Text 5369, 205 rader
Skriven 2009-04-27 01:40:37 av Steve Asher (3:800/432.0)
Kommentar till text 5367 av Ross Cassell (1:123/456.0)
Ärende: Real Name Echo
Mulling over Ross Cassell to Steve Asher 26 Apr 2009
RC> Steve Asher -> Ross Cassell wrote:
RC>> Most aspects of the new rules wont be fully enforced until May 1.
SA> It might be an idea to ease your "co-moderator" into abiding by the
SA> "posting a lie" rule, rather than his current practice of lying about
SA> echo participants and then ruling a response as a breach of the rules,
SA> as in this example:
RC> Either in here or in the email in my sig line, I want you or
RC> someone to in detail describe to me these so called lies that you
RC> are accusing Dan Ceppa of telling.
There are several lies (not "so called lies") in this post of "God
Dan" to Earl Croasmun.
(1) "Quarella" (Steve Quarrella) did not list the Edge_Online echo
for me. I did the initial listing, and the updates, for the
time that I was the moderator. The claim that "Q" updated that
listing for what might be years before Asher was able to do it
on his own is patently false and defamatory, implying that I
lacked the technical or other skills needed to list and update
an echolisting with the Echo Robot. At no time did "Q" or any
other person list, or update the listing, of Edge_Online on
my behalf.
(2) "Q" (Steve Quarrella) was the moderator of Edge_Online after
Bill Kochman. The claim that "Q" was never the moderator is
false - a lie.
(3) The claim that "Asher is famous for his pre-banning of people
even before he had the echo listed and running" is false - a lie.
I never banned anyone in the Edge_Online echo, let alone "pre-banned"
anyone. Nor did I threaten to ban, "vacation", or otherwise restrict
anyone's ability to read or post in the echo at any time. The lie
by your "co-moderator" in this echo is both defamatory and offensive.
As should be clear from the echo description, there were no rules,
no mention of any rules that anyone might break, or that I might
need to enforce, no rules postings, no bannings or similar at any
time that I was moderator of Edge_Online. The few who posted there
were generally polite and well-behaved - the subject matter of the
echo was somewhat heavy, and not for most.
Date : Sat Apr 11, 16:29 scn
From : God Dan 1:138/666
Subj : HolySmoke Is Unholy
-> On 11 Apr 09 06:07:56, EARL CROASMUN got back to Ceppa
-> Re: HolySmoke Is Unholy
~> GD>Are you Steve Asher?
~> GD>Which name is your real name?
~> JB> Is that an issue ?
~> Of course it's an issue. If he isn't Steve Asher, he's making a false
~> claim.
EC> You sure are funny when you think your little pea-brain has actually
EC> clicked onto something!
EC> http://fidonet.ozzmosis.com/echomail/edge_online/f16b3259e87586e4.html
Nice try, Earl. Too bad you didn't tell the full story, as is typical
of you.
The full story is this: Snyder apparently started the Echo as
he said. But, he let the Echo lapse. Exactly when that occurred, I don't
know. What I do know is that the, first time I ran into it's name was when
Asher was trting to get it E-listed. It Querella that set up the
Echo for Asher. Whether the Echo was actually rescued or just re-listed
after lapsing is besides the point.
Asher is the owner of EDGE_ONLINE. Snyder may have started it, but
he has no claim to ownship of it at all anymore.
> From: Steve Asher
> To: Jeff Snyder
> Date: 2009-04-01 02:39:22
> Subject: Is This Echo The One That I Started?
> JS> If this is indeed the same EDGE_ONLINE echo that I began back in
> JS> the nineties, you are welcome to continue moderating it if you
> JS> wish, but it would be nice if it would swing back around to the
> JS> topics for which I originally designed it.
> I "inherited" it from the previous Moderator, Steve Quarrella, who
> moderated it about 10 years ago. Steve's "rules" were quite different
> from mine (which are simply themes more than rules).
> Cheers, Steve..
Quarella only listed it for Asher. Q was never the moderator of
that Echo. That, though, may not be reflected in earlier E-listings. At
one point, the lister of the Echo had to also be the moderator. One
could not list an Echo for another person.
>From: Jeff Snyder
>To: Steve Asher
>Date: 2009-04-01 14:57:00
>Subject: Re: Is This Echo The One That I Started?
>On 04/01/09, Jeff Snyder quoted Steve Asher: Is This Echo The One That
>I Started?.
>SA> I "inherited" it from the previous Moderator, Steve Quarrella, who
>SA> moderated it about 10 years ago. Steve's "rules" were
>SA>quite different from
>SA> mine (which are simply themes more than rules).
>Hello again Steve. That name Steve Quarrella rings a bell, and given the
>timeframe that we are talking about, I am pretty much convinced that this is
>the same echo that I started. Steve probably took it over after I left. As I
>recall, I was getting blasted a lot from the HOLYSMOKE people, who were just
>coming over to my echo to harass me. After that, we moved to a new home, the
>Internet blossomed, and I simply moved on to other things. But as I said
>earlier, it is interesting to see that the echo is still listed, and under
>new management, after so many years.
>It is sad though to see that there hasn't been any activity here lately.
Snyder himself notes that he let the Echo listing lapse.
The first time I ever heard of that Echo is when Asher asked Querella to
help Asher list it for him. Q updated that listing for what might be
years before Asher was able to do it on his own.
BTW, Asher is famous for his pre-banning of people even before he had the Echo
listed and running. That, of course, grabbed a lot of attention that he
didn't want.
Most posted there to tweak his nose. A few hung around for their
banning papers to be officially given. Many were offended that they
were not pre-banned.
Unfortunately, the Archive you found does not go back before c 2002. At
the same time, you won't find any messages except for just recently from
Snyder. In fact, most of the messages are Asher talking to himself.
Here is the November 1999 Elisting:
End Times - Mystery Babylon and the Beast 666
As the year 2000 approaches, certain religions of various
flavours are working towards a new religion, or "Global
Ethic", recognising a need for unity as a means of solving
humanity's many problems, such as war, poverty, hunger,
pollution etc. This is not in itself bad, but is leading
to the fulfilment of prophecies concerning the rise of a
false religious system, described as "Mystery, Babylon the
Great", in Revelation 17. Rising with the false religious
system is a false Christ (Messiah), known as the Antichrist,
or Beast 666, and with him a false prophet, who will cause
all to worship the Beast 666 or to be killed. All trade
will be conducted by means of a mark applied to the right
hand or forehead, with those who refuse to take the mark
or to worship the Beast 666 being killed. This echo is to
investigate, to the extent possible, the rise of the false
religious system, and the system which is emerging for the
numbering of people with a unique
Status: Active
Origin: 3:800/432 Group: FIDO
Distribution: NAB, WWB, Z1B
# Nodes: N/A Volume: N/A Rules:
Moderators: Steve Asher, 3:800/432, xaragmata@picknowl.com.au
Last changed: 24-Aug-1999 by Steve Asher, 3:800/432
That's the earliest Elist I've located. Perhaps Cassell has a deeper
archived copy.
The bottom line is this: You don't know what you are talking about.
.!. The gene pool will be happy if you don't dive in.
-!- OMX/Blue Wave/DOS v2.30
! Origin: Soundly on the Fault Line (1:138/666.0)
* Origin: Xaragmata / Adelaide SA telnet://xaragmata.thebbs.org (3:800/432)