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Möte POLITICS, 29554 texter
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Text 4510, 307 rader
Skriven 2004-11-06 02:31:00 av Jeff Binkley (1:226/600)
Ärende: Limbaugh
Rush had a comment on Jane's article...



Liberals in Parallel Universe 
November 5, 2004 

Listen to Rush… 
(...read examples of liberal contempt for idiot, bigoted red state 


All right. It's a tossup here as to which column is the most 
outrageously hilarious. Paul Krugman, in the New York Times today, or 
Jane Smiley in Slate MSN.com yesterday. My vote -- it's a tossup, but I 
have to say that it is Jane Smiley at Slate MSN.com. She's a novelist of 
some repute, although I've never heard of her, but she has written a 
couple novels out there. What Slate MSN.com has been asking some of 
their key writers to do, is to tackle the question of why the Democratic 
Party keeps losing elections, and so they've had William Saletan, 
Timothy Noah, a couple of others. Today or yesterday, the piece cleared 
at 6:24 eastern time, Jane Smiley weighed in -- and brace yourselves, 
folks, because I'll just tell you up front, this is 180 degrees out of 

This is 180 degrees wrong. This is parallel universe wrong, but I think 
it's typical. You know, the left out there -- and I told you this would 
be the case -- they're hardening. They're not softening. They're not 
becoming introspective. They're not taking a look at themselves. They're 
not asking themselves what they need to do to change. Some of them are. 
Carville is making some noises, but it's not serious, and it could well 
be that they're still in a state of shock. We may need to give them a 
couple weeks, a month to reassess. We got some audio sound bites of 
Peter Fenn yesterday arguing about what the election results mean in a C-
SPAN conference at George Washington University. We have it all covered 
So let me just give you some excerpts from Jane Smiley at Slate MSN.com. 
She says: "I say forget introspection. It's time to be honest about our 
antagonists. My predecessors in this conversation are thoughtful men, 
and I honor their ideas, but let's try something else. I grew up in 
Missouri and most of my family voted for Bush, so I am going to be the 
one to say it: The election results reflect the decision of the right 
wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry." 

So in this esteemed liberal's mind, programs like this and others, and 
the entire conservative movement, is designed to make you stupid and 
ignorant. Now, this is the first example of the parallel universe that 
we're all in here, or that these libs are in, because the simple fact of 
the matter is, they're the ones that control the public education 
system. They're the ones that have created an education system where so 
many graduates can't even read their diplomas, can't fill out a job 
applications form. They're the one that are writing textbooks that have 
a paragraph devoted to Abraham Lincoln in American history and three or 
four chapters devoted to Bill Clinton. They are the ones that purposely 
keep their citizens dumb so as to keep them unaware of just how harmful 
liberalism is. It's just the exact opposite. They're the ones that 
promote ignorance. They're the ones with the condescending, arrogant 
attitude toward everybody. They're the ones that think people 
instinctively are too stupid to learn, too stupid to be as sophisticated 
as liberals are, too stupid to learn the way to do things right and, 
according to liberal definitions, so they have to do everything for 
them, and that's the purpose of liberalism, to create this massive state 
and government that takes care of people because they're so inept and 
they're so incompetent. I mean, liberalism by its very definition 
derives its power from creating more and more ignorant people and 
keeping them that way. 

The reason conservatives are winning in the arena of ideas is because 
for 40 years conservatives have been educating people about two things -- 
well, three: about the Constitution, about liberalism, and about 
conservatism. There's a massive education program that's gone on in 
America for 30 or 40 years. It's called conservatism. It's the left 
that's dumbing down. It's the left. How about outcome-based education? 
Two-plus-two is five, if you think it is. We're not going to correct you 
because we don't want to hurt your feelings and we don't want the dumb 
people in the class to be offended when they don't get it as quickly as 
the smart people do, getting two plus two is four. We're not making this 
up. Outcome-based education: whatever you think is right, because we're 
more interested in self-esteem. These are people that are very happy you 
can't read your diploma, if you are in that sad circumstance. Ms. Smiley 
continues: "I suppose the good news is that 55 million Americans have 
evaded the ignorance-inducing machine. But 58 million have not. (Well, 
almost 58 million—my relatives are not ignorant, they are just greedy 
and full of classic Republican feelings of superiority.)" 

Once again, it is the exact opposite. The elites and the superiority are 
tied together and they are all on the left: the left coast, and in the 
leftist hangouts of the East Coast. They are truly superiorists. It all 
ties in together. They are superiorists and they want to remain that 
way. They're the ones that create two sets of rules: One for the dumb 
and the uninformed and the ignorant to live by, and a separate set of 
rules for them, the elites and the rulers, to live by. They will tax 
your income but not their wealth. They will tax your income so that you 
don't accrue any wealth, but they will not tax their wealth after they 
get theirs.  
That's why they don't care about increasing income tax. Do you think 
Teresa Heinz Kerry cares a whit about whether the marginal tax rates go 
up? She doesn't pay. She doesn't earn any income. She has income that 
comes from her asset management portfolio and so forth, but she's 
already got her stash of wealth. There's no tax on that. And John Kerry, 
of course, by marriage, has his hands in that pie, so he doesn't care. 
No liberal pays. All these people that run around, and you probably ask 
yourself, "How come liberals, you know, how come they want to tax 
themselves?" They're not taxing themselves, folks, but they've even got 
some of their people saying, "Oh, yeah, I'd be happy to pay more taxes. 
If it would help the government, why, damn right. If they need another 
hundred dollars from me, or whatever, I'll be glad to pay." Well, why 
don't you write the check yourself and then let others of us who don't 
want to be facing confiscatory taxes not have to pay them? 

 They've got their own people buffaloed, those who pay taxes, into 
thinking it's a honorable thing to do and to pay even more than what the 
law says. "Ignorance and bloodlust have a long tradition in the United 
States," writes Ms. Smiley, "There used to be a kind of hand-to-hand 
fight on the frontier called a 'knock-down-drag-out,' where any kind of 
gouging, biting, or maiming was considered fair. The ancestors of 
today's red-state voters used to stand around cheering and betting on 
these fights. When the forces of red and blue encountered one another 
head-on for the first time in Kansas Territory in 1856, the red forces 
from Missouri, who had been coveting Indian land across the Missouri 
River since 1820, entered Kansas and stole the territorial election. The 
red news media of the day made a practice of inflammatory 
lying—declaring that the blue folks had shot and killed red folks whom 
everyone knew were walking around. The worst civilian massacre in 
American history took place in Lawrence, Kan., in 1862 -- Quantrill's 
raid. The red forces, known then as the slave-power, pulled 265 unarmed 
men from their beds on a Sunday morning and slaughtered them in front of 
their wives and children. The error that progressives have consistently 
committed over the years is to underestimate the vitality of ignorance 
in America. Listen to what the red state citizens say about themselves, 
the songs they write, and the sermons they flock to. They know who they 
are—they are full of original sin and they have a taste for violence. 
The blue state citizens make the Rousseauvian mistake of thinking humans 
are essentially good, and so they never realize when they are about to 
be slugged from behind." 

This is incredible. She's assigning red state/blue state characteristics 
back all the way to Quantrill's raid in 1862. Now she is saying that 
blue state people -- California, Washington, Oregon, New York, New 
Hampshire, all the northeast and Illinois -- make the mistake of 
thinking that humans are essentially good and so they never realize when 
they're about to be slugged from behind by those of us that live in the 
red states. Again, it is the exact opposite. It is the people in the 
blue states who think humanity sucks! "Humanity sucks! It's the spotted 
owl that is supreme! It's the Kyoto agreement that is supreme." It's all 
these other people: "Humanity is destroying the earth! Humanity is 
polluting the earth! Humanity is destroying decent and innocent peoples. 
Humanity cannot be trusted. Humanity must be placed under ever-
increasingly tight controls, such as from the United Nations." 

They don't trust human beings. They don't trust their own voters to do 
what's right. That's why they engage in vote fraud. That's why they 
attempt to stack the deck every time they can because they can't trust 
people who are thinking to do the things that the liberals want them to 
do. These are the people that have to hide who they really are to have 
even a half a ghost of a chance of winning an election. They don't even 
like the term "liberal" which is a quite perfect description of them. 
They say even that's an attack. I mean, these are the people that are 
arrogantly condescending to every one of their fellow men, other than 
their fellow elites. They don't trust people to have the brains to do 
the right things in life. They have to do everything for people because 
people are too stupid and too inept. To them, everybody goes to Wal-
Mart. They hate Wal-Mart! They despise Wal-Mart. You know they do. 

They try to run Wal-Mart out of town, wherever Wal-Mart comes into town. 
They despise Wal-Mart and they make fun of people who go there. They 
make fun of people that go to K-mart. They make fun of people that go to 
Costco. They make fun of people that go to all these discount places. 
They make fun of all these people. They have a sneering, sniveling, 
condescending attitude and yet it is those of us in the blue states who 
are inspiring people, lifting them up, motivating, being optimistic and 
positive, and expecting the best from people. We're the ones who have 
great expectations for our country. We're the ones who have all the high 
hopes. We're the ones with all the positive attitude. We understand how 
great this country can be if people are just unshackled and turned loose 
to pursue excellence as they see fit, using their talents, using their 
ambition, using their desire. We're the ones of free markets. We're the 
ones that want to get as many obstacles as possible out of people's way 
and turn them loose and, "Katie bar the door!"  
These are the people that don't trust that, and the reason they don't 
trust it is because if that happens in full-fledged speed they are going 
to lose even more power because they aren't needed in that quest, 
because they don't trust people to do things on their own in the right 
way, which is the liberal way. They do not assume that humans are 
essentially good. They assume humans are essentially flawed, 
particularly American humans. It's American humans that cause war. It's 
American humans that pollute. It's American humans that destruct and 
destroy. It's American humans that imprison. It's American humans that 
consume things that aren't theirs. It's American humans who are 
committing all the evil in the world. It's American humans that are 
responsible for terrorist acts against us. They're the ones. This is so 
hilarious, it is unbelievable, and this woman's considered a brilliant 
novelist, ladies and gentlemen, by her co-patriots on the left. I got 
two more pages of this stuff to go, if you care. 


We're looking currently at Jane Smiley's piece. It's Slate MSN.com. 
Other excerpts: "Next, they tell you that you are the best of a bad lot 
(humans, that is) and that as bad as you are, if you stick with them, 
you are among the chosen. This is flattering and reassuring, and also 
encourages you to imagine the terrible fates of those you envy and 
resent. American politicians ALWAYS operate by a similar sort of 
flattery, and so Americans are never induced to question themselves. 
That's what happened to Jimmy Carter—he asked Americans to take 
responsibility for their profligate ways, and promptly lost to Ronald 
Reagan, who told them once again that they could do anything they 
wanted. The history of the last four years shows that red state types, 
above all, do not want to be told what to do—they prefer to be ignorant. 
As a result, they are virtually unteachable." 

 Do you not love this? You people are ignorant. You are unteachable. 
It's the exact opposite. It is the left supporters that continue to 
remain ignorant, getting more and more ignorant by the day. It is the 
conservative opposition that's growing wiser and more informed on a 
daily basis, and to have this wrong about Reagan is striking. Reagan 
didn't tell people they could do anything they wanted. Reagan said you 
can accomplish whatever you want, that this country's greatness is yet 
to be harnessed, that the better days of this country are tomorrow and 
the day after and the day after and the month after and the year after. 
This woman simply resents optimism. She is totally imbued with a 
pessimism that has now revealed itself in a 100% anger hysterical rant. 

"Third, and most important, when life grows difficult or fearsome, they 
(politicians, preachers, pundits) encourage you to cling to your 
ignorance with even more fervor. But by this time you don't need much 
encouragement—you've put all your eggs into the ignorance basket, and 
really, some kind of miraculous fruition is your only hope. If you are 
sufficiently ignorant, you won't even know how dangerous your policies 
are until they have destroyed you, and then you can always blame others. 
The reason the Democrats have lost five of the last seven presidential 
elections is simple: A generation ago, the big capitalists, who have no 
morals, as we know, decided to make use of the religious right in their 
class war against the middle class and against the regulations that were 
protecting those whom they considered to be their rightful prey—workers 
and consumers. The architects of this strategy knew perfectly well that 
they were exploiting, among other unsavory qualities, a long American 
habit of virulent racism, but they did it anyway, and we see the outcome 
now—Cheney is the capitalist arm and Bush is the religious arm. They 
know no boundaries or rules. They are predatory and resentful, amoral, 
avaricious, and arrogant. Lots of Americans like and admire them because 
lots of Americans, even those who don't share those same qualities, 
don't know which end is up. Can the Democrats appeal to such voters? Do 
they want to? The Republicans have sold their souls for power. Must 

"[W]e have to remember that threats to democracy from the right always 
collapse. Whatever their short-term appeal, they are borne of hubris and 
hatred, and will destroy their purveyors in the end." Jane Smiley, the 
author of many novels and essays. She lives in California. Paul Krugman 
today in the New York Times is even better. Well, it's hard to say 
"better." But it's just as bad, ladies and gentlemen. It's just 
symptomatic of the depths to which these people have sunk after this 
election, and the idea that they're going to reassess themselves and 
come out, they're not. They're going to continue to be delusional, 
continue to be defiant, continue to blame the stupidity of America for 
their problems. Their problems have nothing to do with them. You are 
just too stupid to see the brilliance that surrounds you. You have been 
persuaded and caught up by a bunch of capitalist pigs and racists who 
are using you through the churches of America to advance their own 
sordid, destructive path through this country, and the liberals just 
can't fight it, and the reason they can't fight it is because you're too 
stupid to understand the sophistication of their ways. This is only 
going to continue and get worse. 


I just finished this Jane Smiley piece. I didn't read the whole thing. I 
just read excerpts to you. Slate.msn.com. Paul Krugman, I've got that 
here today. I may go through a little bit of that. But the thing that 
strikes me about this is these liberal twits can look down on anyone 
they choose to. They can sit around and, as a matter of policy, attack 
the stupidity of anyone they choose and get away with it. They are never 
called on the carpet for it. Imagine if somebody did the same kind of 
piece, imagine if a Krauthammer or me or anybody on the right, wrote a 
piece about how absolutely stupid some of the people who vote for 
Democrats are, and we could name some names. How stupid must you labor 
union people be? How stupid must you African Americans be? How stupid, 
how literally stupid must some of you women be? Can you imagine? And did 
it every day and had it as a general operational thesis that the people 
that vote for you are stupid and we made that something that was part of 
our staple presentation. Do you think we'd get away with it? Well, no. 
But these people, because they have the entitlement of superiority, the 
entitlement of elitism, she's simply echoing what they think at ABC, 
CBS, CNN anyway -- well, maybe not CNN (laughing) -- but they are 
echoing throughout the intelligentsia, throughout academia. They're 
echoing what everybody there thinks. So Smiley, she's probably being 
applauded today in the Citadels of learning that populate the left. 


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