Text 12161, 171 rader
Skriven 2009-07-12 14:09:41 av Richard Webb (1:116/901.0)
Kommentar till text 12159 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140)
Ärende: Palin Scandal
Hello Wayne,
On Sat 2037-Jul-11 17:44, WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140) wrote to RICHARD WEBB:
WC> Once upon a time I believed the U.S. Constitution really mattered.
RW> Why does this surprise you? The American people are told
RW> they're consumer, in all that "consumer" implies. They
RW> promise to pay for it later. Tell your innermost secrets on myspace
RW> and watch other people make idiots of themselves on
RW> American IDol or so-called reality television, but just buy
RW> more shit will ya?
WC> We'd better start making stuff again.
WC> That and a funding a LOT of research and development.
WC> Instead of pouring funds into the banks, Wall Street and an
WC> automotive industry that ignored the call to change.
But people who make something and do research have to be
critical thinkers, and we don't want critical thinkers, we
want consumers. THe parakeet in a cage is a consumer, and
that's what we're supposed to be. INstead of quality
manufacturing we have folks working in cube farms in
"financial services" etc.
WC> We can lead but the price of following is just too incomprehensible
WC> to me, or do I mean it is _too comprehensable_?
IT's comprehensible alright. I comprehend it, you
comprehend it, but the corporates don't give a damn. They
want consumers. Shut up and consume.
WC> Don't get me wrong.
WC> I'm not against the oil companies getting rich, I'm opposed to them
WC> getting rich at the cost of what I used to regard as a great
WC> democracy.
YOu and me both, but again this takes longterm thinking, not next quarter's
profit and loss statement. We have no long
term thinking because we don't want to deal with having long term memory. I
seem to base my decisions for my business on a five year plan. Before Katrina
it was working too.
Thanks to my lady's health issues etc. since then I"m about
a year behind on my five year recovery plan, but I know
where I am, and can adapt.
WC> Just change the _oil_ in "oil industry", to _energy_ industry. They
WC> broke it, let 'em fix it while creating jobs and yes even staying
WC> wealthy.
NEver happen, requires longterm thinking and planning,
requires making partners out of others instead of just
WC> Whoever thunk up "trickle down economics anyway"?
Those who propelled Ronnie REagan to power. THe same guy
that said we don't trade arms for hostages while making
behind the scenes deals to do just that, and put the money
in the pockets of the contras.
WC> If the rich want to stay rich you'd think they'd want the consumer
WC> to have the financial resources to continue to buy products and
WC> services?
They don't think that far ahead WAyne. They think that "I
can't have mine if you've got a shot at getting yours too."
That doesn't even enter some of these pea sized brains. YOu and I understand
that if our labor and what we make is of
value it's only of that value if people have the money to
pay for it. But, if the consumer only pays for his goods
and services with the welfare check that trickled to him
from the government then the government is paying for it,
and he's told to sit down, shut up and be glad he's allowed
to live, and he's got plastic money to play with. Buy now,
pay later, if you live that long. The consumer has to put
down the plastic and actually look at pictures of dead
politicians leaving his wallet to understand what's
happening here. IT's all a problem for later on down the
road, or somebody else is paying. THe consumer has been
removed from the process of work for my money, pay with what money the paycheck
brought in *this week* for what I need,
not promise to pay in eight easy installments. We're all
too insulated from the process that really is supposed to be going on. Oops,
compressor on the refrigerator went out.
TAke the card and go to HOme Depot Marge, get another one,
have 'em deliver it tomorrow while I"m at work. HEy while
you're at it get the one with the ice and water dispensers
in the door and ...
WC> I call it, "trickle up economics", and I seem to recall it built
WC> this country.
IT did, but that was before easy credit and mass marketing.
That was when American ingenuity adn know-how was still
prized throughout the world. Now we're fat, lazy and
removed form the actual economic process. I'm 55 years old
and I've seen it happen within my lifetime. The baby
boomers were the last generation raised being told that
American ingenuity and know-how was prized the world over,
as well as that they had a divine right to all this. Mass
marketing came in, told 'em that the trappings of the good
life meant the good life. Get a bigger screen television,
more toys, cooler stuff in eight designer colors. Pay for
it later, and you really don't want one of those jobs on the factory floor
anyway. Why would you want to join that labor union? THat's all so passe. Be
glad you've got a job and
your piece of the pie. YOu got your mastercard and Visa,
AMerican Express, you started out with your new wife in a
nice apartment with brand new furniture, which your parents
sure didn't. Quitcherbitchin and get the balm for your
wounded psyche at the mall.
WC> I recall at the beginning of this Iraq war thinking what with all
WC> the Congressional aides and resources at their disposal how come no
WC> one in Congress appeared informed?
They were good consumers and bought what all the talking
heads from the executive branch told them. The spin doctors did an exellent
job of telling those folks that the
excrement they were eating was prime filet mignon. Why
delve into all those documents? Reading is hard, you might
have to decipher multiple syllable words, maybe even consult a dictionary. YOu
might have to think about whether what
you read on page 1042 dovetail with what you read back on
page 614. That's too hard. The spinmeisters put it in nice one minute chunks
for ya, and they'd have no reason to lie
to you now would they?
WC> To the best of my knowledge not one member of Congress even ever
WC> bothered to attempt to read
WC> the unabridged National Intelligence Estimate which actually had
WC> some of the canards and questions
WC> about the accuracy of Intel on Iraq.
See above, the spin docs did their jobs well. They even
blew smoke up Colin POwell's pipe, and MR. POwell is not an
easy man to baffle with bs methinks. NOt enough hours in
the day, and the experts oughta know after all. Who's to
question them?
RW> on the six o'clock news that says " if you have .... see
RW> your doctor and tell him that you want him to prescribe .... " Be
WC> That's another thing, drug compamies allowed to market directly to
WC> the American people???
WC> I don't recall going to medical school or being especially good at
WC> biology. Who else does this in the world?
OF course, but we bypass the doctors, and get folks in to
see the doctor telling him that they've got "restless leg"
syndrome, or their kid is "bipolar" or has addhd. My dad
had a cure for attention deficit problems. <biff>. Usually followed by
"dammit pay attention boy!"
WC> My personal favorite is the drug marketed for Alzheimers or
WC> I can still recall Carl Sagan calling into question the value of
WC> intelligence as an unproven survival trait.
HE may be wrong about that. YOu see any lemmings lately?
WC> Here's another area I hope I'm proven wrong in my beliefs.
I do too, but we're breeding for less intelligence, not
... When the Gods want to punish us, they give us what we want.
--- timEd 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS (1:116/901)