5.895 - 5.925 GHz. The FCC is not proposing to delete or otherwise      
   amend the 5-centimeter secondary amateur radio allocation at 5.650 -    
   5.925 GHz, part of which includes the 75 megahertz under consideration. 
   Comments are due by March 6, and reply comments are due by April 6.     
   ARRL will be filing comments supporting no change to 5.850 - 5.925 GHz  
   for amateurs, as included in the FCC proposal.                          
   Successful 47 GHz Amateur Radio Moonbounce Test Reported. Mitsuo Kasai, 
   JA1WQF, successfully decoded a 47 GHz signal bounced off the moon on    
   February 10 by Al Ward, W5LUA. More tests are planned. Ward posted news 
   of the achievement on the Moon-Net email reflector. "These were one-way 
   tests, with only me transmitting," he said in his post. "I started out  
   by sending single tones to Mitsuo, which he copied well, and then sent  
   several sequences of calls and grid. Mitsuo was able to decode calls    
   and my grid at 1146 UTC and 1234 UTC. Signal levels were -23 dB and -25 
   dB." Ward noted that the first EME (Earth-moon-Earth) contact on 47 GHz 
   took place in early 2005. "More 47 GHz tests are being run in the next  
   few days with Manfred Ploetz, DL7YC," he said. "We hope for similar     
   Steve Waterman,                                                         
   K4CJX (left),                                                           
   and Phil                                                                
   Sherrod, W4PHS.                                                         
   [Photo courtesy                                                         
   of Steve                                                                
   Two Winlink development team members were recently awarded the Military 
   Department of Tennessee jutant General's Distinguished Patriot Medal. 
   Steve Waterman, K4CJX, was awarded "for his distinguished patriotic     
   service as the Winlink Network ministrator," citing his "vision, hard 
   work, and dedication to emergency communication [that] contributed      
   significantly to the disaster readiness and communications              
   interoperability of the emergency responders across the United States   
   and the world." Phil Sherrod, W4PHS, was awarded the medal "for his     
   distinguished patriotic service as the lead developer for Winlink,"     
   with "technical skill, hard work, and dedication to emergency           
   communication [that] contributed significantly to the disaster          
   readiness and communications interoperability of the emergency          
   responders across the United States and the world."                     
   US Marines with Information Group II Marine Expeditionary Force (II     
   MIG) participated in an amateur radio general licensing course. The     
   course was conducted on base January 27 - 31 as part of the group's     
   High Frequency Auxiliary Initiative. Members of the Brightleaf Amateur  
   Radio Club of Greenville, North Carolina, helped the Marines in the     
   class learn the principles of HF radio operations as a contingency      
   against a peer-to-peer adversary in real-world operations. During the   
   course, Marines learned ham radio theory, band allocations,             
   conventional and field-expedient antenna theory, and general ham radio  
   operation and control. II MIG Commanding Officer Colonel Jordan Walzer  
   created the High Frequency Auxiliary Initiative after recognizing the   
   need for additional options in combat environments. "Right now, our     
   adversaries are aggressively pursuing counter-space weapons to target   
   our satellites and ground stations," Walzer is quoted in the article.   
   "If our satellites get knocked out, what do we do then? [High           
   frequency] radio has been around for well over a century and is still   
   used today. Why? Because it's a reliable, low-cost alternative to       
   satellite communications. With the right training and education, a      
   Marine with a radio and some slash wire can communicate                 
   over-the-horizon for long distances, even between continents."          
   Initial reports indicate considerable interest among amateurs in        
   tracking and capturing data from the newly deployed HuskySat-1. The     
   satellite, designed at the University of Washington, was launched to    
   the International Space Station last November and subsequently deployed 
   into a higher orbit from the ISS on January 31, and began telemetry     
   transmissions on 435.800 MHz. HuskySat-1's 1,200 bps BPSK beacon is     
   active and decodable with the latest release of AMSAT's FoxTelem        
   software. The HuskySat-1 CubeSat will demonstrate onboard plasma        
   propulsion and high-gain telemetry for low-Earth orbit that would be a  
   precursor for an attempt at a larger CubeSat designed for orbital       
   insertion at the moon. HuskySat-1 is expected to carry out its primary  
   mission before being turned over to AMSAT for activation of a 30 kHz    
   wide V/U linear transponder for SSB and CW. -- Thanks to AMSAT News     
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     * March 29 -- Virginia Section Convention, Annandale, Virginia        
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