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Text 15620, 537 rader
Skriven 2020-03-27 09:05:32 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   March 26, 2020                                                          
     * ARRL Headquarters Closes, May QST Delivery is on Schedule            
     * Ham Radio Clubs Connect Amid Social Distancing                       
     * Radio Amateurs Team Up to Help University Design Low-Cost            
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * International Amateur Radio Union justing to COVID-19             
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Major Florida Emergency Communication Conference and Exercise are a 
       Major Success                                                       
     * Long Island CW Club Offering Free Online Code Instruction for       
       Homebound Youngsters                                                
     * Tower-Mounted Christmas Lights Cheer California Neighborhood        
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   ARRL Headquarters Closes, May QST Delivery is on Schedule               
   ARRL Headquarters has closed, in compliance with an executive order     
   from Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont that all non-essential businesses  
   and not-for-profit entities reduce their in-person workforces by 100%.  
   ARRL has equipped as many Headquarters staffers as possible to work     
   "ARRL remains operational, while our teams work remotely to abide by    
   Connecticut's Stay Home, Stay Safe policy, and most departments are     
   maintaining business as usual," ARRL Interim CEO Barry Shelley, N1VXY,  
   explained. "We are doing all we can under the circumstances and trying  
   to maintain operations in as normal a way as possible."                 
   The print edition of the May issue of QST, now off the presses, will go 
   out in the mail next week, and the US Postal Service anticipates no     
   delivery disruptions. Digital QST and the pending digital debuts of QEX 
   and NCJ are expected to be posted on schedule. The May issue of QST     
   will include more details on the QEX and NCJ digital editions -- a new  
   member benefit -- as well as an intriguing cover article on "The        
   Lightbulb QSO Party."                                                   
   ARRL also anticipates that The ARRL Letter, ARRL Audio News, the ARES   
   E-Letter, The ARRL Contest Update, and the Eclectic Technology podcast  
   will be available as usual.                                             
   Although ARRL Headquarters closed, W1AW continues operating, but on a   
   slightly altered transmission schedule. Morning code practice and       
   qualifying run transmissions have been suspended; evening               
   transmissions, including qualifying runs, will go on as usual. W1AW     
   remains closed to the public, however.                                  
   Operations at the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) will also   
   continue, and the best way to receive a timely response is via email,   
   as call volume has been heavy.                                          
   The ARRL warehouse is working with a reduced staff, so orders will be   
   delayed, and ARRL will not be able to respond to expedited shipping     
   Members should direct questions to ARRL via email.                      
   "Thank you for your patience during this time of adjustment," Shelley   
   Ham Radio Clubs Connect Amid Social Distancing                          
   As college campuses have sent students home to finish their classes     
   online, members of the K7UAZ Amateur Radio Club in Tucson -- a student  
   organization at the University of Arizona -- have moved their radio     
   club meetings to the radio. K7UAZ Station Manager Curt Laumann, K7ZOO,  
   said that when the university largely shuttered its campus, club        
   President Ken Gourley, KM6BKU, immediately transitioned regular         
   meetings to an on-the-air format using the university repeater. The     
   club was already holding a weekly net on Monday nights, but the added   
   on-air club meetings offer another opportunity to get on the radio.     
   In recent months, in-person K7UAZ club meetings have hosted             
   presentations on such topics as EME (Earth-moon-Earth) communication    
   and an AMSAT CubeSat simulation. As meetings move on the air, Gourley   
   explained, he will send out a copy of meeting presentation slides so    
   members can follow along. "I will lead the net and start with           
   check-ins," he said. "We will work our way through the slides,          
   discussing previous events, upcoming activities, the treasurer's        
   report, projects, etc. I will take new check-ins every 5 - 10 minutes.  
   We will conclude with officer comments and general comments. Hopefully  
   it won't take more than 30 - 45 minutes."                               
   ARRL staff member Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, who liaises for the ARRL       
   Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative (CARI), underscores the importance  
   that all radio clubs encourage on-the-air activity in this challenging  
   time. "While I know many businesses and schools have moved to online    
   meetings and learning, I can think of many advantages for a radio club  
   to move club meetings to on-air," Inderbitzen said. His list includes:  
     * Holding short meetings on the air will encourage individual club    
       members to practice their personal radio communication              
       capabilities. Station and skills readiness are tenets of the        
       Amateur Radio Service.                                              
     * Nets generally help new radio amateurs gain practical operating     
       experience. Think of this current challenge as an opportunity to    
       encourage your club's new hams to get on the air.                   
     * As online fatigue and a feeling of isolation will inevitably creep  
       into our "new normal," being on-air will introduce variety into our 
       communication practices. As many of us are now homebound working or 
       studying, turning on a radio to connect with your ham radio peers   
       will be welcome respite!                                            
   At K7UAZ, experienced club members provide instruction for members to   
   access the K7UAZ ARC repeater from 2 meters and via EchoLink. The club  
   also offers members the opportunity to borrow handheld radios or to be  
   patched in via HF or videoconferencing, if they live too far away from  
   the repeater.                                                           
   ARRL is encouraging university radio clubs to network with other clubs  
   and students via ARRL's CARI Facebook group. "Keeping our campus radio  
   clubs going will ensure we are, together, advancing the art, science,   
   and enjoyment of amateur radio. It's our collective mission,"           
   Inderbitzen said.                                                       
   Radio Amateurs Team Up to Help University Design Low-Cost Ventilator    
   Amateur radio volunteers from around the world have volunteered to      
   assist University of Florida Professor Sam Lampotang and his            
   engineering team in their quest to rapidly develop an open-source,      
   low-cost patient ventilator that can be built anywhere from such        
   commonly available components as PVC pipe and lawn-sprinkler valves.    
   The amateur radio volunteers are developing Arduino-based control       
   software that will set the respiratory rate and other key parameters in 
   treating critically ill coronavirus victims.                            
   Multiple volunteers responding to a call for help from Gordon Gibby,    
   MD, KX4Z, include noted software developer Jack Purdum, W8TEE, and      
   uBITX transceiver maker Ashhar Farhan, VU2ESE. University of Florida    
   physicians are working to address the critical legal aspects as the     
   design moves closer to fruition. The ventilator's valves would          
   precisely time compressed oxygen flow into patient breathing circuits   
   under Arduino control, allowing exhausted patients with "stiff" lungs   
   impacted by viral pneumonia to survive until their body can clear the   
   The software design team is also adding simple features such as an LCD  
   display, encoders to choose parameters, and watchdog safety features.   
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest (March 12) episode of the On the Air podcast focuses on how  
   to calculate feed line loss, real-world examples of how digital and     
   analog FM transceivers handle weak signals, and an interview with Rob   
   Macedo, KD1CY, Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator 
   and SKYWARN Coordinator for the National Weather Service Boston/Norton  
   office. Rob offers information about how hams can get involved with     
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 4) includes an 
   interview with Eric Knight, KB1EHE, updating the RF-based Alzheimer's   
   therapy featured in QST, and an interview with Robert Dixon, W8ERD,     
   about the "Wow!" signal and SETI. Dixon was the Big Ear project         
   director when the Wow! signal was received.                             
   Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as   
   well as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                       
   International Amateur Radio Union justing to COVID-19                 
   The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has reported on how it's   
   addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, given the various restrictions in     
   place to slow the spread of the virus. IARU said the International      
   Telecommunication Union (ITU) Headquarters in Geneva remains off limits 
   to visitors until April 17 at the earliest. ITU has cancelled some      
   meetings, postponed others, and converted others into online            
   gatherings. IARU representatives are adjusting plans accordingly and    
   following a similar pattern.                                            
   While Dayton Hamvention has canceled its 2020 show, Europe's largest    
   amateur radio gathering, HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen, Germany, is      
   still on schedule for June 26ƒ**-ƒ**28.                                 
   IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications and Satellite Communications     
   workshops set for May 30 - 31 in Trinidad and Tobago will now be held   
   online. IARU reports that interest and registrations have surged since  
   the announcement. These workshops will be held in English, but          
   preparations are under way for workshops in Spanish to be held later.   
   IARU Region 3 has canceled its first Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Camp  
   that had been planned for early October in Rayong, Thailand.            
   World Amateur Radio Day on April 18 this year celebrates the 95th       
   anniversary of the IARU's founding. IARU has allowed that amateur radio 
   "is the best way to practice social distancing."                        
   IARU Region 1 (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) has asked           
   member-societies to "reconsider their position" on Field Day events     
   over the next few months.                                               
   "Field Days bring radio amateurs together and, therefore, represent an  
   environment where social distancing is difficult to achieve," IARU      
   Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ, said. "We must recognize that     
   many radio amateurs are in the older, higher-risk age groups." IARU     
   will not sponsor the Region 1 HF CW Field Day in June but said national 
   societies have to make their own decisions as to whether their Field    
   Day events will go forward.                                             
   Beattie said single-operator contests "remain a great way for those     
   forced to stay at home to enjoy the magic of amateur radio."            
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: We saw another week with no sunspots, 
   which were last seen just briefly more than 2 weeks ago on March 8 - 9. 
   Spaceweather.com reports that, so far in 2020, the percentage of days   
   without sunspots (76%) is about the same as all of 2019, when it was    
   Average daily solar flux inched up from 70.1 to 71.1. Geomagnetic       
   indicators remain quiet, with average planetary A index at 7.7, a       
   little higher than the previous week's 5.9 average. Average             
   mid-latitude A index was also 5.9, up from 4.1 last week.               
   Predicted solar flux for the next 45 days is 71 on March 26 - April 2;  
   70 on April 3 - 4; 72 on April 5 - 18; 70 on April 19 - May 1, and 72   
   on May 2 - 9.                                                           
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on March 26 - 29; 12 on March 30 - 31; 
   8 on April 1; 5 on April 2 - 5; 10 and 8 on April 6 - 7; 5 on April 8 - 
   13; 8, 12, and 8 on April 14 - 16; 5 on April 17 - 22; 12 and 8 on      
   April 23 - 24; 5 on April 25 - May 2; 10 and 8 on May 3 - 4, and 5 on   
   May 5 - 9.                                                              
   Sunspot numbers for March 19 - 25 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with a  
   mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 72.1, 71.7, 70.8, 70.2, 70.4,   
   71.2, and 71.2, with a mean of 71.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 
   12, 7, 8, 7, 12, 4, and 4, with a mean of 7.7. Middle latitude A index  
   was 7, 5, 5, 7, 10, 4, and 3, with a mean of 5.9.                       
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
     * March 28 -- FOC QSO Party (CW)                                      
     * March 28 - 29 -- CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB                             
     * March 30 - 31 -- QCX Challenge (CW)                                 
     * April 2 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (Phone)                          
     * April 2 -- SARL 80-Meter QSO Party (Phone)                          
     * April 2 -- NRAU 10-Meter Activity Contest (CW, phone, digital)      
     * April 2 -- SKCC Sprint Europe (CW)                                  
   Major Florida Emergency Communication Conference and Exercise are a     
   Major Success                                                           
   Radio amateurs and communications professionals from several states     
   convened over the February 29 - March 1 weekend in Gainesville,         
   Florida, for a training conference and exercise to test new skills      
   learned along with basic radio communication skills and protocols. The  
   Alachua County Emergency Manager and staff served as exercise           
   evaluators. Former FEMA ministrator Craig Fugate, KK4INZ, also        
   attended and served as an exercise player on Sunday. The weekend's      
   programs and exercise were developed by Gordon Gibby, KX4Z, who also    
   conducted the optional ARRL EC-001 Introduction to Emergency            
   Communications course on Friday.                                        
   "Overall, the exercise was positively reviewed by both the participants 
   and the professional evaluators," reported Rick Palm, K1CE, who edits   
   the ARES E-Letter and took part in the activity. "For the participants, 
   a few of the more-challenging objectives were documentation on the ICS  
   forms, and establishing HF voice/Winlink connections, which were        
   ultimately achieved successfully," he recounted. "Some participants     
   were unclear on some procedures and instructions. Set-up and getting HF 
   antennas erected resulted in delay, leaving some message traffic backed 
   up." These stumbling blocks were discussed in an after-exercise         
   debriefing, Palm said.                                                  
   "More easily accomplished was setting up radio equipment, using VHF     
   packet, and addressing the issues presented [by the exercise            
   moderators]. Group relationships were dynamic and positive. Units were  
   able to check into the command net with little difficulty," Palm added. 
   The conference featured a basic track for individuals needing basic or  
   advanced skill improvement, and a leadership track for ARES^A(R)        
   leaders who need to design and execute exercises while growing local    
   groups. The day kicked off with a review of amateur radio disaster      
   response, with discussion focused on service to main stakeholders,      
   including government agencies, NGOs, and disaster survivors. Topics     
   covered the importance of communications when "lives are really at      
   stake" and the value of exercises.                                      
   Good weather prevailed for the Sunday exercise with a large and         
   enthusiastic group of radio amateurs on hand to put lessons learned the 
   previous day into practice by playing out the Homeland Security         
   Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)-compliant exercise dubbed       
                                             Former FEMA ministrator     
                                             Craig Fugate, KK4INZ, also    
                                             attended and served as a Hot  
                                             & Cold exercise player.       
   2020 Hot & Cold. The scenario was a malfunction of high-pressure        
   natural gas pipelines with telecommunications failures. Resources       
   required included VHF/UHF/HF voice and digital equipment and            
   capabilities; the Winlink system, and the NTS/RRI networks.             
   The Incident Command post and shelters for area residents were staffed  
   and set up with both long-haul, regional, and local radio communication 
   capabilities. The overall exercise mission was "response."              
   Players worked to meet several objectives, which included joining the   
   command net, using alternative antennas (such as a long wire to replace 
   a Yagi), employing emergency power sources and alternatives in the      
   event of failures, checking into an HF voice net for message handling,  
   using Winlink to access gateways and make connections, practicing voice 
   net control procedures, drafting ICS-213 message forms and              
   transmitting, receiving, and relaying messages, composing and           
   transmitting situation reports to the Incident Command Post via the     
   command net, and completing required documentation.                     
   Participant surveys indicated that those taking part felt that the best 
   features of the exercise were testing equipment, learning how to        
   complete the ICS forms, having the ICS-205 frequency plan ahead of the  
   exercise, antennas, and power source testing.                           
   Surveys and comments indicated that some participants wished they had   
   studied the exercise plan missions and objectives more in advance;      
   understood the forms they had access to better in Winlink; were more    
   familiar with Winlink, local frequencies, and digital modes in general; 
   tested their equipment before leaving home, and had advance practice    
   with the packet mode.                                                   
   "[These are] all good learning opportunities that will result in        
   greater efficiency in next year's exercise, and, of course, the real    
   thing, should that occur," Palm said.                                   
   Long Island CW Club Offering Free Online Code Instruction for Homebound 
   The Long Island CW Club in New York is offering free online Morse code  
   instruction for the "many youngsters at loose ends as a result of       
   school closings due to COVID-19 concerns." The club's co-founder,       
   Howard Bernstein, WB2UZE, pointed out that learning Morse code is "a    
   fun and educational activity for children of all ages that can fill     
   part of the gap left by the current unfortunate situation that has      
   closed so many schools across the country."                             
   Ongoing classes will take place Monday through Friday, specifically for 
   school-agers anywhere across the country or overseas, via Zoom online   
   video conferencing.                                                     
   A computer equipped with a microphone and camera is required. Classes   
   for elementary schoolers run 30 minutes starting at 1600 UTC, followed  
   by 45-minute classes for middle- and high school-aged students,         
   starting at 1645 UTC. Parental permission is required through advance   
   Contact class instructor Rob Zarges, K2MZ, by e-mail or call            
   508-831-8248. -- Thanks to Mel Granick, KS2G, ARRL New York City-Long   
   Island Section Public Information Coordinator                           
   Tower-Mounted Christmas Lights Cheer California Neighborhood            
   According to media reports, some Southern California residents have     
   been turning their Christmas lights back on to bolster the mood of the  
   neighborhood during the coronavirus pandemic.                           
   "That caught my eye," Chip Margelli, K7JA, of Garden Grove, told ARRL.  
   "Every year, I put lights up on my 70-foot fixed tower, turning it into 
   the tallest Christmas tree in Garden Grove; it is quite a beacon in the 
   Because of knee replacement surgery last December, Margelli had not yet 
   taken down his Christmas lights, so he re-lit them and put an           
   announcement on the local Neighborhood Watch Facebook page. Margelli    
   said a lot of positive comments indicated his neighbors would follow    
   "So, hams everywhere can use amateur radio to do something to increase  
   the cheer factor in their neighborhoods, even though it's not over the  
   air," Margelli suggested. "Spreading goodwill like this can surely only 
   improve our image in the community." -- Thanks to Chip Margelli, K7JA   
   In Brief...                                                             
   Refunds are available for canceled Dayton Hamvention-associated social  
   events. These include Contest University, the Contest Dinner, and the   
   Top Band Dinner. Each event has its own procedures. Those who signed up 
   for the DX Dinner will be able to obtain refunds via PayPal. An email   
   to all registrants will provide details. -- Thanks to Tim Duffy, K3LR,  
   Club Log is contributing 100% of its computing resources to the         
   Folding@Home Project. The project simulates the dynamics of COVID-19    
   proteins to hunt for new therapeutic opportunities. Club Log's Michael  
   Wells, G7VJR, said he's assigned a higher priority to the Folding@Home  
   work, so radio amateurs may experience slightly longer upload times.    
   "You can help, too, by contributing your own computer to the project,"  
   Wells said. "If you have a recent home computer with a good graphics    
   card, and if a lot of people make a contribution, it will make a        
   significant difference to the research, potentially reducing decades of 
   work to a far shorter time frame that will make a practical difference  
   this year." He cautions that computers involved in the project will be  
   operating at 100% CPU, when not otherwise in use. Club Log's            
   Folding@Home team number is 246763.                                     
   The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) HF and VHF Contest committees 
   will no longer accept multioperator contest entries. The ban, in        
   accordance with UK social distancing policies, is in effect until the   
   end of June and applies to all RSGB-sponsored contests. Single-operator 
   entries from shared stations also will not be accepted, unless the      
   station is being shared by family members at the same address. The HF   
   Contest Committee has canceled the RSGB HF NFD (Field Day) for 2020,    
   but is okaying portable operation by single operators, "because of the  
   potential mental health benefits associated with engaging in hobbies,   
   as well as the lack of person-to-person contact in normal               
   single-operator contesting." RSGB is encouraging all to follow UK       
   government guidelines regarding social distancing and unnecessary       
   travel and will decide in early June if the VHF NFD, the IOTA Contest,  
   and SSB NFD events can go ahead as planned.                             
   Sean Kutzko, KX9X, is AMSAT's new Volunteer Coordinator. AMSAT          
   President Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, announced the appointment this week.  
   Licensed since 1982, Kutzko served for 10 years on the ARRL             
   Headquarters staff as Contest Branch Manager and as Media and Public    
   Relations Manager. "It's an honor to be able to volunteer for AMSAT,"   
   Kutzko said. "AMSAT is a great organization and helping find good       
   volunteers who are willing to help all areas of AMSAT's growth and      
   development is the least I could do for the organization that has given 
   me a lot of enjoyment and technical skill." An active HF and VHF        
   contester, DXer, and backpack QRP enthusiast, Kutzko started working    
   satellites in 2011. He's written instructional articles on satellite    
   operating for the AMSAT website and for QST, and he blogs regularly on  
   satellite topics on DX Engineering's On All Bands. -- Thanks to AMSAT   
   News Service                                                            
   Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow, KA1FZQ, and his wife ele 
   have tested positive for COVID-19. "We started experiencing symptoms on 
   Sunday -- first coughs, then fevers, chills, and muscle aches -- and    
   contacted our doctors on Monday," Bacow related in a March 10 message   
   to the Harvard University community. "We were tested yesterday and just 
   received the results a few minutes ago. We wanted to share this news    
   with all of you as soon as possible." Bacow said neither he nor his     
   wife knows how they contracted the virus and have been working from     
   home and limiting contact with others. "This virus can lay anyone low," 
   Bacow added. "We all need to be vigilant and keep following guidelines  
   to limit our contact with others."                                      
   President Donald Trump has nominated FCC Commissioner Michael O'Rielly  
   for another 5-year term on the Commission. The nomination was sent to   
   the US Senate on March 18. O'Rielly was initially appointed to the FCC  
   in 2013 by President Barack Obama. "During my tenure at the Commission, 
   I have advocated for preserving and advancing American free market      
   principles to develop common sense regulation and eliminate unnecessary 
   rules that hurt consumers," O'Rielly said in a statement, expressing    
   appreciation to President Trump. If the Senate confirms O'Rielly's      
   nomination, the new term would date retroactively to last July and end  
   in 2024.                                                                
   The FCC will hold its March 31 open meeting by teleconference. "Due to  
   the current COVID-19 pandemic and related agency telework and           
   headquarters access policies, this meeting will be in a wholly          
   electronic format and will be open to the public on the internet via    
   live feed from the FCC web page and on the FCC YouTube channel," the    
   Commission announced this week. Agenda items are expected to be voted   
   on circulation prior to the meeting. Live audio and video and open      
   captioning will be provided on the video as well as a text only version 
   on the FCC website.                                                     
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Note: Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due 
   to the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on   
   the ARRL website.                                                       
     * May 9 - MicroHAMS Digital Conference 2020, Woodinville, Washington  
     * June 6 -- Georgia State Convention, Marietta, Georgia               
     * June 6 - 7 -- Northwestern Division Convention, Seaside, Oregon     
     * June 6 - 7 -- Western Pennsylvania Section Convention, Prospect,    
     * June 12 - 13 -- Ham-Com, Plano, Texas                               
     * June 20 -- Tennessee State Convention, Knoxville, Tennessee         
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for                                      
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! ARRL membership includes QST, amateur radio's  
       most popular and informative journal, and On the Air, a new         
       bimonthly magazine for beginner hams. ARRL members can choose which 
       magazine to receive in print, and can view the digital editions of  
       both magazines online.                                              
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features      
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX  -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published         
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES E-Letter (monthly public service and          
       emergency communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly   
       contest newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much   
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2020 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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