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Skriven 2022-01-28 09:05:22 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200.0)
Ärende: The Weekly ARRL Letter
   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   January 27, 2022                                                        
     * Amateur Radio Digital Communications Grants Continue                 
     * ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                               
     * Weak Signals Heard from Spanish Satellites EASAT-2 and HADES         
     * Puerto Rico Section and Red Cross Puerto Rico Chapter Sign New MOU   
     * Announcements                                                        
     * Amateur Radio in the News                                           
     * Next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo set for Mid-March                   
     * ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                      
     * QRP Operator Logs One Contact per Day for Nearly 30 Years           
     * Getting It Right!                                                   
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                               
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Upcoming Section, State, and Division Conventions                   
   Amateur Radio Digital Communications Grants Continue                    
   Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has continued its largesse, 
   funding a variety of projects through individual grants. Among the      
   latest is a nearly $900,000 award that will permit the Internet Archive 
   to build the Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications        
   (DLARC), "an online, open-access resource that preserves the vital      
   resources -- past, present, and future -- that document the history of  
   amateur radio and communications," as the project proposal explained.   
   Internet Archive is a nonprofit library of millions of free books,      
   movies, pieces of software, pieces of music, websites, and more.        
   "The DLARC will be both an education program building a unique and      
   unparalleled collection of primary and secondary resources, but also an 
   innovative technical project that will build a digital library that     
   combines both digitized print materials and [original] digital          
   content," Internet Archive said in its proposal.                        
   It will incorporate three distinct areas: a large-scale scanning        
   program to digitize relevant print materials from institutions and      
   individuals; a large-scale digital archiving initiative that seeks to   
   curate, archive, and provide specialized access to such media as        
   digital photos and audio-video presentations, as well as websites and   
   web-published material, and a personal archiving campaign to ensure the 
   preservation and future access of notable individuals and stakeholders  
   involved in the founding and activities of ARDC and the broader         
   The ARDC grant program stems from the proceeds of the July 2019 sale of 
   some 4 million unused consecutive AMPRNet internet addresses. Using     
   those funds, ARDC established a program of grants and scholarships in   
   support of communications and networking research, with a strong        
   emphasis on amateur radio.                                              
                                      The Fauquier 4-H Ham Radio Club      
                                      learning beginning circuitry skills  
                                      by building code practice            
                                      oscillators. [Dalyah Ronzio, photo]  
   Another ARDC grant for nearly $34,000 will permit the Fauquier 4-H Ham  
   Radio Club in Virginia to purchase and equip a 4-H Youth Station and    
   Outreach Trailer for the club's youth to use at regular meetings,       
   public demonstrations, and special events.                              
   "A big thanks to Amateur Radio Digital Communications for awarding our  
   new Ham Radio Club a grant to build a ham radio trailer," the club      
   posted on its Facebook page. "Building out the trailer and using the    
   modern amateur radio equipment will be a fun STEAM [science,            
   technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics] project for our club    
   members. Once it is all built out, you can plan to see the trailer out  
   at some local events -- hopefully the Fauquier County Fair and the      
   Manassas HamFest in mid-June."                                          
   The Fauquier 4-H Ham Radio Club offers local youth ages 9 to 18         
   opportunities to explore STEAM through amateur radio communications and 
   electronics projects. "An amateur radio license is not required to      
   join, but the club strives to inspire and help members who are          
   interested in getting their license achieve that goal," the proposal    
   A $318,000 grant to the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), will fund 30  
   SWE global scholarships and "contribute to programs that will help      
   women in engineering excel professionally and showcase their            
   achievements." According to SWE, these programs include the High School 
   Leadership Academy, a virtual, year-round program aimed at building     
   self-confidence and resilience among high school students who are       
   interested in pursuing engineering and technology degrees; the          
   Community College Women of Color Pathways Research, a new year-long     
   program to encourage undergraduate women studying at Historically Black 
   Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic-Serving Institutions     
   (HSIs) to pursue STEM graduate degrees, and its Collegiate Leadership   
   Institute, a program designed to equip collegiate SWE members with the  
   skills, knowledge, and leadership abilities that will enable them to    
   become leaders in engineering and technology.                           
   ARRL Podcasts Schedule                                                  
   The latest episode of the On the Air podcast (Episode 25) features a    
   conversation with Michael Fluegemann, KE8AQW, about how to get started  
   with CW.                                                                
   The latest edition of the Eclectic Tech podcast (Episode 52) features a 
   chat with Sal DeFrancesco, K1RGO, about his 630-meter receiving loop    
   antenna design that appears in the February issue of QST. Also, there   
   is a brief discussion of the new YubiKey Bio password protection device 
   The On the Air and Eclectic Tech podcasts are sponsored by Icom. Both   
   podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as well   
   as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                            
   Weak Signals Heard from Spanish Satellites EASAT-2 and HADES            
   AMSAT-EA (Spain) has said it appears that EASAT-2 and HADES are         
   transmitting, and that weak signals have been heard, but apparently the 
   satellites' antennas have not deployed.                                 
   "We confirm the reception of both EASAT-2 and HADES, as well as the     
   decoding of telemetry and the FM recorded voice beacon with the call    
   sign AM5SAT of the first one. EASAT-2 appears to be working well,       
   except for the deployment of the antennas -- something that apparently  
   has not yet occurred and causes weak signals," said AMSAT-EA Mission    
   Manager Felix Paez, EA4GQS. "However, the AMSAT-EA team confirms that,  
   based on the reception of FSK, CW, the FM voice beacon, and the         
   telemetry data that has been decoded, it can be said that the satellite 
   is working perfectly. In the event of low battery or system             
   malfunction, the onboard computer would not transmit CW messages or the 
   voice beacon call sign, as it would be in [safe mode] with only fast    
   and slow telemetry transmissions."                                      
   At the request of AMSAT-EA, EASAT-2 has been designated as Spain-OSCAR  
   114 (SO-114) and HADES as Spain-OSCAR 115 (SO-115).                     
   "These signals that confirm the operation of both satellites were       
   received by Daniel Estévez, EA4GPZ, at 1807 UTC on Saturday, January    
   15, using two antennas from the Allen Telescope Array." Doppler         
   observations from the co-launched Delfi-PQ satellite and the amateur    
   radio community have been used to identify the satellites' orbits or    
   AMSAT-EA reports that Estévez performed a preliminary analysis using    
   just one polarization of one of the Allen Telescope Array satellite     
   dishes. EASAT-2 was detected with a relatively strong signal, close to  
   the Delfi-PQ signal, obtaining voice FM beacon transmissions and FSK,   
   FSK-CW at 50 baud, AMSAT-EA said.                                       
   "The CW beacon clearly shows the message VVV AM5SAT SOL Y PLAYA, which  
   is one of several that both satellites emit, although the call sign     
   AM5SAT confirms that it is EASAT-2," AMSAT-EA said. "In the recording   
   made by EA4GPZ, there is also a faint trace confirmed to be from HADES  
   and stronger packets probably from the IRIS-A satellite."               
   EASAT-2 and HADES were among other                                      
   satellites carried into space on a                                      
   SpaceX launcher. [Photo courtesy of                                     
   AMSAT-EA reports that signals from HADES are weaker than those of       
   EASAT-2, "most likely because the onboard computer has not yet managed  
   to deploy the antennas either, although it will continue trying         
   regularly," AMSAT-EA said. "The reason the signals are suspected to be  
   weaker at HADES is that the antennas are more tightly folded than those 
   of EASAT-2. In any case, this is great news, since the transmission     
   pattern confirms the proper functioning of the satellite. In the        
   observations, you can see the FSK tones with a deviation of about 5 kHz 
   interspersed with the FM carrier corresponding to the voice beacon of   
   the satellite, which has call sign AM6SAT. The AMSAT-EA team is working 
   to try to decode the telemetry signals and obtain more detailed         
   information on the state of the satellite."                             
   AMSAT is asking amateurs with "very high-gain antennas" to try to       
   receive them -- especially HADES. "If we could decode telemetry, it     
   would be very helpful for us." AMSAT-EA said. "Until antennas are       
   deployed, it will be very difficult to use their repeaters or to        
   receive any SSTV camera images from HADES, but we hope that this will   
   happen sooner or later, at least because, even if the computer doesn't  
   succeed applying heat to the resistor where the thread [retaining the   
   antennas] is attached, with time, the thread should break due to the    
   space environment conditions."                                          
   Puerto Rico Section and Red Cross Puerto Rico Chapter Sign New MOU      
   The ARRL Puerto Rico Section and the American Red Cross Puerto Rico     
   Chapter signed a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) on January 13.   
   The MOU calls on the ARRL Puerto Rico Section to offer any assistance   
   and emergency communication support to the American Red Cross, should   
   their communications systems fail or become disrupted. American Red     
   Cross Regional Executive Lee Vanessa Feliciano; Puerto Rico Section     
   Manager Rene Fonseca, NP3O, and Section Emergency Coordinator William   
   Planas-Montes, NP3WP, signed for their respective organizations.        
                                      (L - R) William Planas-Montes,       
                                      NP3WP, Puerto Rico Section Emergency 
                                      Coordinator; Lee Vanessa Feliciano,  
                                      Red Cross Regional Executive, and    
                                      Rene Fonseca, NP3O, Puerto Rico      
                                      Section Manager. [Photo courtesy of  
                                      Angel Santana, WP3GW]                
   Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017 prompted renewal of the MOU.          
   Following Hurricane Maria, the American Red Cross asked ARRL to provide 
   amateur radio volunteers to assist on site for about 6 weeks.           
   Among other provisions, the MOU calls on both organizations to          
   encourage their units to engage in discussions with their field units   
   to develop plans for local response or disaster relief operations. It   
   also calls on each party to participate in community preparedness, as   
   well as in ARRL Field Day, the ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET), and 
   other emergency exercises.                                              
   Also present for the signing, were Logistics Specialist Nory Bonilla    
   and Regional Disaster Officer Joseph Guzm n from the Puerto Rico Red    
   Cross. Puerto Rico Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator James Perez, 
   KP4WA, and Section Traffic Manager Emmanuel Cruz, NP4D, represented     
   ARRL. Perez arranged the signing ceremony.                              
   The MOU is for a 3-year term and is renewable. An initial MOU was       
   signed in 2017, and a second one was signed in 2019. Since then, the    
   amateur radio population has grown to more than 4,900, indicating an    
   interest in maintaining communication in emergencies and disasters. --  
   Thanks to Angel Santana, WP3GW                                          
     * Winter Field Day (WFDA) takes place over the January 29 - 30        
       weekend. It runs for 24 hours, from Saturday at 1900 UTC to Sunday  
       at 1900 UTC. The goal of the Winter Field Day association is to     
       enhance operating skills and prepare participants for all           
       environmental conditions found in the US and Canada.The RSGB        
       reports that Ofcom-licensed radio amateurs may celebrate Queen      
       Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee by adding the letter Q before the   
       numeral in their call signs. For example G4WQG in England could     
       identify as GQ4WQG throughout June. Stations throughout the UK can  
       apply to Ofcom for a Notice of Variation.                           
     * The Boston Marathon is seeking amateur radio volunteers for its     
       Patriots Day event in April. New volunteers can sign up online. The 
       site includes a step-by-step guide on how to select amateur radio   
       volunteer positions during the registration process. Email with     
       questions. -- The Boston Marathon Communications Committee          
     * Nominations for the 2022 Amateur Radio Software Award are being     
       accepted until February 14, 2022. The Amateur Radio Software Award  
       is an annual international award to recognize software projects     
       that enhance amateur radio. The award aims to promote innovative,   
       free, and open amateur radio software development. A nomination     
       form is on the Award website.                                       
     * The non-competitive St. Patrick's Award on-the-air event will take  
       place March 16 -18. The St Patrick's Award encourages radio         
       amateurs worldwide to join the celebration by "going green for St   
       Patrick's day." Email for additional information. -- Thanks to      
       Bobby Wadey, MI0RYL                                                 
   Amateur Radio in the News                                               
   ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other          
   member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news.         
     * "Radio to the rescue" / Georgetown Gazette (California), January    
       20, 2022                                                            
     * "Tecumseh School Project Catches NASA's Attention" / Countywide &   
       Sun (Oklahoma), January 20, 2022                                    
     * "Networks of service" / The American Legion, January 20, 2022       
     * "How the huge volcanic eruption in Tonga was picked up by amateur   
       radio enthusiasts in Harborough -- over 10,000 miles away" /        
       Harborough Mail (United Kingdom), January 18, 2022                  
     * "Inspiring Students through Volunteer Work" / Dakota State          
       University (South Dakota), January 17, 2022                         
   Share any amateur radio media hits you spot with us.                    
   Next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo set for Mid-March                       
   What's become a regular March event, the next QSO Today Virtual Ham     
   Expo will be held live from March 12-13, and then on demand for 30 days 
   afterward. More than 60 speakers will deliver presentations on their    
   subject areas. "There's content for everyone whether a newly licensed   
   ham looking for next steps to using that license or a 30+ year          
   experienced ham looking for new projects," the QSO Today Virtual Ham    
   Expo organizers promise.                                                
   Presentations will include "Core HF Communication Concepts:             
   Fundamentals of Shortwave Propagation;" "Deep Dive of an FPGA DVB-S2    
   Implementation;" "Fun With the NanoVNA," and "Helically Wound Vertical  
   for 160 Meters. The complete list of presentations is available from    
   the Virtual Ham Expo home page.                                         
   Virtual visitors may watch as many presentations as they want and       
   return any time within 30 days to view speakers and presentations they  
   may have miss as well as explore exhibitor offerings.                   
   This Virtual Ham Expo will debut new technology that, organizers say,   
   will "further improve the live video interaction experience with        
   exhibitors and fellow operators." ARRL The national association for     
   Amateur Radio^(R), is a QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Partner. Early bird  
   tickets go on sale on February 1. Tickets are $10 through March 6.      
   ARRL Learning Network Webinars                                          
   Visit the ARRL Learning Network (a members-only benefit) to register,   
   check on upcoming webinars, and to view previously recorded sessions.   
   More webinars are coming soon!                                          
   ARRL members may register for upcoming presentations and view           
   previously recorded Learning Network webinars. ARRL-affiliated radio    
   clubs may also use the recordings as presentations for club meetings,   
   mentoring new and current hams, and discussing amateur radio topics.    
   The ARRL Learning Network schedule is subject to change.                
   QRP Operator Logs One Contact per Day for Nearly 30 Years               
   From August 5, 1994, through December 20, 2021 -- a span of nearly      
   10,000 days -- ARRL member John Shannon, K3WWP, of Kittanning,          
   Pennsylvania, made at least one CW contact while running 5 W or less to 
   simple wire antennas. That includes one that's in his attic.            
   Over the course of said 10,000 days, Shannon made 72,190 contacts with  
   20,098 unique stations. For at least 2,099 of his contacts, his signal  
   traveled 1,000 or more miles per W, while another 24,098 were DX        
   (non-W/VE) contacts made in 224 DXCC entities. He contacted all 50      
   states "many times over" -- he made 3,819 contacts with stations in     
   Pennsylvania and 63 contacts with stations in Wyoming.                  
   Shannon reports that the DX country he contacted most often was         
   Germany, with 1,934 contacts. By continent, his contact totals ranged   
   from 52,639 with stations in North America to 325 with stations in      
   Oceania, plus 18 with stations in Antarctica. The number of contacts he 
   made on each band used includes 19,279 on 40 meters; 15,459 on 20       
   meters; 28 on 60 meters, and 39 on 6 meters.                            
   Within his first UTC hour of operation each day, Shannon logged nearly  
   73% of his daily contacts.                                              
   He also experienced a DX streak from March 1, 2013 through August 1,    
   2018, which was a total of 1,980 days. During this time, he contacted   
   at least one DX station per day.                                        
   Shannon said that the greatest satisfaction he's derived from his       
   operating streak is that other hams express that he inspired their      
   interest in, and enjoyment of, CW and/or QRP operating. Shannon said    
   that his greatest satisfaction derived from his lengthy operating       
   streak was having other hams express that he inspired their interest in 
   operating CW and/or QRP, and that they really enjoyed it.               
   In the early 2000s, he wrote for the "QRP with John Shannon, K3WWP"     
   column in The Key Note, the FISTS CW Club's newsletter. ditionally,   
   his article, "The Streak: 23 Years of Daily Contacts," was published in 
   the August 2017 issue of QST.                                           
   Shannon said his streak is not over. He intends to continue making      
   daily contacts for 11,000 or 12,000 days. View his website for more     
   Getting It Right!                                                       
   Regarding the story "Two Radio Amateurs Appointed to the FCC            
   Technological visory Council (TAC)" in the January 20 edition of The  
   ARRL Letter: Andy Clegg, W4JE, was also appointed to the TAC to         
   represent the Wireless Innovation Forum. Dale Hatfield, ex-W0IFO, was   
   another TAC appointee.                                                  
   In Brief...                                                             
   A February webinar will discuss amateur radio and AUXCOM support to the 
   US Department of Defense. On Thursday, February 18, at 0100 (the        
   evening of February 17 in North American time zones), the US Army       
   Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) will host a Zoom call to 
   discuss amateur radio and AUXCOM support to the US Department of        
   Defense. During this presentation, the NETCOM representative will       
   discuss the authorities for these operations; upcoming DOD exercise     
   opportunities for 2022 where outreach to the amateur radio/AUXCOM       
   community will be a primary training objective; use of the five         
   60-meter channels, and the concept for the types of amateur/AUXCOM      
   outreach. There will be an opportunity for Q&A throughout the           
   presentation. Use this Zoom link to attend. This is meeting ID 837 8115 
   4615, and the pass code is 670665. Dial in by location: (346) 248-7799  
   (Houston); (669) 900-6833 (San Jose); (253) 215-8782 (Tacoma); (929)    
   205-6099 (New York); (301) 715-8592 (Washington DC), and (312) 626-6799 
   (Chicago). One tap mobile: +13462487799,,83781154615#,,,,*670665# US    
   (Houston); +16699006833,,83781154615#,,,,*670665# US (San Jose)         
   The Amateur Radio Emergency Service^(R) (ARES^(R)) team of Centralia,   
   Washington, activated following an early morning bombing on December    
   19. Authorities say two men planted the bomb, which blew up the ATM at  
   a local bank. The Washington State Patrol Bomb Squad and the FBI        
   responded to assist the Centralia Police Department (CPD) in the        
   investigation. The Centralia ARES team staged its communications van    
   next to the scene. The 13 ARES team members who responded to a call for 
   assistance were paired with CPD detectives to assist in the evidence    
   search at the crime scene. ARES team members had been trained to        
   perform evidence searches for the police department and were able to    
   put those skills to work. Teams of three to five ARES members, led by a 
   detective, gloved up and slowly searched an estimated 10,000 square     
   feet around the bank, along nearby railroad tracks, and an adjoining    
   field, retrieving as many potential pieces of evidence as they could    
   find. The ARES team was released after about 1 hour. -- Thanks to Bob   
   Willey, KD7OWN, Centralia, Washington, ARES Emergency Coordinator       
   After an August storm damaged the satellite antenna that DP0GVN in      
   Antarctica had been using for QO-100, AMSAT-DL has provided a new one.  
   The new QO-100 SatCom ground station antenna arrived intact in          
   Antarctica at Neumayer Station III in December, ensuring future         
   operations by the 2022/2023 overwintering crew. "AMSAT-DL provided the  
   appropriate radio equipment for DP0GVN at Neumayer Station III,         
   covering all costs for setup and provision of the required radio        
   equipment and antenna," said AMSAT-DL President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS.   
   "While amateur radio operations mostly take place during free time,     
   contacts with schools have also been arranged on a regular basis.       
   Similar to ARISS [Amateur Radio on the International Space Station],    
   such contacts in Antarctica are also something very special for the     
   students. This will certainly also arouse interest in scientific or     
   technical professions and, last but not least, in amateur radio."       
   DP0GVN is a permanent ham radio club station, which offers operation    
   for residents as their responsibilities. Much of the activity is on the 
   QO-100 satellite. The primary operator is Felix Riess, DP1POL/DL5XL,    
   who will be in Antarctica until mid-February. His HF activities are     
   largely on 30 or 20-meter CW and sometimes FT8. -- Thanks to AMSAT News 
   Service and to The Daily DX                                             
   The CW-only Maritime Radio Day 2022 is set for 1200 UTC on April 14     
   until 2200 UTC on April 15. Bands will include 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 15, 
   and 10 meters. Certificate and QSL. This will mark the 11th anniversary 
   of the event, held to commemorate the many years of CW wireless service 
   for seafarers. Former US Merchant Marine wireless operators, fisheries, 
   and coastal stations may register and participate. Radio amateurs and   
   shortwave listeners are welcome. Former maritime radio officers should  
   register in advance by April 1. Operating frequencies will focus on     
   1824 kHz; 3520 kHz; 7020 kHz; 10,118 kHz; 14,052 kHz; 21,052 kHz, and   
   28,052 kHz. The primary working frequency is 14,052 kHz. There is no    
   power limit.                                                            
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: A new sunspot group appeared on       
   January 20, another on January 24, two more on January 25, and one more 
   on January 26. But, overall solar activity declined from the previous   
   week, January 13 - 19. Average daily sunspot number declined from 94.4  
   to 39.6, and average daily solar flux went from 112 to 97.6.            
   Predicted solar flux is 105 on January 27 - February 4; 108 on February 
   5 - 6; 110 on February 7 - 8; 108 on February 9 - 10; 106, 105, 103,    
   101, 100, and 95 February 11 - 16; 92 on February 17 - 18; 90 on        
   February 19 - 21; 88, 87, 92, and 94 on February 22 - 25; 96 on         
   February 26 - 28; 98 and 100 on March 1 - 2, and 105 on March 3 - 4.    
   Predicted planetary A index is 8, 5, 12, and 10 on January 27 - 30; 5   
   on January 31 - February 3; 15 and 10 on February 4 - 5; 5 on February  
   6 - 9; then 12, 15, and 12 on February 10 - 12; 5 on February 13 - 19;  
   6 on February 20 - 23; 5, 12, and 10 on February 24 - 26; 5 on February 
   27 - March 2, and 15 and 10 on March 3 - 4.                             
   Look for reports on 6-meter openings in Friday's bulletin.              
   Sunspot numbers for January 20 - 26 were 60, 23, 22, 22, 26, 53, and    
   71, with a mean of 39.6. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 99.3, 97.3, 95.2, 
   93.5, 95.2, 100.9, and 101.8, with a mean of 97.6. Estimated planetary  
   A indices were 5, 8, 10, 8, 4, 13, and 10, with a mean of 8.3. Middle   
   latitude A index was 5, 5, 7, 7, 3, 10, and 8, with a mean of 6.4.      
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out the Propagation Page of Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA          
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable           
   propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * January 28 - 30 -- CQ 160-Meter Contest (CW)                        
     * January 29 - 30 -- REF Contest (CW)                                 
     * January 29 - 30 -- UBA DX Contest (Phone)                           
     * January 29 - 30 -- Winter Field Day (CW, phone, digital)            
     * February 2 -- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest                          
     * February 2 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (Phone)                       
     * February 3 - 4 -- Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest (CW Maximum 13     
     * February 3 -- NRAU 10-Meter Activity Contest (CW, phone, digital)   
     * February 3 -- SKCC Sprint Europe (CW)                               
   Upcoming Section, State, and Division Conventions                       
     * January  28 - 29 -- ARRL  Delta  Division  Convention  (Capital     
       City  Hamfest  2022),  Jackson,  Mississippi.                       
     * February  10 - 13  --  2022  ARRL  National  Convention  at         
       Orlando  HamCation^(R),  Orlando,  Florida                          
     * February  18 - 19 -- ARRL  Southwestern  Division  Convention       
       (Yuma  Hamfest),  Yuma,  Arizona                                    
     * March 12 - 13 -- QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo. (ARRL is a QSO Today   
     * February 26 -- ARRL Vermont State Convention (HAM-CON), Colchester, 
     * March 19 -- ARRL Southern Florida Section Convention (47^th Annual  
       Martin County Hamfest), Stuart, Florida                             
     * March 19 -- ARRL West Texas Section Convention (66^th Annual St.    
       Patrick's Day Hamfest), Midland, Texas                              
     * March 19 -- ARRL West Virginia Section Convention (Charleston Area  
       Hamfest), Charleston, West Virginia                                 
     * March 27 -- ARRL Virginia Section Convention (Winterfest),          
       Annandale, Virginia                                                 
   Search  the  ARRL  Hamfest  and  Convention  Database  to  find  events 
   in  your  area.                                                         
   ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for                                      
   Amateur Radio News and Information                                      
     * Join or Renew Today! Eligible US-based members can elect to receive 
       QST or On the Air magazine in print when they join ARRL or when     
       they renew their membership. All members can access digital         
       editions of all four ARRL magazines: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. 
     * Listen to ARRL Audio News, available every Friday.                  
     * The ARRL Letter is available in an accessible format, posted weekly 
       to the Blind-hams Groups.io email group. The group is dedicated to  
       discussions about amateur radio as it concerns blind hams, plus     
       related topics including ham radio use of adaptive technology.      
   Subscribe to...                                                         
     * NCJ -- National Contest Journal. Published bimonthly, features      
       articles by top contesters, letters, hints, statistics, scores, NA  
       Sprint, and QSO parties.                                            
     * QEX -- A Forum for Communications Experimenters. Published          
       bimonthly, features technical articles, construction projects,      
       columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and          
       communications professionals.                                       
   Free of charge to ARRL members...                                       
     * Subscribe to the ARES Letter (monthly public service and emergency  
       communications news), the ARRL Contest Update (biweekly contest     
       newsletter), Division and Section news alerts and much more!        
     * Find ARRL on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!          
   The ARRL Letter is published Thursdays, 50 times each year. ARRL members
   and registered guests may subscribe at no cost or unsubscribe by editing
   their profile.                                                          
   Copyright (c) 2022 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and   
   distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
   non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other     
   purposes require written permission.                                    

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