Text 11639, 229 rader
Skriven 2009-05-31 18:27:04 av Ross Cassell (1:123/456)
Kommentar till text 11634 av Dan Ceppa (1:138/666.0)
Ärende: Unfathomable
Hello Dan!
31 May 09 08:15, you wrote to me:
DC>> It could be, if it is a business.
RC>> You never heard of home businesses before?
DC> Have you heard of the fact that some zoning laws prohit such activity?
I am not talking about someone running a factory..
RC>> Dont be silly, you working or having worked in the DIY auto parts
RC>> business, you know all too well there are plenty of folk turning
RC>> a
DC> Yeah, and I have also known some of them do be cited for violations
DC> of fair use. So you have any idea of the toxic gases given off by
DC> the use of urethane paint? I refuse to sell it to anyone but a
DC> registered paint shop. Hell, one registered mechanic I know bought
DC> some from another counterman. Then, he didn't show up for a while.
DC> He ended up in the hospital and nearly died.
I am not talking about that extreme either, you act like people never ever
restored as a hobby, old cars in their yards/garages/carports before.
I'll bite, hopefully someone restoring an old car, after necessary body and
putty work, would tow or otherwise take the body to a shop to have it
professionally done.
RC>>> Myabe one would no longer be able to work/telecommute from home
RC>>> any longer unless they have a permit?
DC>> Depending on the business, that can be the case.
RC>> Do you even possess the knowledge to know what telecommuting from
RC>> home is?
DC> Has it occurred to you that it might be because items are being
DC> constantly shipped in and out of the house and that the house has
DC> become a warehouse instead? People wil put up with reasonable UPS
DC> deliveries. They will get upset when the roads get clogged with
DC> various shipping trucks all day long.
I was correct, you havent the remotest clue as to what telecommuting is..
One whom telecommutes, isnt operating a business out of their home, they work
for someone else and the employer pays them for their services by having the
employee work from home..
I have several customers do that and some of them even had the employer provide
computers and pick up or offset the telephone and internet access bills.
Depending on the business and the employees job responsibilities, most only
have to show up in the employers office once a week for staff meetings or other
duties requiring a physical presence, then they spend the other days of the
week working from home.
An example of this might be employees of "support.com", they offer PC tech
support service and IT help desk support, whereas the bulk of the staff all
work from their own homes, remotely accessing client computers from the
All this is done without a single UPS truck dude.
RC>> Often requires a PC and a telephone...
RC>> There is no depending..
DC> Yes, there is. I just gave you an exanple where the busines requires
DC> far more than just a phone.
But you didnt understand telecommuting..
Many realty agents work out of their homes, their neighbors none the wiser
other than to observe so and so's car in the driveway more often than not or
their comings and goings beyond the 9-5 norm.
RC>> Just how much Government do you want in your life?
DC> At least enough to provent Wall Street from fucking up the economy
DC> again.
How ignorant, since Wall Street is used as the economys barometer.
Granted the speculators ought to get fucked.
DC> And enough to keep lead and mercury out of my drinking water.
How does that get them into your life if you are not the polluter?
DC> Perhaps enough so I can breathe the air around. And, tgere are more
DC> than just a few more.
We have all the Govt we need for the examples you cited and I suspect that more
companies that are involved in the major sectors are going to be real careful
on executive compensation. But for the examples you cite, do you advocate
turning the SEC and EPA into jack booted thugs and outfitting them with black
helicopters? <G>
RC>> Having people over for a pool party, prayer meal or other get
RC>> together isnt a zoning violation.
DC> It is when such events are held on a regular basis. Read the codes
DC> for the details.
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
DC> No, to insure that such variances are done in such a way to minimize
DC> impact on the neighborhood. In this particular case, it most likely
DC> would mean that the perp would have to provide additional paking on
DC> his own property. A;so, he may have to hire someone to insure safe
DC> traffic flow at the times of the events. It really isn't that hard to
DC> figure out.
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
RC>> You based your argument in part on the possibility that the
RC>> neighbors were disrupted, turns out that in part they were..
RC>> Parking, fender benders.. You are saying that the pursuit of a
RC>> permit makes all that ok?
DC> See above. It's rather basic. All the guy has to do is pave over his
DC> back yard to provide additional parking spaces for his guests.
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
RC>> I tend to think your opinion of this case is highly tainted by
RC>> your rabid atheism and that if it were more of a case of being a
RC>> Tupperware
DC> Nice try, Ross, but that don't fly. The problem is obvious. The
DC> neighborhood is subject to disruption of traffic on a regular basis.
DC> Besides being an inconvenience to to them, it most likely is also
DC> considered a fire hazard in that what should be open fire lanes are
DC> blocked.
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
RC>> Better yet, if this man was working for ACORN or having some
RC>> grassroot political meeting to elect Democrats to office, you
RC>> would have no problem.
DC> Give it break. What's ACORN have to do with this other than your need
DC> to find a diversion?
No, I just gave that as an example, there are many reasons for citizens to hold
gatherings at their homes, maybe its ACORN, Poker or Bridge?
DC> You answered the question again yourself. The guy needs more paking
DC> and it will have to be on his land and not on the neighborhood's
DC> streets.
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
RC>> You obviously have no idea of what news aggregation is, the fact
RC>> that the article I cited was from a Foxnews RSS feed has no
RC>> bearing on Foxnews at all, as they took the story from a local
RC>> feed.
DC> The fact of the matter is that the story is incomplete.
It was at the time I posted it, but the story I posted had links to the local
TV station where the story was, I didnt surf to that link as I posted the
synopsis presented.
RC>> When I lived in Vienna Va, a public street was exactly that.. If
RC>> a
DC> We are not talking about Vienna, VA. The zoning laws controling
DC> this are those of Chula Vista, Ca. My guess would be that they are
DC> not identical.
Neither of us know that, fact is, you and I can only speak directly to our life
experiences. But if the city withdrew its demand for the permit, I suspect the
parking laws are more similiar to Vienna.. <G>
I suspect that the County initially saw this case as a means to raise revenue
for its coffers? (Means = Opportunity)
RC>> We can fire off and purchase fireworks around here year round,
RC>> guess we are special. Obviously they cant be used if one is
RC>> disturbing the peace.
DC> Try again, Ross: There are many states in which pvt ownership of
DC> fireworks is illegal.
I know, Virginia is one of them.
RC>> Here a script you can use...
RC>> "Sirs, this man is worshipping a deity, I dont approve of people
RC>> worshipping deities, you must stop this dammit!"
RC>> Oh and the fender bender, the Preacher paid for it out of his own
RC>> pocket.
DC> That's nice, Ross. Try sticking those works back into your own mouth
DC> and swallowing them. You're the one trying to make this in a debate
DC> on religion when it is about fair land use under existing codes.
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
RC>> Oh and the Neighborhood, it isnt exactly in a hustling bustling
RC>> section of the city.
DC> Which is EXACTLY why the extra traffic isn't wanted, is it!
Did I tell you that the County withdrew the demands for the permit?
This story had a religious flavor to it, which is the *only* reason why it made
it out of the SoCal media. Had the guy been having weekly pool parties, we
wouldnt have been discussing this unless one or both of us lived in that area
and the topic came up.
I think the County screwed up for asking for the permit when they found out
what he was hosting, they simply should have told him that his guests faced
tickets or towing if a problem was presented.
I suspect that this Pastor agreed to limit the number of guests or perhaps
decide to hold the meetings at his Church.
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... Bigot: Anyone who's winning an argument with a liberal.
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