Text 12870, 206 rader
Skriven 2010-04-26 13:24:41 av Ed Hulett (1:123/789.0)
Kommentar till text 12868 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140)
Ärende: GM
On 04/26/2010 06:25 AM, WAYNE CHIRNSIDE -> ED HULETT wrote:
->> On 04/25/2010 08:48 PM, WAYNE CHIRNSIDE -> ED HULETT wrote:
->>>> On 04/25/2010 03:55 PM, WAYNE CHIRNSIDE -> ED HULETT wrote:
-=>>>>>> ED HULETT wrote to WAYNE CHIRNSIDE <=-
WC>>>>> Everything you wrote "d88 enter" without reading.
WC>>>>> Roll over.
->>>> That's right, run away...
WC>>> Well here you go.
WC>>> Bill Moyers on PBS with William K. Black explaining the massive
WC> wall
WC>>> street fraud perpetrated under the Bush administration in 2001
WC>>> The last week of Bill Moyers on the economic meltdown with
WC>>> William K. Black
WC>>> http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/04232010/watch.html
->> When will you realize that Moyers' guest was giving his OPINION. That's
WC> what
->> Moyers' show is all about. Opinion.
WC> Uh actually no you are WRONG right out of the starting gate.
WC> Bill Moyers was INTERVIEWING Wiliam K. Black who was giving facts.
No, he was giving his opinion.
WC> Who is William K. Moyers
WC> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_K._Black.
WC> He will be the FIRST suggestion of options to come up on
WC> a google search of his name.
WC> You can WATCH the interview, not opinion piece here at this URL below.
WC> http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/04232010/watch.html
WC> In short a lawyer, banking regulator for two years under the Bush
WC> administration, author, financial expert and now college professor
So what? He was still giving his opinion. Your inability to understand that
only shows that you believe what you want to hear and don't use critical
thinking in the least.
WC> Bill Moyers - economy
WC> http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/04232010/watch.html
WC> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_K._Black
->> You can agree with that opinion all you want, but don't try and pass it
WC> off as
->> fact.
WC> Once AGAIN, it's an interview with an expert in banking regulation.
An "expert" giving his OPINION.
WC> You can suggest it's opinion all you want but for so inept an
WC> attempt at rebuttal you obviously didn't even think to
WC> watch the program or if you did you lack the capacity to understand it.
Your ignorance is duly noted.
WC> One AGAIN, William K. Black is a Lawyer, former Banking Regulator
WC> under the BUSH administration, author and now college professor.
So what? That doesn't make him the arbiter of truth. He was giving his opinion
on what caused the financial meltdown.
WC> This is NOT opinion, this is DIRECT information from one
WC> who was part of the financial regulations from 2005 - 2007 just
WC> as the financial crises he foresaw unfolded.
WC> 2005 - 2007, in the regulatory field under the BUSH administration.
No, he gave his opinion of what happened.
->>>> You show that all you have is partisan propaganda.
WC> William K. Black was part of banking regulation under the second term of
WC> the BUSH administration!
You can repeat that over and over again all you want, but that doesn't change
the fact that he was giving his opinion.
WC>>> Hey if you aren't to chicken view the above video from pbs.
->> I already did. It's nothing but opinion based on the guest's political
->> position. He appears to think banks do nothing good without big
WC> government
->> regulation.
WC> Well than you're either lying about watching it or didn't comprehend it
WC> and you are certainly WRONG about it being an opinion piece as Bill
WC> Moyers did nothing but ask questions and followup questions of an expert
WC> banking regulation under the BUSH administration.
Good grief, you just don't get it. Moyers is just another talking head on TV
and his guest was giving his opinion on what caused the financial collapse.
Moyers had him on because his opinion fits nicely with Moyers' political slant.
Not once did they talk about what really caused the collapse -- i.e. Fannie and
WC> Those are the only options to be drawn from you utter lack of insight into
WC> the interview of William K. Black.
The only options for someone with an agenda.
WC> Not an "opinion" piece, an interview of a banking regulator under the BUSH
WC> administration.
An interview that was short on facts and long on opinion.
WC> So either admit you didn't watch it or I can only draw but one other
WC> conclusion, you didn't comprehend it.
I watched it and the main thrust was that there wasn't enough regulation. What
Black doesn't talk about is that banks were required to offer mortgages to
people who had no means of paying them off. He doesn't go into how Fannie and
Freddie collapsed before any of the banks because they were there to securitize
sub-prime mortgages. At the time of their collapse in 2008, Fannie and Freddie
owned and/or guaranteed 56% of those mortgages. The "too-big-to-fail" banks
like Lehman Bothers, Goldman Sachs, CitiCorp, etc. were the next to go because
they were heavily leveraged in toxic mortgages as mandated by federal law
(Community Reinvestment Act) aimed at providing housing for low income
The intention of the CRA was good, but the road to ruin is paved with good
intentions. As people started defaulting on those sub-prime loans, there was
nothing that could stop the house of cards the federal government set up. Now,
the banks are being vilified for trying to do all they could under the law to
keep them, their share holders and depositors from losing everything.
WC>>> It confirms everything I've said about the repeal of Glass Steagall
WC> being
WC>>> at the heart of the cause of the economic collapse and that the SEC
WC>>> was aware of the situation however had suggested the deregulation
WC> that
->> kept
WC>>> them from having the ability to do anything about it.
->> No, it only shows how you agree with the opinion of Moyer and his guest.
WC>>> It's not all that computer intensive so there's no excuse
WC>>> as it plays on a 1888 IBM Aptiva rather well.
WC>>> ^massive typo - 1998 Aptiva
->> Hahahahahahahaha!!!!
->> It plays just fine on my AMD X2 5000.
WC> I''m sure it would if you watched it about which I extreme doub
WC> all the erroneous disinformation you are spewing.
I have watched it twice now. Nothing I have said is "disinformation."
WC> If anyone is showing partisan bias it is YOU.
Really? Where have I made any reference to party?
WC>>> I also have saved the transcript to text and can either zip file
WC>>> attach it to any who wish it after formatting.
->> Good for you.
WC> Yes indeed.
WC> I enjoy being well informed and take the time to separate the wheat from
WC> the chaff to arrive at the truth.
Unfortunately, you keep the chaff and discard the wheat.
WC> You OTOH appear to thrive on burying you head in the sand rather than
WC> confront the truth
You obviously haven't been introduced to the truth.
"Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the
entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world
disagrees with it." --Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204)
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