Text 21995, 175 rader
Skriven 2006-08-18 09:16:10 av John Hull (1:123/789.0)
Kommentar till text 21993 av Jeff Binkley (1:226/600)
Ärende: Lieberman
Jeff Binkley -> All wrote:
JB> I hope they punish Joe. it will show the rest of the country that
JB> Howard Dean is in charge....
Let 'em. The GOP will offer him a major chair just to spite the Democrats, and
likely one better than he would've gotten otherwise.
JB> ==========================
JB> http://hill1.thehill.com/thehill/opencms/TheHill/News/Frontpage/081606/n
JB> ews1.html
JB> Dem angst escalates
JB> By Alexander Bolton
JB> A group of Senate Democrats is growing increasingly angry about Sen. Joe
JB> Lieberman�s (D-Conn.) campaign tactics since he lost the Democratic
JB> primary last week.
JB> If he continues to alienate his colleagues, Lieberman could be stripped
JB> of his seniority within the Democratic caucus should he defeat Democrat
JB> Ned Lamont in the general election this November, according to some
JB> senior Democratic aides.
JB> In recent days, Lieberman has rankled Democrats in the upper chamber by
JB> suggesting that those who support bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq by
JB> a certain date would bolster terrorists� planning attacks against the
JB> U.S. and its allies. He also sparked resentment by saying last week on
JB> NBC�s Today show that the Democratic Party was out of the political
JB> mainstream.
JB> Democrats are worried that Lieberman may be giving Republicans a golden
JB> opportunity to undermine their message.
JB> �I think there�s a lot of concern,� said a senior Democratic aide
JB> has discussed the subject with colleagues. �I think the first step is if
JB> the Lieberman thing turns into a side show and hurts our message and
JB> ability to take back the Senate, and the White House and the [National
JB> Republican Senatorial Committee] manipulate him, there are going to be a
JB> lot of unhappy people in our caucus.�
JB> Michael Lewan, Lieberman�s former chief of staff, has worked to quell
JB> Democratic discontent with Lieberman and to steer them away from
JB> campaigning against his former boss, said Democratic aides familiar with
JB> Lewan�s activities.
JB> Lewan, a lobbyist with Brown Rudnick, said that he has had conversations
JB> with Democrats from between eight and 12 Senate offices. He said he
JB> understands that many Democrats have endorsed Lamont because he is the
JB> Democratic primary winner.
JB> He added, �It would be terrific from my point of view that during the
JB> time in September, October, and early November, if they campaign, they
JB> spend their time in places other than Connecticut.�
JB> Lewan said that the issue of stripping Lieberman�s seniority did not
JB> come up in any of his conversations. He also said he has offered to
JB> share Democrats� concerns with the Lieberman campaign.
JB> The issue of Lieberman�s seniority would arise most dramatically if
JB> Lieberman wins re-election and Democrats recapture control of the
JB> chamber. That would slot Lieberman to take over as chairman of the
JB> Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the panel
JB> primarily responsible for investigating the executive branch.
JB> Democrats think their chances of taking back the Senate are growing more
JB> and more likely. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) last week
JB> said he was more confident that Democrats would pick up at least five
JB> Senate seats.
JB> Allowing Lieberman to retain his seniority could put the senator now
JB> running as an independent in charge of the Senate�s chief investigative
JB> committee. If Democrats took control of either chamber they would likely
JB> launch investigations of the White House�s handling of the war in Iraq
JB> and homeland security.
JB> �Lieberman�s tone and message has shocked a lot of people,� said a
JB> second senior Democratic aide who has discussed the issue with other
JB> Senate Democrats. �He�s way off message for us and right in line with
JB> the White House.�
JB> �At this point Lieberman cannot expect to just keep his seniority,�
JB> the aide. �He can�t run against a Democrat and expect to waltz back to
JB> the caucus with the same seniority as before. It would give the view
JB> that the Senate is a country club rather than representative of a
JB> political party and political movement.�
JB> The aide said that it would make no sense to keep Lieberman in a
JB> position where he might take over the Governmental Affairs Committee.
JB> Ironically, a lawmaker with a good shot of replacing Lieberman atop the
JB> Governmental Affairs panel, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), is spearheading
JB> the effort within the Senate to preserve Democratic support for
JB> Lieberman. Carper is the third most senior Democrat on the panel after
JB> Lieberman. But the two Democrats who outrank him, Sens. Carl Levin
JB> (Mich.) and Daniel Akaka (Hawaii) are likely to keep their perches as
JB> the most senior Democrats on the Armed Services Committee and Veterans
JB> Affairs Committee, respectively.
JB> Carper�s chief of staff, Jonathan Jones, has contacted Democratic aides
JB> recently and urged them that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
JB> Committee should not spend money in the race between Lieberman and
JB> Lamont, said two Democratic aides familiar with the conversations. Jones
JB> said the money would be better spent elsewhere since the seat will
JB> remain in Democratic hands, said the sources.
JB> Carper, who like Lieberman often works across the aisle with
JB> Republicans, is one of a handful of Democratic centrists who have
JB> continued to support Lieberman since his primary defeat. The others
JB> include Sen. Ken Salazar (Colo.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Ben Nelson (Neb.)
JB> and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii).
JB> Bill Ghent, Carper�s spokesman, said that Jones �has been on vacation
JB> the last week and a half and has not been out there advocating what
JB> anyone should do regarding the Connecticut election.�
JB> The view that Lieberman should lose his seniority is likely to become
JB> more ingrained among Democrats if Lieberman continues to align himself
JB> with Republicans, as he has in the last few days. Lieberman took a call
JB> from senior White House political strategist Karl Rove on the day of his
JB> primary election. And since losing, he has adopted rhetoric echoing
JB> Republican talking points.
JB> �If we pick up like Ned Lamont wants us to do, get out by a date
JB> certain, it will be taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who
JB> wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England,�
JB> Lieberman said about U.S. troops in Iraq and the recently foiled
JB> terrorism scheme. �It will strengthen them, and they will strike
JB> In June, 38 Democrats and Sen. James Jeffords (I-Vt.) voted for a
JB> resolution sponsored by Sen. Levin that called for Bush to take several
JB> steps to change the �open ended commitment� of U.S. forces.
JB> On the same day, 12 Democrats and Jeffords voted for another resolution
JB> requiring the redeployment of U.S. forces from Iraq.
JB> Sen. Russ Feingold (Wis.), a Democrat who voted for both resolutions,
JB> called Lieberman�s statement �regrettable� and said Lieberman
JB> get it.�
JB> Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean has likened
JB> Lieberman�s recent statements to the rhetoric coming from Vice President
JB> Dick Cheney and Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.
JB> Asked yesterday about the race, Dean said, �Ned will win,� adding that
JB> Democratic turnout for Lamont will help the party in other Connecticut
JB> races.
JB> Lieberman is expected to make a hard sell to Republican voters. Sean
JB> Smith, who stepped down as Lieberman�s campaign manager after the
JB> primary, told Lieberman as he was resigning that the candidate would
JB> have to pursue Republican voters in order to win the general election,
JB> said sources familiar with the conversation.
JB> Lieberman said he agreed with the analysis, according to the sources.
JB> So far, at least 26 Democratic senators have said they are supporting
JB> Lamont, including Reid, according to a survey conducted by The Hill.
JB> Reid spokesman Jim Manley said Democratic leaders would make no
JB> decisions about committees until after the election.
JB> Jonathan E. Kaplan and Tyler Kirtley contributed to this article.
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