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Möte POLITICS, 29554 texter
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Text 15811, 236 rader
Skriven 2005-10-05 01:02:33 av Ed Hulett (1:123/789.0)
  Kommentar till text 15807 av Jeff Binkley (1:226/600)
Ärende: The best he could find
Jeff Binkley -> Bob Sakowski wrote:
 BS>> Preznit Lamedick says the Miers was the best person he could find for
 BS>> Susan O'Connor's seat on the SCOTUS.

 BS>> Question for conservative wingnuts everywhere: How does it feel to to
 BS>> have those conservative judges, members of the Federalist Society,
 BS>> called less qualified to sit on the SCOTUS than a 60 year old woman
 BS>> who never married, never was a judge, never really had anything close
 BS>> to a notable career as a lawyer?

 BS>> Are you wingnuts feeling as used as a douce bag in a whorehouse about
 BS>> now? That's what you get when you give your allegience to a man who
 BS>> has no sense of loyalty, ethics or morality. Are you happy now?

How would a person considered the most powerful woman lawyer in the country
"never really [have] anything close to a notable career as a lawyer?"

 JB> Aren't you getting tired of Bush beating you folks at every turn ?  I
 JB> thought liberals were supposed to be the smartest people on the planet.
 JB> You know, enlightenment.

 JB> ======================================

 JB> http://www.americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=4876

 JB> Don't misunderestimate Miers
 JB> October 4th, 2005

 JB> President Bush is a politician trained in strategic thinking at Harvard
 JB> Business School, and schooled in tactics by experience and advice,
 JB> including the experience and advice of his father, whose most lasting
 JB> political mistake was the nomination of David Souter. The nomination of
 JB> Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court shows that he has learned his lessons
 JB> well. Regrettably, a large contingent of conservative commentators does
 JB> not yet grasp the strategy and tactics at work in this excellent
 JB> nomination.

Today, for the first time in months, I tuned into the local talk radio station.
John Carlson, talk radio host and one time gubenatorial candidate, was talking
about the Miers nomination. He said that for conservatives who are unsure about
Miers it comes down to how much you trust George W. Bush to make a proper

From what I have heard and read about Harriet Miers, I am confident that  he
has made a good choice. Bobski's claims notwithstanding, She does have an
impressive record.

 JB> There is a doom-and-gloom element on the Right which is just waiting to
 JB> be betrayed, convinced that their hardy band of true believers will lose
 JB> by treachery those victories to which justice entitles them. They are
 JB> stuck in the decades-long tragic phase of conservative politics, when
 JB> country club Republicans inevitably sold out the faith in order to gain
 JB> acceptability in the Beltway media and social circuit. Many on the right
 JB> already are upset with the President already over his deficit spending,
 JB> and his continued attempts to elevate the tone of politics in Washington
 JB> in the face of ongoing verbal abuse by Democrats and their media allies.
 JB> They misinterpret his missing verbal combativeness as weakness.

 JB> There is also a palpable hunger for a struggle to the death with hated
 JB> and verbally facile liberals like Senator Chuck Schumer. Having seen
 JB> that a brilliant conservative legal thinker with impeccable elite
 JB> credentials can humble the most officious voices of the Judiciary
 JB> Committee, they demand a replay. Thus we hear conservatives sniffing
 JB> that a Southern Methodist University legal education is just too non-Ivy
 JB> League, adopting a characteristic trope of blue state elitists. We hear
 JB> conservatives bemoaning a lack of judicial experience, and not a single
 JB> law review article in the last decade as evidence of a second rate mind.

 JB> These critics are playing the Democrats’ game. The GOP is not the party
 JB> which idolizes Ivy League acceptability as the criterion of intellectual
 JB> and mental fitness. Nor does the Supreme Court ideally consist of the
 JB> nine greatest legal scholars of an era. Like any small group, it is
 JB> better off being able to draw on abilities of more than one type of
 JB> personality. The Houston lawyer who blogs  under the name of Beldar
 JB> wisely points out that practicing high level law in the real world and
 JB> rising to co-managing partner of a major law firm not only demonstrates
 JB> a proficient mind, it provides a necessary and valuable perspective for
 JB> a Supreme Court Justice, one which has sorely been lacking.

 JB> Ms. Miers has actually managed a business, a substantial one with
 JB> hundreds of employees, and has had to meet a payroll and conform to tax,
 JB> affirmative acttion, and other regulatory demands of the state. She has
 JB> also been highly active in a White House during wartime, when national
 JB> security considerations have been a matter of life and death. When the
 JB> Supreme Court deliberates in private, I think most conservatives would
 JB> agree that having such a perspective at hand is a good thing, not a bad
 JB> thing.

 JB> Other conservatives are dismayed that the President is playing politics
 JB> (!), rather than simply choosing the “bestö candidate.  But the
 JB> President understands that confirmation is nothing but a political game,
 JB> ever since Robert Bork, truly one of the finest legal minds of his era,
 JB> was demonized and defeated.

 JB> The President’s smashing victory in obtaining 78 votes for the
 JB> confirmation of John Roberts did not confirm these conservative critics
 JB> in their understanding of the President’s formidable abilities as a
 JB> nominator of Justices. Au contraire, this taste of Democrat defeat
 JB> whetted their blood lust for confirmation hearing combat between the
 JB> likes of a Michael Luttig or a Janice Rogers Brown and the Judiciary
 JB> Committee Democrats. Possibly their own experience of debating emotive
 JB> liberals over-identifies them with verbal combat as political
 JB> effectiveness.

 JB> In part, I think these conservatives have unwittingly adopted the
 JB> Democrats’ playbook, seeing bombast and ‘gotcha’ verbal games as the
 JB> essence of political combat. Victory for them is seeing the enemy
 JB> bloodied and humiliated. They mistake the momentary thrill of triumph in
 JB> combate, however evanescent, for lasting victory where it counts: a
 JB> Supreme Court comprised of Justices who will assemble majorities for
 JB> decisions reflecting the original intent of the Founders.

 JB> Rather than extend any benefit of the doubt to the President’s White
 JB> House lawyer and counselor, some take her lack of a paper trail and a
 JB> history of vocal judicial conservatism as a sign that she may be an
 JB> incipient Souter. They implicitly believe that the President is not
 JB> adhering to his promise of nominating Justices in the mold of Scalia and
 JB> Thomas. The obvious differences between Souter, a man personally unknown
 JB> to Bush 41, and Miers, a woman who has known Bush 43 for decades, and
 JB> who has served as his close daily advisor for years, are so striking as
 JB> to make this level of distrust rather startling. Having seen the Souter
 JB> debacle unfold before his very eyes, the President is the last man on
 JB> earth to recapitulate it.

 JB> He anticipates and is defusing the extremely well-financed opposition
 JB> which Democrat interest groups will use against any nominee. Yes, he is
 JB> playing politics by nominating a female. A defeated nominee does him and
 JB> the future of American jurisprudence no favors. By presenting a female
 JB> nominee, he kicks a leg out from under the stool on which the feminist
 JB> left sits. Not just a female, but a career woman, one who has not raised
 JB> children, not married a male, and has a number of “firstsö to her credit
 JB> as a pioneer of women's achievement in Texas law. Let the feminists try
 JB> to demonize her.

 JB> If they do so, almost inevitably, they will seize on her religious
 JB> beliefs and practice. Some on the left will not be able to restrain
 JB> their scorn for an evangelical Christian Sunday school teacher from
 JB> Dallas, and this will hurt them. They will impose a religious test
 JB> against a member of a group accounting of a third of the voting base.
 JB> Speculation on her being a lesbian has already started. "She sure seems
 JB> like a big ol' Texas lesbian to me," as one of the Kos Kidz put it.

 JB> They are going to make themselves look very ugly.

 JB> The President must also prepare himself for a possible third nominee to
 JB> the Court. With the oldest Justice 85 years old, and the vagaries of
 JB> mortality for all of us being what they are, it is quite possible that a
 JB> third (or even fourth) opportunity to staff the Court might come into
 JB> play. Defusing, demoralizing and discrediting the reflexive opposition
 JB> groups  in the Democrats’ base is an important goal for the President,
 JB> and for his possible Republican successors in office.

 JB> Then there is the small matter of actually influencing Supreme Court
 JB> decision-making.

 JB> This president understands small group dynamics in a way that fewif any
 JB> of his predecessors ever have. Perhaps this is because he was educated
 JB> at Harvard Business School in a legendary course then-called Human
 JB> Behavior in Organizations. The Olympian Cass Gilbert-designed
 JB> temple/courtroom/offices of the Supreme Court obscure the fact that it
 JB> is a small group, subject to very human considerations in its
 JB> operations. Switching two out of nine members in a small group has the
 JB> potential to entirely alter the way it operates. Because so much of
 JB> managerial work consists of getting groups of people to work
 JB> effectively, Harvard Business School lavishes an extraordinary amount of
 JB> attention on the subject.

 JB> One of the lessons the President learned at Harvard was the way in which
 JB> members of small groups assume different roles in their operation, each
 JB> of which separate roles can influence the overall function. The new
 JB> Chief Justice is a man of unquestioned brilliance, as well as cordial
 JB> disposition. He will be able to lead the other Justices through his
 JB> intellect and knowledge of the law. Having ensured that the Court’s
 JB> formal leader meets the traditional and obvious qualities of a Justice,
 JB> and is a man who indeed embodies the norms all Justices feel they must
 JB> follow, there is room for attending to other important roles in group
 JB> process.

 JB> According  to a source in her Dallas church quoted by Marvin Olasky,
 JB> Harriet Miers is someone who

 JB> taught children in Sunday School, made coffee, brought donuts: "Nothing
 JB> she's asked to do in church is beneath her."

 JB> As the court’s new junior member, the 60 year old lady Harriet Miers
 JB> will finally give a break to Stephen Breyer, who has been relegated to
 JB> closing and opening the door of the conference room, and fetching
 JB> beverages for his more senior Justices. Her ability to do this type of
 JB> work with no resentment, no discomfort, and no regrets will at the least
 JB> endear her to the others. It will also confirm her as the person who
 JB> cheerfully keeps the group on an even keel, more comfortable than
 JB> otherwise might be the case with a level of emotional solidarity.

 JB> But there is much more to it than group solidarity, important though
 JB> that ineffable spiritual qualty may be.  Ms. Miers embodies the work
 JB> ethic as few married people ever could. She reportedly often shows up
 JB> for work at the White House at 5 AM, and doesn’t leave until 9 or 10 PM.
 JB> I have no doubt that she will continue her extraordinary dedication to
 JB> work once confirmed to the Court. She will not only win the admiration
 JB> of those Justices who work shorter hours, she will undoubtedly be
 JB> appreciated by the law clerks who endure similar hours, working on the
 JB> research and writing for the Justices. These same law clerks interact
 JB> with their bosses in private, and their influence intellectual and
 JB> emotional may be more profound than some Justices might like to admit.

 JB> The members of the Supreme Court all see themselves as serving the
 JB> public and the law to the best of their abilities. Their self-regard
 JB> depends on their belief in the righteousness and fairness of their
 JB> deliberations. They must listen to the arguments of the other Justices.
 JB> But their susceptibility to viewpoints they had not yet considered is
 JB> matter of both an intellectual and emotional character. Open-mindedness
 JB> uusally requires an unfreezing of deeply and emotionally-held
 JB> convictions.

 JB> Having proven herself capable of charming the likes of Harry Reid,
 JB> leader of the Senate Democrats, is there much room for doubt that
 JB> Harriet Miers is capable of opening up opponents emotionally to hear and
 JB> actually consider as potentially worthwhile the views of those they
 JB> might presume to be their enemies?

 JB> George Bush has already succeeded in having confirmed a spectacularly-
 JB> qualified intellectual leader of the Court in Chief Justice Roberts. If
 JB> conservatives don’t sabotage his choice, Harriet Miers could make an
 JB> enormous contribution toward building Court majorities for
 JB> interpretations of the Constitution faithful to the actual wording of
 JB> the document.

 JB> Thomas Lifson is the editor and publisher of The American Thinker.

Good article.


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