Text 28538, 161 rader
Skriven 2007-05-03 06:45:42 av John Hull (1:123/789.0)
Kommentar till text 28532 av Jeff Binkley (1:226/600)
Ärende: Obama cont.
The following is a nearly perfect example of how the liberals screw the little
guy, even is he is their ardent supporter, in order to gain the fruits of
other's labors and reinforce their power base. One of these days these idiots
will learn they are nothing but flunkies for the left.
Jeff Binkley -> All wrote:
JB> http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=15924828
JB> 8&blogID=259712152&Mytoken=8738375F-A57E-4AB4-900496ABAA3F3FF11236719
JB> Tuesday, May 01, 2007
JB> 5.01.01 What happened to the Obama profile?
JB> Current mood: disappointed
JB> Friends,
JB> Many of you are probably wondering what happened to the Obama profile.
JB> The campaign, with the help of Myspace, have seized control of the
JB> profile without my consent, and are using it to refer traffic to a new
JB> profile they created. I have been blocked from having access to the
JB> profile. The campaign will probably have a different perspective on the
JB> events leading up to this, but until my personal profile is deleted, I'm
JB> going to take a stand on this. I believe what they did is just wrong,
JB> and someone should say something.
JB> Here is an email I sent to Micah at techpresident.com. Any questions,
JB> let me know:
JB> Thanks Micah,
JB> I want to be careful about this, but also I think it's unfair that they
JB> deleted this community when they could have left it up as an unofficial
JB> fan site as it has been for the last two and a half years. The campaign
JB> may say that this was my decision, and this is not true.
JB> I did want to be paid, if we were to continue working together . This
JB> was not an attempt to use this profile for commercial purposes. This was
JB> an attempt to keep working my ass off on this profile, for Barack Obama,
JB> and for the enormous community of supporters on Myspace.
JB> Since January, as you may know, and as many in the Myspace community
JB> know, I've been working on the page around the clock. I started this
JB> profile in November of 2004 and it grew steadily since then. In January
JB> and February the media started to notice, and I began to work even
JB> harder because I reallized what an impact the Myspace could really have.
JB> People were actually registering to vote, making contributions, asking
JB> questions, putting banners on their pages, etc. I know this because I
JB> constantly received emails about this, and I replied to every single one
JB> to thank them or point them in the right direction if they needed more
JB> information.
JB> The campaign got involved in February and although at first it was very
JB> exciting, it quickly became clear that they just had no interest in me
JB> or my involvement. They only wanted to take control of the profile and
JB> get on with it. I bit the bullet for a while and kept working for the
JB> good of the campaign, but they quickly went from passive aggressive, to
JB> aggressive, and then eventually just rotten and dishonest.
JB> For the past few weeks, the campaign decided it would be better if they
JB> just took control of the profile and we decided to try to come to some
JB> agreement. By this time, I didn't have quite as much respect for the
JB> campaign guys, and frankly felt like I was just being used. They knew
JB> about this profile the entire time, and really just waited until it got
JB> enough media coverage and friends request so they could step in and
JB> bully me out of it.
JB> The last few weeks were just insane. They kept scheduling phone
JB> conferences with me, I would wake up early that day after barely
JB> sleeping the night before, I'd take time off work, etc. and each after
JB> another would be postponed at the last minute. This went on for weeks.
JB> It got to the point where I didn't feel comfortable turning the profile
JB> over to the campaign unless they paid for it. This was largely symbolic.
JB> The same campaign that inspired me to work so hard to build this
JB> community, the same campaign whose underlying message stresses "the
JB> power of the individual to have an impact on politics", was constantly
JB> downplaying my role in this, bullying me, and a couple of other things
JB> that were just rotten and dishonest (specifically in connection with
JB> Myspace, and the campaign quashing a recent NPR interview about the
JB> profile).
JB> In a conversation with Chris from the campaign last week or the week
JB> before, Chris suggested a one-time fee to transfer over the profile to
JB> them and that they discussed this with Myspace and they were agreeable
JB> with any arrangement we could work out. He did not suggest how much, or
JB> what sort of a fee. He did say that he needed it by the next morning so
JB> we scheduled another meeting and I stayed up all night working on a
JB> proposal that I thought would be fair to everyone. This was a positive
JB> conversation and he seemed sincere enough.
JB> That meeting finally happened yesterday. It was clear at that time that
JB> there was no "one-time fee". I felt like it was a bit of a setup so that
JB> they could have a reason to take the profile without my consent.
JB> I was accused of using this profile for commercial purposes. I was
JB> threatened that I would be responsible if the profile was deleted (they
JB> even followed up via email to be sure I knew it was my fault!) The
JB> conversation really was about them taking control of the profile. There
JB> was no counter offer, or anything to suggest that they had any intention
JB> of paying me anything at all.
JB> At this point there was no way I would turn this community over to them
JB> and would rather keep it as an unofficial site and keep doing what I've
JB> been doing. I expressed this, and they said that if I did not turn the
JB> profile over to them immediately, they would delete it and all of my
JB> hard work would go to waste. They reiterated this several times, and
JB> repeated "You are the one making the decision to kill this profile". In
JB> fact, I responded each time, that I have no plans to delete this
JB> profile, and that decision would be between them and Myspace. (I even
JB> added that he sounded like Bush telling congress/senate it was their
JB> decision not to fund the troops. How hypocritical is this!)
JB> Finally, Chris from the campaign emailed me, indicating that Myspace
JB> needed my consent to give them access to the profile. I replied that
JB> Mypace did not have my consent to grant access to the profile to anyone.
JB> An hour or so later, I was blocked from the profile and the content was
JB> altered to redirect traffic to the new, "Official" profile. Myspace has
JB> in fact granted access to the profile without my permission.
JB> This was not about money and I don't believe that one person who has
JB> interacted with me via the Obama profile over the past couple of years
JB> would be able to say that my efforts were anything but sincere. This was
JB> about holding a campaign to their message, about acknowledging my work,
JB> and taking this community seriously.
JB> I think I did the right thing. I wanted a fair outcome for everyone, but
JB> unfortunately that's not what happened. In fact, I think this was
JB> enormously offensive to both me and the Myspace community. I could
JB> understand Myspace/Newscorp doing this, but didn't think Obama's
JB> campaign could have the audacity to do such a thing.
JB> Apparently the message here is, as an individual, if you have too big of
JB> an impact, you're just a liability.
JB> This is how Obama lost my vote, and one of his strongest supporters.
JB> Sincerely,
JB> -Joe Anthony
JB> p.s. Like I said, I'm passionate about this right now. All this work,
JB> all this progress is down the drain, and I'm absolutely heart-broken.
JB> 9:05 AM - 121 Comments - 125 Kudos - Add Comment
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