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Text 15740, 551 rader
Skriven 2021-01-08 09:05:20 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   January 7, 2021                                                         
     * FCC Reduces Proposed Amateur Radio Application Fee to $35            
     * FCC to Require Email dress with Applications and on File           
     * QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Returning in March                        
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * ARRL ARES Volunteers Were Ready to Assist in Wake of Nashville       
     * Christmas Eve Forecast Calls ARES/RACES/SKYWARN into Action         
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * ARRL Member Designs New Ham Radio License Plate for Kentucky        
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   FCC Reduces Proposed Amateur Radio Application Fee to $35               
   The FCC has agreed with ARRL and other commenters that its proposed $50 
   fee for certain amateur radio applications was "too high to account for 
   the minimal staff involvement in these applications." In a Report and   
   Order (R&O), released on December 29, the FCC scaled back to $35 the    
   fee for a new license application, a special temporary authority (STA)  
   request, a rule waiver request, a license renewal application, and a    
   vanity call sign application. All fees are per application.             
   ministrative updates, such as a change of mailing or email address,   
   are exempt.                                                             
   ARRL had filed comments opposing the FCC's $50 fee and application fees 
   and urged its members to follow suit.                                   
   As the FCC noted in its R&O, although some commenters supported the     
   proposed $50 fee as reasonable and fair, "ARRL and many individual      
   commenters argued that there was no cost-based justification for        
   application fees in the Amateur Radio Service." The fee proposal was    
   contained in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in MD Docket        
   20-270, which was adopted to implement portions of the "Repack Airwaves 
   Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services Act" of 2018 -- the 
   so-called "Ray Baum's Act."                                             
   "After reviewing the record, including the extensive comments filed by  
   amateur radio licensees and based on our revised analysis of the cost   
   of processing mostly automated processes discussed in our methodology   
   section, we adopt a $35 application fee, a lower application fee than   
   the Commission proposed in the NPRM for personal licenses, in           
   recognition of the fact that the application process is mostly          
   automated," the FCC said in the R&O. "We adopt the proposal from the    
   NPRM to assess no additional application fee for minor modifications or 
   administrative updates, which also are highly automated."               
   The FCC turned away the arguments of some commenters that the FCC       
   should exempt amateur radio licensees. The FCC stated that it had no    
   authority to create an exemption "where none presently exists." The FCC 
   also disagreed with those who argued that amateur radio licensees       
   should be exempt from fees because of their public service contribution 
   during emergencies and disasters.                                       
   "[W]e are very much aware of these laudable and important services      
   amateur radio licensees provide to the American public," the FCC said,  
   but noted that specific exemptions provided under Section 8 of the      
   so-called "Ray Baum's Act" requiring the FCC to assess the fees do not  
   apply to amateur radio personal licenses. "Emergency communications,    
   for example, are voluntary and are not required by our rules," the FCC  
   noted. "[W]hile the value of the amateur service to the public as a     
   voluntary noncommercial communications service, particularly with       
   respect to providing emergency communications, is one of the underlying 
   principles of the amateur service, the amateur service is not an        
   emergency radio service.'"                                              
   The Act requires that the FCC switch from a Congressionally mandated    
   fee structure to a cost-based system of assessment. The FCC proposed    
   application fees for a broad range of services that use the FCC's       
   Universal Licensing System (ULS), including the Amateur Radio Service,  
   which had been excluded previously. The 2018 statute excludes the       
   Amateur Service from annual regulatory fees, but not from application   
   The effective date of the fee schedule has not been established. Read   
   FCC to Require Email dress with Applications and on File              
   Effective on June 29, 2021, amateur radio licensees and candidates must 
   provide the FCC with an email address on all applications. If no email  
   address is included, the FCC may dismiss the application as             
   "defective." On September 16, the FCC adopted a Report and Order (R&O)  
   in WT Docket 19-212 on "Completing the Transition to Electronic Filing, 
   Licenses and Authorizations, and Correspondence in the Wireless Radio   
   Services," which appeared on December 29 in the Federal Register. The   
   FCC has already begun strongly encouraging applicants to provide an     
   email address and will email a link to an official electronic copy of   
   the license once it's granted.                                          
   While many, if not most, amateurs already have provided an email to the 
   FCC, this also will become a requirement. Under Section 97.21 of the    
   new rules, as amended, the holder of a valid amateur radio station      
   license "must apply to the FCC for a modification of the license grant  
   as necessary to show the correct mailing and email address, licensee    
   name, club name, license trustee name, or license custodian name." For  
   a club or military recreation station license, the application must be  
   presented in document form to a club station call sign administrator    
   who must submit the information to the FCC in an electronic batch file. 
   Under new Section 97.23, as amended, each license must show the         
   grantee's correct name, mailing address, and email address. "The email  
   address must be an address where the grantee can receive electronic     
   correspondence," the revised rule will state. "Revocation of the        
   station license or suspension of the operator license may result when   
   correspondence from the FCC is returned as undeliverable because the    
   grantee failed to provide the correct email address."                   
   Licensees can log into the ULS License Manager System with their FRN    
   and password to update their FCC license record, including adding an    
   email address. For questions or password issues, call the CORES/FRN     
   Help Line, (877) 480-3201 (Monday - Friday, 1300 - 2300 UTC) or reset   
   the password on the FCC website. Read more.                             
   QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Returning in March                           
   The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will return March 13 - 14 for a full 48  
   hours, QSO Today host Eric Guth, 4Z1UG/WA6IGR, announced this week.     
   ARRL is a QSO Today Expo Partner. Guth said the inaugural QSO Today     
   Expo last August attracted more than 16,000 attendees, and he           
   anticipates that the March 2021 event will be even more successful.     
   The upcoming QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will feature new speakers and   
   presenters, panel discussions, and kit-building workshops among other   
   activities. Guth pointed out that attendees can log in from anywhere.   
   While he anticipates a good turnout by those who typically attend such  
   ham radio events, the virtual Expo also offers an opportunity for those 
   concerned about pandemic travel restrictions as well as for those who   
   don't typically attend in-person events.                                
   "At our last Expo, we found that 60% of attendees don't go to in-person 
   national conferences, and 40% don't attend state or local events," Guth 
   said, noting that distance and the high cost of travel and lodging were 
   the most oft-cited reasons.                                             
   Registration is required, and to help cover the costs of staging this   
   event, there will be a charge to attend. vance tickets are $10        
   ($12.50 at the "door") and include entry for the live, 2-day show as    
   well to the 30-day on-demand period. At the Expo, visitors can:         
     * Learn from a line-up of such well-known ham radio personalities as  
       Bob Allphin, K4UEE, on "My Favorite DXpeditions to DXCC Top 10 Most 
       Wanted;" Michael Foerster, W0IH, on "Using the Arduino in Your      
       Shack," and Ron Jones, K7RJ, on "3D Printer Basics."                
     * Take part in live virtual kit-building workshops. (Kits will be     
       available for purchase and delivered to attendees in time for the   
     * Walk through the virtual exhibit hall to visit an array of amateur  
       radio vendors and see live demonstrations of the latest equipment.  
       This show will leverage newer video technology to provide a better  
       experience for attendees to engage with exhibitors.                 
   Those planning to attend the Expo may take advantage of new speaker     
   calendar technology to create their own calendar of presentations in    
   their time zones, which can be saved to a Google or Outlook calendar.   
   Registrants may return over the 30 days following the live event to     
   catch speakers and presentations missed during the live period, as well 
   as to explore and re-engage exhibitor offerings.                        
   "The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo has all of the familiar hallmarks of an 
   in-person hamfest, including opportunities to connect and learn," ARRL  
   Product Development Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, said. Read more.     
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 12) features a    
   discussion about storm spotting and SKYWARN, with Mike Corey, KI1U.     
   The latest edition of Eclectic Tech (Episode 24) discusses solid-state  
   hard drive failures and features a chat with Scott Tilley, VE7TIL,      
   about receiving signals from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.           
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as well   
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   ARRL ARES Volunteers Were Ready to Assist in Wake of Nashville Blast    
   ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES(R)) volunteers went on       
   alert, ready to deploy in Williamson County, Tennessee, in the          
   aftermath of an apparently intentional explosion early on Christmas Day 
   in front of an AT&T switching facility in downtown Nashville. The blast 
   injured several people and killed the individual believed responsible   
   for the blast. It also damaged buildings, broke water mains, and        
   disrupted telecommunications.                                           
   ARRL Vice Director and Williamson County Emergency Coordinator Ed       
   Hudgens, WB4RHQ, who lives in Nashville, monitored the situation.       
   "The explosion did a lot more damage than was originally thought,"      
   Hudgens said in the immediate aftermath. "Since about 0730 yesterday,   
   we have had monitoring nets up and running on the local analog          
   repeaters and DMR repeaters. We have mainly been answering questions as 
   best we can." Hudgens said his ARES group was among those that stood    
   ready to deploy to the Williamson County PSC to assist with             
   communications for various county offices.                              
   The Middle Tennessee Emergency Amateur Repeater System (MTEARS) held    
   nets on its DMR repeater system several times a day. The main repeater  
   at the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) site was affected   
   by the outage. Hudgens said it was fortunate that two DMR repeaters had 
   gone online recently in Williamson County, and all communications went  
   going through them.                                                     
   WCARES held a continuous net on its five-repeater linked system to      
   assist hams as needed. The net also relayed news updates from AT&T and  
   county governments and assisted callers on AT&T to implement wireless   
   calling on their phones. In addition to the WCARES net, a net activated 
   in Davidson County in Middle Tennessee.                                 
   "A big thanks to those monitoring and providing updates!" Don Williams  
   said in a post to the MTEARS Facebook page. "I was able to turn on my   
   HT, locate a good frequency, and get up-to-date information. This was a 
   great help in keeping my house calm with updated info as to the AT&T    
   outage, as both our cell and internet were affected..."                 
   ARRL Headquarters reached out to Tennessee Section Manager David        
   Thomas, KM4NYI, to offer assistance.                                    
   Christmas Eve Forecast Calls ARES/RACES/SKYWARN into Action             
   ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES^(R)), RACES, and SKYWARN     
   volunteers in Upstate New York were called upon on the morning of       
   December 24 to provide current snowpack amounts, future rainfall        
   amounts, and river and stream gauge levels to the National Weather      
   Service (NWS).                                                          
   "Our ARES groups got a request from two local county emergency managers 
   in the Catskill District of New York -- Chenango and Otsego counties,"  
   said Otsego County Emergency Coordinator Cory Telarico, KD2HXE. "The    
   reason for concern and activation was the December 16 - 17 snowstorm    
   that dumped between 17 and 41 inches of snow on the area, compounded    
   with forecast rain for Christmas Eve into Christmas Day and the         
   potential for serious localized flooding."                              
   Between the two county ARES groups, which included members of the       
   Chenango Valley Amateur Radio Association out of Norwich and the        
   Oneonta Amateur Radio Club in Otsego County, the volunteers were able   
   to run nets on December 24 at 10 AM with 10 check-ins and at 7 PM with  
   9 check-ins, as well as a Christmas morning net at 7 AM with 8          
   "I observed the Susquehanna River rise in the City of Oneonta between   
   4.5 and 5.5 feet in a matter of about 6 hours while on duty as a New    
   York State Park Police Officer, Telarico said. "All of our reports were 
   forwarded to the National Weather Service as well as the two county     
   emergency managers."                                                    
   Telarico said the event demonstrated "the true dedication of our        
   members in the field in taking time away from their families during the 
   holiday for the goal of public service." The groups received a          
   complimentary email from Otsego County Emergency Services Coordinator   
   Arthur Klingler, Jr. "Your team's dedication is greatly appreciated,"   
   he said.                                                                
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   The schedule is subject to change.                                      
   Amateur Radio Logging: Anthony Luscre, K8ZT                             
   Discover the advantages of keeping an electronic amateur radio log.     
   Find out why you may need more than one software program for            
   logging-contesting, digital modes, special events, etc. Learn about     
   using one full-featured logging program to pull everything together,    
   interface with outside databases, handle electronic QSLing, and more.   
   The discussion will include file formats, importing and exporting data  
   between programs, submitting contest logs online, and safe backup of    
   Thursday, January 14, 2021, 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)       
   Emergency Communications: Why Train? -- North Texas Section Emergency   
   Coordinator Greg Evans, K5GTX                                           
   Why should we train? Utilizing amateur radio operators in an emergency  
   communication situation is a key function that can save lives. We must  
   be able to respond to the needs of our served agencies quickly and      
   responsibly. Topics covered include the Incident Command System and its 
   relevance; building on consistent training; interoperability with       
   multiple communication providers; interoperability with VOAD and        
   partners, and Mission One: Get the information delivered.               
   Thursday, January 21, 2021, 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)       
   Easy Helical Copper Tape and PVC 2-Meter Vertical Antenna -- John       
   Portune, W6NBC                                                          
   Here's how to quickly build from hardware-store copper tape and PVC     
   pipe an 18-inch, continuously loaded, light weight portable or base     
   station 2-meter omnidirectional vertical with performance and           
   efficiency comparable to a 5-foot J-pole. The cost is roughly $10. It's 
   an easy afternoon project, ideal for the new ham but equal to the       
   serious ham's needs. It is great for events like bike-a-thons. It also  
   makes an excellent ham radio club hands-on building project, and the    
   design is adaptable to other bands.                                     
   Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST (1800 UTC)              
     * The agenda for the January 15 - 16, 2021, Annual Meeting of the     
       ARRL Board of Directors has been posted.                            
     * The FCC has announced that the Technological visory Council (TAC) 
       January 14, 2021, 10 AM - 12 noon EST, videoconference will be      
       available to the public. TAC membership includes several radio      
     * Category 1 licensees in Uzbekistan now have permission to operate   
       on 60 meters in a secondary allocation of 5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz, 100  
       W maximum power. -- Thanks to Paul Gaskell, G4MWO, Editor, The 5    
       MHz Newsletter                                                      
     * AMSAT is transitioning to a virtual office and now will communicate 
       primarily via email via a contact form on the AMSAT website, or     
       direct email. -- Thanks to AMSAT News Service                       
     * ARRL Amateur Radio North America Map cartographer Curt Roseman,     
       K9AKS, of Moline, Illinois, died in December. He was 79. An active  
       VHFer, he once served as the "VHF-UHF Contesting!" editor for NCJ   
     * The RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 results and soapbox are now         
       available. The more than 735 participants counted among the best    
       turnouts in recent years.                                           
   Amateur Radio in the News                                               
   ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other          
   member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news. Share   
   any amateur radio media hits you spot with ARRL.                        
     * Balloon Launched by Pella Students Makes 3rd Trip Around the Globe. 
       KNIA-KRLS Radio (Iowa), December 28, 2020.                          
     * Living in space can get lonely. What helps? Talking to random       
       people over ham radio. Los Angeles Times, December 23, 2020.        
     * Amateur Radio Crews Celebrate Local Legend with Car Parade. WHEC-10 
       News (New York), December 21, 2020                                  
     * Tecumsuh Students Call Space Station. Countywide Sun (Oklahoma),    
       December 10, 2020                                                   
     * Ramona Amateur Radio Club Links Elementary School Students to Space 
       Station Astronaut. Ramona Sentinel (California), December 9, 2020.  
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Sunspots disappeared after January 2, 
   so the average daily sunspot number dropped from 27.1 last week to 10   
   for the December 31 - January 6 reporting week. Of course, average      
   daily solar flux declined as well, from 86.4 to 78.6.                   
   Geomagnetic indicators remain quiet, with planetary A index changing    
   from 6.9 to 5.1, and middle latitude numbers from 5 to 4.               
   Predicted solar flux for the next 30 days looks depressed -- far        
   different from the high 80s we saw around Christmas. Solar flux is      
   expected at 74 on January 7 - 13; 76 on January 14; 80 on January 15 -  
   16; 82 on January 17 - 27; 80 on January 28 - 31, and 78 on February 1  
   - 5. Flux values rise to 82 around mid - February.                      
   Planetary A index is predicted at 8 on January 7; 5 on January 8 - 9; 8 
   on January 10 - 11; 5 on January 12 - 16; 10 on January 17 - 20; 5 on   
   January 21 - 24; 8 on January 25 - 26; 5 on January 27 - 31; 10, 10,    
   and 8 on February 1 - 3, and 5 on February 4 - 5. A index rises back to 
   10 on February 13 - 16.                                                 
   Sunspot numbers for December 31 - January 6 were 25, 23, 22, 0, 0, 0,   
   and 0, with a mean of 10. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 81.2, 80.4,      
   81.5, 80.4, 77.6, 75.1, and 74.1, with a mean of 78.6. Estimated        
   planetary A indices were 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 11, and 11, with a mean of 5.1. 
   Middle latitude A index was 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 9, and 9, with a mean of 4.  
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   ARRL Member Designs New Ham Radio License Plate for Kentucky            
   A ham radio license plate designed by ARRL member Matt Makaveli,        
   KY4GPD, of Georgetown, Kentucky, has received the approval of the       
   Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). His design was one of four      
   options, which included retaining the current license plate design. The 
   ham radio community in the Bluegrass State picked Makaveli's design     
   with a 41% plurality.                                                   
   "It just hasn't sunk in," Makaveli told the Georgetown News-Graphic.    
   "I'm just amazed that it actually went. Somebody in the state           
   government must've liked the idea."                                     
   The lengthy approval process involved some footwork on the part of the  
   ARRL Field Organization in Kentucky. After the polling ended, ARRL      
   Kentucky Section State Government Liaison Jack Hedges, KY4TPR, met with 
   the KYTC for final approval on Makaveli's design.                       
   "If there's ever an example of what the ARRL organization can do for    
   the ham radio community, this would be it," Hedges told the newspaper.  
   The new license plate will not available until the current stock of     
   plates is depleted, which is anticipated to be next summer.             
   ARRL Kentucky Section Manager Steve Morgan, W4NHO, told the newspaper   
   that a ham radio license plate is important to build awareness of       
   amateur radio. "The amateur radio license plate is sort of like a       
   billboard saying you're from Kentucky and you're a ham radio operator," 
   Morgan said. Makaveli agreed, saying he thought the current design had  
   become stale and did not stand out.                                     
   A ham for 6 years, Makaveli is a certified SKYWARN storm spotter and an 
   assistant Emergency Coordinator for Scott County, Kentucky. "I heard    
   some people already said they like the new design and are going to      
   switch when it comes out," Makaveli told the newspaper.                 
   In Brief...                                                             
   Tom Sly, WB8LCD, was named as Ohio Section Manager, effective on        
   January 1. He assumed the seat that Scott Yonally, N8SY, vacated when   
   he became Great Lakes Division Vice Director, after serving as Ohio's   
   SM since 2014. Sly was appointed by ARRL Radiosport and Field Services  
   Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, after consulting with Great Lakes Division   
   Director Dale Williams, WA8EFK, to serve the remainder of Yonally's     
   term, which extends through September 30, 2022. A radio amateur since   
   1968, Sly is an ARRL Life Member and has served as Ohio Section         
   Affiliated Club Coordinator since 2017.                                 
   After 41 years, Ham-Com has decided to close its doors. Ham-Com         
   President Bill Nelson, AB5QZ, cited difficulties caused by the COVID-19 
   pandemic and the rising costs of putting on a show. "The decision was   
   not made lightly, but the safety and wellness of our volunteers,        
   vendors, clubs, presenters, and attendees is our paramount concern,"    
   Nelson said on the Ham-Com website. Ham-Com has been held each June at  
   the Plano Event Center in Plano, Texas. "We sincerely thank each and    
   every person for their support over the past years."                    
   SEA-PAC Cancels In-Person Convention SEA-PAC, designated as the 2021    
   ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, will not take place as an        
   in-person gathering this June. "The SEA-PAC Executive Committee has     
   been closely monitoring the continuing COVID-19 pandemic situation and  
   has determined that the safest course of action for all is to cancel    
   the 2021 in-person event," SEA-PAC 2021 Chair John Bucsek, KE7WNB,      
   announced this week. "This decision was based on the uncertainties of   
   more COVID outbreaks, vaccine availability to all, and the probable     
   social distancing requirements. But most important, it is based on our  
   genuine concern for the health and safety of you, the attendees,        
   vendors, and presenters. We firmly believe that providing our ham radio 
   community with a safe and quality convention experience is paramount."  
   Bucsek said the SEA-PAC Committee is exploring alternative online and   
   on-air activities.                                                      
   NA Contest Logging Software Developer Dave Pruett, K8CC, died on        
   December 29. An ARRL member, he was 66. After obtaining the source code 
   for the CT contest logger, Pruett wrote new code, and "his NA software  
   breathed new life into the program," expanding it to accommodate        
   multiple contests, said contester Jim Cain, K1TN. He was a log checker  
   for the ARRL 10-Meter and 160-Meter Contests, chaired the Michigan QSO  
   Party, and was a longtime member of the Mad River Radio Club. He served 
   as editor of National Contest Journal (NCJ) for several years when      
   contester Randy Thompson, K5ZD, was the publisher and later, after ARRL 
   assumed publication of the magazine. "He was a guy who got things       
   done," Thompson said in a post to the CQ-contest reflector. Pruett was  
   a participant in the 1996 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC)     
   with Stan Stockton, K5GO, who called him "an inspiration."              
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * January 9 -- YB DX Contest (Phone)                                  
     * January 9 -- Old New Year Contest (CW, phone)                       
     * January 9 - 10 -- UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest                          
     * January 9 - 10 -- SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (CW)                     
     * January 9 - 10 -- North American QSO Party, CW                      
     * January 10 -- NRAU-Baltic Contest, SSB                              
     * January 10 -- DARC 10-Meter Contest (CW, phone)                     
     * January 10 -- NRAU-Baltic Contest, CW                               
     * January 11 -- K1USN Slow Speed Test CW (20 WPM max)                 
     * January 11 -- 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint (CW, phone)   
     * January 13 -- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest                          
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due to    
   the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on the  
   ARRL website.                                                           
     * January 9 -- Ham Radio University NLI Section Convention (online)   
     * February 13 - 14 -- Orlando HamCation Special Edition (online)      
     * March 13 - 14 -- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo                         
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for                                      
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
       they renew their membership. All members can access digital         
       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features      
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published          
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency  
       communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest     
       newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much more!     
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2021 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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