Text 74, 292 rader
Skriven 2005-05-17 11:39:20 av Mike Luther (1:117/3001.0)
Kommentar till text 72 av Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
Ärende: Resetting computer name?
Sean ..
Here is the path:
> --- Sqed/32 1.15/development 288:
> * Origin: Der Ursprung des Lebens? In meinem Kuehlschrank (2:2476/493)
> SEEN-BY: 10/345 19/0 106/1 2000 112/91 3608 117/100 600 3001 123/140
> 500 789
> SEEN-BY: 130/803 143/2 229/2000 3000 250/514 261/38 267/200 273/441
> 275/311
> SEEN-BY: 365/3253 397/1 2624/306 3613/1275 3830/9
> PATH: 2476/493 480 2410/201 774/605 123/500 106/1 117/100 3001
Written on May 14, 2005.
And here is what was in it:
Area 266, Msg#149, May-14-05 19:19:52
From: Herbert Rosenau
To: Mike Luther
Subject: Resetting computer name?
Am 13.05.05 04:39 schrieb Mike Luther
ML> How do I reset the computer name from a cloned drive box? When
ML> you open the LAN Admin pane you get to set the local computer
ML> name in the white boxed place if you like. But when you look at
ML> the master information panel with the real name for the system,
ML> in gray, the name of the box can't be reset by placing the cursor
ML> there and editing it.
ML> Yes, PEER picks up the name of the station you set in that box
ML> just fine. But I want to change the machine name, not the
ML> Hostname, I think. Yes, TCP/IP has host name changes. Yes, in
ML> the MPTN setup I can change the NetBios name. But what I want to
ML> do is change the Machine Name in relation to the master setup for
ML> a iven box from where I see it in the master LAN configuration
ML> panel.
ML> Looking back on when I tried this, I wasn't logged in as an Admin
ML> level user. Is this what was wrong, maybe? Does this, from an
ML> already installed PEER LAN installation, require a manual edit of
ML> some .INI file? Or can it not really be done without a complete
ML> reinstall of PEER?
The following procedure should do what you need. I'd written that procedure to
change a number of cloned OS/2 cliets to set them up to individual ip adresses,
names and PEER names in a WARP Server 4 environment.
[ *G:\chgip.cmd* ]
/* change IP, name and peer names of client after cloning */
log = 'c:\chgip.log' /* logging actions */
systemdrive = 'F:\' /* the drive all files located on */
/* searchnames */
shostnaml = 'terra'
shostnaml1 = 'terra1'
shostnamu = 'TERRA'
shostnamu1 = 'TERRA1'
/* replacenames */
hostnaml = 'mars'
hostnaml1 = 'mars1'
hostnamu = 'MARS'
hostnamu1 = 'MARS1'
ipaddr = '' /* search for IP */
ipnew = '' /* change to new IP */
/* list of files to change hostname */
fl.0 = 15
fl.1.fnam = 'config.sys'
fl.1.ix = 1
fl.1.ro = 0
fl.1.1.oval = 'SET HOSTNAME=' || shostnaml1
fl.1.1.nval = 'SET HOSTNAME=' || hostnaml1
fl.2.ix = 1
fl.2.ro = 0
fl.2.1.oval = ' Computername = ' || shostnamu
fl.2.1.nval = ' Computername = ' || hostnamu
fl.3.ix = 2
fl.3.ro = 0
fl.3.1.oval = 'HOSTNAME = ' || shostnaml1
fl.3.1.nval = 'HOSTNAME = ' || hostnaml1
fl.3.2.ro = 0
fl.3.2.oval = ' IPADDR = 'ipaddr
fl.3.2.nval = ' IPADDR = 'ipnew
fl.4.fnam = 'ibminst\tables\npconfig.cfg'
fl.4.ix = 3
fl.4.ro = 0
fl.4.1.oval = 'TCPIP_Hostname=' || shostnaml1
fl.4.1.nval = 'TCPIP_Hostname=' || hostnaml1
fl.4.2.oval = 'OS2Peer_Name=' || shostnamu
fl.4.2.nval = 'OS2Peer_Name=' || hostnamu
fl.4.3.oval = 'TCPIP_IPAddress=' || ipaddr
fl.4.3.nval = 'TCPIP_IPAddress=' || ipnew
fl.5.fnam = 'IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI'
fl.5.ix = 1
fl.5.ro = 0
fl.5.1.oval = ' Computername = ' || shostnamu
fl.5.1.nval = ' Computername = ' || hostnamu
fl.6.fnam = 'OS2\BOOT\CONFIG.X'
fl.6.ix = 1
fl.6.ro = 1
fl.6.1.oval = 'SET HOSTNAME=' || shostnaml1
fl.6.1.nval = 'SET HOSTNAME=' || hostnaml1
fl.7.fnam = 'OS2\INSTALL\CONFIG.__$'
fl.7.ix = 1
fl.7.ro = 0
fl.7.1.oval = 'SET HOSTNAME=' || shostnaml1
fl.7.1.nval = 'SET HOSTNAME=' || hostnaml1
fl.8.fnam = 'OS2\INSTALL\exit1.rsp'
fl.8.ix = 2
fl.8.ro = 0
fl.8.1.oval = 'HOSTNAME=' || shostnaml1
fl.8.1.nval = 'HOSTNAME=' || hostnaml1
fl.8.2.oval = ' IPADDR='ipaddr
fl.8.2.nval = ' IPADDR='ipnew
fl.9.fnam = 'OS2\INSTALL\exit2.rsp'
fl.9.ix = 2
fl.9.ro = 0
fl.9.1.oval = 'HOSTNAME=' || shostnaml1
fl.9.1.nval = 'HOSTNAME=' || hostnaml1
fl.9.2.oval = ' IPADDR='ipaddr
fl.9.2.nval = ' IPADDR='ipnew
fl.10.fnam = 'os2\install\npconfig.cfg'
fl.10.ix = 3
fl.10.ro = 0
fl.10.1.oval = 'TCPIP_Hostname=' || shostnaml1
fl.10.1.nval = 'TCPIP_Hostname=' || hostnaml1
fl.10.2.oval = 'OS2Peer_Name=' || shostnamu
fl.10.2.nval = 'OS2Peer_Name=' || hostnamu
fl.10.3.oval = 'TCPIP_IPAddress=' || ipaddr
fl.10.3.nval = 'TCPIP_IPAddress=' || ipnew
fl.11.fnam = 'OS2\INSTALL\Installierte
fl.11.ix = 1
fl.11.ro = 0
fl.11.1.oval = d2c(9)||d2c(9)||'Value='||shostnaml1
fl.11.1.nval = d2c(9)||d2c(9)||'Value='||hostnaml1
fl.11.2.oval = d2c(9)||d2c(9)||'Value='||ipaddr
fl.11.2.nval = d2c(9)||d2c(9)||'Value='||ipnew
fl.12.ix = 1
fl.12.ro = 0
fl.12.1.oval = ' Address = ' || ipaddr
fl.12.1.nval = ' Address = ' || ipnew
fl.13.fnam = 'MPTN\BIN\MPTCONFG.INI'
fl.13.ix = 1
fl.13.ro = 0
fl.13.1.oval = ' Address = ' || ipaddr || ',,,'
fl.13.1.nval = ' Address = ' || ipnew || ',,,'
fl.14.fnam = 'MPTN\BIN\setup.cmd'
fl.14.ix = 1
fl.14.ro = 0
fl.14.1.oval = 'ifconfig lan0 'ipaddr' netmask metric 1 mtu
fl.14.1.nval = 'ifconfig lan0 'ipnew' netmask metric 1 mtu 1500'
fl.15.fnam = 'MPTN\BIN\setup.tcp'
fl.15.ix = 1
fl.15.ro = 0
fl.15.1.oval = 'ifconfig lan0 'ipaddr' netmask metric 1 mtu
fl.15.1.nval = 'ifconfig lan0 'ipnew' netmask metric 1 mtu 1500'
ini.0 = 1
ini.1.fil = 'MPTN\ETC\SNMP.INI'
ini.1.app = 'snmpd'
ini.1.key = 'sysName'
ini.1.val = hostnaml1
rc = RxFuncAdd('SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs')
if rc > 1 then do
say ''
say 'Unable to Add Function SysLoadFuncs from DLL RexxUtil (rc = 'rc')'
say 'Please insure that the REXXUTIL.DLL exists in a subdirectory contained'
say 'in the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file.'
else call SysLoadFuncs
do i = 1 to fl.0
inam = systemdrive || fl.i.fnam
bnam = substr(inam, 1, length(inam) - 3) || 'cip'
if fl.i.ro <> 0 then '@attrib -r 'inam' >nul 2>&1'
'@copy 'inam bnam' >nul 2>&1'
if rc <> 0 then do
r = lineout(log, "unable to save "inam' - ignoring it!')
say "can't backup "inam" - ignoring it!"
end /* do */
'@del 'inam' >nul 2>&1'
if rc <> 0 then do
r = lineout(log, "unable to save "inam' - ignoring it!')
say "can't backup "inam" - ignoring it!"
'@ren 'bnam' 'inam
end /* do */
rc = stream(bnam, 'C', 'OPEN READ')
if rc <> 'READY:' then do
r = lineout(log, "unable to open "bnam' for read error: 'rc' - ignoring
say 'unable to open 'bnam' for read error: 'rc' - ignoring it'
'@del 'inam
'@ren 'bnam' 'inam
end /* do */
rc = stream(inam, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE')
if rc <> 'READY:' then do
r = lineout(log, "unable to open "inam' for write error: 'rc' - ignoring
say 'unable to open 'inam' for write error: 'rc' - ignoring it'
'@del 'inam
'@ren 'bnam' 'inam
end /* do */
do while lines(bnam)
iline = linein(bnam)
do j = 1 to fl.i.ix
if iline = fl.i.j.oval then do
iline = fl.i.j.nval
end /* do */
end /* do */
rc = lineout(inam, iline)
if rc <> 0 then do
r = lineout(log, "unable to write "inam' error: 'rc' - ignoring it!')
say 'unable to write 'inam' error: 'rc' - ignoring it'
rc = stream(inam, 'C', 'CLOSE')
rc = stream(bnam, 'C', 'CLOSE')
'@del 'inam
'@ren 'bnam' 'inam
iterate i
end /* do */
end /* do */
rc = stream(inam, 'C', 'CLOSE')
if rc <> "READY:" then do
r = lineout(log, "can't close "inam' error: 'rc)
say "can't close "inam' error: 'rc
end /* do */
rc = stream(bnam, 'C', 'CLOSE')
if rc <> "READY:" then do
r = lineout(log, "can't close "bnam' error: 'rc)
say "can't close "bnam' error: 'rc
end /* do */
if fl.i.ro <> 0 then '@attrib +r 'inam' >nul 2>&1'
end i /* do */
do i = 1 to ini.0
rc = SysIni(ini.i.fil, ini.i.app, ini.i.key, ini.i.val)
if rc <> '' then do
r = lineout(log, "unable to set "ini.i.app' 'ini.i.key' 'ini.i.val' ',
'in ini.i.fil; error: 'rc)
say "unable to set "ini.i.app' 'ini.i.key' 'ini.i.val' ',
'in ini.i.fil; error: 'rc
end /* do */
end /* do */
[ *G:\chgip.cmd* ]
--- Sqed/32 1.15/development 288:
* Origin: Der Ursprung des Lebens? In meinem Kuehlschrank (2:2476/493)
* Origin: Ziplog Public Port * College Station, TX (1:117/3001)