Text 14660, 393 rader
Skriven 2005-08-18 20:10:00 av Jeff Binkley (1:226/600)
Ärende: Moonbats
Well folks, the left thinks they have a good old fashioned 60's
flashback movement going. Take a look at the comments from these
moonbats. Priceless commentary...
Cindy Sheehan
Memo to Drudge, et al: It's Not About Me, It's About the War
Even after my repeated attempts to keep the focus of my protest on the
war, the Drudge Report and others continue to try to make the issue
about me. But I am not the issue. The issue is a disastrous war that's
killing our sons and daughters and making our country less secure. They
attack me because they can no longer defend this war.
I've come to Crawford to bring to the president's doorstep the harsh
realities of a war he's been trying so hard to avoid. But no matter what
they say or how many shotguns they fire or how many crosses they
destroy, they're not going to stop me from speaking out about a war that
needlessly killed my son.
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Posted Comments:
The Vacaville vigil was peaceful last night. The permit was for 40, but
about 100 showed up. We got *lots* more honks and waves than the
"Americans" down the street, in front of Pacific Hardware. A guy with a
saxophone played, more or less constantly, "Imagine", "Somewhere Over
the Rainbow", and others. Even one police car made one of their noises
as he drove by.
Posted by: steve on August 18, 2005 at 02:43PM
Just ignore them, Cindy. They are making fools of themselves attacking
you like that.
Thousands stood vigil with you last night all across the country (myself
included). They can't stop this wave no matter how hard they try.
Thank you for your courage.
Posted by: dday on August 18, 2005 at 02:56PM
Ms. Sheehan: Could you please give your rationale for naming President
Bush "the world's biggest terrorist" while ignoring bin Laden, Zarqawi,
Posted by: unclebubba on August 18, 2005 at 03:03PM
Bah, don't give that attention-whoring rumor factory asswipe any free
publicity. I'm sure within minutes he'll be updating his story to tell
everyone that you mentioned him by name.
Posted by: tonyc on August 18, 2005 at 03:16PM
I'm sure you would like to focus attention elsewhere, Cindy. But when
you say in public that we are fighting a nuclear war in Iraq and that
the county is contaminated, people may question the validity of other
things you say. It's human nature, don't blame it on Drudge.
Posted by: K on August 18, 2005 at 03:21PM
Stay strong. These clowns in power and their supporters have revealed
once again their true colors. No argument so smear and destroy.
Posted by: Chris on August 18, 2005 at 03:21PM
I am 100 percent behind you! I think that the very least Bushie baby
owes you is a face to face meeting. Everyone I know says "well, he
already met with her." While this may be true, this was before the whole
world discovered what a liar he and his administration is! Some people
want to say "well her son knew what he was getting into when he signed
up" This is also true, however, had he known the truth that we know now,
would he have? If you had known the truth prior to his enlistment,
wouldn't you have tried to talk him out of it maybe a little bit harder?
My dad was a career military person (AF). I give him my utmost respect.
However, because of Bushie Baby and his lies, I opted to withhold any
information my child's school has on him from any and all military
recruiters. I wish and hope you might encourage others to do the same!
God Bless You, Cindy!
Posted by: Kimberhaze on August 18, 2005 at 03:23PM
He's every bit as entitled to comment about you as you are about the
war. The loss of your son, while tragic, does not make you an authority
on anything.
Think what a terrible world we would live in if it was actually the case
that no person of conscience could support bloody war.
Posted by: bobtastic on August 18, 2005 at 03:39PM
Thank you.
Posted by: mdhatter on August 18, 2005 at 03:43PM
Isn't this what our elected officials should be doing...acting like you?
Standing up for us? And not giving up, speaking truth to power? Uh-huh.
That's what I thought. Meantime, you represent me and thousands of
others who have no voice.
Posted by: GottaLaff on August 18, 2005 at 03:54PM
You're a juggernaut of righteousness Cindy. Anything Drudge, O'Rielly,
Michelle Malkin, Fred Barnes, or that spineless pastry of a man from
Vanity Fair Christopher Hitchens say only exposes them more and more as
what they are. Blind, vile, twisters of reality perpetuating the will of
King W. Bush for their own ideological and entrenched notions that
**they're** fighting a just war. Perpetuation, and perpetuation of this
LIE that is Iraq. Oh the citizenry of idiots who voted for his man. How
could they be so blind and simple, wearing the sacrifice of our troops
on their sleeves only to project their own pride in nationality. Let the
little piggies roll around in the dirt. Castles made of sand fall to the
sea, eventually.
Posted by: Rendon76 on August 18, 2005 at 03:58PM
The more lies these right-wing clowns like Drudge and Rush disseminate,
the more hollow and desperate they sound. The majority of Americans know
what you stand for and agree with you. Don't give up!
Posted by: Dana V. Hatch on August 18, 2005 at 03:59PM
I was one of hundreds who stood in the gathering darkness of Claremont,
California downtown park and demonstrated our solidarity with the
parents of military sons and daughters lost in Iraq. This is just the
beginning. I promise.
Posted by: Kit wilson on August 18, 2005 at 04:12PM
Exactly right, Cindy. No one can stop you! It is about the war, but as
far as you're concerned, your work is helping expose the right, which is
in crisis mode over this.
Posted by: Joseph Hughes on August 18, 2005 at 04:13PM
Keep up the fight Cindy. Disregard the hyenas of the Right. The "Sludge"
Report isn't worth even replying to. All of the Right Wing bloggers are
chickenshit hawks with no credibility, integrity or morality. You are
rapidly becoming the conscience of a disinterested, uninvolved
narcopleptic nation. Maybe you will wake up the rest of the Van Winkles.
Posted by: R.T.Tihista on August 18, 2005 at 04:18PM
their scared silly. pissing in their pants. looking for drudge to spread
their shit. bawahahahahahaha.
girly man to the rescue. you go girl.peace
Posted by: lloyd on August 18, 2005 at 04:35PM
The right wing is pathetic in its attempt to make a grieving mother out
to be a media gadfly and unpatriotic because they can no longer sensibly
defend this war. s ome people know, patriotism s the last refuge of
scoundrels. And, at the very least, these right wingers are no doubt
Posted by: Ryan on August 18, 2005 at 04:37PM
The right-wing is secretly celebrating Cindy Sheehan.
The right-wing spin machine is happy because as long as the Cindy
Sheehan issue can be framed as a grieving mother who misguidedly wants
the US to "pull out now" aka "cut and run" (which just isn’t going to
happen any time soon)., then she can actually be worked in the media as
a distraction from the more damaging issues such as Downing Street memo
and the Karl Rove scandal.
Ironically, the whole validity to Cindy Sheehan’s protest is that it is
these more damaging issues came to light only after her first brief with
the president. Ironically, these same more damaging issues are directly
related an emerging pattern of deception the Bush Administration used
(and continues to use) to mislead the American people into an immoral,
if not illegal, war.
The Right is going to remain happy as long as the right-wing media echo
chamber can continue to get away with mischaracterizing Cindy’s demands
as mere “cut and runö and thereby discounted as weak leftist peaceniks
who just can’t handle the harsh realities of this allegedly “honorableö
war on terrorism.
And they are getting away with it. Yesterday’s HARDBALL, spent over 20
full minutes on the Cindy Sheehan matter with out a single reference to
her concern about the evidence of deceptions, but “cut and runö was
repeated multiple times, as was the fact that she has already had her
chance to meet with the president, along with a lot of discussion about
how she’s been turned into a partisan political tool.
We all need to push the real issue: Cindy wants to answers from the
president about evidence of mass deception that has come to light since
her first brief encounter with him.
People, we have to focus on the deceptions. "Casey died for a lie" will
be a much more effective way to get our children home sooner than,
"Bring our children home" which can and is being dismissed as poor
mothers (and fringe peaceniks) who can't take the grief of the realities
of war.
Posted by: Zan on August 18, 2005 at 04:41PM
Dear Cindy - Drudge, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc can attack you and lie
about you all they want. It's to no avail. Your courage has awakened our
nation's conscience and the paradigm shift we are seeing against the
policies of Bush and his Neo-Cons is only going to grow stronger. You
stand in the Truth and there is nothing your atackers can do about that
except to lie, lie, lie. Just as Bush himself did to get us into Iraq in
violation of all this nation originally stood for. God bless and sustain
you for being the "voice in the wilderness" that is now being heard
around the world!
Many Blessings, Larry
Posted by: Larry on August 18, 2005 at 04:45PM
Thank you, Cindy, for galvanizing all of the people across the country
that truly WANTED to get into Bushes' "staged" town hall meetings to ask
the questions similar to what you want to ask but were prevented from
doing so by his 'goon' squad....(Before the Election!!!)
As for Drudge... He and Fox News are just a bad joke!!!!
Good Luck!!!
Posted by: Paul Frank on August 18, 2005 at 04:45PM
"Ms. Sheehan: Could you please give your rationale for naming President
Bush "the world's biggest terrorist" while ignoring bin Laden, Zarqawi,
Let me take a crack at this one Ms. Sheehan. You see, this
administration lied to get us into the war. That's L-I-E-D. We have
killed far more Iraqis that Bin Ladin has killed Americans. Thus, he's
Posted by: fieldhippy on August 18, 2005 at 04:49PM
Keep it real cindy...drudge just started his website to impress chicks
(clearly no man that has a real life sexual partner is going to spend
that much time alone with the internet...the internet is lonesome town).
His apparent frustration with you would seem to indicate to me that his
plan failed...don't back down...all of our democratic leaders back
down...they are politicians...you are not...keep doing what you feel is
right and you will win...your son would be proud of your sacrifice...as
an extremely cynical person there is not much that makes me feel good
about America in 2K5...however, your mission is one of the first rays of
hope that I have seen for America in the past three years...we need
you...america needs you...and most importantly, the world needs
you...let the right-wing hacks attack you...you've got more and more
friends everyday...bush, on the other hand, is like a kid with pink eye
on the play ground...untouchable...
Posted by: Dr. Phil's Big Fat Head on August 18, 2005 at 04:51PM
Cindy - keep up the good work. We true republicans are sickened about
what gwb has done to our country, our world, and my party
Posted by: dan quayle on August 18, 2005 at 04:51PM
Keep it up Cindy. We are fighting a nuclear war in Iraq every time we
shoot a Depleted Uranium round. We contaminate our own boys and ruin any
chance of a healthy Iraq. Bush is a liar and we need to stand against
him at all costs.
Posted by: Joshua Hughes on August 18, 2005 at 04:52PM
Cindy, the more they try to smear you, the more they lose ground.
America is finally waking up to the Bushflop!
Posted by: Oldtyler on August 18, 2005 at 04:57PM
Cindy, quick question - why did your son re-enlist in the military, and
volunteer for combat? Why could you not stop him from enlisting TWICE?
What could possibly have motivated him to do that? What did he tell you
about the war when you spoke with him? Was he against the entire
establishment as well? Doesn't sound like it.
Posted by: Robert on August 18, 2005 at 04:59PM
You are one of my heros,Miss Cindy. I admire you for your strength.
Thank you for having the courage to stand up to this mad man. May we
live to see the lot of them behind bars! If you ever find yourself in
Anderson SC, PLEASE drop by.
Posted by: Kathy C Miller on August 18, 2005 at 05:01PM
Fabulously worded, totally unslanted piece from the UK on the whole
Cindy Sheehan story.
I speak for many others in congratulating your courage and conviction.
It's hard to be an instant celebrity, especially if you don't want to be
one. You're being attacked by seasoned professionals who don't give a
rat's ass about anything but being on TV.
Cindy, you are starting a worldwide phenomenon here. America is not the
only country grieving the loss of their beloved children.
I'm sure you've been told this, but YOU are the face of what this
country needs. Hell, huge anti-war groups have hitched themselves on
you, because they couldn't have thought of such a simple answer to such
an insidious administration.
We in Portland OR, and around the world, love you and wish you well. We
also are supporting you because you have already done the hard work for
all of us. ---------Let us whom you've inspired help you from this point
Posted by: Glootmaxmus on August 18, 2005 at 05:02PM
The Santa Monica, Ca Vigil on Ocean Avenue was great. Strangely our
staging area was in front of the old, well known statue of St. Monica,
with her hands in a praying position.
Posted by: devin on August 18, 2005 at 05:08PM
I thought is was about talking to the President?
Posted by: Confused on August 18, 2005 at 05:09PM
While I don't think it's a good idea to withdraw now. I am glad you are
doing this-just 'stick it' to the right wing media and the Bush
administration make they very very uncomfortable as hell.
They went to war with a really bad plan based on 'doctored' intelligence
and this is the result-they deserve all the protesting against the war.
Posted by: Jay Scott on August 18, 2005 at 05:09PM
I think that George is the one who has forgotten about Osama and
Zarqawi. Besides are they not in Afghanistan and not Iraq? Um??...
Posted by: brian from houston on August 18, 2005 at 05:11PM
We had a great turnout last night, 250 to 300, in John Ashcroft's
hometown, and I was proud to attend. Your strength is remarkable, Cindy,
and I know you make Casey proud.
You have many, many people on your side. Ignore the right-wing smear
tactics. They are running scared, or they wouldn't be spending all of
their energy on trying to tear you down. Our state showed a 38% overall
approval rating for Bush this week. A state that went for him by almost
5 points.
Stay strong, and stay safe.
Posted by: charmaine on August 18, 2005 at 05:13PM
Thank you, Cindy and others who are speaking up. I'm so sorry for the
loss of your son and I appreciate all you're doing to try to prevent
more mothers from losing their children. My heart is with you.
Posted by: Kim on August 18, 2005 at 05:16PM
When Sheehan talks about "nuclear," I presume she is referring to the
contamination from the depleted uranium that we have unleashed
throughout Afghanistan and Iraq and, literally, around the world. As a
reporter who has covered this topic since Gulf War 1, I am here to tell
you that this will be the true legacy of the war on Iraq--not that we
launched an unprovoked and illegal war, not that we were led down the
river by a misguided leader and his cohorts, not that it made the world
less safe...but that we contaminated for billions of years to come the
soil, the water, the air. THAT IS THE STORY THAT WILL OUTLAST US ALL.
Posted by: ssusan on August 18, 2005 at 05:16PM
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