Text 3681, 152 rader
Skriven 2007-03-14 12:36:00 av WAYNE CHIRNSIDE
Kommentar till en text av ROY WITT
Ärende: Halliburton's new slogan
WC>>>> Halliburton has a new slogan for it's new headquarters, "America,
WC>>>> love it or leave it."
DC>>> Is that really true about the slogan?
RW>>> LOL! You dumb fuck. Do you really believe everything that Wayne 'shit
WC> fer
RW>>> brains' Chimpside writes?
->> Be seein' ya, Roy. Nice knowin' ya (you're probably `toast' in this
WC> echo).
WC> nAW.
RW> LOL! The only thing you screw with in Fidonews is yourself.
RW> Biker dude has a peddle powered tricycle! ROTFLMFAO!!!
Never own a tricycle.
Had a Raleigh Supurb 3 speed bike when 13.
A Honda 750 when 18 after dumping the Coupe De Ville with
white leather interior.
Then a Suzuki GS550CN
Thjen a Yamaha TX-650 ( Triumph TR-6 clone) tthat ran away from
Triumphs and Harleys as it had an overhead camshaft instead of the
bendie pushrods in the Harleys that required replacement or
special ( read expensive) hardening right off the showroom floor.
A Yamaha XS-1100 Specail with 119 H.P. as measure at the rear wheel
at 534 pounds dry weight for a vigorous takeoff from
a standing start ( if you could keep the front wheel on the ground)
despite the 72 percent weight on fron wheel asymmetry for quick
and precise steering and excellent cornering with slight oversteer just
like the Suzuki and I like it.
Unlike the Harley's you've got to muscle through the corners
if they start or you are lucky enough to survive
the first corner you attempt to navigate.
Beuller Harleys however do corner for their shorter wheel base
but they've got Lockeed Disk brakes, Showa shocks and Mikuni
carbs last I rode one.
Then I had the vintage BMW opposed twin 750 and that too was
smooth and reliable and an easy started like the rice bikes
as well as good on mileage.
Only had 30k on it so it like the rice bikes was nowhere near
maintanance other than routine oil and spark plugs.
Of course being an older BMW lacked disc brakes :-(
And lousy fot control clearance for my size 15 feet :-(
and the torque from the saft drive wasn't counterbalanced
out so it felt like it was going to rip your spine out on hard cornering
either decelerating or accellerating hard :-(
And had a ignition key that looked like a 1/4 phone jack
but what do I know?
Oh yeah, and after Shontavia broke my spine the SECOND TIME
while returning from Abilities of Florida for job retraining to return to
work on April 12 of 1995 when she hit me head on in an illegal turn
at 22 street and Central avenue when she made an illegal last
minute decision to turn to the west without signal nor seeing
me as I never saw her look forward where she was actually headed until
after she hit me with all of ten feet advance notice ( the turn) of
the the turn.
That was one BEAUTIFUL YAMAHA, until she crunched it with her
Suzuki Samarai and the impact broke my spine, her windshield,
all the windows down the right side of the car with my elbow
nearly clocking her startled passenger in the face as I slid
alonmg the side of the car still in apparent control of the
motorcycle as I am one big and strong MF'er until such a time
the motorcycle cleared the rear bumber of the Suzuki Samarai at
which point I was rudely made aware of the fact that one front for was bent
at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and the other 90 degrees thus
fully locking the dual disc brakes up front.
But what do I know of such things?
Other than there are Florida public records available to all for no
charge at all documenting the registrations of the motorcycles
and accidents except for the one where the cop ran me over for no
apparent reason then covered it up leaving me disabled but
as yet unwilling to give up trying to return to work until
the failed spinal surgery after my spine was broken the second
time and I accepted the GN400 Kawasaki single thumper with
the 6 volt magnito ( Toro Lawn mower style) ignition
system and no fuel reserve despite what it said on the non-vacuum
activated fuel petcock I took in exchange of what was left of the
1100 Yamah Special ( just the engine and rear wheel) after Shontavia
ran over me as despite the embarrassment
of riding such a lame vehicle that topped out at a mighty 73
miles and hour after about 7 minutes on flat road if
there was no headwind.
Still it was more reliable than a Harley and got better gas mileage
and took me to voc rehab sponsor Abilities of Florida computer training
at Whitney Point Rd just below Electro-automotive ( Doc's Place BBS)
where Kimberly Keaogh insisted I was too disabled and to qualify
for their highest level of computer programing training but I
never the less topped out in the top 5 percent of the 6 days of
TABE testing so was admitted to that program for training in COBOL,
Linux, C and JCL ( job control lanquage programming)
because Jane Zurflieh at Voc Rehab and I were persistent
in our efforts to return me to work despite my disabilies plural.
Gee, that helps with my recollection of all these documented and thuis
verifiable FACTS.
Thank you for participating in the Wayne Chirnside stroke recovery
You all come on back now whenm you feel the need for me to reply
with a really long runon sentence diatribe of verifiable FACTS now you hear?
Ross Cassell pulled this stunt on me in the Linux echo some time back
when when I was actualy fighting for my life and he accused me of
lying about my stroke on December 17th of 2006 just 10 days after telling my
sister Wendy E. Coughlin who lives in this very town and is lited as
a Clnical Psychologist as her IQ is not too muich lower than mine
and she aced ALL her grades except the one B in high School
tha6t left her running home red faced in tears of shame for having gotten
suchj a lousy grade of a B and then going on to college at Hofstra
- New College on the Hempstead Turnpike in N.Y. on Long Island where
Wendy maintained a flawless GPA.
Anyhow, again, it was on Dec. 17th when fighting for my very life
I took the time as bikers do not run away and I DO NOT lie
disputed Mr. Cassell's many lies about me.
One day ( forget which) but similarly and still fighting for my life
from the stroke and taking three and one half hours to enter
tthe first 4 paragraphs of the Western Digital Warrantee as my hand was
then at that time twisted into a claw from the stroke that I most
decidedly had...
Well, you get the idea ( or not)
But I am feeling *much* better now.
IOWs you're an _____ and I am just EXACTLY what I say I am.
BTW, thatb "dumb _____, whatever might be somewhat close to
violating echo rules but I am not goinmg to cry to the moderator
like some sissyops I know as I do not require hiding behind anyones
skirts or apron strings and besides how many editors or
offline readers can possibly handle this many lines of text in my oh
too brief of a reply
Geee whiz, 150 lies to the end of the tagline as per the VI editor!
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