Text 7354, 259 rader
Skriven 2008-08-25 13:08:00 av Bob Klahn (1:124/311)
Ärende: Dumbpublicans
TR> With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, you just might be a
TR> liberal if...
TR> * You're sure the Constitution explicitly guarantees the
TR> right to abortion and gay marriage, but not the right to
TR> own a handgun.
The word "handgun" does not appear in the constitution.
TR> * You think Dan Quayle is the dumbest Vice-President we
TR> ever had because he believed a flash card that misspelled
TR> "potato," but think Obama is a genius despite the fact he
TR> believes we have more than 57 states.
He was dumb, whether he was the dumbest is not recorded.
However, it had nothing to do with any flashcard.
TR> * You'd be more upset about your favorite candidate being
TR> endorsed by the NRA than the Communist Party.
Certainly not, they are both extremists, but the NRA is actually
in a position to do damage. Nobody pays attention to the
communist party.
TR> * You think the same criminals who use guns in the
TR> commission of a crime will just hand them over to comply
TR> with the law if guns are made illegal.
You have to be a dumbdumb (double meaning intended) if you are
this focused on guns.
TR> * You know that 86% of all income taxes are paid by the top
TR> 25% of income earners and you still feel that the rich
TR> "aren't paying their fair share of the taxes."
You are truly an economic dummy if you think focusing solely on
income taxes constitutes a meaningful arguement. BTW, the top
20% of the income earners earned about 50% of the income, and
paid about 50% of the *TOTAL* taxes, before Bush started giving
them tax breaks.
TR> * You put a higher priority on oil pipelines possibly
TR> inconveniencing a few caribou than you do on lowering the
TR> price of gas for everyone in the country by drilling ANWR.
You are an economic dummy if you think drilling ANWR is going
to reduce prices significantly in the US.
TR> * You're worried that Osama Bin Laden might not get a fair
TR> trial if we capture him, but want George Bush thrown in
TR> prison for being too zealous in protecting us from Al-Qaeda.
If you think Bush has been zealous at all in protecting us from
Al Qaeda you are too dumb to vote.
TR> * You get infuriated when you hear about the CEO of a
TR> Fortune 500 company making tens of millions of dollars, but
TR> don't see a problem with an actor, basketball player, or
TR> trial lawyer making the same amount.
Everyone knows tens of millions of dollars is way to much for a
lawyer. It's also way too much for an actor or basketball
player, but since they actually have to perform and demonstrate
that they are worth their pay everytime they step out on public,
it's not near the problem.
The Corporate CEO, OTOH, never gets his tens of millions
paycheck for making life better for his employees. Other than
his buddies on the board of directors. His job is to squeeze the
employees as much as possible. That is the modern theory of
TR> * You're constantly seeing subtle, coded racism in campaign
TR> ads, but see nothing racist about blacks being promoted
TR> over more qualified white applicants because of Affirmative
TR> Action.
Like Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, and just about every black
conservative? If you don't understand the meaning of the fact
that 90% of the benefits of affirmative action go to white
people, you are too ignorant to discuss the subject.
TR> * You think it's obscene that oil companies are allowed to
TR> make 8.3 cents per gallon in profit with gas prices this
TR> high, but would never suggest cutting the 13 cents per
TR> gallon they pay on taxes to reduce the price of gas.
If you believe oil that sold for $60/bbl a couple years ago,
isn't producing somewhere around $60/bbl in profit when the
price doubles, you may have a problem with economic literacy.
Unless you can actually show the price of pulling oil out of the
ground has doubled in the last few years.
TR> * You think George Bush is a chickenhawk because he wanted
TR> to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan despite the fact that he
TR> only served in the National Guard, but you don't think the
TR> same about Barack Obama, who has never served in the
TR> military and probably couldn't find either country on a map
TR> without help.
If you even suggest Bush *WANTED TO FIGHT* anywhere you are a
fool. Bush did not want to fight in Afghanistan or Iraq, Bush
wanted to send others to fight and bleed and die for oil in
Iraq, after he prematurely pulled our people out of Afghanistan,
and let Bin Laden get away.
If you count being awol as the same as serving, you are worse
than a fool. Bush's own campaign admitted he was absent for 6
moonths, and there is another 6 months where his service cannot
be verified. Bush skipped out on his service for a year, and
dropped himself from pilot duty with no authorization
TR> * You think protesting outside of abortion clinics is
TR> extremism and should be illegal, but carrying around giant
TR> puppet heads while wearing a t- shirt that compares Bush to
TR> Hitler is just exercising your First Amendment rights.
If you think anyone of any significance thinks protesting
abortion should be illegal you are smoking the funny weed.
TR> * You think the case for global warming is proven without a
TR> shadow of a doubt, but that we need another century or two
TR> worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free
TR> markets work better than socialism.
Anyone who thinks anything in science is proven without a doubt
knows nothing about science.
And anybody who thinks either capitalism or socialism is perfect
knows nothing about economics.
TR> * You believe the best way to fix the government screwing
TR> something up in the market is with...drumroll,
TR> please...more government intervention.
If you believe removing government regulation has improved the
energy systems, or the banking systems, you must be one of the
parasites who profited from the Enron Fraud, and got out in time
to keep your profits. Or you could be a perpetrator of the
banking frauds, who managed to get away with it.
TR> * You think the first thing we should have done when Russia
TR> invaded Georgia was to take the matter to the United
TR> Nations, where Russia sits on the UN Security Council.
If you think there is anything else bush can do about it that
will actually accomplish anything, you must be advocating
national suicide.
Of course, Bush could requalify as a jet fighter pilot, and go
over there and shoot up some Russians.
TR> * You spend your days criticizing the use of private jets,
TR> SUVS, and luxurious houses that consume enormous amounts of
TR> resources and then ride in an SUV to the airport, get on
TR> your private plane, and fly home to your luxurious house.
Now you are saying John McCain is a liberal? Oh, wait. Which of
his seven houses are you talking about flying his private jet
TR> * You have more nice things to say about countries like
TR> Cuba and France than you do about your own country.
Oh, that's Bush, when he talks about Gitmo, or the new
administration in France.
TR> * You think the war in Iraq is unwinnable, but victory in
TR> the war on poverty is going to happen any day now if we can
TR> just get the Democrats back in charge.
Both of which happen to be true, if you are talking about *US*
winning the war in Iraq. Oh, and you got it slightly wrong about
the war on poverty. To be true, you would say victory in teh war
on poverty is *POSSIBLE* if we get the democrats back in charge.
Never underestimate the ability of the republicans to sabatoge a
good thing.
TR> * You won't even support English as our national language,
TR> but can't seem to understand why people worry about tens of
TR> millions of illegal aliens changing our culture.
Now you are talking about George W. Bush.
TR> * You think censorship is absolutely wrong; except when
TR> it's applied to conservatives on college campuses or on
TR> talk radio via the fairness doctrine.
If you know so little about the fairness doctrine you are too
ignorant to discuss this.
TR> * You get more upset about an American soldier accidentally
TR> killing a civilian than you do about a terrorist
TR> deliberately blowing up a school bus full of kids.
There is an old Jewish saying, If you save one life it's as if
you have saved the entire world.
The teaching of Christianity say, the terrorist who blows up a
school bus full of kids will burn in the same hell as the
american soldier who murders a woman, and her family, after
raping the woman. Or the Jewish soldiers who kill a couple
children because they are standing somewhere they think is
suspicious. Or the American helicopter crew who kill three Iraqi
farmers in a field, from a mile away, because they have some
unidentifiable object in their hands.
TR> * You think Fox News is hopelessly biased to the right, but
TR> MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS call it right down the middle.
No, all the major media are tilting to the right these days.
TR> * You think the real hero of the Cold War was Mikhail
TR> Gorbachev.
Nope, it was Lyndon Bains Johnson, and Harry Truman, and JFK,
and even DD Eisenhower and RM Nixon. But the key player was LBJ, even though
I doubt even he knew it at the time.
TR> * You couldn't care less about what Americans in states
TR> like Kansas or Virginia think of you, but you would be
TR> greatly upset if a Frenchman gave you a dirty look because
TR> you're an American.
Why would anyone care what Americans in states like Kansas or
Virginia think about them? Or do you actually think all
Americans in Kansas and Virginia think exactly alike?
TR> * You think kids in public schools should have to watch
TR> Earth in the Balance and read Heather Has Two Mommies, but
TR> no piece of literature with the word "Jesus" on it should
TR> be allowed within a hundred yards of a school.
I have never seen or heard of "Heather Has Two Mommies" in any
public school in this part of Ohio. Earth in the Balance may be
worth seeing, I haven't, so I wouldn't know.
I do know it is perfectly legal to teach about religion in
public schools, as long as you are not teaching religion. If you
don't understand the difference you aren't bright enough to
discuss this further.
TR> About The Author
TR> John Hawkins is a professional blogger who runs
TR> Conservative Grapevine and Right Wing News.
Ah, such high qualifications.
BOB KLAHN bob.klahn@sev.org http://home.toltbbs.com/bobklahn
... An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out.
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