Text 7996, 209 rader
Skriven 2005-01-25 09:22:53 av John Hull (1:379/1.99)
Kommentar till text 7962 av Darryl Perry (1:106/324)
Ärende: Re: Believing
24 Jan 05 23:35, Darryl Perry wrote to John Hull:
DP> On 01-24-05, John Hull said...
JH>> 24 Jan 05 11:30, Darryl Perry wrote to John Hull:
JH>> DP> On 01-23-05, John Hull said...
JH>> JH>> JH>> goes with the territory. Call it the dues you have to
JH>> JH>> JH>pay > to play t game. It doesn't personal unless *you*
JH>> JH>> JH>let it get > that way. As Sta says, he would welcome
JH>> JH>> JH>intelligent liberal" > and so would the rest of
JH>> JH>>
JH>> JH>>
JH>> JH>> DP> Don't you see? It's exactly comments like that that
JH>> JH>> DP> gets people hackles up.
JH>> JH>>
JH>> JH>> There's an elephant sitting in your living room on your sofa
JH>> JH>> and you refus see it. As I said, MOST liberals when they
JH>> JH>> come into this echo, have a tendency to act as if they have
JH>> JH>> ALL the answers. They sit back and pontificate on "the
JH>> JH>> right way" and they spout DNC boilerplate rhetoric alm
JH>> JH>> verbatim. It gets almost comical at times. During the last
JH>> JH>> Clinton campa
JH>> DP> Think about how those 'liberals' feel then they hear time and
JH>> DP> time again from conservatives how Kerry is a flip-flopper as
JH>> DP> evidenced by 'I voted for it before I voted against it'
JH>> DP> comment, or that Kerry is soft on defense since he voted to
JH>> DP> cut back on this-that-or-the-oth defense project even tho it
JH>> DP> was Secratary of Defense Dick Cheney that submitted the
JH>> DP> defense budget that Kerry voted FOR. Those are straigh
JH>> out
JH>> DP> of the RNC talking sheets, but for some reason, in here, it's
JH>> DP> only th 'liberals' that don't think for themselves. That's
JH>> DP> the odor that I f in here all too often.
JH>> I don't get talking points from the RNC. I've never heard Karl
JH>> Rove articulate a "strategy of deception" etc. I have heard
JH>> Democrats sit and recite DNC stuff verbatim, and not just one, but
JH>> several on different chan and different morning news shows - at the
JH>> same time! You can follow the quotes across the country from time
JH>> zone to time zone as the day goes on. like they're all
JH>> telepathically linked and are receiving orders from the "mother
JH>> ship" or something on what to say. You can see them do the same
JH>> t on the evening news shows with the same quotes after the handlers
JH>> have adjusted things based on reactions from the morning
JH>> broadcasts. While som Republicans certainly do it, by and large
JH>> its a Democrat phenomenon. I've been watching them do it for 40
JH>> years, Darryl. I'm not imagining it.
DP> Ok. That's all well and good, John, but it's not solely a 'DNC'
DP> phenomenon. If what you are saying that the Dems pioneered, then the RNC
DP> took the ball and ran with it. NPR was reporting that anybody that had
DP> even the slightest bit of paraphanalia that opposed GWB, they were not
DP> permitted from attending any of the local whistle-stop gatherings for
DP> Bush. As you know, many of the campaign layovers occured virtually next
DP> door to one another as the weeks wore on. Many locals could in fact see
DP> both candidates in person. They were reporting that if somebody had
DP> attended a Kerry gathering and was wearing a Kerry shirt, or even an old
DP> Clinton sticker on their car, then they were barred from access.
That's a lot of media BS. I attended some of those rallies, and so did many of
the people in this echo. I never saw any such blatant behavior, and I know
they didn't either. MOST of the carping about being turned away is coming from
people who didn't want to follow the security control procedures set up to
protect the president from the numerous threats he received. The Secret
Service was taking no chances at all, and anybody that even looked crosseyed at
Bush was gathered up and checked out - just as they should be. That is their
job, but you'd never know that if you relied on the media to tell you about it.
DP> They would go on to have soundbytes of many of the attendees of
DP> these gatherings and it was all the same thing. "Kerry's a
DP> flip-flopper", "Kerry is a tax and spend liberal", "Kerry is soft on
DP> defense".
He WAS a flip-flopper. His record proved it. His own campaign staff has
admitted it since the election. "Tax and spend liberal" is campaign rhetoric,
nothing more. However, it hardly compares to the Dems calling Republicans
"right wing radicals" as if we were Marxists or something. And, finally, Kerry
WAS soft on defense, and his voting record in the senate proves it, not to
mention some of the things he said during the campaign.
JH>> DP> into the ideas thrown around here by many conservatives.
JH>> DP> What I can' abide by is liars and deception, and spin. The
JH>> DP> media and the RNC and it's members are highly skilled at all three.
JH>> DP> It is for this reason that can't abide by GWB, because he seems to
JH>> DP> me to embody all those traits
JH>> There have been a number of books written by prominent
JH>> journalists, most o whom are liberals and/or Democrats detailing
JH>> the bias toward the left in t major media outlets. A study done
JH>> right after the 2nd Clinton election fo that 90% of reporters are
JH>> left leaning. That hasn't changed one bit, and anything, its
JH>> worse today. There has been a lot of discussion about it th last
JH>> cycle - how can you have missed it?
DP> Prolly because every time I turned on the news I saw Bush citing
DP> the same old RNC talking points that I had heard the day before. The news
DP> kept giving that same stuff the air time. I watched and kept track, and
DP> noticed that Bush was getting far and away the most air time. I heard it
DP> from morning zoo radio shows, and afternoon DJ's. With that kind of
DP> coverage, it's hard for me to believe that the media is 'left leaning'.
What you saw was Bush and his people staying on message and talking about the
issues, articulating what Bush wanted to accomplish in the next four years. On
the major TV networks, Kerry got the most face time, except for FoxNews, which
was pretty evenly divided. Toward the end, however, the media sort of turned
on Kerry and began to question some of what he was saying, but that was Kerry's
own fault - another thing that his people have admitted after the fact. The
media has it own agenda which coincides most of the time with the left as far
as ideology goes, but like sharks, if they sense blood in the water they will
turn on their own in a microsecond. Kerry shot himself in the foot numerous
times during the campaign, and that is what the press reacted to.
JH>> JH>> DP> I can only assume that that is the effect that you are
JH>> JH>> DP> going for. Stan's welcoming an 'Intelligent Liberal'
JH>> JH>> DP> is tantamount to saying tha liberals aren't
JH>> JH>> DP> intelligent. with the added connotation that all
JH>> JH>> DP> 'conservatives' ARE intelligent. All you have to do is
JH>> JH>> DP> see Ed C's 'asloiwne;flkwnv' comments to Bjorn and the
JH>> JH>> DP> mocking of my harmless BB tagline to question that
JH>> JH>> DP> assumption.
JH>> JH>>
JH>> JH>> When liberals do nothing but regurgitate the PC rhetoric put
JH>> JH>> out by the DN and the Dem leadership it isn't very
JH>> JH>> intelligent.
JH>> DP> See above. What I see is alot of regurgitating too, but it
JH>> DP> comes from the other side.
JH>> There's a big difference between talking about the issues, and
JH>> telling som the most scurrilous lies I've ever heard. Remember
JH>> when Gore's people put ads in Missouri and how the GOP was going to
JH>> prevent blacks from voting?
DP> No. I don't remember that. I guess I wasn't plugged in to the
DP> mother ship
DP> that day :)
DP> I do remember however that there were radio ads from Charlton
DP> Heston that
DP> if the Democrats won, they were going to take away our guns. Is
DP> that one of
DP> the lies you were talking about?
Do you deny that Sarah Brady, Charlie Schumer, Barbara Boxer and the rest
wouldn't happily get rid of all the guns if they could? There is a ton of
evidence proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that guns do NOT contribute to
crime, and in fact do just the opposite - yet you still see prominent Dems
blathering about gun control. Bill Clinton even admitted that gun owning
Democrats helped defeat Democrats running for the House in 94. That's the year
they lost it by the way. Before you go too far down this road, let me tell you
that Charleton Heston is one of my heroes, that I am an Endowment Life member
of the NRA, and that gun control issues bear heavily on who I vote for in EVERY
election. I know from fighting this battle for 30 years that the Dems would
outlaw guns in a heartbeat if they could.
JH>> how about when the DNC put TV ads out saying that Republicans were
JH>> going t keep seniors from getting their medicine and force them out
JH>> of their homes
JH>> I'm not talking about the normal campaign rhetoric that both sides
JH>> engage I'm talking about deliberate lies designed to literally
JH>> scare the hell out voters. Lies designed to make people so fearful
JH>> of the other party they w completely ignore the fact that all the
JH>> promises made to them are never ke and haven't been for decades. I
JH>> won't stand for that from my side, and I sure won't accept it from
JH>> the left.
DP> But that's exactly what Cheney did!! He said that if Kerry were
DP> to be elected, that we were sure to be attacked. He retracted it a few
DP> days later but the effect was the same. Tell me that that is not a lie
DP> designed to make people fearful.
And he's right. I believe that Kerry is so weak that it would've made us a
prime target.
DP> The bottom line is that the 'liberals' or the Dems or the DNC do
DP> not have a lock on feeding talking points to it's followers. You say you
DP> won't stand that coming from your side, but I haven't seen you even
DP> acknowledge that it does in fact happen, so that makes me somewhat
DP> skeptical. You say you don't give a damn about what the DNC has to say,
DP> but I don't see hold the RNC up to the light and scrutinize it either.
I am not on the list, by my choice, to receive email/fax/updates from the RNC,
and since I am a registered Republican, I don't such things from the Dems.
But, I do watch all the political news shows on TV on Sunday, and on the
internet. As I said, MOST Republicans do not engage in the sort of behavior
I'm talking about. I know they get *accused of it* all the time, but that
isn't the same thing, is it? My Republican ideals I learned back in the days
of Barry Goldwater and haven't much changed since then. Like I said, I don't
always agree with the GOP, but I don't disagree much either.
JH>> Which Ed are you talking about? Ed Connell hasn't got a mean bone
JH>> in his
DP> I'm done with Ed. The subject is closed for me.
Your loss.
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