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Skriven 2021-04-09 09:05:02 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   April 8, 2021                                                           
     * Florida Emergency Communications Exercise Combines Hams, Agencies,   
       State, and NGOs                                                      
     * IARU and CEPT Nudge WRC-23 Preparations Forward                      
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * March 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report                          
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * Oklahoma SM Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW, Stepping Down; Mark Kleine, N5HZR, 
       Appointed as Oklahoma SM                                            
     * Announcements                                                       
     * MARS is a Not Always an Obvious Resource in Emergencies             
     * ARISS USA Gets IRS 501(c)(3) Recognition                            
     * YOTA Announces New Three-Times-a-Year Contest                       
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   Florida Emergency Communications Exercise Combines Hams, Agencies,      
   State, and NGOs                                                         
   A 2-hour emergency communications exercise on March 19 in Florida was   
   deemed "wildly successful," while resulting in 21 specific suggestions  
   for improvement of issues recognized. Sponsored by Florida Baptist      
   Disaster Relief, a non-governmental (NGO) "served organization," the    
   exercise simulated a combined disaster of multiple tornadoes crossing   
   north-central Florida closely followed by a terrorist attack on         
   telecommunications, which took down large chunks of internet and        
   telephone service.                                                      
   Pop-up situations, called "injects" by event planners, simulated        
   multiple dire situations and hinted at even larger attacks, designed to 
   create possible rumor issues. Multiple counties arranged for volunteers 
   to help with the simulation, working in shelters and transmitting       
   status reports of individualized disaster scenarios to county emergency 
   operations centers (EOCs). Volunteers directed by actual or simulated   
   EOC officials aggregated situational awareness and formulated status    
   and resource request messages, sent by voice or digital mode to a       
   volunteer from the actual Florida agency that handles disaster          
   communications. Appropriate responses were sent back by radio.          
   The exercise picked up additional support from multiple out-of-state    
   volunteers, who relayed traffic from voice to email and vice versa.     
   Amateur radio also conveyed simulated outbound welfare messages from    
   survivors in stricken cities and counties.                              
   Lee County, Texas, Emergency                                            
   Coordinator Marida Favia del                                            
   Core Borromeo, KD5BJ, took part                                         
   in the exercise.                                                        
   All told, 431 messages zipped through the airwaves within the 2-hour    
   simulation, including 53 to the state and 31 replies. Messages were     
   passed using digital email or radiogram.                                
   Two of the seven exercise goals addressed interoperability between      
   agencies and volunteers. Agency emergency management and communications 
   groups participating included Florida Division of Emergency Management, 
   Florida Baptist Disaster Relief, the federal SHARES Southeast Regional  
   Net, Alachua, Columbia, Flagler, Madison, and Taylor Counties, as well  
   as Homestead City.                                                      
   Volunteer communications groups included the Northern Florida ARES Net, 
   Northern Florida Phone Net, North Florida Phone Traffic Net, and        
   ARES^A(R) groups from Alachua, Columbia, Flagler, Madison, Marion,      
   Santa Rosa, Suwanee, and Volusia Counties. Madison corralled volunteers 
   from several surrounding counties to expand situational awareness.      
   Multiple county emergency managers injected their own specific plans    
   and overlay exercises, as provided by the open-exercise design. Ross    
   Merlin, WA2WDT, director of the federal SHARES program, arranged for a  
   60-meter interoperability channel to be made available, and leaders     
   from the SHARES Southeast Regional Net provided coverage that resulted  
   in formal message transfer. Florida net trainer Dave Davis, WA4WES,     
   rounded up volunteers to staff multiple voice nets, and he supervised a 
   PSK31 net. Northern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator Karl Martin,  
   K4HBN, also took part.                                                  
   Exercise planning was carried out as much as possible in accordance     
   with DHS Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program (HSEEP)          
   Post-exercise feedback -- both through a 1-hour Zoom "hotwash" session  
   and an anonymous feedback form -- were very positive and also suggested 
   possible improvements. All are included in the detailed and candid      
   After-Action Report/Improvement Plan.                                   
   IARU and CEPT Nudge WRC-23 Preparations Forward                         
   The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) continued preparing for    
   World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) by attending the      
   second meeting of the European Conference of Postal and                 
   Telecommunications ministrations (CEPT) Conference Preparatory Group  
   (CPG) Project Team A on March 23 - 25. IARU Region 1 Spectrum Affairs   
   Chair Barry Lewis, G4SJH, said that Project Team A develops the CEPT    
   WRC briefs for several WRC scientific and regulatory agenda items of    
   particular interest to the amateur community. Specific attention is     
   being paid to WRC-23 agenda items 1.12, 1.14, and 9.1a.                 
   IARU put forward its agreed preliminary positions for these agenda      
   items at the meeting. Lewis said IARU's overall objective is to         
   safeguard the allocations to the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services 
   in co-located and adjacent frequency bands within the scope of each     
   agenda item. The CEPT briefs include a special section in which the     
   views of all recognized international and regional organizations can be 
   placed, and IARU's views are now in this section of the draft briefs    
   for each of these agenda items:                                         
     * Agenda Item 1.12 -- Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS)      
       (active) for spaceborne radar sounders within the range of          
       frequencies around 45 MHz. IARU's position is to ensure that        
       adjacent-band 50 MHz Amateur Services are protected. CEPT has not   
       voiced a position yet.                                              
     * Agenda Item 1.14 -- Possible new primary frequency allocations to   
       EESS (passive) in the frequency range 231.5 ƒ** 252 GHz. IARU's     
       position is no change to the 248 - 250 GHz primary allocations and  
       the 241 - 248 GHz secondary allocations. CEPT supports the EESS     
     * Agenda Item 9.1A -- Radio service designations for space weather    
       sensors. IARU 's position is to avoid additional constraints on     
       Amateur Services. CEPT's position is not yet defined.               
   The IARU Spectrum and Regulatory Liaison Committee (SRLC) continues to  
   be active in Project Team A and in all CEPT project teams dealing with  
   WRC-23 preparations. CEPT Conference Preparatory Group Project Team A   
   will also consider agenda item proposals to be put forward at WRC-27.   
   CPG Project Team A meeting documents are available on the CEPT website. 
   Visit the IARU Region 1 web page for more information on WRC-23         
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 16) focuses on    
   Parks on the Air (POTA), one of the most popular activities taking      
   place in amateur radio today. We chat with Audrey Hance, KN4TMU, a      
   relatively new ham who recently operated from Panther Creek State Park  
   in Tennessee.                                                           
   The latest edition of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 31) finds the  
   PSK31 digital mode alive and well, with many amateurs using it to       
   rediscover the joys of real keyboard-to-keyboard conversation. Also,    
   QST and QEX author Phil Salas, AD5X, discusses the revolution taking    
   place in small, inexpensive vector network analyzers, or VNAs.          
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android), as well  
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   March 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Report                             
   The Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program is a joint initiative between ARRL   
   and the FCC to enhance compliance in the Amateur Radio Service.         
   The FCC delayed action on the renewal application of a General-class    
   licensee in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, in order to review allegations of 
   repeated transmission of obscenities and failure to properly identify.  
   The Volunteer Monitor Coordinator issued 14 visory Notices. An        
   visory Notice is an attempt to resolve rule violation issues          
   informally before FCC intervention:                                     
     * An visory Notice was sent to the owner of a remote amateur        
       station in California, advising him that he is responsible for      
       deliberate interference transmitted by any station over his remote  
     * An visory Notice was sent to a radio amateur in Ripley,           
       Tennessee, regarding deliberate interference and failure to         
       properly identify on 75 meters.                                     
     * An visory Notice was sent to a radio amateur in Jefferson,        
       Georgia, regarding failure to properly identify on 40 meters.       
     * visory Notices were sent to radio amateurs in Tiburon, Petaluma,  
       and Manteca, California, and Grants Pass, Oregon, concerning        
       interference on 75 meters.                                          
   General visories were sent to operators in West Virginia, Michigan,   
   Iowa, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin concerning     
   operation on 7.200, 3.927, and 3.860 MHz.                               
   A Good Operator Commendation was sent to a husband-and-wife team in     
   Perryopolis, Pennsylvania, recognizing excellent net and 2-meter        
   VM representatives had two meetings with FCC officials. -- Thanks to    
   Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, Volunteer Monitor Program ministrator     
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   Finding and Fixing RFI -- Paul Cianciolo, W1VLF, on Tuesday, April 20,  
   2021 at 1 PM EDT (1700 UTC)                                             
   Radio frequency interference (RFI) has been a problem for ham radio     
   operators and SWLs (shortwave listeners) since the radio hobby began.   
   Noise has gotten worse over the last 20 years or so with the advent of  
   widespread solar power, LED lightning, grow lights, and digital         
   devices. Learn all about finding and fixing RFI in today's world.       
   HF Noise Mitigation -- ARRL Northwestern Division Director Mike Ritz,   
   W7VO, on Thursday, May 6 at 3:30 PM EDT (1930 UTC)                      
   An educational seminar to help both new and experienced HF operators    
   who find themselves plagued with noise. We'll learn what "noise" is,    
   discuss the various noise sources, and talk about how to mitigate those 
   noises using a variety of techniques.                                   
   W1AW Antenna Farm -- W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q; Date To Be  
   Experience a bird's-eye view and description of the antennas used by    
   W1AW for the station's scheduled transmissions and visiting operator    
   activity. All the antennas used at W1AW are single-band Yagis. Viewers  
   will also see the 5 GHz sector antennas that are part of W1AW's AREDN   
   These Learning Network presentations are sponsored by Icom.             
   ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view           
   previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio    
   clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings,   
   mentoring new and current hams, and discussing amateur radio topics.    
   The ARRL Learning Network schedule is subject to change.                
   Oklahoma SM Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW, Stepping Down; Mark Kleine, N5HZR,     
   Appointed as Oklahoma SM                                                
   Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW, Oklahoma's long-serving Section Manager (SM) --    
   serving two terms from 2010 to 2014 and again serving since 2016 -- has 
   decided to step down effective April 9, 2021. Although he is stepping   
   down as Oklahoma SM, O'Dell will continue to serve amateur radio and    
   ARRL as a member of ARRL's Public Relations Committee. Prior to         
   becoming SM, O'Dell served as both a Public Information Officer and as  
   the Public Information Coordinator for the Oklahoma Section for many    
   Mark P. Kleine, N5HZR, a resident of Norman, Oklahoma, has been         
   appointed to replace O'Dell as Oklahoma Section Manager effective April 
   9, and will serve out the balance of O'Dell's term, which extends to    
   September 30, 2022.                                                     
   Kleine has been a very active member of the Oklahoma amateur radio      
   community for many years, currently serving as an Oklahoma Assistant    
   Section Manager, a leader of the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society   
   (SCARS), and as President of the Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs        
   (CORA), a group of nine amateur radio clubs that host the Oklahoma City 
   Hamfest "Ham Holiday." An ARRL Life Member, Kleine is also an amateur   
   radio license class instructor and Volunteer Examiner for three         
   different Volunteer Examiner Coordinators.                              
   ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, made the  
   appointment based on the recommendations of ARRL West Gulf Division     
   Director John Robert Stratton, N5AUS; O'Dell, N0IRW; West Gulf Vice     
   Director Lee Cooper, W5LHC, and leaders of the Oklahoma Section.        
     * Dayton Hamvention^A(R) has information about online activities over 
       Hamvention weekend, May 20 - 22. Visit the Hamvention website for   
     * Kanga Kits has closed, as its owners are retiring and putting the   
       business up for sale.                                               
     * The Radio Club of America has announced that it will interview Ken  
       Claerbout, K4ZW, on April 13, 2021, at 9 PM EDT (April 14 at 0100   
       UTC). He is acting chief of the Broadcast Technologies Division for 
       Global Media (USAGM). RCA President Tim Duffy, K3LR, will           
       facilitate the free event. vance registration is required.        
     * Complete results of the 2020 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes and    
       the 2020 160-Meter Contest have been posted. The full results       
       articles, a searchable databases of all events, line scores,        
       certificates, and log-checking reports are available too.           
     * Mark Driscoll, W5MED, will operate KC4USV at Antarctica's McMurdo   
       Station for World Amateur Radio Day. Look for him at 14.243 MHz SSB 
       and 14.070 (FT8), April 17, 2330 - April 18, 0230 UTC, and April    
       18, 0600 - 0800 UTC. He'll participate in the ARRL Rookie Roundup,  
       April 18, 2100 - 2359.                                              
     * Solar physicist Scott McIntosh of the National Center for           
       Atmospheric Research (NCAR) will present an update to the Cycle 25  
       Solar forecast at 0200 UTC on Friday, April 9 (Thursday evening,    
       April 8, in the continental US and Canada). The Zoom meeting link   
       will open 30 minutes prior to the presentation to give participants 
       time to set up cameras, microphones, and chat.                      
   MARS is a Not Always an Obvious Resource in Emergencies                 
   The Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) is a US Department of        
   Defense adjunct comprised of radio amateurs that's not always the first 
   resource that comes to mind in an emergency, even within the military.  
   In a recent article in SIGNAL, US Marine Corps Major Brian Kerg exhorts 
   the brass to more fully exploit amateur radio in general, and MARS in   
   particular, for use in times of distress.                               
   "As future threats continue to evolve, day-to-day communications        
   architectures will become more unreliable in times of crisis," Kerg     
   concludes. "It is imperative that joint communications planners turn to 
   amateurs to remain experts. By building awareness of how to employ MARS 
   and training military radio operators in ham radio technique, leaders   
   will ensure their planners are proactively leveraging the organic       
   amateur communications networks that abound across the globe."          
   In his article, Kerg -- who does not appear to be a radio amateur --    
   attempts to raise the amateur radio consciousness level of military     
   planners who are deciding how to address an emergency. He characterizes 
   ham radio as a robust and readily available communications resource     
   when things go south.                                                   
   "And they are often every bit the expert as professional military       
   communicators and signalmen. The term 'amateur' refers not to their     
   technical acumen but to the private, nonbusiness use of allocated radio 
   bands by those possessing amateur radio licenses," Kerg points out. He  
   notes that while voice communication may be the most common ham radio   
   mode, operators are skilled at sending and receiving text, images, and  
   With MARS, the Defense Department has a mechanism employing amateur     
   radio operators who can actively support military operations. "Notably, 
   military aircrews remain capable of using MARS phone patches through    
   high-frequency radios when satellite communications are unavailable,"   
   he writes.                                                              
   Kerg says the downside is that the use of MARS "remains a largely       
   unknown or niche capability, one that is usually stumbled upon by       
   planners in the moment of crisis and then poorly implemented." He said  
   awareness of MARS was not helped when the Navy and Marine Corps MARS    
   were shuttered in 2015, leaving only Army and Air Force MARS.           
   Military planners should focus on raising awareness of MARS and of      
   amateur radio by making it available through training and other         
   activities, Kerg said. Contesting could be a component. "The wide       
   variety of annual amateur radio competitions can further incentivize    
   military operators to improve their amateur radio skills while          
   inevitably improving proficiency in their mission-essential tasks," he  
   Kerg currently serves as the fleet amphibious communications officer,   
   US Fleet Forces Command.                                                
   ARISS USA Gets IRS 501(c)(3) Recognition                                
   ARISS-USA, a Maryland not-for-profit corporation, has earned            
   recognition from the US Internal Revenue Service as a Section 501(c)(3) 
   charitable, scientific, and educational organization. ARISS-USA is the  
   US segment of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station      
   (ARISS) international working group. With this IRS determination,       
   ARISS-USA may solicit donations and grants, and donations to ARISS-USA  
   become tax-deductible in the US, retroactive to May 21, 2020.           
   "The educational scope and reach of what ARISS accomplishes has grown   
   significantly since our beginnings in 1996, said ARISS-USA Executive    
   Director Frank Bauer, KA3HDO. "We are actively working to extend        
   students' reach even further. This, through the pursuit of potential    
   student opportunities on human spaceflight missions beyond low-Earth    
   orbit, is part of our Amateur Radio Exploration (AREx) Program. First   
   AREx destination: the moon!"                                            
   ARISS-USA says it will continue to promote student involvement with the 
   astronauts on the ISS via amateur radio. Working with educational       
   organizations, ARISS provides opportunities to inspire, engage, and     
   educate our next generation of space explorers through STEAM (science,  
   technology, engineering, arts, and math) activities and content.        
   ARISS-USA will continue to collaborate with ARISS International and US  
   sponsors, partners, and interest groups. ARISS' sponsors are NASA Space 
   Communication and Navigation (SCaN) and the ISS National Lab (INL).     
   Donations to ARISS-USA are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
   YOTA Announces New Three-Times-a-Year Contest                           
   "Team YOTA" of Youngsters on the Air in IARU Region 1 has announced it  
   will sponsor a new contest, the YOTA Contest. Open to all radio         
   amateurs, it takes place three times a year and runs for just 12 hours. 
   YOTA said the aim is to boost on-the-air activity by younger radio      
   amateurs and to support YOTA. The contest will take place on different  
   12-hour windows on three Saturdays.                                     
   The opening event will be on May 22, 0800 - 1959 UTC. The other two in  
   2021 will be July 17, 1000 - 2159 UTC, and December 30, 1200 - 2359     
   YOTA has established eight different operating categories, which        
   include sub-categories for operators age 25 and younger, but operators  
   of all ages may participate. Covering 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters,    
   the allowable modes will be CW and SSB.                                 
   The contest exchange will be the age of the participating operator.     
   Different ages serve as score multipliers during the contest. Stations  
   may work the same station once per band mode.                           
   Contacts between the station's own continent are worth 1 point, while   
   working DX is worth 3 points. The most points will be achieved by       
   working the youngest operators. "The younger the operator, the more     
   points one will get for the QSO," YOTA said.                            
   The IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group is working with Hungary's IARU    
   member-society MRASZ, the Hungarian Amateur Radio Society. MRASZ is     
   providing a contest log robot, among other things.                      
   Submit Cabrillo logs only. Contest winners will be announced once logs  
   received have been checked in the various categories. Winners will be   
   awarded with a YOTA Contest plaque.                                     
   The contest committee consists of the IARU Region 1 Youth Working       
   Group: Philipp, DK6SP, chair; Markus, DL8GM, vice chair, and members    
   Csaba, HA6PX, and Tomi, HA8RT.                                          
   Contact the YOTA Contest Committee with any questions or further        
   In Brief...                                                             
   Online Comm Academy 2021 is set for April 10 - 11. The 2021 Comm        
   Academy is 2 days of training, talks, and information on emergency      
   communications and amateur radio. This year's theme is Disasters Here,  
   There, and Everywhere -- Are We Ready? Registration is free and         
   required to gain access to the complete schedule and academy materials. 
   The Academy is entirely virtual and hosted online. Headquartered in     
   Seattle, Washington, Comm Academy is attended and supported by          
   organizations including the Amateur Radio Emergency Service             
   (ARES^A(R)); Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES); Auxiliary   
   Communications Service (ACS); EOC Support Teams; Civil Air Patrol;      
   Coast Guard Auxiliary; REACT, and CERT, among others. All interested in 
   emergency and amateur radio communications are welcome to network and   
   share experiences. The event focuses on education for communications    
   leaders, volunteers, and professionals.                                 
   The 10th anniversary of Maritime Radio Day (MRD) will take place from   
   1200 UTC on April 14 to 2200 UTC on April 15. The annual event          
   commemorates nearly 90 years of wireless service for seafarers. Radio   
   amateurs and shortwave listeners are welcome and should register in     
   advance. Stations such as coastal radio stations and ships may          
   participate only if operated by former commercial or Navy operators, or 
   by radio technicians who worked on the installation and/or maintenance  
   of naval equipment. Former Merchant Marine Radio Operators or former    
   Ship's Electronic Technicians are encouraged to participate. All        
   traffic must occur around the following international naval frequencies 
   on amateur radio bands: 1824 kHz; 3520 kHz; 7020 kHz; 10,118 kHz;       
   14,052 kHz; 21,052 kHz, and 28,052 kHz. The primary working frequency   
   is 14,052 kHz. There is no power limit. Operators should submit an      
   email or letter detailing stations worked to Rolf Marschner, DL9CM,     
   Narzissenweg 10 53359, Rheinbach, Germany.                              
   Antenna Designer Floyd Koontz, WA2WVL, of Lecanto, Florida, died on     
   March 18. An ARRL Life Member, he was 85. Koontz may best be identified 
   in the ham radio community with the EWE receiving antennas. EWE came    
   from the fact that the antenna looked like an inverted U. Licensed in   
   1955 as WN9JQA, Koontz was an engineering graduate of Rose Hulman       
   Institute of Technology. He was a prolific QST author, with antenna     
   articles appearing between 1993 and 2006. He spent most of his career   
   working for the Harris Corporation and held several antenna design      
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: Sunspots were only visible on 4 days  
   of the current reporting week -- on April 3 - 6. As a result, the       
   average daily sunspot number declined from 11.9 last week to 6.4.       
   Average daily solar flux also dropped from 77.4 to 73.4, and the        
   average daily planetary A index declined from 8.9 to 6.6.               
   Predicted solar flux for the next month is 74 on April 8; 72 on April 9 
   - 20; 74 on April 21 - 26; 73 on April 27 - May 1; 72 on May 2 - 5, and 
   70 on May 6 - 10.                                                       
   Predicted planetary A index is 10, 8, 12, and 8 on April 8 - 11; 5 on   
   April 12 - 15; 20, 18, 8, and 8 on April 16 - 19; 5 on April 20 - 21; 8 
   on April 22 - 24; 5 on April 25 - May 1; 8 on May 2 - 4, and 5 on May 5 
   - 12.                                                                   
   In April 1989, daily sunspot numbers ranged from 134 to 161.            
   Sunspot numbers for April 1 - 7 were 0, 0, 12, 11, 11, 11, and 0, with  
   a mean of 6.4. 10.7-centimeter flux was 77.9, 72.1, 72.8, 70, 71.9,     
   73.6, and 75.7, with a mean of 73.4. Estimated planetary A indices were 
   8, 6, 4, 3, 5, 3, and 17, with a mean of 6.6 middle latitude A index    
   was 8, 4, 2, 2, 5, 3, and 15, with a mean of 5.6.                       
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * April 10 -- QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party (CW)                          
     * April 10 - 11 -- JIDX CW Contest (CW)                               
     * April 10 - 11 OK/OM DX Contest (SSB)                                
     * April 10 - 11 -- FTn DX Contest                                     
     * April 10 - 11 -- IG-RY World Wide RTTY Contest                      
     * April 10 - 11 -- SKCC Weekend Sprintathon (CW)                      
     * April 10 - 11 -- Nebraska QSO Party (CW, phone)                     
     * April 10 - 11 -- New Mexico QSO Party (CW, phone, digital)          
     * April 10 - 11 -- Georgia QSO Party (CW, phone)                      
     * April 10 - 11 -- North Dakota QSO Party (CW, phone)                 
     * April 10 - 11 -- Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest (CW)         
     * April 11 -- WAB 3.5/7/14 MHz (digital)                              
     * April 11 -- Hungarian Straight Key Contest (CW)                     
     * April 11 -- RSGB RoLo SSB                                           
     * April 11 - 12 -- DIG QSO Party (CW)                                 
     * April 12 -- 4 States QRP Second Sunday Sprint (CW, phone)           
     * April 12 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (CW)                    
     * April 14 -- NAQCC CW Sprint                                         
   Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions                  
   Many conventions and hamfests have been canceled or postponed due to    
   the coronavirus pandemic. Check the calendar of canceled events on the  
   ARRL website.                                                           
     * August 13 - 15 -- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (online)               
     * August 21 - 22 -- ARRL Southeastern Division Convention (Huntsville 
       Hamfest), Huntsville, Alabama                                       
   Find conventions and hamfests in your area.                             
   ARRL  --  Your One-Stop Resource for                                    
   Amateur Radio News and Information.                                     
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
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       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features      
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published          
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency  
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   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
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   Copyright (c) 2021 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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