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Text 15719, 562 rader
Skriven 2020-09-04 09:05:18 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   September 3, 2020                                                       
     * FCC Proposes to Institute Amateur Radio Application Fees             
     * First Element of ARISS Next-Generation Radio System Installed and    
       Operating on ISS                                                     
     * Solar Minimum Most Likely Occurred in December 2019                  
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Hurricane Watch Net Logs More than 29 Hours of Continuous Operation 
       for Laura                                                           
     * Historic Winlink Gateway KH6SP Ceases Operation                     
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Launch of Satellites Carrying Ham Radio Payloads Postponed Again    
     * Announcements                                                       
     * 2016 ARRL International Humanitarian Award Co-Recipient Richard     
       Darling, AH7G, SK                                                   
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   FCC Proposes to Institute Amateur Radio Application Fees                
   Amateur radio licensees would pay a $50 fee for each amateur radio      
   license application if the FCC adopts rules it proposed last week.      
   Included in the FCC's fee proposal are applications for new licenses,   
   renewal and upgrades to existing licenses, and vanity call sign         
   requests. Excluded are applications for administrative updates, such as 
   changes of address, and annual regulatory fees.                         
   The FCC proposal is contained in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) 
   in MD Docket 20-270, which was adopted to implement portions of the     
   "Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services    
   Act" of 2018 -- the so-called "Ray Baum's Act."                         
   The Act requires that the FCC switch from a Congressionally-mandated    
   fee structure to a cost-based system of assessment. In its NPRM, the    
   FCC proposed application fees for a broad range of services that use    
   the FCC's Universal Licensing System (ULS), including the Amateur Radio 
   Service that had been excluded by an earlier statute. The new statute   
   excludes the Amateur Service from annual regulatory fees, but not from  
   application fees.                                                       
   "[A]pplications for personal licenses are mostly automated and do not   
   have individualized staff costs for data input or review," the FCC said 
   in its NPRM. "For these automated processes -- new/major modifications, 
   renewal, and minor modifications -- we propose a nominal application    
   fee of $50 due to automating the processes, routine ULS maintenance,    
   and limited instances where staff input is required."                   
   The same $50 fee would apply to all Amateur Service applications,       
   including those for vanity call signs. "Although there is currently no  
   fee for vanity call signs in the Amateur Radio Service, we find that    
   such applications impose similar costs in aggregate on Commission       
   resources as new applications and therefore propose a $50 fee," the FCC 
   The FCC is not proposing to charge for administrative updates such as   
   mailing address changes, and amateur radio will remain exempt from      
   annual regulatory fees. "For administrative updates [and]               
   modifications, which also are highly automated, we find that it is in   
   the public interest to encourage licensees to update their [own]        
   information without a charge," the FCC said.                            
   The FCC also proposes to assess a $50 fee for individuals who want a    
   printed copy of their license. "The Commission has proposed to          
   eliminate these services -- but to the extent the Commission does not   
   do so, we propose a fee of $50 to cover the costs of these services,"   
   the FCC said.                                                           
   The FCC dropped assessment of fees for vanity call signs several years  
   ago, but the Ray Baum's Act does not exempt filing fees in the Amateur  
   Radio Service.                                                          
   ARRL is reviewing the matter and intends to file comments in            
   Deadlines for comments and reply comments will be determined once the   
   NPRM appears in the Federal Register. File comments by using the FCC's  
   Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), posting to MD Docket No.       
   20-270. This docket is already open for accepting comments, even though 
   deadlines have not yet been set.                                        
   First Element of ARISS Next-Generation Radio System Installed and       
   Operating on ISS                                                        
   The initial element of the Amateur Radio on the International Space     
   Station (ARISS) next-generation radio system has been installed onboard 
   the ISS, and operations using the new gear are now under way. The first 
   element, dubbed the InterOperable Radio System (IORS), was installed in 
   the ISS Columbus module. The IORS replaces the Ericsson radio system    
   and packet module originally certified for spaceflight in mid-2000.     
   "Finally! It's been a scramble the last few days with coordination over 
   the weekend and yesterday with astronaut Chris Cassidy, KF5KDR,"        
   ARISS-US Delegate for ARRL Rosalie White, K1STO, said. "But the new     
   ARISS radio system is now installed, set up, and functioning. What a    
   long road we've traveled over the past 5 years!"                        
   Part of the ARISS InterOperable Radio                                   
   System -- the multi-voltage power supply                                
   -- being put through its paces during one                               
   of its many NASA tests. [Photo courtesy of                              
   Initial operation of the new radio system is in FM cross-band repeater  
   mode using an uplink of 145.99 MHz (CTCSS 67 Hz) and a downlink of      
   437.800 MHz. Special operations will continue to be announced, ARISS    
   Launched from Kennedy Space Center last March, the IORS consists of a   
   "space-modified" JVC-Kenwood D710GA transceiver, an ARISS-developed     
   multi-voltage power supply, and interconnecting cables. The design,     
   development, fabrication, testing, and launch of the first IORS         
   culminated a 5-year engineering effort by the ARISS hardware team of    
   ARISS says the new system offers a higher-power radio, voice repeater,  
   digital packet radio (APRS) capabilities, and a Kenwood VC-H1 slow-scan 
   television (SSTV) system.                                               
   A second IORS will undergo flight certification for later launch and    
   installation in the Russian Service Module. "Next-gen development       
   efforts continue," ARISS said. "For the IORS, parts are being procured  
   and a total of 10 systems are being fabricated                          
   to support flight, additional flight spares, ground testing, and        
   astronaut training." Follow-on next-generation radio system elements    
   include L-band repeater uplink capability -- currently in development   
   -- and a flight Raspberry Pi, dubbed "ARISS-Pi," still in the design    
   phase. The ARISS-Pi promises operations autonomy and enhanced SSTV      
   operations, ARISS explained.                                            
   This year, ARISS marks 20 years of continuous amateur radio operations  
   on the ISS. The largely volunteer organization welcomes donations to    
   the ARISS program for next-generation hardware development, operation,  
   education, and administration. Read more.                               
   Solar Minimum Most Likely Occurred in December 2019                     
   Sunspot Index and Long-Term Solar Observations (SILSO) in Belgium said  
   this month that the minimum between Solar Cycles 24 and 25 "most        
   probably" took place last December. SILSO, a part of the Royal          
   Observatory of Belgium and formerly known as SIDC, cited as evidence    
   the January 2020 increase in the 13-month smoothed sunspot number --    
   the first upswing since the Cycle 24 maximum in April 2014.             
   "[F]or now, this latest smoothed value in January 2020 is the very      
   first point indicating a rise of the activity. So, the date of the      
   minimum still needs a full confirmation over the coming months," SILSO  
   said on its website. "For now, preliminary smoothed values, limited to  
   less than 13 months, hint at increasing values over coming months. If   
   the rising trend indeed continues, this [December 2019] date will       
   become fully definitive."                                               
   SILSO said another indication of the transition between the two solar   
   cycles can be drawn from counting individual sunspot groups that belong 
   to either the old or new solar cycle. "While most sunspot groups        
   belonged to the last solar cycle [Cycle 24] until September 2019, the   
   dominance switched to groups of the new cycle in November 2019," SILSO  
   SILSO said that in terms of the number of active regions, the minimum   
   between Cycle 24 and Cycle 25 falls in October 2019. "This is close to  
   December 2019," SILSO said. It attributes the difference to three       
   The sunspot number also takes into account the total number of spots,   
   and the size of the emerging active regions.                            
   The time of the minimum depends on the respective trends of the         
   declining phase of the past cycle, and of the rising phase of the new   
   cycle, over the 12 months surrounding the minimum.                      
   The date of the minimum has a significant uncertainty range. Near       
   minimum, activity hardly varies and is close to minimum for a few       
   months. "The date of the minimum is thus always less sharply defined    
   than the date of the maximum of the cycles, which are more sharply      
   peaked," SILSO explained.                                               
   SILSO noted "a steady stream" of small, active regions since last       
   December, but that activity stagnated at a constant low level.          
   "However, since July -- and even more in the course of August 2020 --   
   the activity seems to truly take off, with at least one sunspot group   
   visible on almost all days. Such a level of activity had not been       
   reached since early 2019."                                              
   "This late-breaking upward trend is now expected to accelerate over the 
   coming months," SILSO predicted. "So be prepared for a more eruptive    
   and interesting sun!"                                                   
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 8) features an    
   interview with brothers Andy, KK4LWR, and Tony, KD8RTT, Milluzzi about  
   the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative. The On the Air podcast is 
   a monthly companion to On the Air magazine, ARRL's magazine for         
   beginner-to-intermediate ham radio operators.                           
   The latest episode of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 15) features a 
   chat with Bob Allison, WB1GCM, about HF transceiver shopping -- getting 
   the best performance for the money.                                     
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   Hurricane Watch Net Logs More than 29 Hours of Continuous Operation for 
   The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) logged 29.5 hours of continuous operation 
   in advance of Hurricane Laura, beginning at 1300 UTC on August 26. One  
   primary function of the HWN is to obtain real-time ground-level weather 
   conditions and initial damage assessments from amateur radio operators  
   in the affected area and relay that information to the National         
   Hurricane Center (NHC) by way of WX4NHC.                                
   "Since Laura had become a Major Hurricane (Category 3) overnight, well  
   ahead of earlier forecasts, we opened our net on both 14.325 MHz and    
   7.268 MHz," said HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV. "We did this for two 
   reasons. HF propagation was horrible on both bands, and we wanted to    
   make sure anyone trying to contact us would be able to do so." Graves   
   said it strained resources, but the net was able to get its job done.   
   The HWN remained in continuous operation until Thursday, August 27, at  
   1830 UTC, well after Hurricane Laura made landfall in Louisiana, near   
   the Texas border.                                                       
   "In many ways, Laura seemed similar to Hurricane Michael in 2018, as it 
   rapidly intensified close to landfall, nearly becoming a Category 5     
   hurricane," Graves said. "ditionally, with major hurricanes, you      
   normally have a few eye-wall replacement cycles. I don't recall there   
   ever being one [with Laura], and meteorologists I know agree."          
   Graves noted that on Wednesday afternoon, forecasters at the NHC used a 
   phrase not typically heard, in order to get a point across --           
   "unsurvivable storm surge." The ominous prediction certainly caught on  
   with the media and was widely repeated.                                 
   "Given the terrain for the projected impact of Laura, the storm surge   
   was expected to move well inland, as far as 40 miles, with depths as    
   high as 15 to 20 feet in some areas," he said.                          
   Throughout its more than 29 hours of operation, the HWN collected and   
   forwarded numerous surface reports to the NHC. Graves said that         
   Emergency Management in Louisiana checked in with the net on 14.325 MHz 
   to announce its presence on 7.255 MHz.                                  
   "After Laura was downgraded to a tropical storm, we shifted gears and   
   began asking for post-storm reports from those affected by Laura,"      
   Graves recounted. "We also called for emergency or priority traffic."   
   Graves expressed his appreciation to other stations for moving aside    
   for the net to use 14.325 and 7.268 MHz.                                
   Graves noted that the forecast for this year's hurricane season is      
   reminiscent to that of 2005, when Hurricane Katrina struck. "It is      
   forecast to be a very busy season," he said. "When it comes to          
   hurricane seasons, never drop your guard." Families should have plans   
   in place ahead of a major storm, and factor the COVID-19 pandemic into  
   those plans, he advised. Read more.                                     
   Historic Winlink Gateway KH6SP Ceases Operation                         
   The last amateur radio digital gateway -- KH6SP -- at the Navy site in  
   Wahiawa, Hawaii, went silent on August 1. The site housed two amateur   
   radio gateways donated by a group of Hawaii amateurs led by Thomas      
   Overman, W2AIT -- KH6UL and KH6SP. For more than 8 years, Overman       
   maintained the Winlink software running them. The system had high-gain  
   log-periodic arrays with low-angle radiation that provided the maritime 
   community with email service across the Pacific and later handled       
   inter-island traffic. Station trustee Gus MacFeeley, NH7J, introduced   
   and demonstrated the stations to local amateur radio operators 5 years  
   ago, pointing to the future of amateur radio digital mode emergency     
   communications in the Pacific Section. MacFeeley handled necessary      
   on-site work. The multi-node operation provides continuous              
   Winlink/Winmor service across the Pacific Ocean for many maritime       
   mobile stations that have come to rely on it as their critical link to  
   the world.                                                              
   The US Department of Homeland Security took possession of the site a    
   few years ago and is now extending its intergovernmental use. All of    
   the antenna quadrants are now needed by the government, including       
   SHARES Winlink.                                                         
   Since MacFeeley introduced the Hawaii amateur radio community to        
   Winlink, the Hawaii network has grown to five HF gateways providing     
   inter-island communication, and 18 VHF gateways serving local           
   communities. More are planned. During the past few years, the cost of   
   interfacing amateur equipment to Winlink has dropped significantly with 
   the development of PC software sound card modems, which can rival the   
   performance of PACTOR modems.                                           
   "We can expect to see an explosion of applications in the future making 
   amateur radio increasingly relevant to our communities," said ARRL      
   Pacific Section Manager Joseph Speroni, AH0A, as he bid "a fond         
   farewell to KH6UL and KH6SP and the group of amateurs that started this 
   revolution in Hawaii." -- Thanks to ARRL Pacific Section Manager Joe    
   Speroni, AH0A                                                           
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: No sunspots have appeared for the     
   past 12 days. We're all hoping for more sunspots, and I'm sure they'll  
   return soon. The trends for this newly awakening solar cycle seem to    
   favor it. The autumnal equinox on September 22 should favor worldwide   
   HF propagation.                                                         
   Average daily solar flux declined over the August 27 - September 2      
   reporting week, from 70.4 to 69.6.                                      
   Geomagnetic indicators showed quite a bit more activity than they have  
   in some time now. Average daily planetary A index rose from 5.1 to      
   13.1. The most active day was August 31, when the planetary A index     
   reached 26. The cause was a vigorous solar wind spewing from holes in   
   the solar corona.                                                       
   A solar flux of 70 is forecast for every one of the next 45 days. The   
   predicted planetary A index is 10 on September 3; 5 on September 4 -    
   17; 8 on September 18 - 19; 5 on September 20 - 22; 8, 10, and 14 on    
   September 23 - 25; 10 on September 26 - 27; 12 and 10 on September 28 - 
   29, and 5 on September 30 - October 17.                                 
   Sunspot numbers for August 27 - September 2 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and  
   0, with a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 70, 70.1, 70.2, 70,   
   69.2, 69.5, and 68.3, with a mean of 69.6. Estimated planetary A        
   indices were 8, 10, 14, 9, 26, 16, and 9, with a mean of 13.1. Middle   
   latitude A index was 7, 8, 14, 8, 19, 16, and 8, with a mean of 11.4.   
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * September 5 -- CWOps CW Open                                        
     * September 5 -- Wake-Up! QRP Sprint (CW)                             
     * September 5 - 6 -- All Asian DX Contest (Phone)                     
     * September 5 - 6 -- Colorado QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)          
     * September 5 - 6 -- IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB                     
     * September 5 - 6 -- RSGB SSB Field Day (Phone)                       
     * September 5 - 6 -- IARU Region 1 145 MHz Contest (CW, phone,        
     * September 5 - 6 -- PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80-Meter       
       Sprint (Digital)                                                    
     * September 5 - 7 -- AGCW Straight Key Party                          
     * September 6 -- WAB 144 MHz QRO Phone                                
     * September 6 - 7 -- Tennessee QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)         
     * September 7 -- RSGB 80-Meter Autumn Series, SSB                     
     * September 7 - 8 -- MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint                       
     * September 8 -- ARS Spartan Sprint CW                                
     * September 9 -- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest                         
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   Launch of Satellites Carrying Ham Radio Payloads Postponed Again        
   The scheduled September 2 launch of three satellites carrying amateur   
   radio payloads from the European Space Agency Spaceport in Korou,       
   French Guiana, was postponed again because a typhoon was threatening a  
   tracking station in South Korea. The launch of the Arianespace Vega     
   vehicle will be rescheduled for later this month. The Vega is set to    
   carry a total of 53 satellites into orbit. AMSAT-France Chair           
   Christophe Mercier said in an AMSAT-BB post that the AmicalSat,         
   UPMSat-2, and TTU100 satellites will carry ham radio payloads.          
   The AmicalSat CubeSat was built by students at the Grenoble University  
   Space Center (CSUG). "The measurements made by the satellite will be    
   available to all," Mercier said. "They will allow radio amateurs to use 
   them for propagation predictions." He said AMSAT-F supported the        
   AmicalSat project. Software for Linux and Windows platforms is          
   available for decoding the telemetry and posting it to the SatNOGS      
   According to the AmicalSat website, the CubeSat will focus on space     
   weather, monitoring the auroral oval, and photographing the aurora.     
   "Scientifically, the data will be used to reconstruct the flux of       
   particles coming into the atmosphere, especially the electrons in the   
   range of 20 eV - 10 keV," the website said.                             
   AmicalSat will transmit 1,2k AFSK on 436.1 MHz (as RS17S), and 1,000k   
   GFSK on 2.415.3 MHz. Reports are welcome via email.                     
   UPMSat-2, a project of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, will       
   transmit 1,2k AFSK on 437.405 MHz (as UPMST2). TTU100 (Hämarik), a      
   project of Tallinn (Estonia) University of Technology, will transmit    
   1,2k and 9,6k AFSK and CW on 435.450 MHz (primary) and 62.5 kbs and 20  
   Mbs OQPSK on 10,465 MHz (secondary).                                    
     * A ham radio special event during November will celebrate the 100th  
       anniversary of Pittsburgh's KDKA as the first commercial radio      
       broadcast station. Using both temporary call sign 8ZZ and KDKA      
       (because the KDKA license had not arrived in time), the station     
       broadcast the 1920 presidential election results. Many Pittsburgh   
       area amateur radio clubs will participate. Look for special event   
       call signs K3K, K3D, W8XK, and K3A (check QRZ.com for QSL           
     * September 1 marked the 161st anniversary of the so-called           
       "Carrington Event," when a massive coronal mass ejection from the   
       sun disrupted telegraph systems and generated auroral displays into 
       tropical latitudes. It's said that the light generated during that  
       1859 event was nearly as bright as daylight. According to Frank     
       Donovan, W3LPL, the Carrington Event took place less than 4 years   
       after solar minimum and 1 year before solar maximum.                
     * Over the next 6 years, GB5ST will celebrate 54 years of the Star    
       Trek TV show, spinoffs, and movies. This event will take place      
       until the series' 60th anniversary in 2026. QSL direct or via the   
       RSGB bureau.                                                        
     * The YASME Foundation Board of Directors has awarded a grant to      
       DokuFunk of Austria, a research and documentation center for the    
       history of radio communications and electronic media. The funds     
       will support DokuFunk's hosting of the Lloyd and Iris Colvin        
       DXpedition materials and develop a presentation from photos, video, 
       and audio. YASME also will fund the HZ1AB QSL collection transfer   
       and provide support for amateur exams by the Seychelles Amateur     
       Radio Association (SARA).                                           
     * NASA's Johnson Space Center has produced a video of an Amateur      
       Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact between a  
       Canadian student group and astronaut Chris Cassidy, KF5KDR, last    
   2016 ARRL International Humanitarian Award Co-Recipient Richard         
   Darling, AH7G, SK                                                       
   The co-recipient of the 2016 ARRL International Humanitarian Award      
   Richard Darling, AH7G, of Keaau, Hawaii, died on August 19. An ARRL     
   Life Member, he was 86 and had been a radio amateur for 67 years.       
   Richard and his wife Barbara, NH7FY, shared the 2016 ARRL International 
   Humanitarian of the Year Award. The award was                           
   conferred on the couple for having provided support in the form of      
   money and materials that included books, food, clothing, sanitary       
   supplies, and equipment such as hardware, antennas, and solar panels    
   sent to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). The couple also       
   regularly purchased, packed, and mailed "care packages" to Yap,         
   containing food, clothing, medical supplies, diapers, and other items   
   not otherwise easily available to FSM islanders.                        
   Richard Darling attended Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey    
   and Capital Radio Engineering Institute, and then joined IBM as an      
   electronics technician. During a duty tour in the US Army, he was in    
   the Nike missile program and spent a lot of time on the air from Fort   
   Bliss, Texas. He later worked for Lockheed.                             
   Over the years, Richard and Barbara provided weather warnings prior to  
   several typhoons, most recently Maysak and No'ul, keeping               
   communications going in the aftermath of storms. -- Thanks to Assistant 
   Hawaii Section Manager Bob Schneider, AH6J                              
   In Brief...                                                             
   The 2020 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) on September 
   11 - 12 will be streamed live on YouTube. No registration is needed;    
   the URL will be announced via the TAPR website. The preliminary         
   schedule has been posted. The 39th Annual ARRL/TAPR DCC will employ the 
   Zoom video communications and YouTube video-sharing platforms.          
   Registered DCC attendees participating via Zoom will be able to         
   interact with presenters and other attendees via a chatroom, as well as 
   raise "a virtual hand" to ask questions, TAPR said. Non-registered DCC  
   attendees may watch the livestream on YouTube, but won't be able to ask 
   questions or chat. DCC registration is free for TAPR members and $30    
   for non-members, who will receive a 100% discount at checkout.          
   Non-members who would like to join TAPR and receive the free DCC pass   
   can simply add TAPR membership and DCC registration to their shopping   
   carts. After checkout, they will receive the free DCC pass when their   
   membership is processed.                                                
   Scouting's Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet      
   (JOTI) will be held this year on October 16, 17, and 18. Register       
   online as an individual or as a group. Jamboree on the Air is the       
   largest Scouting event in the world. In a typical year, more than 1     
   million Scouts participate in JOTA, with over 11,000 stations operated  
   by 20,000+ young radio amateurs from 150+ countries around the world.   
   JOTA details are available on the K2BSA website. The website menu will  
   direct users to additional supporting information. K2BSA's Jim Wilson,  
   K5ND, says many locations are already offering virtual radio merit      
   badge classes "and no doubt will be using similar approaches for        
   Jamboree on the Air."                                                   
   4U1UN has been active and ready to make contacts on 60 meters (5357     
   kHz). Some 400 contacts in about 30 DXCC entities were made on FT8 on 5 
   MHz earlier this week. Pending unforeseen events, such as equipment     
   failure or difficulties accessing the station, activity on 60 meters    
   will continue, said rian Ciuperca, KO8SCA. 4U1UN is running about 35  
   W on 60 meters on FT8. 4U1UN may also operate CW on 5373 kHz. Activity  
   could start around 2300 UTC. QSL via HB9BOU. -- Thanks to The Daily DX  
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Note: Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due 
   to the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on   
   the ARRL website.                                                       
     * November 14 - 15 -- Central Division Convention, Fort Wayne,        
     * November 21 -- Alabama State Convention, Montgomery, Alabama        
     * December 11 - 12 -- Florida State Convention, Plant City, Florida   
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for                                      
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
       they renew their membership. All members can access digital         
       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features      
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published          
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES E-Letter (monthly public service and          
       emergency communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly   
       contest newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much   
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2020 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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