Text 8052, 233 rader
Skriven 2006-11-18 15:40:44 av mark lewis (1:3634/12.0)
Kommentar till text 8035 av Maurice Kinal (1:140/13.1)
Ärende: compress.cfg
ml> i'm not so sure about most configurations being text based... i
ml> was
ml> seeing and using binary configurations long before i ran into my
ml> first text based one...
MK> I avoid those.
i didn't know any better when i started... to this day, it makes me no never
mind as to what type of configuration file is used so long as the tool does
what it is supposed to do...
ml> how many of those what?? Type 2, 2+ and 2.0 are all still in use, as
ml> far as i know... that's three type 2 variants...
MK> Okay. You don't say how many but I'lol take your word that it is
MK> in at least some usage there.
in my experiance, type 2+ has been the most used all over fidonet but i've not
gone and taken a poll... in some cases, it is rather hard to ferret info such
as this out :)
ml> unfortunately, that is also not so much of a good thing... if you
ml> keep closing all the doors and cutting off access, you won't see the
ml> things that are going on and how they are being used ;)
MK> I don't cut off anything. My point is that NOBODY uses or even can
MK> use Fido formats here locally.
i fail to see why not... anyone can use fidonet formats any time they want...
all they have to do is to choose to do so and get to it :) i happen to know of
at least one company that has offices in several states that uses certain ftn
formats in their internal messaging stuffs... it was developed in house and
remains their main form of secure messaging... never mind that the
transportation is now down via various means over the internet... the end
result is secure communications ;)
ml> those... everyone else used the bbs...
MK> Now we're getting somewhere. How many do you have there? The last
MK> one I had via a traditional POTs terminal BBS was roughly ten years
MK> ago. I have been considering putting up something but it'll have
MK> to be totally different given what is in usuage these days.
how many what?? there's not enough left above for me to know what the previous
is/was about :( i suspect you are speaking of how many bbs'? i am the only one
that i know of in my area... FWIW: i am also now the network coordinator of the
eastern _half_ of north carolina... it used to be only two or three counties...
now it is everything east of I77 from Charlotte all the way to virginia... i
can't begin to tell you haw many bbs' there are in this vast area of
coverage... i only list three or four in my netseg... that's not counting any
that are not members of fidonet, of course ;)
ml> no... the users all left for the internet because of the features...
ml> features that you eschew all the time... graphics, streaming video,
ml> music, pointy clicky stuff, etc...
MK> Right. I've managed to get that type of stuff working without
MK> having any of it myself other then the ones I want on the
MK> commandline (multimedia stuff which I hardly use but it is nice to
MK> have every now and then).
so i've been seeing over the years of reading your messages ;)
ml> abandon our existing methods just because others use another method
ml> that is now more widespread and in more use??
MK> widespread and in more use?? Really. Could have fooled me. Seems
MK> to me next to nobody given the increase in worldwide population. I
MK> guesstimate
MK> .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
MK> % or less. Locally, perhaps the ENTIRE Vancouver Island, 0%. Not
MK> nearly what I would term 'widespread and in more use' by any
MK> stretch of the imagination.
please reread my original... it looks like you have taken my statement
backwards ;)
ml> hunh?? your feeds can't ship you raw PKTs??
MK> I am not positive about can't but I am positive about won't.
MK> Probably too much of a hassel.
what tosser do they run? it is likely that you can send a simple areafix
message and tell the tosser to switch you over to raw packets... FWIW: i also
dot see a MN flag on your nodelist entry... if you want nothing but raw PKTs,
at least get that flag set ;)
===== quote from yesterday's nodelist =====
;S The following flags define the type(s) of compression of mail
;S packets supported.
;S Flag Meaning
;S MN No compression supported
===== end quote =====
that's one of the first places i'd start ;) i'd have no problems placing that
flag on your entry if you asked for it and i were your NC... too bad you're not
a member of my net, eh? O:) bob seaborn shouldn't have any problems with doing
such, either O:) O:) O:)
ml> BS... what tossers are they using??
MK> I think one uses Gecho the other BBBS.
gecho is likely bob seaborn, right? well, i _know_ for a /fact/ that gecho can
do raw pkts... erm... you pull your stuff via POTS or internet? you can get
your mail from anywhere you can make a deal with... all your mail 'cepting
local stuffs, of course...
ml> how much traffic are you pulling?
MK> Not much. I am seriously thinking about dropping out but will wait
MK> and see as I will eventually redo the main connected guy here and
MK> am not sure I will worry about compliancy for the little I get.
MK> Probably will drop the node and keep just the point as that doesn't
MK> need a connected mailer. Right now I am not in any rush to make a
MK> decision and have already decided that the next upgrade won't have
MK> a mailer so the node will have to go then.
as will the point, for the most part... at least, it'll have to change boss
node addresses... too bad you don't like any of that old "DOS think" stuff... i
believe i still have some of the original point packages laying around... OMX
was one, IIRC... i think i still have a copy of it...
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
sure beats the whacked together stuff i've seen in more recent years that's
been done with terminate, telix and other terminal comms programs and their
ml> what format would you prefer if not zip?? is it a format that is
ml> supported on their platform??
MK> You'd have to ask them. I asked for raw pkt's but no luck. It is
MK> what I ship out though as I don't support creation of any
MK> compression other then gzip or bzip2 and actually don't need
MK> compression as there isn't much traffic to bother with. Definetly
MK> more hassel no matter what format then it is worth.
well, i can't tell from the nodelist who you connect to so there's no way i can
ask ;) FWIW: i know there is a gzip for m$ oriented machines because i used to
run it when i ran waffle bbs and played with the uucp stuff... i'm sure there's
also a tar but that's really overkill for ftn pkt files since they are already
ml> hehehe... and here i am with several local guys, all running linux of
ml> one flavor or another, and they are all looking for linux compatible
ml> modems so they can provide dialup access and not _have_ to have
ml> internet...
MK> What is wrong with pppd? I haven't used it in over a decade now
MK> but it used to work.
m o d e m ... linux compatible modem... gotta have one of those before pppd
can even be played with, right??
ml> you don't get out much do you? drop into the cooking echo and take a
ml> peek about...
MK> I used to. Not much of a cook anymore.
well, the point is that there's still a lot of offline reader usage... this is
also one of those "cutting yourself off" things i was speaking of earlier ;)
if you don't get out and take a look around, you can't see what _is_ being used
out there... were i to live up in pennsylvania, knowing the large amish
population and their major horse usage and also knowing how the motor vehicle
has pretty much taken over everything, if i were to stay inside all the time
and never venture out, i'd likely believe that the amish had given up their
horses and that they, too, were also using motor vehicles ;) at that point,
i'd also be saying things like "why should i have a horse carriage? no one uses
horses any more." O:) LOL!
MK>> I'd say less then that but we'll see. Prove me wrong. I double
MK>> dare you!!! ;-)
ml> hahaha... well, in 31-32 years, the existing C time code will fall
ml> over and that's the main thing i was looking at... until then, folk
ml> will try to fit stuff into what they like and many like BW and other
ml> QWK/BW readers...
MK> Nobody like that in this neck of the woods.
no but there's a lot of other stuff out there that is in the exact same boat
for the exact same reason ;) everyone of them will fall over unless there's a
new version written with new tools put out before that fall over date gets
here... but you already know all this, haha...
ml> ever hear of Waffle BBS written by tom dell?
MK> Sounds vaguely familiar. I haven't been looking lately. More
MK> interested in getting the basics working and playing around with
MK> networking ideas. Been toying with netpipes off and on. Those
MK> sorts of things.
well, basically, ya takes linux and enables modem dialup to bash and ya
gives'em the command line... there ya go! that's waffle :) there's mail for
email... rn for news... sz and rz for file transfers but you have to get into
the proper directory with "cd this" and "cd that"... i dunno exactly what the
*nix flavor of the waffle bbs code looked like but it could likely have been
nothing more that some shell scripts to present menus and ensure that
permissions were set properly so that you couldn't do stuff you weren't alloed
to do... the dos version, on the other hand, had to go as far as mimicing the
*nix command line and fobiels it has O:)
ml> what mailers are being used around there?? bink stuff?
MK> Zero, ziltch, nada.
someone's using a mailer... you're getting mail via fidonet, ain't ya? aren't
they local??
ml> involved in the artscene stuff? what about HPAC? or have you always
ml> been just a bit-twiddler? ;)
MK> Moreso a bit-twiddler these days. I used to write software but
MK> since taking up GNU-ish Linux I haven't needed to write software as
MK> it already does what I need a computer to do. Could never say the
MK> same about any other OS.
that's why many of those "DOS think" tools were written... why just use tar
when you need to compress it, too? why not just put it all into one package?
why have a mailer, a tosser, a message editor, an areafix tool and a filefix
tool? why not just put them all together into one package and use one tool??
* Origin: (1:3634/12)