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Ärende: [ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.01
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.01
The AMSAT Store is still down, but we now have a computer that will be the
server for the AMSAT Store. We hope to have the store operational as soon
as possible. This is currently a volunteer effort, travel and work
obligations have slowed down the process of getting the software installed.
AMSAT at the Dayton Hamvention continues to grow. We will have a great Forum
on Saturday morning and many new items available at the booth, including a
limited number of LVB Tracker boxes. The outdoor demonstration area will be
busy all three days plus offer an "Introduction to Amateur Satellite
Operation" talk Friday and Saturday afternoons.
Be sure and contact Martha to make your reservations for the joint
AMSAT/TAPR Banquet Friday night May 16.
Be sure an join us for the Pizza and Suds gathering on Thursday night.
Additional information can be found on the AMSAT web site,
[ANS thanks Gould, WA4SXM, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.02
Volunteer Opportunities at the AMSAT Lab
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.02
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.02
Bob Davis, KF4KSS, AMSAT Lab Manager says the AMSAT Lab in Pocomoke
City, Maryland will be open for work days on the following Saturdays:
Sat Apr 26 Open 9-5
Sat May 3 Open 9-5
Sat May 10 Open 9-5
Sat May 17 Closed - Dayton Hamvention
Again, if you're interested in coming and need directions or just
want to talk first, send Bob an email KF4KSS@amsat.org or call
[ANS thanks Bob, KF4KSS for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.03
ESA Call for Cubesat Proposals
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.03
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.03
The European Space Agency Education Office has received good response to
its call for CubeSat proposals issued last month to universities in ESA
member nations and other cooperating states. This to participate in the
development of an educational payload for the maiden flight of the new
Vega launch rocket currently scheduled for December.
The launch opportunity on the Vega maiden flight is being offered free of
charge for up to 6 CubeSats, with an additional 2 backup CubeSats on back
up standby. The ESA Education Office says that it recognizes the growing
importance of CubeSat projects as a key tool in providing university
students with a valuable hands-on practical education across all space
engineering disciplines from end-to-end through the complete space project
[ANS thanks Newsline for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.04
Cubesat Workshop Presentations Available
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.04
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.04
The 5th Annual Cubesat Developers Workshop was held at CalPoly in San Luis
Obispo April 9-11 2008.
The workshop featured over forty presentations covering information for new
Cubesat developers, innovative avionics, nanosatellites, access to
space, ground
station operations, and unique missions.
All of the presentation have been posted on Cubesat.org:
[ANS thanks Bryan, KF6ZEO, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.05
European Student Earth Orbiter Update
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.05
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.05
It has been quite a time since the AMSAT-UK European Student Earth Orbiter
(ESEO) team have been able to provide an update on the progress of this
satellite payload and just recently ESA have made a major change to the
structure of the project organization.
The plan has been to develop a package to provide downlink telemetry at 400 bps
and provide backup tele-command and ranging facilities for the mission
management teams. It would, additionally, provide a 435 to 2400 MHz (Mode U/S)
linear transponder using both analogue and DSP based systems.
ESEO is a 110kg student satellite project intended for launch in to low
inclination GTO elliptical orbit.
Until the beginning of 2008 the whole ESEO project had been organized directly
by ESA Education Office under the SSETI (Student Space Exploration & Technology
Initiative) banner but they have now decided to adopt new arrangements.
To quote from the ESA website
" To date, both projects (ESEO and ESMO) have proceeded in the early phases
with a project team consisting entirely of students with project
management and
ad hoc technical support provided by ESA.
It is now intended to implement a new project team structure for these two
projects in order to enhance the educational benefits given to the
students and
to ensure that the project progresses through major reviews to a successful
completion on schedule. The new project structure consists of:
* a System Prime responsible for the system engineering and technical
management of the project, the provision of specialist technical
advice to the
students where needed, and supervising the student AIV(Assembly
Integration &
Verification) of the satellite at ESTEC.
* a Network of Universities responsible for the delivery of payload items,
satellite subsystem items and ground segment systems by their
student teams and
ensuring the adequate supervision/long-term continuity of the
student teams
What does this mean for AMSAT-UK's involvement in the project?
The launch date is now not expected to be earlier than 2011.
The process for the appointment of the System Prime Contractor is presently
underway and is expected to be completed by later this year.
After the System Prime has been appointed, we will work with them and with ESA
Education to ensure that the AMSAT sub-system is available when required by the
Further information should be available in time for the AMSAT-UK Colloquium
which is being held at the University of Surrey at Guildford from
Friday 25th to
Sunday 28th July,
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.06
AMSAT-Australia and Ozdatgroup Combine Forces
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.06
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.06
You may not be aware that AMSAT-Australia and the Ozsatgroup have
amalgamated, and that the new combined group has retained the name
AMSAT-Australia and the Ozsatgroup have been working together for more
than two years, and have been discussing such an amalgamation for some
The decision to go ahead with the amalgamation was made after Graham
Ratcliff, VK5AGR formally tended his resignation as AMSAT-Australia
National Coordinator and as AMSAT Coordinator for the Wireless
Institute of Australia (WIA) in his annual report to the WIA 2008
Federal Convention on Monday, 7th April 2008.
The role of AMSAT-Australia National Coordinator has been taken on by
myself Paul Paradigm, VK2TXT, formally the Coordinator of the
Ozsatgroup, and joined by Judy Williams, VK2TJU in the role of
AMSAT-Australia Secretary.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of both the Amateur
Radio operators on the AMSAT-Australia mailing list and the members of
the former Ozsatgroup to thank Graham for his outstanding contribution
to the Amateur Radio community here in Australia and around the world.
Graham has been in the role of AMSAT-Australia National Coordinator
since 1983, and has been the driving force behind AMSAT-Australia
since its inception.
Visit our website at http://www.amsat-vk.org for more information.
Paul - VK2TXT
AMSAT-Australia National Coordinator.
[ANS thanks Paul, VK2TXT for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.07
Satellite Shorts From All Over
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.07
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.07
+ Robert, G8ATE has updated his web site at
http://www.turlington.supanet.com to show an SSTV contact with
GM0ICF via VO52 and Field Hell tests via AO7 mode B, AO16,S O50,
AO51 & VO52.
+ When operating on AO-7 keep an ear open for the informal "DX
Watering Hole" near 145.959 MHz +/-. This is the proposed
frequency for those "footprint stretching", edge-to-edge QSO's
on AO-7.
+ The Federal Communications Commission says it is seeking
applications from engineering school graduates with superior
academic credentials and an interest in communications engineering
for its 2008 Engineer-in-Training Program. Additional information
is available on the FCC's EIT Program page at
http://www.fcc.gov/EITprogram, or by contacting the FCC's Human
Resources Office at area code 202-418-0130. You can also e-mail
for more information to recruit@fcc.gov. (via Amateur Radio Newsline)
+ Reminder! Visit the AMSAT Dayton Web page to learn of the latest
events planned for this year's Hamvention:
[ANS thanks everyone for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-111.08
ARISS Status - 14 April 2008
[ans] ANS-111 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 111.08
April 20, 2008
BID: $ANS-111.08
1. Upcoming School Contacts
Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando, Florida has been scheduled for
an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Monday,
April 21 at 17:48 UTC via the telebridge station W6SRJ in Santa Rosa,
California. The audio for this event will be fed into the EchoLink AMSAT (101
377) and JK1ZRW (277 208) Conference Room servers and the IRLP Discovery
Reflector 9010.
2. Croatian Contact Successful
On Monday, April 7, students from Osnovna skola Pazin in Croatia
participated in
a successful Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact.
Garrett Reisman, KE5HAE, answered 15 questions posed to him by 6 students as an
audience of 100 people gathered around the radio. Three national television
stations, three radio stations and five newspapers covered the
event. The audio
was fed into the EchoLink AMSAT (101 377) and JK1ZRW (277 208) servers and
received 16 connections, including 3 link nodes and 1 repeater node, from 11
3. First Korean Contact Successful
Students attending the Han Gwang Boys & Girls High School in Pyeong Taek City,
Republic of Korea experienced an Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) contact on Sunday, April 13. South Korean space visitor Yi
So-yeon, HL0ARISS, answered 12 students' questions. Over 500 people
attended the
event. Media coverage included 5 television stations and 10 newspapers.
4. ARISS Crew Debrief Held
A debrief session was held between the Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) team and Expedition 16 crew member Leopold Eyharts,
KE5FNO/FX0STD, on Monday, April 7. Eyharts provided feedback on ARISS school
contacts and operation of the ARISS radio equipment.
5. ARISS Presentation at Dayton Hamvention
The Dayton Hamvention will be held at the Hara Arena Complex in Dayton, Ohio on
May 16 - 18. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the Radio Amateur
Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) will both support exhibit booths at the event.
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Chairman Frank Bauer
plans to give a presentation on "A Ham Radio Operator's View of ARISS" at the
AMSAT forum which will cover new ARISS initiatives and a status report on
SuitSat-2. The Dayton Hamvention is an internationally attended amateur radio
convention that draws crowds of 25,000 annually.
For more information on Dayton Hamvention 2008, go to:
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI, for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's
Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project
Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are
available from the AMSAT Office.
This week's ANS Editor,
Lee McLamb, KU4OS
ku4os at amsat dot org
Via the ANS mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA
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