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Text 15745, 568 rader
Skriven 2021-01-29 09:05:02 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   January 28, 2021                                                        
     * QSO Today Expo to Include Speaker Track on Amateur Radio Satellites  
     * Ham Radio's SuitSat Returns in Short Horror Film                     
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * President Biden Taps Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as Acting FCC  
     * CHESS CubeSat Constellation to Carry FUNcube Transponders           
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * YOTA Month a Success in the Americas and Around the World           
     * Announcements                                                       
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * Getting It Right                                                    
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   QSO Today Expo to Include Speaker Track on Amateur Radio Satellites     
   The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo on March 13 - 14 will devote a speaker   
   track to AMSAT and the world of amateur radio satellites.               
   The expo is in "full planning mode" and promises "many exciting new     
   things" for the upcoming event, which will include a world-class lineup 
   of more than 60 speakers and workshops for beginners to experts.        
   Presenters at nine AMSAT sessions will discuss the broad spectrum of    
   ham radio satellites, including:                                        
     * Introduction to Amateur Radio Satellites (Douglas Quagliana,        
     * Getting on the Air with Satellites (Clint Bradford, K6LCS)          
     * How to Enjoy Amateur Radio Contacts with the International Space    
       Station (Frank Bauer, KA3HDO)                                       
     * Implementation of LDPC Encoder on FPGA (Anshul Makkar)              
     * Debris Mitigation in Earth's Orbit (Anshul Makkar)                  
     * Digital Multiplexing Transponder from the Open Research Institute   
       (Michelle Thompson, W5NYV)                                          
     * Solving the ITAR and EAR Problem for the Amateur Radio Satellite    
       Service (Michelle Thompson, W5NYV)                                  
     * Remote Labs for P4XT Engineering Development (Paul Williamson,      
   Thompson, an AMSAT Board Member, said working satellites is one of the  
   most rewarding privileges of holding an amateur radio license.          
   "There has never been a better time to be involved in amateur radio     
   satellites, since some long-standing regulatory burdens have been       
   lifted and advanced technology has never been more affordable and       
   accessible," Thompson remarked. "We have opportunities now that were    
   not available as of even a few years ago. AMSAT is fortunate to         
   contribute to the expo by showcasing the truly amazing work going on    
   around the world in the amateur satellite scene. And the Expo is an     
   ideal partner to show it off to the wider ham audience."                
   AMSAT will have a booth at the expo, where attendees can talk to        
   experts, enthusiasts, operators, and technicians and obtain contact and 
   membership information for the 30 AMSAT societies around the world.     
   Early-bird tickets are $10 (to help cover the cost of this event) and   
   $12.50 "at the door." That includes entry for the live, 2-day event as  
   well as access during the 30-day on-demand period following the event.  
   Register on the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo website.                     
   ARRL is a QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo partner.                           
   Ham Radio's SuitSat Returns in Short Horror Film                        
   SuitSat makes an appearance in a new video short sci-fi thriller,       
   called Decommissioned. "Inspired by true events," the video short       
   resurrects the 2006 spacesuit/satellite that transmitted messages on 2  
   meters as it circled Earth. The original SuitSat-1 project, conceived   
   by an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team,    
   repurposed a decommissioned Russian Orlan spacesuit to function as a    
   free-floating amateur radio transmit-only satellite.                    
   "ARISS designed and built an antenna and radio gear that got approved   
   for installation into the suit, and cosmonaut Valeri Tokarev and        
   Commander Bill McArthur, KC5ACR, put SuitSat-1 into orbit at the start  
   of a spacewalk," ARISS-US Delegate for ARRL Rosalie White, K1STO,       
   recounted. SuitSat-1 transmitted a voice message, "This is SuitSat-1    
   RS0RS!" in several languages, plus telemetry and a slow-scan TV image   
   on an 8-minute cycle as it orbited Earth.                               
   In the 6-minute film, a SuitSat returns in the future to haunt          
   International Space Station Commander Diaz, played by Joey Vieira. Diaz 
   is seen taking photos from inside an observation dome on the ISS when   
   he spies some distant space debris and radios Houston to express        
   "If there was any cause for alarm, you know we'd see it too," Houston   
   assures him.                                                            
   As the object closes in, an increasingly anxious Diaz recognizes the    
   "debris" as SuitSat. "This is SuitSat," comes a voice on the ham radio. 
   "Houston, you're not gonna believe this. We're picking up transmissions 
   on the ham radio that sound identical to the SuitSat experiment," he    
   tells a skeptical mission control. "It's SuitSat! I'm seeing SuitSat!"  
   "SuitSat re-entered the atmosphere and burned up years ago," mission    
   control responds. "It's impossible."                                    
   Decommissioned was produced by Perception Pictures and directed by      
   Australian filmmaker Josh Tanner. He told Gizmodo that he               
   The real SuitSat in 2006.                                               
   [NASA, photo]                                                           
   produced the video "using the Unreal Engine technology that The         
   Mandalorian used, albeit old-school rear projection, as opposed to the  
   fancy LED wall tech they used."                                         
   A short video shows how Decommissioned was made.                        
   SuitSat-1 -- called Radioskaf or Radio Sputnik in Russian -- was so     
   successful that another unneeded Orlan spacesuit was subsequently       
   refitted as SuitSat-2.                                                  
   As an interesting sidebar with respect to the real SuitSat, White       
   explained, "After the ARISS engineers calculated SuitSat-1's orbit and  
   spin characteristics, they knew the legs and arms would have to be      
   filled with something, so they asked the crew to stuff dirty laundry    
   The original SuitSats were deorbited to burn up in Earth's atmosphere   
   after their useful lives ended.                                         
   ARRL is a partner in the ARISS program, which has kept amateur radio on 
   the air from the International Space Station for 20 years. A hallmark   
   of the ARISS program is the scheduled ham radio contacts between ISS    
   crew members and earthbound schools and student groups.                 
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 13) features a    
   discussion with Curt Laumann, K7ZOO, about his success in boosting      
   activity at the University of Arizona amateur radio club.               
   The latest edition of Eclectic Tech (Episode 26) discusses synchronous  
   AM reception and includes an interview with Dave Tipping, NZ1J, about a 
   novel approach to boost foxhunt participation.                          
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   President Biden Taps Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel as Acting FCC     
   This week, President Joseph Biden designated FCC Commissioner Jessica   
   Rosenworcel as acting chair of the FCC. She succeeds, at least          
   temporarily, former FCC chair Ajit Pai, who resigned effective on       
   January 20.                                                             
   "I am honored to be designated as the Acting Chairwoman of the Federal  
   Communications Commission by President Biden," Rosenworcel said in a    
   statement. "I thank the President for the opportunity to lead an agency 
   with such a vital mission and talented staff. It is a privilege to      
   serve the American people and work on their behalf to expand the reach  
   of communications opportunity in the digital age."                      
   Prior to joining the FCC, she served as Senior Communications Counsel   
   for the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and        
   Transportation. Before entering public service, she practiced           
   communications law in Washington, DC.                                   
   The newest FCC commissioner, Nathan Simington, a Republican appointee,  
   said Rosenworcel "brings deep knowledge and experience and highly       
   informed judgment to her new position." He expressed appreciation that  
   the Biden ministration acted promptly to establish FCC leadership by  
   "selecting such a distinguished public servant for this vital role."    
   Fellow Democrat Geoffrey Starks said Rosenworcel "has been a passionate 
   advocate for bringing the benefits of broadband to all Americans --     
   particularly our children." He said her designation as acting chair     
   "comes at a critical juncture for the Commission, as COVID-19 has made  
   bold action to end internet inequality more vital than ever."           
   The Commission's other Democratic appointee, Brendan Carr, called       
   Rosenworcel "a talented and dedicated public servant, as evidenced by   
   her 8 years of distinguished service on the FCC."                       
   Rosenworcel has also been appointed as Defense Commissioner. Among      
   other duties and responsibilities, the Defense Commissioner represents  
   the FCC in interagency matters pertaining to public safety, homeland    
   security, national security, emergency preparedness, disaster           
   management, and defense and related matters, including those pertaining 
   to continuity of essential FCC functions under emergency conditions.    
   CHESS CubeSat Constellation to Carry FUNcube Transponders               
   In 2020, a project between AMSAT-UK, AMSAT-NL, and Swiss universities   
   got under way with the aim of equipping two Swiss satellites with       
   linear amateur radio transponders. Linear transponders permit several   
   CW or SSB contacts to take place simultaneously within a prescribed     
   passband. The satellites also include features for classroom            
   demonstrations and experiments.                                         
   The CHESS (Constellation of High Energy Swiss Satellites) project       
   includes two satellites, which will be built simultaneously and later   
   launched as a constellation.                                            
   "The main science objective is to improve the understanding of the      
   upper atmosphere by in-situ measurements...taking advantage of a        
   constellation of identical nanosatellites to study the composition of   
   the terrestrial atmosphere and its density," the CHESS website          
   explains. The first satellite will have a nearly circular orbit at an   
   altitude of 400 kilometers. The second will have an elliptical orbit    
   with an altitude of 350 * 1,000 kilometers.                             
   The amateur radio payload is a joint project of AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL.  
   A successful review of system requirements was completed in December.   
   Launch will not take place until the fourth quarter of 2022. The        
   satellites themselves are a project of the École polytechnique fédérale 
   de Lausanne (EPFL), with support from several other schools. -- Thanks  
   to AMSAT News Service via AMSAT-UK                                      
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and view previously recorded sessions. The  
   schedule is subject to change.                                          
   Easy Helical Copper Tape and PVC 2-Meter Vertical Antenna: John         
   Portune, W6NBC                                                          
   Learn how to quickly build a tiny, 18-inch continuously loaded          
   lightweight portable or base station 2-meter omnidirectional vertical   
   with performance and efficiency comparable to a 5-foot J-pole. All you  
   need is some hardware-store copper tape and PVC pipe, and the cost is   
   roughly $10. It's an easy afternoon's homebrew project, ideal for the   
   new ham but equal to the experienced ham's needs. It is great for       
   events like bike-a-thons. It also makes an excellent ham radio club     
   hands-on building project, and the design is adaptable to other bands.  
   Tuesday February 2, 2021 @ 1 PM EST (1800 UTC)                          
   Interesting Stories About Ham Radio & Weather Spotting: Rob Macedo,     
   One of the most critical ways amateur radio supports agencies such as   
   the National Weather Service (NWS), National Hurricane Center, and      
   emergency management is through weather spotting via the NWS SKYWARN    
   program. This presentation reviews some interesting stories about how   
   amateurs involved in SKYWARN have saved lives and property and why this 
   is an important amateur radio activity.                                 
   Thursday February 11, 2021 @ 8 PM EST (0100 UTC on Friday, February 12) 
   Maxim Memorial Station W1AW Tour: Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, W1AW Station        
   Maxim Memorial Station W1AW, located in Newington, Connecticut, was     
   established to honor the memory of ARRL's co-founder and first          
   president, Hiram Percy Maxim. Although the first radio station of the   
   ARRL was actually located in Hartford, Connecticut and active as W1MK,  
   W1AW in Newington is known worldwide and considered the radio station   
   most associated with Hiram Percy Maxim. Formally established in 1938 -  
   nearly 2 years after the death of Hiram Percy Maxim - W1AW has          
   consistently been on the air, save for the time when the station was    
   ordered off the air by the FCC due to World War II. This guided tour    
   will provide an inside look at W1AW and will be led by Station Manager  
   Joe Carcia, NJ1Q.                                                       
   Thursday February 18, 2021 @ 3:30 PM EST (2030 UTC)                     
   Talking to Astronauts: An Elementary School's Exciting ARISS            
   Experience: Diane Warner, KE8HLD                                        
   This is a story about Tallmadge Elementary School's participation in a  
   once-in-a-lifetime ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space      
   Station) school contact. You'll learn about their amazing journey       
   leading up to the amateur radio contact with an astronaut on the        
   International Space Station. The excitement of the entire experience    
   was shared not just by the students, but included faculty, parents, the 
   community, and local amateur radio operators. You will also learn how   
   to begin the process of submitting your own ARISS contact proposal.     
   Tuesday, March 2, 2021 @ 1 PM EST (1800 UTC)                            
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network for more information.                   
   YOTA Month a Success in the Americas and Around the World               
   December YOTA Month 2020 was a great success in the Americas.           
   Youth-operated amateur radio stations, operating under the Youth on the 
   Air (YOTA) banner in the Western Hemisphere, contributed more than      
   14,600 contacts to the annual worldwide event, which celebrates youth   
   in amateur radio. Two dozen operators under the age of 26 used special  
   event call signs to promote youth in amateur radio in the Americas.     
   During December YOTA Month in the US, four 1 * 1 special event call     
   signs -- K8Y, K8O, K8T, and K8A -- were on the air, rotating among      
   participating operators. This marks an 11.3% increase in contacts from  
   the 2019 total of nearly 12,500. Some operators used the 1 * 1 call     
   signs during various operating events.                                  
   "My favorite part of YOTA Month was running five radios at once," said  
   Michael Lippert, W3MLJ, a Pennsylvania teenager. "They were all on      
   digital modes. Running the big FT8 pileups was very fun, and to see the 
   rate of the contacts being logged was really cool." Fifth-grader Calin  
   Rismiller, K8MTJ, commented, "In general, I liked making a bunch of     
   QSOs in a short period of time. In particular, I had a really nice      
   conversation with Erich, KC9CUK, on 40 meters. I also got a kick out of 
   working ZR1ADI in South Africa, on 20-meter FT8."                       
   "Using lessons from YOTA Month 2019 made organizing more streamlined    
   and flexible for our operators this year," said Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO, 
   who coordinated the efforts of the 24 operators and their logs. As part 
   of his responsibilities, he also managed Logbook of The World (LoTW)    
   accounts for US stations, the QRZ.com profiles for all the call signs,  
   maintained an operator schedule, worked with YOTA Month Manager Tomi    
   Varro, HA8RT, and reported to the YOTA camp committee in the Americas.  
   December YOTA Month served as a prelude for the first-ever youth ham    
   camp hosted in the Western Hemisphere. The event is tentatively         
   scheduled for July 11 - 16, 2021.                                       
   Globally, more than 137,000 YOTA Month contacts were logged under the   
   46 call signs that hams younger than 26 put on the air. That surpassed  
   last year's record number of 129,029. The US placed second, behind      
   Croatia, in the total number of contacts made during the event. More    
   than 2,100 operators of all ages received awards based on the number of 
   YOTA contacts made.                                                     
   Unclaimed awards can be downloaded. ditional statistics are also      
   available. All YOTA Month QSL cards should be requested via OQRS on the 
   Club Log website (registration required). More information about YOTA   
   in the Americas can be found on the Youth on the Air website.           
     * The RadFXSat-2 Fox 1-E satellite beacon on 435.750 MHz has not been 
       heard, and AMSAT asks the worldwide amateur satellite community to  
       listen for the BPSK telemetry. Visit AMSAT for more information.    
       RadFXSat-2 was launched on January 17.                              
     * Randy Payne, K4EZM, of Sebring, Florida, has been named the 2020    
       White Award recipient. Established in 2016 in honor of retired,     
       long-time ARRL Headquarters staffer and current Florida resident    
       Ellen White, W1YL, the White Award is given to the radio amateur    
       who has made the greatest contribution to amateur radio in the ARRL 
       West Central Florida Section.                                       
     * During the CQ World Wide WPX RTTY Contest, members of the Contest   
       Group Du Quebec will be operating XM2X as a                         
       "multi-multi-distributed station." QSL via LoTW.                    
     * Japanese Antarctica Research Expedition (JARL) station 8J1RL will   
       be active from February 2021 to January 2022 with Takumi, JG3PLH,   
       at the helm. 8J1RL is located at the Japanese Syowa Station on East 
       Ongul Island in eastern Antarctica. Activity will be on SSB, CW,    
       and FT8, 7 - 28 MHz.                                                
   Amateur Radio in the News                                               
   ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other          
   member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news. Share   
   any amateur radio media hits you spot with us.                          
   Reaching for the Stars: RSU 21 Students Contact Astronaut in Space      
   Portsmouth Herald (New Hampshire), January 22, 2021                     
   In Quiet, Remote U.P., Ham Radio Helps Michiganders Connect From        
   Confines of Home                                                        
   Detroit Free Press (Michigan), January 21, 2021                         
   Ham on Hog 3: Icom IC-705 Transceiver Meets Harley-Davidson             
   Ultimate Motorcycling, January 12, 2021                                 
   Balloon Launched by Pella Students Makes 3rd Trip Around the Globe      
   KNIA-KRLS Radio (Iowa), December 28, 2020                               
   Passion and Purpose featuring Toby Papas, KL0SS, President of the       
   Williamsburg Area Amateur Radio Club                                    
   Williamsburg's Next Door Neighbors (Virginia), February 2021            
   Getting It Right                                                        
   Due to a typographical error, the incorrect "North America venture    
   Frequency" (NAAF) FM simplex channel on 2 meters appeared among the     
   Announcements in the January 21 edition of The ARRL Letter. The correct 
   frequency is 146.58 MHz.                                                
   In Brief...                                                             
   YouTube recordings and PDF files from the 2021 Propagation Summit       
   hosted on January 23 by Contest University are available. More than     
   1,000 logged in for the sessions. Each presentation begins              
   approximately on the hour. You can advance the video to the             
   presentation you wish to view. 11 AM - "Update on the Personal Space    
   Weather Station Project and HamSCI Activities for 2021" by Dr.          
   Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF; 12 Noon - "Solar Cycle 25 Predictions and    
   Progress" by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA; 1 PM - "Maximizing Performance   
   of HF Antennas with Irregular Terrain" by Jim Breakall, WA3FET, and 2   
   PM - "HF Propagation: What to Expect During the Rising Years of Solar   
   Cycle 25," by Frank Donovan, W3LPL. Slides decks are available for each 
   presentation in PDF format: Frissell; Luetzelschwab; Breakall, and      
   2021 is the centennial of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL). The  
   special anniversary call sign OH100SRAL is being used throughout the    
   year. Working at least 100 Finnish stations during 2021 qualifies the   
   operator for an award. The SRAL's OH0W call sign will be on the air     
   from the Aland Islands from January 29 - February 3 for the CQ World    
   Wide 160-Meter Contest (CW) and a few days afterward. Operators will    
   include Niko Halminen, OH2GEK; Martti Laine, OH2BH, and Pertti          
   Simovaara, OH2PM.                                                       
   The Intrepid-DX Group is seeking nominations for the individual or      
   group that most displayed their "Intrepid spirit" in 2020. For the      
   purposes of this award, "an Intrepid spirit is bold, courageous,        
   dedicated, innovative, fearless, generous, resolute, and visionary in   
   their approach to amateur radio," the organization says. "We want to    
   recognize those individuals or groups that activated the rare,          
   difficult, and dangerous places" in 2020, exhibiting "an unshakable     
   commitment to the amateur radio DX community." Submit nominations via   
   email by February 15, 2021. The Board of Directors of the Intrepid-DX   
   Group will evaluate the nominations, and the award will be presented in 
   May 2021. -- Thanks to Paul Ewing, N6PSE, president and founder of the  
   Intrepid-DX Group                                                       
   The February 6 NCJ-sponsored North American Sprint (CW) and the March   
   13 RTTY Sprint will begin 1 hour earlier. The sprints will get under    
   way at 2300 UTC instead of 0000 UTC, and end at 0259 UTC. Moving the    
   start earlier will give participants in the north and east a larger     
   window for 20-meter activity. The new start times in February and March 
   are provisional and will be evaluated after the contests. The September 
   North American Sprint start times will not change. The log submission   
   deadline is 7 days from the end of the contest. Submit logs via the     
   uploader app. The North American Sprint web page includes rules,        
   results, team registration, and other information. A "how-to" article   
   by Jim George, N3BB, is available under "Tips" at the lower right-hand  
   side of the Sprint web page. -- Thanks to CW Sprint Manager Ward        
   Silver, N0AX                                                            
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Solar activity increased this week.   
   We saw no spotless days, and the average daily sunspot number rose from 
   14.7 to 28.1. Average daily solar flux was up from 76.1 to 77.2.        
   Average daily planetary A index rose from 4 to 9.4, due to a minor      
   geomagnetic storm on Monday. On that day, Alaska's High Latitude        
   College A index was 33.                                                 
   Predicted solar flux for the next 30 days is 76 on January 28 - 29; 74  
   on January 30 - February 1; 72, 70, and 73 on February 2 - 4; 76 on     
   February 5 - 10; 77 on February 11 - 20; 76 on February 21 - 24, 75 on  
   February 25 - 26.                                                       
   Predicted planetary A index is 5 on January 28 - 31; 18, 12, and 8 on   
   February 1 - 3; 5 on February 4 - 6; 10 on February 7 - 8; 5 on         
   February 9 - 19; 8, 12 and, 12 on February 20 - 22, and 5 on February   
   23 - 26.                                                                
   Sunspot numbers for January 21 - 27 were 26, 39, 34, 23, 26, 23, and    
   26, with a mean of 28.1. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 77.6, 78.2, 77.9, 
   77.6, 77.1, 75.7, and 76.3, with a mean of 77.2. Estimated planetary A  
   indices were 3, 4, 5, 5, 17, 21, and 11, with a mean of 9.4. Middle     
   latitude A index was 2, 3, 3, 4, 14, 9, and 9, with a mean of 6.3.      
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * January 29 - 31 -- CQ 160-Meter Contest (CW)                        
     * January 30 - 31 -- REF Contest (CW)                                 
     * January 30 - 31 -- UBA DX Contest, SSB                              
     * January 30 - 31 -- Winter Field Day                                 
     * February 1 -- K1USN Slow Speed Test (CW, 20 WPM max)                
     * February 1 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship, SSB                  
     * February 2 -- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest                   
     * February 2 -- ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)                               
     * February 2 -- RTTY OPS Weeksprint                                   
     * February 3 -- CWops Mini-CWT Test                                   
     * February 3 -- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest                          
     * February 3 -- CWops Mini-CWT Test                                   
     * February 3 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (Phone)                       
     * February 4 -- CWops Mini-CWT Test                                   
     * February 4 -- NRAU 10-Meter Activity Contest (CW, phone)            
     * February 4 -- SKCC Sprint Europe (CW)                               
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due to    
   the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on the  
   ARRL website.                                                           
     * February 13 - 14 -- Orlando HamCation Special Edition (online)      
     * March 13 - 14 -- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo                         
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL  --  Your One-Stop Resource for                                    
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
       they renew their membership. All members can access digital         
       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features      
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published          
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency  
       communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest     
       newsletter), Division and Section news alerts -- and much more!     
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2021 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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