Text 12416, 230 rader
Skriven 2010-02-11 17:38:00 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140)
Kommentar till en text av ROSS CASSELL
Ärende: Re: net neutrality
Hello good buddy!
RC> Hello WAYNE!
RC> 05 Feb 10 21:28, you wrote to me:
WC> MOST people do not go to hospitals for strokes.
RC> No Wayne, MOST people, especially critical thinkers, _DO_ seek
RC> treatment for a stroke.
I didn't nor did I seek out medical attention in 2004 when a 90 LB pit
bull nailed my hand.
I *did* however file a report of the attack with Pinellas
County animal control.
That report exists, date of incident June 28, 8:35 A.M. 2004.
Owner of the offending animal, Jimmy Nation skinhead.
Name of offending animal, Brutus.
Someone apparently vanished Brutus for the good of one and all
a couple of years later.
RC> What might be more accurate for you to say is that _MOST_ people do not
RC> do the things or seek treatment to _prevent_ one.
WC> In the case of an acquaintance his family forced him to go to a
WC> hospital.
WC> Net results?
WC> Ziltch.
RC> It depends on how long one waits, assuming they realized it was a
RC> stroke, there is a 2 to 4 hour window, assuming the stroke is a
RC> blockage, not a bleeder (Aneurysm).
I am still awaiting your posting of your legitimate medical credentials
as I have been for quite some time now.
RC> Even so, if one survives a stroke, a lifestyle change is needed in form
RC> or diet, exercise and meds.
RC> You didnt even go to a clinic.
Nope, and fully recovered.
Also taken preventative measures of zero added salt, no preprepared high salt
and the addition of 400 I.U. of vitamin A as well as Omega 3 fatty acid fish
oil capsules
WC> He's still messed up and still lacks the use of an arm.
RC> He waited too long.
Yeah, the 30 mintutes it took his mom to get him to the hospital.
People die on the spot from strokes.
Others have silent strokes.
Mine was in between.
There is a wide variation.
Snip, Ross's recollection of family stroke victem.
WC> He does however have a rather extensive list of medical bills and
WC> debts resulting from said useless hospitalization.
WC> I have no such bills or debts and recovered nicely thank you.
RC> Assuming that you really had a stroke, you do not know if you
RC> recovered, once a stroker always a stroker.
Well gee whiz Ross the thumb and first two fingers on my right hand are no
clenched into a tight ball and I've actual full use of them again.
That took quite a bit of rather painful self prescribed physical therapy.
No real fun in that at all.
RC> You are in the system Wayne, you can get medical treatment under
RC> Medicare or whatever and if Ross Sauer whom draws far less "unearned"
RC> benefits than you, can get a coronary bypass operation paid for, you
RC> can have a Doctor examine you.
In the case of flu or cold what's the point?
Both are viral and neither has any remediation other than the steps I did in
fact take.
RC> Instead I think you tell people you have this ailment and that ailment
RC> only to curry sympathy.
Then why is it that YOU are the one foremost and primarily responsible for
spreading the news of my disability far and wide across all of fidonet?
I seem to recall keeping that a rather close kept secret and portraying myself
as the vigorous extremely healthy person I once was.
I recall relating the fact me and 5 others walked my 1972 Gran Torino
out of sugar sand at Gandy Bridge.
I recall relating my surprise upon finding the grease pencil marking on a
roll of stainless I loaded onto a roll former at Precisionaire of Florida
stating its weight at exactly 657 pounds.
Then I made the error of posting to the Ask_A_Cop echo about the apparent
routine habit of police officers of tailgating motorcyclists seemingly
in effort to spooking them into some excuse to issue a ticket.
I've asked literally dozens of police officers over the years about this
practice and to current date I've gotten nothing but silence in reply.
It can and did in my case end up putting me in a box between a car behind, the
one in front and one off to the right leaving me no options whatever.
Seven full years later I suddenly thought the best option would have been to
the two feet onto the hood of the patrol which would never have resulted in
anything like
the injuries I actualy sustained.
Such an action is of course EXTREME but then I found myself for no fault of my
own in imminent and extreme danger.
Don't even think of it as a cop, any idiot tailgating a motorcyclist at
2 feet for ten blocks is operating his vehicle in a dangerous, illegal
and wreckless manner.
RC> It was real easy for you to say you had the swine flu.
It's really easy to get the flu too.
I've had it probably a half dozen times, even previously the swine flu (
in 1978 at my Osteopaths medical office.
The offered medication?
Antibiotics useless in the case of flu but often given by physicians
to placate patients paying for an office visit as well as to ward off
secondary infections.
In fact just the other week I recall reading Norway has vastly *reduced*
illnesses due to overprecription of antibiotics which has in fact led
to the development of antibiotic resistant superbugs, something according to
report I read they've far fewer difficulties with than we now have here in the
OTOH I've not had but a single case of cold or flu in the last 20 years
except for one each back to back earlier this year.
BTW, the common cold is another thing I do not run to a clinic or doctors
office for as that too is a virus and there's no remediation but
hydration, nutrician and rest.
Here you've editted out my concern for the returned maimed Iraq war servicemen
and woman.
An unecessary war highly promoted by you in its early years from 2003 through
at least 2006.
WC> This of course hits me particularly hard as I myself am maimed.
RC> Via your own actions.
Another of your supposed psychic predictions?
I recall your prediction record on the certainty of finding WMD in Iraq
to have introduced considerable skepticism on my part of your claimed
all knowing psychic and medical abilities.
Nor do I have much of any faith in your claims of remote viewing capibility
to ascertain events at a distance.
As regards to the flu.
I followed the exact advice of the CDC in Atlanda Georgia
in response to the flu and that was, stay home as to not expose others, hydrate
and maintain good nutrician.
I'll be certain to report my next hangnail so you can once again insist on my
immediate need to seek medical attention!
As I said in the post previous with your cheerful rejoiner "Hello Wayne!"
You appear to me to have an extremely passive - aggressive personality.
An opinion based upon long familiarity with your fidonet habits.
When claiming I am out for sympathy it should be pointed out it was you engaged
in precisely such passive agressive behaviors that drew me out to reveal my
state of current health after my few posts ( you crossposted with much apparent
in the Ask_A_Cop echo.
In fact I'd hoped to spread awareness among police themselves of the horrendous
pontential and realized consequences of such wreckless behavior.
I'm not the first and I'll not be the last such victem until ALL police
are made to wear now technologically feasable video recording devices as part
of their uniforms.
In fact there is a U.S. community where this is being done and I sure hope it
on as it will not only protect the public but make the conviction of true
a walk in the park.
Just play the video in court.
Everyone would win and potential rogue police officers would certainly be
I certainly wish a video existed of my experience!
... My apologies to breeze.
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