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Ärende: [ans] FW: [amsat-bb] ANS-347 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
[ans] FW: [amsat-bb] ANS-347 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 347.01
December 13, 2009
BID: $ANS-347.01
Faraday Medal for Professor Sir Martin Sweeting, G3YJO
Professor Sir Martin Sweeting OBE FRS, G3YJO has been awarded
the Faraday Medal by the Institute of Engineering and
Technology, IET. The medal is awarded for notable scientific
or industrial achievement in engineering or for conspicuous
service rendered to the advancement of science, engineering
and technology. The citation said that Sweeting was awarded
the Medal for "his visionary leadership, satellite expertise,
ambition and drive, which among other things, brought the
overheads involved in space exploration, down to earth. Sir
Martin's work includes establishing the viability of the use
of small satellites for earth observation, communication and
navigation purposes and his founding of a company to design
and supply small satellites to organisations throughout the
world". G3YJO will be giving the 45th Appleton Lecture,
entitled Small Satellites - Big Future, on Tuesday 19
January at the IET's headquarters in London.
[ANS thanks Ray, W2RS, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-347.02
Satellite Shorts
[ans] FW: [amsat-bb] ANS-347 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 347.02
December 13, 2009
BID: $ANS-347.02
ARISS Activity Reports
There has been confirmed reports of Packet activity on the ISS. Monitor for
If you can and would like to perform packet ops with the ISS.
SSTV signals are also planned for activity from the MAI-75 experiment. Most
Signals will be near Moscow coverage area, however, other coverage areas
be activated as well. 145.800 downlink should be monitored.
ISS SSTV Images Available On-Line
Cor PD0RKC has archived several ISS SSTV images from the December 10
operation in the ARISS SSTV gallery:
[ANS thanks,Tony, VK5ZAI & Ken, N5VHO, for this information]
Hudson Valley SatCom Net
Stu WA2BSS invites all amateur radio operators to join the next
Hudson Valley SatCom net on Wednesday December 23 at 8PM EST (or
0100 UTC 12/24). The on-air portion of the meets on the 146.97
Mt.Beacon Repeater. Hams worldwide can "tune in" via EchoLink node
N2EYH-L. More info: http://www.wr2abb.org
This is a special time since the normal net meets every other
Thursday and Conflicts with Christmas Eve.
{Thanks to Stu, WA2BSS, for the above info]
The next World Radiocommunications Conference takes place in January of
2012 and ham radio is making ready to face any challenges that it might
bring to the service.
The International Amateur Radio Union's Secretary is Rod Stafford,
W6ROD. He says that every IARU member society capable of doing so, should
take the initiative to be in contact with their own telecommunications
administration and let the it know what the Union's position is on those
agenda items that influence the amateur radio service.
The most significant of these so far are the implementation of the
radiolocation service in the range 30 to 300 MHz; the possible allocations
in the range 3 to 50 MHz to the radiolocation service for oceanographic
radar applications and the effect of emissions from short-range devices.
Also likely to be discussed is a ham radio allocation of about 15 kHz in
parts of the band from 415 to 526.5 kHz. This, on a secondary basis and
taking into account the need to protect existing services. (Southgate)
[ANS thanks Southgate for the above information]
AMSAT is inviting hams worldwide to participate in Straight Key Night on
OSCAR 2010. Taking part in this event is both fun and quite easy. Just
operate CW through any OSCAR satellite between 0000 and 2400 UTC
on January 1st 2010, using a straight hand key. There are no other rules,
no scoring and no need to send in a log.
In keeping with the friendly nature of this event, all participants are
encouraged to nominate someone they worked for "Best Fist" of those you
worked. Please send your nomination to w2rs@amsat.org. A list of those
nominated will appear in the Amsat News Service and will also be published
in the AMSAT Journal.
[ANS thanks Ray, W2RS for this info and for coordinating the SKN]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-347.03
OSCAR 11 Notes
[ans] FW: [amsat-bb] ANS-347 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 347.03
December 13, 2009
BID: $ANS-347.03
OSCAR-11 Makes Another Appearance
Clive G3CWV noted that UO-11 switched on again on December 10 after
about 15 days of silence. Heard in early December, UO-11 had been
silent for over a year. Good signals were received during daylight
passes for two days.
Clive would be interested in knowing whether anyone heard it, or
listened and did not hear it, between 11:25 UTC 11 December and
08:26 UTC 12 December.
Based on previous observations, it's probably worth listening for
it again in 10 to 20 days time, between 22 December and 01 January.
[ANS Thanks Clive, G3CWV, For this information.]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-347.04
OSCAR 11 Notes
[ans] FW: [amsat-bb] ANS-347 AMSAT Weekly Bulletin
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 347.04
December 13, 2009
BID: $ANS-347.04
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
(ARISS) Status Report December 7, 2009
1. Upcoming School Contact
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)
contact was scheduled with Scuola Primaria De Gasperi in
Noicattaro, Bari, Italy on Saturday, December 12 at 09:11 UTC.
Lesson plans have covered amateur radio communications and space
missions. Newspapers, radio and television, both local and
regional, will report on the event.
2. Astronaut Training Status - Simulated Contact Scheduled
A simulated Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
(ARISS) contact was planned for Tuesday, December 8 at
approximately 14:45 UTC. The contact took place between Deer
Creek Elementary School in Bailey, Colorado and astronaut Tracy
Caldwell, KF5DBF. Audio was available on IRLP (Internet Radio
Linking Project). The training session is a terrestrial-
based amateur radio contact using ARISS equivalent equipment.
3. Successful ARISS Contact with Utah School
On Wednesday, December 2, students from Midvalley Elementary
School in Midvale, Utah participated in an Amateur Radio on
the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with Jeffrey
Williams, KD5TVQ. The school prepared for the contact using
NASA lesson plan resources and integrated the ARISS activity
into the school curriculum at many grade levels. Children
learned about amateur radio, electromagnetic waves and the
ISS and even viewed IMAX Space Station video. Nineteen
questions were answered during the nine minute pass. Approximately
200 students were present for the contact and others
listened in from their classrooms. Dr. David Doty (the school
district superintendent), school board members and district
directors were also present. Two major Salt Lake City newspapers,
the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret Morning News as well as
Channel 4 (ABC) television, Fox 13 and the local community
newspaper all covered the event. This was the first ARISS
contact for Utah.
4. ARISS-Brazil on Twitter
ARISS-Brazil is promoting ARISS events on its new Twitter site.
It provides an excellent opportunity to better understand what
the ARISS education program is. The site is in Portuguese:
An ARISS-US member has also been posting ISS amateur radio
related items to a Twitter site. See: http://twitter.com/RF2Space
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI, for the above information]
This week's ANS Editor,
Dee Interdonato, NB2F
nb2f at amsat dot org
Via the ANS mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA
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