Text 7676, 233 rader
Skriven 2006-10-22 12:43:00 av MARTIN ATKINS (1:123/140)
Kommentar till en text av PAUL ROGERS
Ärende: Latest firewall script
-=> PAUL ROGERS wrote to ALL <=-
PR> #!/bin/bash
PR> # firewall.sh - Configurable per-host firewall for workstations
PR> # Parts James Stephens (jns@ias.edu)
PR> # PGR was here
PR> # PGR Workstation firewall, not appropriate for server
PR> # PGR Attitude: Tight limitations to protect us from the big, bad
PR> world, # as well as our local network from rogue processes. Access
PR> to the # big, wide, world is limited to well-known ports as much as
PR> possible. # Passive mode FTP is allowed, but is a potential
PR> security risk. If # you uncomment DHCP rules, you might want to
PR> tell kernel not to log # "martians".
PR> # PGR Sources of some variables are: "/etc/sysconfig/rc",
PR> # "/etc/sysconfig/network", & "$network_devices/ifconfig.eth0",
PR> # including $IP (my IP address), & $BASEIP (the first 3 octets).
PR> # PGR Blacklisted IP addresses/CIDR's in /etc/blacklisted_ip
PR> # PGR No warranties, expressed or implied!
PR> ######################################################################
Is the above your comment or the original script writer?
I'm going to take it at face value and assume it is a work station
on a local network that has access to the outside world.
Take what i say as casual observation as i have no idea of your personal
set up or what version of iptables you are using.
PR> NAMESERVER_1= # change as necessary
PR> NAMESERVER_2= # change as necessary
Fair enough if your local net is routing you to the outside world.
Nameservers are not my strong point as i only have a small home network
and the other machines routed to the outside world yet.
Why define loopback this way? Loopback is for testing your own machine
and normally will only be Iptables accepts "lo" and so _normally_
does not require defining.
None of these are necessary. Since INPUT policy is DROP they never
get through.
PR> KNOWN="0:1023" # "well known" ports
Ok but if you have NFS you may need to DROP port 2049 later. SSH
is covered.
PR> EPHEM="1024:65535" # ephemeral ports
If as /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range or what is appropriate
for your distro.
PR> TR_SRC_PORTS="32769:65535"
PR> TR_DEST_PORTS="33434:33523"
This is a worry. $EPHEM is now defined so these ports are as far as i
know safe. There may be some reason for defining these ports but it is not
obvious from this script.
PR> #PGR source our variables, i.e. IP address
PR> . /etc/sysconfig/rc
PR> . /etc/sysconfig/network
PR> . $network_devices/ifconfig.eth0$ # Changes in LFS-6.x
This doesn't make sense to me. $BASEIP has not been defined in this
script nor has $network_devices/ifconfig.eth0$network_devices
PR> function on {
PR> echo "Firewall: enabling filtering"
PR> # Set up a default DROP policy for the built-in chains. If we modify
PR> and
PR> # re-run the script mid-session then (because we have a default DROP
PR> # policy), what happens is that there is a small time period when
PR> # packets are denied until the new rules are back in place. There is
PR> # no
PR> # period, however small, when packets we don't want are allowed.
PR> iptables -P INPUT DROP
PR> iptables -P FORWARD DROP
PR> iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
Unless you are intending to block yourself or a terminal on your network
from the communicating with the outside world then:-
Even if you do intend to restrict output from certain terminals there
are better ways of doing it.
PR> # These lines are here in case rules are already in place and the
PR> script
PR> # is ever rerun on the fly. We want to remove all rules and
PR> # pre-exisiting user defined chains and zero the counters before we
PR> # implement new rules.
PR> iptables -F
PR> iptables -X
PR> iptables -Z
Ok but don't forget you have user defined chains in this script so they
may need flushing as well.
PR> # Allow my own traffic on the loopback interface.
PR> iptables -A INPUT -i lo -s $LOOPBACK -j ACCEPT
PR> iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -d $LOOPBACK -j ACCEPT
Remember what i said about defining loopback earlier in the script.
There is no need to define loopback so these two lines can be replaced
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
If you insist on defining loopback then:-
iptables -A INPUT -i $LOOPBACK -j ACCEPT
These both work with:-
PR> iptables -A INPUT -i lo -s $IP -j ACCEPT
PR> iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -d $IP -j ACCEPT
As far as i can see $IP has not been defined in this script. Even if
it was $IP cannot under normal circumstances request "lo" on a remote
PR> # Everything else comes from an external interface. This firewall is
PR> # for a network workstation, so in the default case that's one
PR> # ethernet
PR> # interface, eth0. But rules apply to all!
PR> # Syn-flood limiting
PR> # Up to limit-burst connections can arrive in 1/limit seconds .....
PR> in
PR> # this case 4 connections in one second. After this, one of the
PR> burst
PR> # is regained every second and connections are allowed again.
PR> # The default limit is 3/hour. The default limit burst is 5.
PR> iptables -N syn-flood
PR> iptables -A syn-flood -m limit --limit 1/s --limit-burst 4 -j RETURN
PR> iptables -A syn-flood -j DROP
Ok but as i said you may need to flush this chain if you want clear the
PR> ##PGR User-defined chain to log & drop packets
PR> iptables -N log-it
PR> iptables -A log-it -j LOG -m limit --limit 40/minute --log-prefix
PR> "firewall: "
PR> iptables -A log-it -j DROP
PR> #### PGR: BLACKLIST CHECKING (comes early)
PR> for BAD_BOY in `cat /etc/blacklisted_ip`
PR> do
PR> echo "Blacklisting " $BAD_BOY
PR> # Input packets are logged & forgotten
PR> iptables -A INPUT -s $BAD_BOY -j log-it
PR> # Output packets from internal processes receive an error code,
PR> # but they still don't go through.
PR> iptables -A OUTPUT -d $BAD_BOY -j REJECT --reject-with
PR> icmp-host-unreachable
PR> done
Why not cover all this with the input policy?
PR> # icmp source quench to the loopback.
PR> iptables -A INPUT -d $LOOPBACK -j DROP
You are now effectively trying to block yourself from pinging your own
machine after first allowing it. This chain will do nothing.
It is as far as i am concerned an extrodanaraly messy firewall.
I think you need work on a flow chart and map exacly what you are
trying to achieve.
PR> ## =============================================
PR> #PGR be nice to local network processes
PR> iptables -A INPUT -s $LOCAL_NET -j REJECT
PR> iptables -A OUTPUT -d $LOCAL_NET -j REJECT
PR> #PGR log & drop the rest
PR> iptables -A INPUT -j log-it
PR> iptables -A OUTPUT -j log-it
PR> }
There is no "FALL-THROUGH" on a correctly written script.
Use "nmap" to test your setup or http://hackerwhacker.com/freetools.php
PR> ######################################################################
PR> function off {
PR> # stop firewall
PR> echo "Firewall: disabling filtering (allowing all access)"
PR> echo "Are you sure? Really sure?"
PR> read ans
PR> if [ $ans = "y" -o $ans = "Y" ]; then
PR> iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
PR> iptables -F
PR> iptables -X
PR> echo "The gates to the citadel are wide open!"
PR> echo "Welcome, sailor!"
PR> else
PR> echo "Good idea! Firewall stop, cancelled."
PR> fi
PR> }
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F
iptables -X
No need to complicate things.
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