Text 29429, 132 rader
Skriven 2007-08-07 02:29:00 av THURSTON ACKERMAN
Kommentar till en text av VERN HUMPHREY
Ärende: Ellison
VH>>>> Continued from previous message
VH>On the other hand, because of the division between Christians, the
VH>fullness of universality, which is proper to the Church governed by the
VH>Successor of Peter and the Bishops in communion with him, is not fully
VH>realised in history[18].
VH>Fifth Question: Why do the texts of the Council and those of the
VH>Magisterium since the Council not use the title of "Church" with regard
VH>to those Christian Communities born out of the Reformation of the
VH>sixteenth century?
VH>Response: According to Catholic doctrine, these Communities do not enjoy
VH>apostolic succession in the sacrament of Orders, and are, therefore,
VH>deprived of a constitutive element of the Church. These ecclesial
VH>Communities which, specifically because of the absence of the
VH>sacramental priesthood, have not preserved the genuine and integral
VH>substance of the Eucharistic Mystery[19] cannot, according to Catholic
VH>doctrine, be called "Churches" in the proper sense[20].
VH>The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, at the Audience granted to the
VH>undersigned Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
VH>Faith, ratified and confirmed these Responses, adopted in the Plenary
VH>Session of the Congregation, and ordered their publication.
VH>Rome, from the Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
VH>Faith, June 29, 2007, the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
VH>William Cardinal Levada
VH>Angelo Amato, S.D.B.
VH>Titular Archbishop of Sila
VH>[1] John XXIII, Address of 11 October 1962: "_The Council_wishes to
VH>transmit Catholic doctrine, whole and entire, without alteration or
VH>deviation_But in the circumstances of our times it is necessary that
VH>Christian doctrine in its entirety, and with nothing taken away from it,
VH>is accepted with renewed enthusiasm, and serene and tranquil adherence_
VH>it is necessary that the very same doctrine be understood more widely
VH>and more profoundly as all those who sincerely adhere to the Christian,
VH>Catholic and Apostolic faith strongly desire _it is necessary that this
VH>certain and immutable doctrine, to which is owed the obedience of faith,
VH>be explored and expounded in the manner required by our times. The
VH>deposit of faith itself and the truths contained in our venerable
VH>doctrine are one thing, but the manner in which they are annunciated is
VH>another, provided that the same fundamental sense and meaning is
VH>maintained" : AAS 54 [1962] 791-792.
VH>[2] Cf. Paul VI, Address of 29 September 1963: AAS 55 [1963] 847-852.
VH>[3] Paul VI, Address of 21 November 1964: AAS 56 [1964] 1009-1010.
VH>[4] The Council wished to express the identity of the Church of Christ
VH>with the Catholic Church. This is clear from the discussions on the
VH>decree Unitatis redintegratio. The Schema of the Decree was proposed on
VH>the floor of the Council on 23.9.1964 with a Relatio (Act Syn III/II
VH>296-344). The Secretariat for the Unity of Christians responded on
VH>10.11.1964 to the suggestions sent by Bishops in the months that
VH>followed (Act Syn III/VII 11-49). Herewith are quoted four texts from
VH>this Expensio modorum concerning this first response.
VH>A) [In Nr. 1 (Prooemium) Schema Decreti: Act Syn III/II 296, 3-6]
VH>"Pag. 5, lin. 3-6: Videtur etiam Ecclesiam catholicam inter illas
VH>Communiones comprehendi, quod falsum esset.
VH>R(espondetur): Hic tantum factum, prout ab omnibus conspicitur,
VH>describendum est. Postea clare affirmatur solam Ecclesiam catholicam
VH>esse veram Ecclesiam Christi" (Act Syn III/VII 12).
VH>B) [In Caput I in genere: Act Syn III/II 297-301]
VH>"4 - Expressius dicatur unam solam esse veram Ecclesiam Christi; hanc
VH>esse Catholicam Apostolicam Romanam; omnes debere inquirere, ut eam
VH>cognoscant et ingrediantur ad salutem obtinendam...
VH>R(espondetur): In toto textu sufficienter effertur, quod postulatur. Ex
VH>altera parte non est tacendum etiam in aliis communitatibus christianis
VH>inveniri veritates revelatas et elementa ecclesialia"(Act Syn III/VII
VH>15). Cf. also ibid pt. 5.
VH>C) [In Caput I in genere: Act Syn III/II 296s]
VH>"5 - Clarius dicendum esset veram Ecclesiam esse solam Ecclesiam
VH>catholicam romanam...
VH>R(espondetur): Textus supponit doctrinam in constitutione 'De Ecclesia'
VH>expositam, ut pag. 5, lin. 24-25 affirmatur" (Act Syn III/VII 15). Thus
VH>the commission whose task it was to evaluate the responses to the Decree
VH>Unitatis redintegratio clearly expressed the identity of the Church of
VH>Christ with the Catholic Church and its unicity, and understood this
VH>doctrine to be founded in the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium.
VH>D) [In Nr. 2 Schema Decreti: Act Syn III/II 297s]
VH>"Pag. 6, lin. 1- 24: Clarius exprimatur unicitas Ecclesiae. Non sufficit
VH>inculcare, ut in textu fit, unitatem Ecclesiae.
VH>R(espondetur): a) Ex toto textu clare apparet identificatio Ecclesiae
VH>Christi cum Ecclesia catholica, quamvis, ut oportet, efferantur elementa
VH>ecclesialia aliarum communitatum".
VH>"Pag. 7, lin. 5: Ecclesia a successoribus Apostolorum cum Petri
VH>successore capite gubernata (cf. novum textum ad pag. 6, lin.33-34)
VH>explicite dicitur 'unicus Dei grex' et lin. 13 'una et unica Dei
VH>Ecclesia' " (Act Syn III/VII).
VH>The two expressions quoted are those of Unitatis redintegratio 2.5 e
VH>[5] Cf. Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium,
VH>[6] Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 3.2; 3.4;
VH>3.5; 4.6.
VH>[7] Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution, Lumen gentium, 8.2.
VH>[8] Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration
VH>Mysterium Ecclesiae, 1.1: AAS 65 [1973] 397; Declaration Dominus Iesus,
VH>16.3: AAS 92 [2000-II] 757-758; Notification on the Book of Leonardo
VH>Boff, OFM, "Church: Charism and Power": AAS 77 [1985] 758-759.
VH>[9] Cf. John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint, 11.3: AAS 87
VH>[1995-II] 928.
VH>[10] Cf. Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium,
VH>[11] Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen gentium, 8.2.
VH>[12] Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 3.4.
VH>[13] Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 15.3; cf.
VH>Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter Communionis notio,
VH>17.2: AAS, 85 [1993-II] 848.
VH>[14] Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 14.1.
VH>[15] Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 14.1;
VH>John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint, 56 f: AAS 87 [1995-II] 954
VH>[16] Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 15.1.
VH>[17] Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter Communionis
VH>notio, 17.3: AAS 85 [1993-II] 849.
VH>[18] Ibid.
VH>[19] Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis redintegratio, 22.3.
VH>[20] Cf. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration Dominus
VH>Iesus, 17.2: AAS 92 [2000-II] 758.
Thank you for the more complete statement Vern. I think I understand
now why the national press offered its interputation rather then print
the full text. I suppose some may hope the Islamic terrorists may be
in agreement with the Holy See and not attack we non-Catholics aa
they have threatened to kill off Christins through out our weary world.
Peace, OldAck
þ SLMR 2.1a þ I'm in shape ... round's a shape isn't it?
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