Text 1780, 228 rader
Skriven 2006-07-19 14:40:00 av BOB KLAHN (1:123/140)
Kommentar till en text av JOHN MASSEY
Ärende: World War III
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JM> What you're seeing in the Middle East right now -- the
JM> fighting in Lebanon and in Gaza -- are the direct and
JM> predictable result of Israel's demonstrations of weakness.
JM> You do not show any sign of weakness to Islamic fascists.
JM> They will revel in it, and will then attack to press their
JM> perceived advantage.
Israel is a lot weaker than you may believe, or even suspect.
And when did the war between terrorists ever stop, or let up,
weak or strong? Oh, I know, back when Itzhak Rabin was behaving
in a way Boortz would consider weak, and negotiating a
settlement. Of course, that was brought to a halt, a Jewish
extremist murdered him.
JM> Israel pulls it's citizens and settlements out of Gaza.
JM> This Israel does as a show of good faith and an inducement
JM> to the so-called "Palestinians" to react with a concession
JM> of their own and move toward a lasting negotiated peace.
JM> After the Gaza pull out Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
JM> remarked that Israel was "tired" and wanted to work harder
JM> for peace. Another sign of Israeli weakness. "We're
JM> tired. Please leave us alone."
Doing the right thing is not a sign of weakness, it's just the
right thing. Israel was long overdue to pull out of Gaza. Of
course, Boortz overlooks the real reason Israel pulled out. It
was either that or annex Gaza, and eventually the West Bank,
which would have meant the end of Israel as a Jewish state, and
the reversion back to a Muslim majority in the long run.
Boortz should have read Sharon's positions on that.
JM> So ... Islamic terrorists in Gaza build a nice little
JM> tunnel and use it to attack Israel.
As a result of that tunnel, two Israeli soldiers were killed,
and one kidnapped.
Mexican drug dealers built a nice little tunnel under the US
border, and used it to smuggle drugs that will kill far more
American civilians, esp young people, children.
By Bortz think we should bomb Mexico out of existance. Instead
Bush is giving concessions to Mexico.
JM> They kidnap an Israeli
JM> soldier. Hezbollah Islamic fascists in Lebanon conduct a
JM> similar attack from the North. They kill several Israeli
JM> soldiers and kidnap two. These were clear-cut acts of war
JM> against Israel, and Israel is responding.
Yes, independent Arab groups kill a handful of Israeli
*SOLDIERS* and kidnap three *SOLDIERS*.
In retalliation Isreal kills lebanese and Palestinian civilians.
So far the reports show 25 Isrealis killed. All the Isrealis
killed were soldiers before the Israeli attacks on civilians
started. Now maybe 13 of the Israelis killed are civilians.
Between 250 and 300 Lebanese have been killed, the majority
civilians, and about 100 Palestinians.
Isn't that the Nazi standard, you kill one of ours, we kill ten
of yours?
JM> Newt Gingrich says that we and the rest of the world have
JM> to come to terms that we're in the middle of what he calls
JM> World War III. OK, he and I have a bit of a disagreement
JM> on that. I believe that the Cold War was World War III,
JM> and we won. Small point, so I'll bow to Gingrich on the
JM> World War III category.
If we are in WW3, we started it. Iraq was the trigger, and
Isreal is playing that for all it's worth.
JM> It's been said that this World War, sometimes called the
JM> War On Terror, has an enemy that is difficult to define.
This is not a war on terror, it's a war over oil.
JM> Nothing could be further from the truth. We know who the
JM> enemy is in this world war: it is the savages who practice
JM> radical Islam.
And who are few compared to the great majority who do not.
JM> We know exactly who they are and we know
JM> exactly where to find them: Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in
JM> Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza strip. Let's
JM> also be sure to mention the Wahabbis of Saudi Arabia and a
JM> good number of professors in American colleges and
JM> universities. This isn't rocket science...it's never been
JM> more clear exactly who the enemy is and where to find them.
The Wahabis in Saudi Arabia are a valid target. They have always
been the major enemy, and they are working through the Saudi
Government. Always have been. So, take up your war on terror
with George Bush, who has long been connected to the Saudi
terror paymasters, both personally and through his family. Never
forget, GHW Bush was meeting with members of the Bin Laden
family when 9-11 happened. GW Bush has had Saudi royalty as his
guests, and them and other Middle Eastern potentates as his
backers in the oil industry.
JM> So what should we do? It's time for the United States,
JM> Israel and whoever else values freedom and our way of life
JM> to eliminate radical Islam once and for all. The time to
It's time to eliminate the Bush family from American politics
once and for all.
JM> speak of toleration, negotiations and appeasement is past.
No one ever spoke of appeasment, nor toleration of radical
Islam. Bush and co has refused to admit it's real existance, in
the heartland of his buddies the Saudis.
Instead he attacked Iraq, a country where radical Islam had no
standing at all.
JM> Israel tried this route, and we clearly see what it bought
JM> them. Nothing but misery and death at the hands of the
JM> wonderful, peaceful religion of Islam.
Isreal has tried nothing but defeating any hope of a Palestinian
homeland. Greater Isreal is and has always been the goal of the
current Isreali leadership.
JM> Radical Islam needs to be eliminated from the face of the
JM> Earth. This must be done militarily, not through any more
JM> failed negotiations.
The only way that can be accomplished is by mass murder of
conventional Muslims. Declare a crusade if you want, just expect
to fight it alone.
JM> Anything short of total annihilation
JM> of Islamic fascism is unacceptable. The radical Islamic
JM> government in Iran should be toppled and its leaders
JM> exterminated. Same with Syria. Israel should be fully
JM> unleashed and supported in an effort to eliminate Hamas and
JM> Hezbollah.
Israel has said they don't want a war with Syria and Iran
because they have their hands full in Lebanon and Gaza. If two
relatively small and weak areas like Gaza and Lebanon can tie up
Isreal's might, how can you "unleash" them to any effect?
Just like Bush has tied up the US military in Iraq, Isreal has
gotten themselves into something they may have a hard time
surviving, lestwise winning.
JM> It's time for them to breathe their last breath
JM> and be rewarded with their 72 virgins -- or 72 white
JM> grapes, as the case may be.
JM> Unfortunately, that's not what's going to happen. The
JM> pro-appeasement forces in the United Nations, Europe and
JM> the American Democratic Party will call for a halt in the
JM> fight before the enemy has been erased. Once again Israel
The chicken hawks like Boortz will call for crusade, but someone
else has to fight it.
JM> will have come close to destroying her enemies, only to be
JM> sold out by the world community. Too bad.
Isreal is spending more time destroying innocent people than her
JM> Inside Israel we have leftists marching and demanding an
JM> end to Israel's military moves. The appeasement left is
JM> pulling out the same mantras perfected by the left in this
JM> country. They're detailing the deaths of women and
JM> children, and calling for even more negotiations. Never
And now Boortz is more Israeli than the Israelis. What makes
Boortz think he knows more about Israel than those who live
JM> mind that the negotiating has been going on for more than
JM> 50 years. Any rational observer can quickly see that the
JM> radical Islamist position on negotiations is that you
JM> negotiate to buy time, you kill to take the advantage.
Which happens to be the positions of the radicals in Israel.
There are radicals in Israel, remember? Who do you think killed
Itzhak Rabin?
JM> One idiot protestor in Israel told a reporter "I think that
JM> Israel should negotiate with Hezbollah and Hamas and
JM> release Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the hostages.
JM> This way this story will come to an end." Yes --- Israel
JM> has it's share of leftist idiots too.
And Boortz knows more about Israel than Israelis? Or does Boortz
forget Israel has made such exchanges in the past, with far
fewer casualties among the Israelis.
JM> This world cannot exist in peace and prosperity as long as
JM> we approach radical radical Islam with a politically
JM> correct, Mr. Nice Guy hand-off game plan. Israel realizes
JM> what's at stake here, Americans need to be reminded.
Boortz has no idea how much of Israel agrees with their
government. We do know there are a good number who do not.
Boortz can't tell us who the radical Muslims are, so how can we
destroy them? We know some governments who support the radicals,
but the biggest is Saudi Arabia, Bush's buddies.
BOB KLAHN bob.klahn@sev.org http://home.toltbbs.com/bobklahn
... George W. Bush... first of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
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