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Skriven 2004-09-27 20:01:05 av Amsat List (1:323/120.0)
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North
America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the
activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share
an active interest in designing, building, launching and
communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
In this edition:
* Echo Schedule Update - 25 Sep 2004
* Echo matching funds challenge
* AMSAT Files Comments on Orbital Debris
* ARISS Status - 20 Sept 2004
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-270.01
Echo Schedule Update - 25 Sep 2004
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 270.01
September 26, 2004
BID: $ANS-270.01
FM Repeat Higher Power Levels -- 25 Sept thru 26 Sept
FM repeat mode OPEN
Uplink 145.920 FM with 67 hz tone
Downlink 435.300 FM, power levels TBD
FM 9k6 BBS mode OFF
TXA will be off except for short times over a command station
FM Repeat and BBS Open -- 27 Sept thru 28 Sept
FM repeat mode OPEN
Uplink 145.920 FM with 67 hz tone
Downlink 435.300 FM
Uplink 145.860 FM 9k6 PBP
Downlink 435.150 FM 9k6 PBP
PSK31 Test -- Experimenters Wednesday 29 Sept
Uplink 28.140 USB PSK31 Only
Downlink 435.300 FM, Output Power 1 Watt Continuous
FM 9k6 BBS mode OFF
TXA will be off except for short times over a command station
[ANS Mike, KE4AZN for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-270.02
Echo matching funds challenge
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 270.02
September 26, 2004
BID: $ANS-270.02
An anonymous donor has challenged Echo users and supporters. He
will match dollar for dollar all donations received from now until
the end of the 2004 AMSAT Space Symposium when we will retire the
Echo thermometer. This is an opportunity we can't afford to lose.
Show your support and contribute now!
As of 21 Sept 2004, $670 has been donated toward the matching funds
grant for Echo. You can make an Echo donation through PayPal, the AMSAT
office (301-589-6062) , fax (301-608-3410 ) or mail (AMSAT, 850 Sligo
Ave #600, Silver Spring MD 20910).
Let's hit the top of that thermometer!!!
[ANS thanks Martha, AMSAT Manager for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-270.03
AMSAT Files Comments on Orbital Debris
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 270.03
September 26, 2004
BID: $ANS-270.03
Dr. Perry Klein, W3PK, AMSAT Vice President, Government Liaison reports
that AMSAT has filed 'further comments' on FCC's WT docket 04-140 the so
called 'omnibus' proceeding regarding many aspects of Part 97 rules.
Perry notes that this is a very complicated situation. In one
proceeding by the FCC's Wireless Bureau, WT 04-140, they requested input
on the subject of orbital debris. Meanwhile, the International Bureau
in a separate proceeding, IB 02-54, issued a Report & Order which, if
implemented, would require the submission of an orbital debris
mitigation plan as part of the pre-space notification.
AMSAT has formally requested that the Commission stay the effective date
implementing the provisions of IB 20-54 which affect the
amateur-satellite service and intends to file a Petition for
Reconsideration. Accordingly, AMSAT has also requested that the
Commission delay action on the orbital debris portions of WT 04-140
until final action has been taken on the Petition for Reconsideration.
The full text of AMSAT's latest filing with the FCC can be found at
Gunther Meisse, W8GSM, a member of of AMSAT's Board of Directors said,
"We owe a big thank you to both Perry Klein and Ray Soifer for their
continuing efforts on behalf of AMSAT & Satellite Hams nationwide. These
are special efforts that require individuals with a special insight into
the minds and procedural maze of FCC rule making proceedings."
[ANS thanks Perry, W3PK and Gunther, W8GSM for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-270.04
ARISS Status - 20 Sept 2004
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 270.04
September 26, 2004
BID: $ANS-270.04
1.Aoyama School Contact Successful
Students from Aoyama Gakuin Elementary School in Tokyo, Japan enjoyed a
successful contact with astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, on Friday,
September 17 at 0738 UTC. The students asked 13 questions as an
audience of 150 people watched. Mike answered the children in both
English and Japanese. Mr. Hara, president of the Japan Amateur Radio
League (JARL), attended the event. Four television stations, including
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and 2 newspapers covered the
2.Upcoming School Contacts
The Investigator Science and Technology Centre in Adelaide, Australia is
a non-profit center that provides educational programs to schools. It
has been scheduled for a contact with the ISS, and the school
participating in this contact is Kilburn Primary School, which has an
enrollment of approximately 130 students. The school focuses on
Literacy, Numeracy, ICT and a Supportive School Environment. Many
students have significant learning needs. Fifth and sixth graders will
have the opportunity to speak with Mike on Thursday, September 23, at
0913 UTC via the telebridge station, WH6PN, in Hawaii. This contact will
be webcast. To join the event go to:
Please note that the ARISS Phase 2 hardware will be used for the
Investigator Centre contact. This is the first time that the Kenwood
radio will be used for school operations.
The Primary School of Montaud in Montaud, France has also been scheduled
for an ARISS contact. It is planned for September 30 at 1158 UTC.
3. ESA ESOC Contact Successful
On September 18, “The Long Night of the Stars,†was held at the control
center of ESA ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany. Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, spoke for
10 minutes, talking about life on the ISS, his work and how he spends
his free time. Video of the contact was broadcast on screens in several
different rooms, including a screen outside so that the audience could
watch the ham radio station and also view the ISS moving across the sky.
Approximately 1200 ESOC visitors and 150 staff members, as well as 500
visitors at the Mannheim Radio Observatory witnessed this contact. One
hundred seventy-five institutions participated in this event and media
coverage reached an audience of thousands in three countries: Germany,
Austria and Switzerland. The ARISS contact was the highlight of the
evening, and the event was a great success!
4.Marina Air Fair Contact
Mike has also expressed interest in a contact with the Marina Air Fair
in Marina, California. This event will take place on Saturday, October
5.ARRL Article on Kingston School Contact
On Friday, September 10, at 0752 UTC, Kingston Community School in
Kingston SE, South Australia experienced a successful contact with Mike
Fincke, KE5AIT. ARRL covered the event in its web story, “Six Months
Without a Shower or Bath? No Problem, Astronaut Tells Youngsters.†See:
6.Fincke Works all 7 Continents
On Saturday, September 11, at 1504 UTC, Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, made
contact with Chuck Kimball, N0NHJ, at the Palmer Research Station in
Antarctica, KC4AAC, making Mike the first ISS crew member to work all
seven continents. Chuckâ€Ös write up of the contact can be found on his
web page with photos and a link to the audio. See:
ARRL ran an article on Mikeâ€Ös accomplishment entitled, “Astronaut
Completes WAC+ from NA1SS.†See:
7.AMSAT/ARISS Planning Meeting Held
A meeting was held on Sunday, September 19, to plan the joint
AMSAT/ARISS meetings to be held on October 8 – 13 in Arlington, VA.
Astronaut Carl Walz will be the keynote speaker at the AMSAT banquet on
October 9. To view the agenda, see:
[ANS thanks Carol for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the
President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining
donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional
benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
This weeks ANS Editor,
Lee McLamb, KU4OS
ku4os at amsat dot org
Via the ans mailing list at AMSAT.ORG courtesy of AMSAT-NA.
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