Text 13535, 272 rader
Skriven 2010-05-29 10:24:59 av Ross Cassell (1:123/456)
Kommentar till text 13527 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE (1:123/140)
Ärende: Criminal? U R Really Nutz
Hello WAYNE!
29 May 10 03:18, you wrote to me:
RC>> After the start of the 2003 Iraq war, when reports started
RC>> surfacing in the media that the so called weapons of mass
RC>> destruction didnt exist, I merely stated that I was going to wait
RC>> until more concrete information was offered up, instead of buying
RC>> into the media and blogosphere frenzy.
WC> You fully supported the march to war.
WC> You fully asserted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction as FACTS
WC> when they were NOT.
You only prove what I was saying in that it enraged you that I would not take
your viewpoint.
Fuck you Wayne, I am not required to adhere to your politics, but you have the
same rights, you dont have to adhere to mine.
To do things your way, I would have to get busted for Pot possession, DWI,
fleeing to elude and criminal tresspassing, in order to be "cool".
WC> I brought the FACTS to your attention along with supporting URLS
WC> to substantiate those FACTS.
You mean you brought URL's to my attention that supported your position..
Sauer does that all the time.
WC> You could not be bothered to even look at them along
WC> with the other 72 percent of the American people who bought the
WC> propaganda at that time.
Are you sir a megalomaniac, do you feel you know whats best for everyone, good
golly, I hope you dont because you dont even know whats best for yourself. You
actually do know, you just are what you would call, willfully ignorant.
WC> Hell several people quite literally and vocally threatened to KILL
WC> me merely for voicing opposition to the second Gulf War when speaking
WC> to another on a municipal transit bus.
Discretion is the better part of valor, even I dont talk politics when out and
about in public, even if a stranger initiates the discussion and I agree with
WC> I was RIGHT.
WC> You and those others were WRONG.
Oh boy, yippee yay, lets award Wayne the Congressional Medal of Honor!
WC> No one ever suffered or died for my few misdomeaners.
Except for yourself, and that is a travesty in of itself, look at where you are
now.. But the stupidity continues, doesnt it Wayne?
By the way, where did you get your opinions, in the dumpster behind a law
office, like you got the rest of your computer equipment and printers?
If your back is now so bad to force you to consider a nursing home, just how
did you get them two HP Laserjets home, are you chronically stupid?
WC> I OTOH was left crippled for LIFE by police misconduct in the form of
WC> some idiot cop tailgating me from 13th AVE. N. to approx. 3 Ave, N.
WC> 34th street Saint Petersburg on Nov 10, 1990.
WC> Tailgating at a distance of no more that TWO FEET the entire time!
Hindsight being 20/20, why didnt you pull over in a 7-11 or grocery store
parking lot or other public place? Surely if you had and this cop was going to
brutalize you, you would have had witness a plenty, nice platform for a
RC>> had reason to be skeptical of the information being presented
RC>> saying that the WMD's didnt exist, given the crap surrounding the
RC>> prior presidential election. The left (which includes the media)
RC>> was going to be unhappy no matter what this president did, A) the
RC>> 2000 Election B) They werent in power. You are seeing the same
RC>> thing now, just the players are reversed, with the current
RC>> President.
WC> Revisionist history and BS on your part.
WC> You were ADAMENT there WMD in spite of SOLID and now verified and
WC> CONFIRMED evidence I attempted to bring to your attention.
It doesnt matter what you think I was adamant about, as you would say, you
arent a mind reader (that quip sound familiar?), what matters is, I retained my
rights to formulate my views and opinions **MY** way, not the Wayne "Criminal"
Chirnside way. You should have dropped the subject with me then, instead of the
stalking you did. Had you done this, there would not be so so much acrimony
between you and I, but alas, water, under, bridge, too late.
RC>> Because I wasnt toeing Waynes line of thought regarding WMD's,
RC>> and if
WC> Because you were supporting putting American men and women
WC> servicepeople into harms way without cause! FOUR THOUSAND DEAD. ONE
and you support things I detest, what am I supposed to do about you, get the
Jack Booted thugs to whisk you away for a dose of mind control?
WC> They had resources and aids far beyond the meager resources I
WC> had yet I was EASILY able to arrive at the correct conclusions based
WC> upon substantiated FACTS.
WC> Facts I dearly attempted to bring to the attention of a great many
WC> others.
But you singlehandedly blame me for all of your problems.
RC>> you read back just a couple days ago, he admits being enraged
RC>> because I was not conforming to his views, he was as he would put
RC>> it, stalking me.
WC> BS once again.
WC> You've dug into Florida public records.
WC> You've posted to me as "felon" this despite I've NEVER had any
WC> criminal charge but only civil misdomeaner offenses.
To point out that you have no leg to stand on, can you find my name in any
court records, you cant and you wont.
WC> You continue to post a booking photo for a trespassing charge that you
WC> yourself admitted the charge was DISMISSED!
YEt there was cause to hold you in jail for 2 months, and I suspect the charges
were dismissed because your *victim* was a lower form of lowlife than you.
WC> Do I look messed up in that photo?
I suspect you look like that all the time.
WC> I was falsely arrested and in incredible pain from spinal injuries
WC> sustained in 1990 due to horrific police misconduct. Hell I've been as
WC> far as my mailbox at the front door no more than five times this
WC> month.
Yet how many visits did you pay to Ray this past month?
WC> I've been to a Walmart or similar store no more than 4 times in TWENTY
WC> YEARS due to disabilty incurred over three BS traffic tickets issues
WC> to cover heinous police misconduct!
and why pray tell, do you think the cops singled you out, out of the vast
populace to choose from in your area of Florida?
WC> I lost TWO INCHES of height in that incident where three BS tickets
WC> were issued and yet NO medical attention was forthcoming.
According to you, you dont need medical attention for anything, just the CDC
RC>> I would get one line messages from him saying "Found Those WMD's
RC>> yet" or that line would be at the bottom of a more wordy message,
RC>> just about every single one, and this went on up to the point he
RC>> got himself, ironically speaking, thrown in jail and held there
RC>> for 2 months in May of 07.. So four years of his crap and then he
RC>> is starting again.
WC> As YOU YOUSELF first appraised me of!
That was the timeline when your 4 years of stalking me, abruptly ended, you
RC>> I dont really give a shit if he was right, given that this man
RC>> whom does possess some intelligence has done so many things
RC>> wrong. Him being right doesnt win him any points on a scoreboard
RC>> and on that topic, me withholding **immediate** judgement was
RC>> causing no harm. We are a bunch of computer geeks stating
RC>> opinions in a messaging network that was born in the days of DOS.
RC>> With that said, there should not be any penalty for
RC>> **withholding** an opinion, but Wayne thinks there should be,
RC>> especially if one doesnt express his.
WC> Your expressed opinions and those whom shared your opinions are
WC> RESPONSIBLE for the deaths of thousands of American servicemen and
WC> woman and the maiming of a hundred thousand others.
You mentioned that on a city bus, strangers overhearing a conversation you were
having, wanted to 'kill' you over your viewpoints.
What makes your posture towards me any different, apart from the fact that you
didnt threaten to kill me, isnt intolerance of anothers views, illustrated
WC> NAME but ONE PERSON I've caused harm by any of my actions or ten
WC> misdomeaner charges you've stalked me on and posted in various echos?
and how is that any different from your stalking me, couldnt you have let it
drop those 6 to 7 years ago, once it became evident that I wasnt going to
conform to the "Wayne Way"?
WC> You OTOH seek to harm.
WC> Continue to seek to harm.
WC> Appear to rejoice and delight in causing harm.
and how are you being harmed..
Is my ascii kicking your ascii?
RC>> Besides that, whom goes around boasting about having a stroke and
RC>> the swine flu (H1N1), with a self claimed IQ of 137, but doesnt
RC>> seek *any*
WC> What 'boast'???
WC> I've HAD swine flu TWICE.
WC> Once in 1978 or 79 and you'd know better than I the last time
WC> as you obsess upon it not I.
You are a sympathy whore..
WC> All I did was mention it in passing as an afterthought on day 5
WC> in the Linux echo and you glommed onto it as if it were an
WC> an unprecidentedc Earth shaking event.
Just another one of your sympathy whoring lies.
WC> I did not 'boast' about having a stroke.
WC> I initially said I was suffering 'senior moments" or dementia but you
WC> pried and pried until I honestly admitted to having had a
WC> stroke. You've been on about it ever since and STILL.
Because no sane person ignores something as serious, considering that lack of
treatment can mean certain death in the future, you do not know if the stoke
was caused by a blockage or a bleeder and if a blockage was it a clot or glob
of plaque.
Therefore the logical conclusion is your stroke is another fabrication for your
sympathy whoring ways.
WC> BTW, I AM dyslexic but not only is that neither here nor there but
WC> irrelevent as I had excellent therapy as a kid to overcome that minor
WC> learning disability.
I dont care, you dont hold a candle to Tom Walker in that department.
WC> I place blame where blame IS.
So because Florida is a right to work state, you felt compelled to engage in
illegal dumping..
Why do you think you were the only employed worker then?
WC> In your case that is self evident.
WC> In the case of police misconduct I KNOW where to place the blame.
On yourself..
WC> Considering the crippling, torment and false imprisonment I have
WC> suffered at the hands of the police in THIS community of Saint
WC> Petersburg Florida it seems to me a very near miricle that even to
WC> this day I do not regret intervening at great personal risk to myself
WC> to save the life of one officer Peter Vaughn of the Saint Petersburg
WC> police department.
and yet you chose to stay.
WC> That's the truth.
You would know the truth if it was glued on the inside of your eyelids.
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... Bigot: Anyone who's winning an argument with a Democrat.
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* Origin: The Eastern Star - Spartanburg, SC USA (1:123/456)